Режиссер Ақан Сатаев түсірген «Бауыржан Момышұлы» телефильмнің ресми трейлері жарыққа шықты, деп хабарлайды Kazinform.kz: http://kazinform.kz/kaz/article/2609553 . Тәуелсіздік күніне арналып, 17 желтоқсан күні «Хабар» арнасында, еліміздің ерен ер тұлғамыз, Кеңес одағының батыры Бауыржан Момышұлы туралы 4 сериялы тарихи телехикаяның көрсетілімі болады.
Friday, November 29, 2013
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Se questo che stiamo udendo e' vero c'e' davvero da preoccuparsi...
Atyrau, 29/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 29/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Thursday, November 28, 2013
No comment-Have a look
Atyrau, 28/11/2013- INCnews redactors
French fashion artistic flop?
I believe and argue that the position taken by the authorities in Moscow about the removal of the Vuitton trunk from the Red Square is the most sensible that they could take. Also I think almost insulting to put a similar monument dedicated commercial extremism, in a place of worship tourism as Red Square. It would be like this artistic error in front of Notre Dame de Paris, or in front of Niagara Falls. Objectively, an unhappy idea of an established brand probably on the way of decline, since the current ultra-rich well they look to buy a similar bag, preferring other items much more exclusive. This time the French good taste did flop ...
Atyrau, 28/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 28/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
End of a dark moment for Italy?
I notiziari di tutto il mondo stanno pubblicando l'avvenuta uscita di Berlusconi dal Parlamento. Non capisco quale sia il motivo tanto recondito per Silvio di accanirsi per restare al potere quando alla fin fine ha di sicuro capito che la nazione non lo gradiva più. Mi sembra poi alquanto esagerato definire la giornata un lutto nazionale, non è morto nessuno, è solo uscito di scena un politico....Mah!
Noticias de todo el mundo están publicando la salida exitosa de Berlusconi por el Parlamento. No entiendo cuál es la razón por lo que se oculta por Silvio descanso para mantenerse en el poder, cuando al final se sabía a ciencia cierta que la nación no es la que más le disgustan. Me parece algo exagerado entonces definir un día de duelo nacional, nadie murió, acaba de salir de un escenario político ....Mah!
Atyrau, 28/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 28/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Grande Claudia!
Ecco un consiglio vero, onesto, pulito. Che faccia riflettere i molti "ben pensanti" che si deve amare i propri figli per quello che sono e non per quello che vorreste essi fossero...
Un abbraccio alla famiglia di Adriano e Claudia, dolci e seri genitori oltreche' grandi artisti.
Atyrau, 27/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Un abbraccio alla famiglia di Adriano e Claudia, dolci e seri genitori oltreche' grandi artisti.
Atyrau, 27/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Vladimir The Great?
After his exploits during the last G20 problem in Syria, Valody returned to Italy after 7 years, with a delegation very numerous and varied programme of talks. So the time has come to show the power of his charisma, strengthen links and trade agreements between Russia and Italy, in itself excellent. Indeed, it has since he divorced that Valody image is gradually becoming more popular and magnifying. I am convinced that if this continues more he overpass Obama imagine for sure!
Atyrau, 26/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 26/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Great Malala!
Finally someone has rewarded a young woman who had the strength and courage to react to violence in a highly shameful. To her great respect for life and her participation in the strugle of human rights in the world, the editorial board supports the prize awarded to this young Pakistani.
Atyrau,21/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau,21/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
New mall in Atyrau: new business or new prices?
The renewal of shops Atyrau continues tirelessly, sign of well-being or a time when the money starts to run (though not quite in the right direction).
After some new bars and restaurant, was opened today in the mall Ardager the great bazaar of the appliance, telephony and broadcasting. With a nice presentation based on a show created by a singer and four traditional dancers, has finally opened its doors within the large supermarket Ramstor, which is connected with a passage that allows visitors to have access to both local in comfortable manner also if with trolleys.
We will now verify if the prices of the items remain on national standards or, as often happened, Atyrau raises prices because oil city.
Atyrau, 21/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov-copyright of the article and reproduction of pictures not permitted
A new way for GB web?
If no one had yet figured out, Britain has always been a nation that intends to enforce at any cost their ideologies imposing it to other countries as if their ideology was unique in the whole world: you have to write with the left hand and not as the individual believes spontaneous, driving the car with the right place and not to the left and travels to the left and not to the right and so on.
Now it's up to the Internet! It is approaching the end use of the domain". co.uk " and is increasingly using ". com" as all industrialized countries of the world. Although if you're making an argument whether or not it do this step (many are opposed by conservatives who are good), in the City many users have already started using a suffix to post your own. Change domain would cost about £ 3 per year for a single location.
Atyrau, 21/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Now it's up to the Internet! It is approaching the end use of the domain". co.uk " and is increasingly using ". com" as all industrialized countries of the world. Although if you're making an argument whether or not it do this step (many are opposed by conservatives who are good), in the City many users have already started using a suffix to post your own. Change domain would cost about £ 3 per year for a single location.
Atyrau, 21/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
What could be Florence Nightingale's feeling today?
At one time there was talk of British hospitals or medical and nursing staff as if it were something beyond imagination, nowadays instead you are faced with the problem that patients in the hospital are just numbers to be run in order to balance impossible budgets. Where are the real doctors and the real nurses?
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Infanzia infelice
E' questo il mondo dei bambini che noi adulti vogliamo?
Leggere questa inchiesta fa pensare male sulla gestione della vita fatta da noi adulti...
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Leggere questa inchiesta fa pensare male sulla gestione della vita fatta da noi adulti...
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Sardegna in pessime condizioni dopo il nubifragio
Le persone decedute durante il tremendo nubifragio che ha colpito la Sardegna sono ora 17. Le notizie non sono allettanti, perche' -come cityato dai giornali- la pioggia caduta e' stata davvero una bomba di acqua senza precedenti.Vi invito a vedere il filmato pubblicato da il Corriere della Sera
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Құқығы тапталған Қостанай тұрғыны сотта жеңіп шығып, оның пайдасына 2 млн. теңге өндіріп алу туралы шешім шығарылды
Андрей Герасимов үшін қуанышымызды білдіреміз! Елімізде адам құқығын аяқ
асты қылатын жағдайлар орын алып жататыны рас және көп жағдайда адамдардың өздері
әділдік үшін күрескеннен қаймығады. Герасимовтың
осы әрекеті, біздің көбіміздің көзімізді ашады деген үміттеміз, өйткені
бассыздықты жауапсыз, бос қалдыра беруге болмайды.
19/11/13, Астана – Болат Қартбаев
Ancora maltempo e ancora danni e vite perdute
Non e' bastato l'uragano nelle Filippine, neppure i 70 Tornado in America, ora tocca all'Italia, dove in sardegna ha creato danni da neopure calcolare, senza contare laperdita di vite umane.Non e' che per caso siamo stati noi umani a rompere un costante equilibrio millenario della Natura?
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Women killers?
It was not enough to know that men kill women without reasons...now also the women! Why not to think that humanity is going back to the ancestors' time, where all was possible?
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
What is still happening in the human brain?
Today the separatists attack a political seat, tomorrow terrorists attack a diplomatic mission, the day after the extremists attack a mosque with people in prayer ... Every week an attack that foresees the shiny killing , the estimated take off the life of other people for his own ideal upset by other corrupted ideologies which have a distinctly antisocial. What will it getting the human mind, in the future?
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 19/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Monday, November 18, 2013
Tatarsan Airlines communicated the name of one passenger, UK woman: her name is Donna Bull. The total people dead in the crash are estimated in 50, civilian and crew members. (see article)
Prevenction or action after?
Yesterday all weather forecast websites predicted these arrivals. We hope that all civilians were informed properly and evacuated in time...Civilian Protection Forces must be always attentive to what to do in case of preventative calamity arrival, to prevent any kind of damages, about things and human life. I remember about Philippines Hurricane: all people in the world read the news of that arrival, but no single station took attention at the possible disaster with a lot of humans lost. We have waited the arrival, the crash and then the commentary....Are we sure that should be like this?
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
After years and years a good news, about protection of our children. We hope that the action decided by Google be not a single one but the beginning of a big reaction, worldwide, to permit the stopping of the pedoporno's activity. The protection of child and woman should be the first action of a single individual in the world and not an abuse continued.
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Tragedy in Kazan: Plane explodes on landing. 50 dead
Are we sure, nowadays, about capacity, ability, fitness of certain pilots of certain Air Carriers? More often than before we continue to consult that air crash is due to human error. We ask, in the name of all passengers already passed in disasters like this one, if the controls of aircrafts are really deep and accurate, and if the fitness of pilots is real or superficial. I was on board of one flight Air Astana, and I experienced a landing repeated three times, in weather condition perfect. I do not complain, I only ask...
Tragedy in Kazan: Plane explodes on landing. 50 dead - English pravda.ru
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Tragedy in Kazan: Plane explodes on landing. 50 dead - English pravda.ru
Atyrau, 18/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Газдалған сусындарды жиі ішудің салдары қатерлі ісік пен Альцгеймер ауруларына шалдықтырады
Қазір адамдар, көбіне жастар газдалған сусындарға әбден әуестеніп алды, тіпті оған тәуелді болып қалғандар да бар. Оған өткен жаздың маусым айында 30 жасар АҚШ азаматының өлімі дәлел. Өлімнің себебі – өкпенің қабынуы. Ол Coca-Cola сусынын өте көп мөлшерде қолданғанның кесірінен болыпты.
Газдалған сусындардың адам денсаулығына зиян екені
хақ. Олардың қалай әсер ететіні жайлы ғаламтор мен БАҚ-да көптеген ақпарат,
видеолар жарияланған болатын. Ас қорыту, бауыр, бүйрек ағзаларына зияндылығынан
басқа, газдалған сусындар мидің өзгеруіне әсер етеді екен (төмендегі сілтеме).
Сондықтан газдалған сусындарды ішуді азайтып және ең бастысы кішкентай
балаларды сусынның осы түрлерінен аулақ
ұстағаны жөн.
Астана, 17/11/13 – Болат Қартбаев
Friday, November 15, 2013
The National Currency and financer’s day in Kazakhstan!
November 15
is celebrated as the "Day of National Currency of Republic of
Kazakhstan", the day when the tenge was brought into circulation in 1993. In 1995, a tenge printing
factory was opened in Kazakhstan.
The first consignment of tenge was printed abroad, in the U.K. The first
coins were minted in Germany.
many recent discussions and talks about the devaluation of the tenge it is
remaining stable. Officials from The National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) claim
that there is no threat of the tenge devaluation. Here is official foreign
exchange rate on 01/01/2013
- 15/11/2013
taken from official web-site of NBK:
congratulations and wishes of success in their career and in general! We believe
in your professionalism and your great effort in development of the financial
system of the country.
Astana, 15/11/13 – Bolat Kartbayev
Дәмді, әрі пайдалы жеміс!
Өкінішке орай, біздің
көбіміз тамақтану және дәрумен қабылдау тәртібін білмейміз, тіпті жемістердің бізге
берер пайдасы жайлы білетініміз өте аз. Сондықтан, жүзім туралы пайдалы ақпарат
артық болмас (сілтеме).
Күз мезгілі де аякталуға таяп қалды, ендігі кезекте «ақ киімді, денелі, ақ
сақалды» - қатал қыс. Келе жатқан қыстың қандай боларын алдын ала тек қана синоптиктердің
болжамдарынан ғана біле аламыз (егер өзіңіздің көріпкелдік қасиетіңіз болмаса
әрине), бірақ нақтысы ешкімге белгісіз. Бар білетініміз – түсі суық, демі
ызғар, жүрегі мұз қыс аяуды білмейді. Қандай болса да, күз бойы жинап-терген
жеміс-жидекке, жапқан қайнатпаларыңды ашу үшін қол шамыңды алып жерқоймаңа талай
түсетінің сөзсіз. Өйткені, қыстан аман шығу үшін бізге дәрумен керек! Міне,
осындай дәрумендерге бай, адам ағзасына пайдасы зор жеміс – жүзім.
Астана, 15/11/13 – Болат Қартбаев
Son Pascal - is our singer.
Son Pascal - is a new style Kazakhstani pop-singer with an Italian origin. His initiative to promote Kazakh language and to interchange with our culture deserves respect and awards. For me this young Italian guy is doing a fantastic job in the development of clip-making and pop-singing of Kazakhstan. Why not to praise him for his achievements and fairly give him an honorable prize for his activity.
He is certainly our singer...
Bravo, Son Pascal! Jaraisyn, Son Pascal!
He is certainly our singer...
Bravo, Son Pascal! Jaraisyn, Son Pascal!
Atyrau, 15/11/2013-Mira Kartbayeva.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Let's give a hand to Interpol ...
Sky News has announced the receipt of mug shots of the most wanted criminals in Spain. Anyone who has seen one of these gentlemen can inform an officer of Police remaining anonymous. Help police in the search for dangerous people should be part of the common culture and good living.
The redaction of INC - Atyrau, 14/11/2013
Another typhoon and another collapse in the world?
Once again, the force of nature was unleashed on a region of our globe where poverty still matters. We cannot judge the work of climatologists and we cannot blame anyone on how they handled emergencies (where they could be sent in time 1-2 millions of individuals?), but you can comment on the greatest composure of the Filipino people to react to such an emergency, in which they lost over ten thousand of their citizens. May be I am in right then to join many colleagues from all newspapers to appeal the world to react by giving first aid of any kind. This becomes an act of mutual support during and after major disasters that can happen at any time in any area of the planet. A thought of INC editorial staff to the victims and families of those who have disappeared because of the typhoon.
Astana, 14/11/2013-Bolat Kartbayev
Bag of women synonym of bad women hygiene?
We are again with the fight against microbes or women or the
bags they carry? According to the researchers mentioned in the article, the
continuous passage of hands dirty surfaces to the handles of the bags marks a
new chapter of hygiene that you will soon follow, scientists say. Indeed,
women's hands are much more likely to touch surfaces of all kinds, throughout
the day. But in my opinion men are also at the same level, it seems strange
that only women are carriers of the bacteria only to bring along a bag 12 hours
a day. A bank teller, for example, handles money signs for the event type is
not shown as a carrier of bacteria? I wonder if there is scientist who can
impose the hens lay an egg wash before ....
Astana, 14/11/2013-Bolat Kartbayev
Ruble, Yen and Euro in place Dollar?
Following the articles most recently published by Pravda,
Putin is gaining more and more respect for the
presence of Obama in the international arena. The whole way in Russia things are not going quite as they should be because of the position of the separatists and
xenophobic position of Poles in their own home. Generally our lovely planet bears the burdens of transition period, in which the masses of the people
are crowded in much larger areas and decided to what they were before the Cold
War between the U.S. and USSR. However, one thing we see very clear:
Russia and China are imposing precise dictates of the market, and the dollar
loses more attractive than the euro and other currencies. It almost seems that
we are moving closer to the use of the ruble and the yen.
Atyrau, 14/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov, Mira Kartbayeva
Who is the owner of this?
After seeing these pictures, I wondered if by chance they
are not exaggerating, the assignment of digits for rare or valuable. While it
is true that has no price or a very rare thing of great value as the painting
Mona Lisa by Leonardo, I think the gentleman who bought this jewel should be a
person who certainly for him the word philanthropy is probably nothing. Apart
from this my prosaic definition, if this diamond is considered the most
expensive ever, then the elusive Koohinor has probably become an object to be
costume jewelry ....
Atyrau, 14/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov
Gold, Oil or Zinc?
There are now 14 who
am I to work in Kazakhstan and yet I am never tired of saying that this Country is
our and their new Eldorado. After the recent news about the signing of the agreement
between Kazakhstan and Russia, having considered how many contracts
have been signed between Italy and Kazakhstan. The new news about the "zink" is going to beat the black gold (oil) hits all chats of mass-media. Today Australia and Kazakhstan are the best bridges in exploration and production of zink, especially after the increasing demand posed by China that uses it as a rust
inhibitor in the car industry.
Moreover I am convinced that who was defined as a dictator by all, at the end becomes a leader highly placed onto economic problems of an enormous country with a few inhabitants rich in minerals turns to be more frightening to the whole world.
And that is why, I believe, in the very near future the whole world will be chasing for opportunities to deal with a partner more and more active and innovative. Thanks
to a youth of Kazakhstan still a virgin at political misdeeds of previous generations in other industrialized countries.
Atyrau, 14/11/2013-Mikhail Lermontov, Mira Kartbayeva
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