Saturday, November 28, 2015

Italy declares war on underground mosques citing terrorist threat

The Italian government is to crack down on illegal mosques due to fears they could be used as breeding grounds for terror attacks. The secret places of worship have been set up due to difficulties in obtaining proper permits, report's critics. Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano made the announcement on Friday, adding that there are four mosques and over 800 places of worship for Muslims living in Italy. 
Alfano said that the influence of so-called “garage Islam” has posed a terrorist risk, referring to unregistered mosques. However, critics say that underground places of worship are thriving because of a lack of official mosques in the country. The shortage, they say, is because it is often difficult to bypass the necessary paperwork to set up the religious buildings.
The interior minister’s comments come after Italy said it would spend €1 billion ($1.06 billion) on extra security measures, following the Paris terror attacks on November 13.
The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced that €500 million ($529 million) will be spent on ramping up cybersecurity and modernizing the police force, while a further €500 million will go to the country’s armed forces.
INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

Putin approves economic sanctions against Turkey following downing of Russian warplane

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree imposing a package of economic sanctions against Turkey following its downing of a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syria. The measures include banning several Turkish organizations and the import of certain goods.
A decree on "measures providing the national security of the Russian Federation and the protection of its citizens against criminal and other unlawful acts, and on imposing special economic measures in relation to Turkish Republic" was signed on Saturday, the Kremlin press service said.
Under the decree, the import of certain products originating from Turkey will be temporarily banned or restricted. A number of the Turkish organizations operating in Russia will also be restricted.
INC News, 2811/2015 - via RT

Прокуроры Крыма требуют от коммерсантов не наживаться на блокаде

"АвтоВести" от 28 ноября 2015 года

Крым запускает котельные, остановленные из-за блэкаута

Научные эксперименты на МКС можно увидеть в реалити-шоу

Еженедельная программа Вести.net от 28 ноября 2015 года

Стоит ли ожидать в Казахстане существенного падения цен на жилье

Шествие в память убитого курдского активиста в Турции обернулось масштаб...

Черный день для прессы: турецкие журналисты боятся преследований со стор...

турецкая оппозиция осуждает действие военных, сбивших самолет РФ

Эксперты уверены, что в российских журналистов стреляли из американского...

В Риме действия России в Сирии поддержали митингом

Egitto: la tomba di Tutankhamon potrebbe nascondere una misteriosa stanz...

Turchia: ucciso Tahir Elçi, capo degli avvocati curdi

Egypte: peut-être un pas de plus vers la tombe de Néfertiti

Реакция на новости: сбитый Турцией Су-24 - BBC Russian


Istanbul police fire tear gas, water cannon at protest over killing of top Kurdish lawyer

Some 2,000 people gathered in central Istanbul in Turkey on Saturday, to protest the killing of a prominent Kurdish lawyer. Police attempted to disperse the crowd in Taksim Square with tear gas and water cannon.
People took to the streets in Istanbul following the murder of Tahir Elci. The prominent campaigner for Kurdish rights was shot dead in southeast Turkey earlier in the day.

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

Instagram multiple accounts feature added to Android!

Колорадо. Личность стрелявшего установлена. Мотивы неизвестны

Папа римский прибыл в Уганду в рамках африканского турне

Stati Uniti, spari in una clinica di Colorado Springs: tre morti, cattur...

Pope Francis praises Ugandan authorities for taking in refugees

Hundreds protest killing of teen by Chicago police

Deadly shooting at birth control clinic in Colorado

Egitto, attacco a Giza: uccisi quattro poliziotti

Quattro poliziotti uccisi e due feriti in un attentato questa mattina nella zona turistica di Saqqara, a Giza, a sud del Cairo. Lo riferisce l'agenzia Mena. Secondo fonti della sicurezza "terroristi armati" a bordo di una moto hanno sparato ad un checkpoint uccidendo gli agenti e poi si sono dati alla fuga.

L'agguato avviene a quattro giorni da quello contro un hotel ad al-Arish, nel nord del Sinai, rivendicato da un gruppo affiliato allo Stato islamico e nel quale sono stati uccisi quattro poliziotti, due giudici ed un civile.

La sicurezza egiziana ha poi precisato che i quattro agenti uccisi questa mattina sono "due sottoufficiali e due poliziotti di leva". L'attacco si è verificato al checkpoint

a Abul Nomros sulla strada meridionale a sud della capitale del quartiere di Haram nel governatorato di Giza. Gli agenti sono alla ricerca dei terroristi e nell'area sono stati installati vari posti di blocco. Nessuna sigla ha rivendicato al momento l'attacco.

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via Repubblica

Oggi é Sabato, rilassatevi guardando un clip emozionante...

Era quasi morta di fame quando è stata trovata, dopo una segnalazione, dai volontari dell’organizzazione no profit Rescue From The Hart. La cagnolina, che è stata chiamata Angel, era denutrita e i suoi organi avevano iniziato a non funzionare. I volontari temevano che non ce l'avrebbe fatta ma grazie all’amore e alle cure di chi l'ha salvata, nell’arco di un anno, Angel è guarita INC News, 28/11/2015 - via Repubblica

Turchia, ucciso il capo degli avvocati curdi. Erdogan attacca il Pkk

Tahir Elci, capo dell’associazione degli avvocati di Diyarbakir, nel sud-est a maggioranza curda della Turchia, è stato ucciso in una sparatoria a Diyarbakir al termine di un incontro pubblico. Anche un poliziotto è rimasto ucciso nell'attacco, mentre tre agenti e diversi giornalisti sono rimasti feriti. Nel quartiere dove è avvenuto l'agguato è stato imposto il coprifuoco.

Leggete l'articolo con i filmati cliccando QUI

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via Repubblica

Alta tensione tra Ankara e Mosca, nell'articolo di ANSA di oggi in prima pagina

"Vorremmo che non fosse successo, ma è successo. Spero che una cosa del genere non accada più". Lo ha detto il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan sul jet russo abbattuto, aggiungendo di considerare un possibile incontro con Putin a margine della Conferenza Onu sul clima di Parigi come un'occasione per superare le tensioni.

Leggere articolo cliccando QUI

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via ANSA

2 civilians, 1 police officer killed in Colorado Springs shooting

Two civilians and one police officer have been killed in a shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. Nine people, including five policemen have been hospitalized. Police have arrested a gunman after a standoff lasting nearly six hours.

Read the incredible report of this criminal attack clicking HERE

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

57 French airport personnel fired over ‘radicalization’ suspicions

Since the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris in January, nearly 60 people suspected of radicalism have reportedly lost their authorization to work at Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport. At least five people have been fired following the deadly mid-November attacks.
“Since the beginning of the year, there are 57 people who lost their authorization because of radicalization. There have been five since the attacks [November 13],” the prefect of Charles de Gaulle (Roissy) and Le Bourget airports, Philippe Riffaut, told a press conference.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

3 dead as unknown gunmen attack UN Mali base

Three people - two UN peacekeepers and one civilian - have been killed in an attack on a UN base in northern Mali, according to UN sources. There are conflicting reports, but it is believed to have been a mortar attack.
"The attack happened at around 4 a.m. (0400 GMT). Four or five rockets landed inside the base. Quite a few people were wounded, but it's too early for a precise number," Olivier Salgado, spokesman for the UN forces in Mali, told Reuters.
It comes just over a week after an assault on a luxurious hotel left 20 people dead, many of them foreign citizens.

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

Turkish citizens advised against all non-urgent travel to Russia

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has advised Turkish citizens against all non-urgent travel to Russia. The decision follows a worsening of relations between Ankara and Moscow after the Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian bomber over Syria.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday advising its citizens not to travel to Russia unless there is an absolute necessity. Ankara said this was due to difficulties faced by Turkish visitors and residents in Russia. On Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced Russia is to suspend its visa-free regime with Turkey from January 1, 2016.
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT

‘Christian state’ group threatens to kill Belgian Muslims, destroy their businesses

A menacing letter from the group called ‘Christian state’ has been sent to the major Belgian mosque Attadamoune. It threatens all Muslims will be killed, and their businesses destroyed.
The anonymous letter – printed out and full of spelling mistakes - said that “no mosque and none of your business will be safe” and threatened that “brothers [Muslims] will be slaughtered like pigs and crucified as our Lord converts their souls.”
The document was found in the mosque’s mailbox by Jamal Habbachich, one of the local Muslim leaders and the president of Molenbeek’s mosque association, and he is set to address the government about the issue.
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 28/11/2015 via RT

Fake ambulances smuggle £1.6bn of cocaine & heroin into UK

A ring of creative cocaine runners from the Netherlands to the UK has been convicted of supplying British drug lords with £1.6 billion ($2.4bn) worth of narcotics, by carefully disguising them inside a fleet of fake ambulances.
“Three Dutch men have been convicted for their roles in supplying up to £1.6 billion worth of drugs to organized crime groups across the UK using a fleet of fake ambulances,” the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) said in a statement.
Read the article, incredible, clicking HERE
INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT


Prominent pro-Kurdish lawyer shot dead in southeast Turkey

The president of the bar association in southeastern Diyarbakir province has been shot, apparently caught in the crossfire between armed Kurdish insurgents and police.
A campaigner for Kurdish rights, Tahir Elci had been criticized for challenging Turkey's official stance of calling the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) a terrorist organization.

INC News, 28/11/2015 - via RT