Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pilot dies from cardiac arrest in Domodedovo

Immediately after landing, the aircraft commander felt ill and sought medical assistance at the airport medical. There he lost consciousness. Doctors within hours attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the pilot died, according to preliminary data, resulting in cardiac arrest.

"The globe is a Russian airline, a subsidiary of the group of companies "S7 Group, the management also S7 Airlines. Formed in March 2008 on the basis of aircraft S7 Airlines serving Charter and scheduled flights.

This is not the first time at the Moscow airport due to problems with the heart man died. The most resonance for the last time was the death of 24-year-old passenger flight Barcelona - Chelyabinsk" Artem Chichikov. on August 17, he became ill during the flight. With flanges on the ground was reported need of medical assistance. The commander of the aircraft has made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo. However, to help the young person has failed: he died of a heart attack. According to preliminary data, Artem died due to the fact that the ambulance has not arrived in time.

After his death, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case, and transport Prosecutor's office initiated a check of the medical staff Sheremetyevo, medical equipment and existing drugs. Chief physician of the Sheremetyevo International airport Arthur Bunin was removed from office during the investigation, Kazinform refers to NewsTwenty4Seven.

INC News, 24/09/2014

Cognome, primo 'Sì' alla Camera per la libertà di scelta

Camera della Repubblica
Cade l'obbligo delcognome paterno, arriva la libertà di scelta. L'aula della Camera ha approvato il testo sul doppio cognome, che ora deve passare all'esame del Senato per l'approvazione definitiva. La proposta di legge adegua il nostro ordinamento alla sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo del 7 gennaio scorso.  

I sì sono stati 239, i no 92, astenuti 69. Il voto è stato segreto. Hanno votato a favore Pd, Sel, Led e Scelta Civica. Hanno votato contro Lega, Fdi, Per l'Italia e Ncd; Dorina Bianchi del Nuovo centrodestra ha votato a favore in dissenso dal suo gruppo. Forza Italia ha dato ai suoi libertà di voto. M5S si è astenuto.  Ecco, in sintesi, le novità:

Libertà di scelta. Piena libertà nell'attribuire il cognome. Alla nascita il figlio potrà avere il cognome del padre o della madre o i due cognomi, secondo quanto decidono insieme i genitori. Se però non vi è accordo, il figlio avrà il cognome di entrambi in ordine alfabetico. Stessa regola per i figli nati fuori del matrimonio e riconosciuti dai due genitori. Ma in caso di riconoscimento tardivo da parte di un genitore, il cognome si aggiunge solo se vi è il consenso dell'altro genitore e dello stesso minore se quattordicenne.

INC News, 24/09/2014

Russia to Inject Massive New Funding Into International Space Station

Russia and the space

Russia's new federal space program will allocate a whopping 321 billion rubles ($8.2 billion) to the development and utilization of the International Space Station, a byword for global space cooperation that Moscow threatened to abandon earlier this year over the crisis in Ukraine.
At a meeting with the head of Russian space agency Roscosmos, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin was quoted by news agency Interfax as saying Russia's 2016-25 program, which is in the final stages of government approval, will heap extra funds on the $100 billion international project, "including new [space station] modules and the OKA-T automated spacecraft."
OKA-T is a major addition to the space station proposed by Russian engineers early on in the ISS program, but so far unrealized. It will be used for special research that the current facilities aboard ISS cannot conduct, and will spend most of its time flying along side the space station, rather than docket to it.
INC News, 24/09/2014

Indian Space-Race Boost As Satellite Orbits Mars

India has Mars
India's space programme has received a boost after it successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars. Scientists at mission control erupted into cheers as the spacecraft began orbiting the red planet.
The Mars Orbiter Mission, affectionately nicknamed MOM, sees India join the US, the European Space Agency and the former Soviet Union in the elite club of Martian explorers. MOM was launched from the Bay of Bengal in November 2013 and is expected to circle the red planet for at least six months on an elliptical path that will see it get within 365km of the surface at its closest point.
The success of the Mars Orbiter Mission, lauded for its low price tag of $74m (£45m), will boost India's five-decade-old space programme that newly-elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to expand with better technology. And its arrival led to a humorous exchange on Twitter between the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Mars Orbiter and Nasa's 2012 mission Curiosity. Curiosity welcomed it on the red planet with a 'Namaste' - a customary greeting of South Asia. Curiosity Rover tweeted: "Namaste, @MarsOrbiter! Congratulations to @ISRO and India's first interplanetary mission upon achieving Mars orbit (sic)," Curiosity Rover tweeted.
INC News, 24/09/2014

Троих посадили за убийство бывшей Мисс Венесуэлы и ее бывшего мужа

Фото: Alejandro Cegarra/AP /Женщина держит фотографию покойных 
Троя мужчин сознались в убийстве бывшей Мисс Венесуэлы и ее бывшего мужа Британца. Все они получили по 24 лет тюрьмы, пишет The Guardin.
29-летняя актриса мыльной оперы и 29-летний Томас Берри, известный как Генри, умерли после того как на них напали во время  поломки их автомобиля в центре Венесуэлы.  Инцидент спровоцировал сильную реакцию среди венесуэльцев, возмутившихся уровнем жестокости преступления.
Выигравшая корону Мисс Венесуэла в 2004 году Спир жила в США. Однако в тот момент,  она находилась в отпуске  на родине, вместе с Берри, с которым  примерилась после развода в прошлом году.  
19-летний Джин Карлос Колина приговорен к 29 годам, 18-летний Херрера и 21-летний Нельфренд Хаминес Альваре получили 24 года тюрьмы, сообщили в прокуратуре, добавив, что все они сознались в своих преступлениях.  Также, четверо других мужчин, одна женщина и двое подростков проходят по данному делу.
Пара была убита на обочине дороги в Эль Камбур, когда они возвращались обратно в Каракас из идиллического путешествия вокруг страны.  Полиция сообщила, что их машина наехала на какой-то предмет, предположительно оставленного похитителями, который пробил, по крайней мере, две шины автомобиля. Они вынуждены были остановиться и вызвать помощь по мобильному телефону. Остановились два грузовика для того, чтобы помочь и уже машина была в грузовике, когда на них внезапно напали.  Водитель грузовика и его помощник бросились бежать, оставив Спир и Берри, которые заперлись в своей машине, но нападающие сделали шесть выстрелов в   автомобиль. Спир была застрелена в голову, а Берри пуля попала в грудь.     

BREAKING NEWS _ BREAKING NEWS As per they program, French hostage has been beheaded

A video made by an al-Qaeda linked group known as Jund al-Khilafah, filmed the beheading of the 55-year-old Herve Gourdel who was taken hostage on Sunday.
The group called on followers to kill Europeans and Americans.

В Сирии предположительно был убит британский подросток

Ибрагим Камара/photo: The Guardian
19-тений британец предположительно был убит среди уничтоженных в Сирии джихадистов, об этом пишет the Guardian .

Двое боевиков  восточной Сирии сообщили, что Халил Аль-Британи (Khalil al-Britani) , чье настоящее имя Ибрагим Камара (Ibrahim Kamara) , умер после авиаударов США на Алеппо.

Камара был описан как член  Джабхат Аль-Нусры (Jabhat al-Nusra), группы примыкающей к Аль-Каиде, воющих в гражданской войне Сирии против обеих сторон Башара Асада и Исламского Государства.

В интернете появилось фото открытого мешка с трупом, в котором узнается лицо Камары, слегка покрытым песком.

Однако The Guardian не подтверждает информацию, о том, что он был бут в ходе американских авиаударов.    

Фото: Возвращение домой

Фото: Reuters/ Mohammed Salem/ Палестинец рассматривает свой дом, который, по словам очевидцев, был ужасно поврежден в ходе израильских атак на Сектор Газа 

Президент Боливии: Военные вторжения США – это всего лишь бизнес

Hassan Rouhani: Iran is not making weapons of mass destruction - no comment

Festival toasts traditional way of making apple vinegar - no comment

Turkey-Syria border clashes - no comment

Map of the top CO2 emitting countries


CDC: Could Be 1.4 Million Ebola Cases by January

Former archbishop arrested in Vatican City in paedophile inquiry

Sugar refinery to be built in Almaty Oblast

Sugar Refinery in Almaty Oblast

A sugar factory with a capacity of 100 thousand tons per season will be built in Almaty Oblast,Tengrinews reports citing the Governor of Almaty Oblast Amandyk Batalov.
“It is planned to bring the area under sugar beet to 14,000 hectares. For example, due to restoration of Kyzylagash Dam and irrigation networks of Aksu Region is has become possible to use additional 7,600 hectares of irrigated land. But when increasing production of this important crop, we also have to take care of its processing. Therefore, we plan to build a modern sugar refinery with a capacity of 100 thousand tons per season,” Amandyk Batalov said at the briefing in Central Communication Service headquarters.
According to the Governor, 4,179 km of irrigation channels out of the total 16,557 km will be reconstructed and overhauled as part of the state-run project to restore irrigation infrastructure and reclaim farmlands. “This will increase the yield on irrigated land by 3-4 times and save 600 million cubic meters of water,” Amandyk Batalov said.
INC News, 24/09/2014

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Algeria, inchiesta tangenti Eni-Saipem: accertamenti sul "Paolo Scaroni Trust"

ENI Scandal

Nuove rivelazioni da un'altra inchiesta che coinvolge l'ex ad Eni Paolo Scaroni. Sono passati solo undici giorni dalle rivelazioni rese da un ex ministro del petrolio nigeriano, Dan Etete, riguardo una maxitruffa ai danni dell'azienda ordita dai manager dello stesso gruppo petrolifero italiano nel 2011, attualmente al vaglio della Procura di Milano. 

Si tratta dell'indagine che nel febbraio del 2013 ha visto Scaroni iscritto nel registro degli indagati con l'ipotesi di reato di corruzione in relazione a una commessa da 11 miliardi di dollari in Algeria. Per aggiudicarsi i lavori per la realizzazione del progetto Medgaz e del progetto Mle in joint venture con l'ente di stato algerino Sonatrach, Saipem ed Eni avrebbero versato alla società di un intermediario quasi 200 milioni di euro, da distribuire a faccendieri, esponenti del governo algerino e manager della stessa Sonatrach.

IN News, 24/09/2014-via Repubblica