Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Алматы марафон-2015" с высоты птичьего полета

ООН: Миллионы жителей Йемена страдают от нехватки воды и продовольствия

По ночной Москве проехал ракетный комплекс «Тополь»

СМИ: в Иране задержано американское судно

"Прогресс" потерялся, нашелся, но пока молчит

Лис из Чернобыля сделал себе сэндвич - BBC Russian

Погромы в Балтиморе: "Мы не на войне!" - BBC Russian

Неловкий момент, когда мама поймала тебя на акции протеста - BBC Russian

ITALIA - Foto a Roma e Milano con messaggi dell'Isis: 'Siamo tra voi, in attesa dell'ora X'

L'Isis a Roma e a Milano. "Siamo nelle vostre strade". Circolano da ieri sul web foto con messaggi minacciosi a firma Islamic State sullo sfondo di alcuni luoghi-simbolo italiani, a Roma e Milano. "Pura propaganda, è jhihad della parola", dice all'ANSA una fonte dei servizi di sicurezza, secondo cui cui non ci sono "nuovi concreti elementi di allarme" e la vigilanza "è sempre massima". Le foto - alcune delle quali pubblicate dal quotidiano Il Tempo - circolano su account Twitter di sostenitori dell'Isis, riferisce la direttrice del Site Rita Katz, che le ha rilanciate sul proprio profilo.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 28/04/2015 - via ANSA

Terremoto in Nepal - Kathmandu si è spostata di 3 metri

Il numero delle vittime del terremoto in Nepal potrebbe arrivare a 10.000: lo ha detto il premier del Nepal Sushil Koirala. Finora i morti accertati sono 4.485. I feriti invece sono stati calcolati in 8.235. La polizia ha fornito una lista parziale di dieci cittadini morti di Cina, Francia, India, Usa e Australia. Quattro le vittime italiane. Sono ancora 40 gli italiani irrintracciabili in Nepal. Lo riferiscono fonti della Farnesina. I 18 connazionali rintracciati nella notte non fanno quindi parte del gruppo di cui ha parlato ieri il ministero degli Esteri.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 28/04/2015 - via RT

Is it normal activity this one from Police?

Virginia police unsuccessfully attempted to delete evidence of their assault on an unarmed teenager during a traffic stop for a broken license plate light. Video of the incident, taken by the car's driver, was recovered despite police efforts.
In January, Courtney Griffith, 18, was pulled over in Virginia Beach, Virginia for the defective light. Soon after being pulled over, she activated a camera just behind the steering wheel on her vehicle's dashboard.
INC News, 28/04/2015 - via RT

DoJ, security experts warn of increasing overseas cyberattacks

The United States must ramp up its ability to defer and defeat cyberattacks, security experts and federal prosecutors agree, as foreign hackers target American networks with increasing scope and sophistication.
With security breaches being suffered by US-based corporations on a regular basis, panelists at a summit in Washington, DC this week sounded an alarm for firms to adopt aggressive yet defensive cyber policies – lest they want to risk becoming this year's Target, Home Depot or, most unfortunately, Sony Pictures Entertainment.
At the International Conference on Cyber Engagement at Georgetown University, two of the federal government's top attorneys urged private businesses to forge relationships with law enforcement in order to minimize in advance their response to a hypothetical – but increasingly possible – cyberattack.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/04/2015 - via RT

Corea del Sud, condannato all'ergastolo il comandante del traghetto affo...

Regno Unito, arriva il test fai da te per l'Hiv

Bosnia, attentato in un commissariato di polizia

Il mondo si sta mobilitando per offrire aiuti al Nepal devastato

Milano: la Sala delle Asse di Leonardo rivive per l'Expo

Nepal: Eight million hit by quake as PM says up to 10,000 may have died

Captain of doomed South Korea ferry jailed for life for homicide by appe...

Newly discovered Da Vinci murals go on show at Milan Expo

Bosnia police shoot dead a gunman in suspected terror attack

HIV self-test kit goes on sale in UK

LA firefighters battle to safe luxury homes from wildfires

Mogherini, Renzi and Ban Ki-moon visit migrant rescue operation

Two-way mirror found in bar's bathroom stall

India's massive aid mission in Nepal

Maryland governor pressed on Baltimore riot response

Daughter waits for word on mother missing in Nepal

Liquor store on fire, chaos on Baltimore streets

Ex-Muslim: Koran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like

Violent riots in Baltimore

Nepal: Google, Facebook Turn on People Finder Tools

Miss America 'Puts a Nail In' Domestic Violence

Freddie Gray's Family Calls for Peace

Massive Fire in Baltimore As Riots Grip City

Baltimore Community Center Burned

Chicago Travelers Experience Nepal Earthquake

Air strikes target Houthi positions in Yemen

Al Jazeera journalists return to Cairo court

Indonesia dismisses corruption claim as executions loom

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SUV Almost Hits Children Boarding School Bus

Baltimore Protests Injure Officers, Continue to Cause Chaos


Baltimore riot: Violent clashes, tear gas, rubber bullets after Freddie Gray funeral.

Maryland governor Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency in Baltimore as standoff between large group of youth and police in riot gear engulfed much of the city. The National Guard has been activated to address the growing violence.

Protesters and police converged on Mondawmin Mall in northwest Baltimore early Monday afternoon. People began throwing bottles, rocks and bricks, as demonstrations spread to other areas of the city. Several police officers have been injured by the projectiles, and protesters ‒ teens later joined by adult residents ‒ refused to listen to law enforcement and disperse.