Friday, April 25, 2014

Произошел инцидент в столице Казахстана Астане. В кармане играющей девочки взорвался смартфон Самсунг Галакси С-2

Раньше детям в карман ложили пряники или печенье - теперь смартфон Самсунг Галакси. 

Астана - 21 апреля на детской игровой площадке у девочки загорелись джинсы. Она стала кричать и звать на помощь, соседы подбежав начали сдерать с нее джинсы, после чего и обнаружили кусок кожи выдернутый вместе с брюками. Девочку госпитализировали. Взрыв смартфона порвал живую ткань кожи до костей. Родители девочки, говорят, что купили телефон в прошлом году. И первым делом позвонили в дистрибьютерскую компанию, где им пообещали возметить все медицинские затраты. Представители компании потребовали передать телефон для выявления причин возгорания. Но родители оставили предмет прямой улики для дальнейшего расследования и намерены провести экпертизу, - пишет источник TengriNews 

Атырау, 25/04/2014-Мира Картбаева для INCNews

Un video censurato...Da chi? E perche'?

Siamo abituati a vedere censurato il lavoro di autorevoli giornalisti o personaggio di spicco che si occupano di affari sociali. Ci hanno segnalato questo clip che e' stato copiato tale e quale da una pagina di Facebook.
Ogni possibile commento e' puramente casuale.Va bene che si sta parlando di manicomi criminali e che il problema non e' per nulla semplice, tuttavia non e' questo il vero problema: e' giusto che malati di mente debbano vivere in ambienti del tutto fuori da ogni regolamento di igiene e pulizia? Davvero dobbiamo credere che cio' che vediamo nel filmato e' cio' che nessuno vuole vedere?

Manicomio di Aversa
Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INCNews

Un jeune Italien écrasé par un statue monumentale du Christ

Wladimir Klitschko holds public boxing  training session in Germany - no...

Following what FBI agents have shown, the "Master" accused of being a pedophile who abused dozens of children would have acted in different countries where he had gone to teach in local schools. William Vahey committed suicide last year before federal agents could arrest him. Remains, with his death, the doubt that he may have abused nearly 100 children in different schools in different countries of the world.


Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INCNews

Kazakh former oppositionist Ablyazov has been granted asylum in UK and he is still tagged "refugee" status

Torturas en Rio de parte de Policia?

Se suponía que íbamos a hablar a Río de Janeiro con mejores palabras, haciendo hincapié en la próxima Copa Mundial de fútbol. En su lugar nos encontramos con otro acto de violencia por parte de la policía local, que probablemente mató a un bailarín en una de las favelas de Rio (según lo informado por las principales agencias). Amnistía Internacional ha pedido que mantenga una investigación para determinar las verdaderas causas de la muerte del joven que, según la información que se ejecutan hoy en la web, podría estar muerto como consecuencia de torturas.

Rio de Janeiro
Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INC News

Ubriacatezza in volo?

In stato di ubriacatezza, un uomo ha tentato di entrare nella cabina di pilotaggio di un aereo della Virgin airway, facendo pensare in tutto e per tutto ad un dirottamento aereo. Fortunatamente non e' stato cosi' e l'uomo e' stato arrestato una volta il volo VA41 e' atterrato a Bali, aeroporto di destinazione. I membri dell'equipaggio avevano reso inoffensivo l'uomo e l'errore del dirottamento sembra sia stato causato da un malinteso sul contesto che a bordo il comandante avesse detto di avere un problema.
E' stato proibito da tempo di fumare, a bordo dei velivoli, poi e' diventato proibitivo l'uso dei cellulari. E se si rendesse "dry", il viaggio in aereo? Forse non capiterebbero cose simili.

Dirottamento aereo
Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INC News

Nigeria: where are the students adbucted?

Understand that no power on earth will be able to stop the decades of struggle between religions in Nigeria, the state's most corrupt on the planet. The situation of the abduction of girls of the high institute located in Chibox in the state of Borno, is still unclear and has not been able yet to know if some of them may be able to escape. Certainly we know that in the course of this year, more than 1,200 people have been killed for religious reasons or pseudo. Life in Nigeria is worth only 1 euro and it is not surprising that none of the rest of the world worries too much: corruption and prostitution reign for decades, and political power will suffer more and more. Maybe an iron fit by other Nations would stop this slaughter, but it seems that in turn have other interests in Nigeria. Do we therefore need to think about adding to the number 1200 also the 230 of these girls?

Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INC News

The best ever actress Jodie Foster married photographer Alexandra Hedison

Since 2013 Jodie Foster started dating with her girlfriend Alexandra and according to her publicist they married in California, 17's state of the USA where the gay marriages are currently legal.
Her astonishing announcement of single status last year at Golden Globe was for a reason. She had made a beautiful speech and thanked her ex-partner Cydney Bernard, who had been Jodie's spouse for 20 years. They share two sons, Charlie and Christopher. 
«I could ever stand here without acknowledging the deepest love in my life, my heroic co-parent, my ex-partner in love, but righteous soul sister in life, my confessor, ski buddy, consigliore, most beloved BFF of 20 years», - opened up Jodie Foster to the public.
Foster said she was proud of their «modern family», including their two sons, Charlie and Christopher, «who are my reasons to breathe and evolve my blood and soul»

It was not that speech to grab the attention of the audience, but it was a contest to address to a personal privacy. 

Atyrau, 25/04/2014-INCNews