Sunday, July 31, 2016

Программа Воскресное Время (31.07.2016) 31 июля 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: Vesti-Russia Kanal 1

TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 31/07/2016

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: TGLa7

La cronaca di TGLa7 - Puntata 31/07/2016

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: TGLa7

Brazil: Congressman Bolsonaro leads right-wing anti-Dilma protest in Rio

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

Italy: Pokemon Go gladiators battle outside Colosseum

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

«Это дорога в ад»: новый итальянский проект рассказывает беженцам об опа...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Нападение на церковь в Нормандии: преступники были известны французским ...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Отношение к Уолл-стрит и однополым бракам: Хиллари Клинтон легко меняет ...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RTNews

В Сочи стартовало первое в РФ гоночное шоу Ferrari Racing Days

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RUPTLY

Больница Кобани принимает десятки раненых жителей Манбиджа

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Эксперт о ситуации с российскими атлетами: Россию делают козлом отпущения

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: RTNews

Владимир Путин участвует в праздновании дня ВМФ в Санкт-Петербурге

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews

'Road that leads to hell' Italy launches project showing horrors migrants

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 31 juli in één minuut

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©

Instagram Will Soon Allow Users To Filter Out Hateful Comments

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Australian Athletes Were Robbed In Rio's Olympic Village

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©Newsy

Gemeente Tilburg maakt geen bezoekcijfers van Tilburgse kermis meer bekend.

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©Omroep Brabant

Is Rio ready? | FT World

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: FT

Lingerie Fashion Week ► Spring Summer 2017 Collections New York Runway F...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: Fashion Show Blog

IU RITA MENNOIA | JOLIDON Show Spring 2017 | Maredamare 2016 Florence by...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: FashionChannel

20 тысяч человек собрались в Кельне на акцию в поддержку Эрдогана

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

"Любовь для всех, ненависть ни для кого": мусульмане почтили память убит...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Банзай, первая женщина-губернатор Токио!

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Прыжок без парашюта с высоты в 7,6 км вошел в историю

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Папа Франциск - молодежи: "Пусть молитва станет вашим чатом, а Евангелия...

INC News,  31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Немцы не верят, что Меркель «справится»

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Папа римский начинает заключительный день визита в Польшу

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Germania: a Colonia manifestano i sostenitori del presidente turco Erdogan

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Francia: musulmani a messa, "cementiamo i legami fra comunità"

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Giappone: eletta per la prime volta una donna governatrice Tokyo

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source:  euronews

Salto nel vuoto senza paracadute: la storica impresa di Luke Aikins

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Sarà una commissione a a decidere sulla partecipazione dei russi alle Olimpiadi

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

La politica migratoria della Germania sotto pressione

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Il Papa ai giovani riuniti a Cracovia: vincere l'odio a colpi di fraternità

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Germany: Turkish community hold huge pro-Erdogan rally

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: euronews

Pope Francis condemns 'devastating wave of terrorism'

INC News, 31/06/2016 - source:euronews

Overvolle stranden in China

Door de hoge temperaturen de afgelopen tijd zijn de stranden in China overvol. Zo telde het strandbad in Qingdao zaterdag 130.000 vakantiegangers. Onder andere via dronebeelden is de mensenmassa gefilmd.

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf

Serial rapist Larry Takahashi granted day parole

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: CBC News

Raw: Pontiff Leads Final Mass in Poland

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: AP

Эффект Нострадамуса. Реальность или фантастика. Документальные фильмы (3...

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©Documentary 3.0

Raw: 1 Killed, 3 Injured in Austin Bar Shooting

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©AP

Muslims Attend Mass In Honor of Slain Priest

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©AP

Police Search for Suspect After Austin Shooting

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©AP

Trump: 'I've Made a Lot of Sacrifices'

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

How to Keep Your Kids Safe Playing Pokemon Go

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Witnesses Describe Hot Air Balloon Accident as 'Fireball in the Sky'

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News

How Dangerous Are the Risks of Flying in Hot Air Balloons?

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©ABC News



E dunque anche Agosto è  arrivato, con il suo sol leone, con le vacanze a tutti i costi, con le mammine che danno il pargolo al padre per capire se sono ancora illibate assieme al fustaccio di turno, che per gonfiare il petto e sgonfiare la pancia ha speso più delle ferie stesse per poi rischiare di fallire malamente con un rifiuto, dopo che la malaugurata farfalla si è accorta che il fuco è invece una formica. 
Ma è anche il mese della fine delle convections americane, così inizierà la campagna elettorale di Zia Paperina e Zio Paperone, che finirà con le foglie morte autunnali al grido "il dado è tratto, e di Papa Bergoglio, che sta entrando nel Guinness dei primati con oltre un milione e mezzo di giovani radunatisi a Cracowia al raduno della gioventù. 
Molti, però, si sono scordati che è anche il mese delle olimpiadi della discussione di Rio, con il solo team russo squalificato da molte gare per abuso di farmaci doping, con la città ancora non pronta a ricevere gli sportivi, che gareggeranno in acque contaminate, con le ragazze del Sambodromo che hanno fatto due settimane di coda dai ginecologi, in attesa dell'arrivo del turista molto interessato alla Olimpiade, certamente non é quella sportiva.
Nel marasma di tutto emerge sorridente lo Zar Vladimiro, che da buon pigmalione ci sta dicendo che se non stai attento ti frego pure il pollo in frigorifero.
Andiamo, chi ci crede che sia stata solo la Russia ad aver fatto il doping dei suoi atleti? Chi ci crede alla casualità di Wikileaks? Occupiamoci, invece, del fatto che sono deceduti in questi mesi, personaggi nobili e che non esistono alternative a rimpiazzarli, che la nomina di Hillary alla presidenza segnerà un passo storico, a cui seguiranno decine di donne parlamentari nel mondo a rimpiazzare gli uomini, e che se non ci si butta a testa bassa a combattere lo Stato Islamico, siamo tutti in sabbia mobile e per davvero si rischia che il Ciccio Bello koreano si metta a giocare con i tasti del lancia missili credendo, di star giocando alla Battaglia Navale.

Mikhail Lermontov, per INC News, 30/07/2016 -  ©INCNews


So, also August arrived, with its summer heat, with the holidays at all costs, with mommies that give the infant to his father to find out if they are still chaste together with a boy-toy on duty, which to inflate chest and deflate belly has spent most of the holidays themselves, and risking to fail badly with a refusal, after the unfortunate butterfly became aware that kelp is rather an ant.
But it is also the month of the end of the American convections, so will start the election campaign of Aunt Daisy Duck and Uncle Scrooge, which will end with the autumn dead leaves, shouting "the die is cast", and Papa Bergoglio, who is entering the Guinness Book of Records with over a million and a half young people who had gathered at Cracow at the youth rally.
But many have forgotten that it is also the month of the Olympic Games of the discussions in Rio, with only Russian team disqualified by many races for abuse of doping drugs, with the city still not ready to receive athletes, who will compete in contaminated water , with the girls of the Sambadrome they did two weeks of the queue by gynecologists, pending the arrival of the tourist, very interested in the Olympic Games, certainly not that one for sport.
In the chaos of all, it emerges smiling Vladimiro the Czar, that as a good mentor is telling us that if you're not careful I will steal even the chicken in the refrigerator. Come on, who believe that it was only Russia that has made the doping of its athletes? Who believes the randomness of Wikileaks? Let us think, instead, that have died in recent months, many noble persons, and that there are no alternatives to replace them, that Hillary's appointment to the presidency will mark a historic step to be followed by dozens of women parliamentarians in the world to replace the men, and that if we do not jump headlong to fight the Islamic State, we are all in quicksand and you really risk that the "Ciccio Bello" Koreano gets to play with the buttons of launching missiles, believing he is playing the Naval Battle.

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News, 30/07/2016 -  ©INCNews

USA - ‘History made’: First ever no-parachute jump pulled off by veteran skydiver

Millions of people across the globe held their breath as American skydiver Luke Aikins jumped out of a plane to fall into a net 25,000 feet (7,620 m) below. The daring stunt is now in the history books as the first complete jump without a parachute. 
Aikins, 42, performed the record-breaking jump in Simi Valley, California on Saturday evening. He successfully landed in the 100-by-100 foot (30.5-meter) net, which was set up 20 stories high, as people watched from the ground and cheered.
After just a few moments, Aikins rolled out, got up, picked up his wife, and gave her a celebratory hug.

INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews


2 separate shootings, multiple casualties in downtown Austin, Texas 

At least one person has reportedly been killed, and multiple people injured in Austin, Texas after two separate shootings in the downtown area of the city, local police wrote on Twitter. NBC news cited EMS officials who said that a woman in her 30s was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to reports on social media, between four and six people were injured in the incident.
INC News, 31/07/2016 - source: ©RTNews