Saturday, January 4, 2014

Again Storm damages in UK

We have not only Hercules in the USA to create havoc, even on the northwest coast is coming down a storm not to be forgotten, and the weather conditions are creating a new natural drama which, added to that a few days ago, will produce great economic and infrastructural damage value, by engaging the various governments to establish a task force that can properly assess the value of the natural disaster and shape to repair the damage inflicted by bad weather.

Atyrau, 04/01/2014-INC News

USA Weather conditions...

The weather conditions in the U.S. are increasingly getting worse with the arrival of the storm Hercules, which is creating enormous logistical problems throughout the northeast coast. The dead so far are 16 but it is feared that the number will grow in the coming hours.

Atyrau, 04/01/2014-INC News

Nudi alla meta...

Non possiamo certo dire che gli italiani manchino di fantasia, se si guarda queste foto fatte a Roma, in un centro di abbigliamento. Solo chi arrivava senza vestiti (meglio dire chi arrivava in mutande) in negozio poteva acquistare vestiti gratis, nella fattispecie magliette, felpe, gonne e t-shirts! L'iniziativa andrebbe fatta anche per i negozi alimentari...Chi non mangia da tre giorni puo' acquistare cibo a gratis...non male, no, come idea?

Almaty,04/01/2014-INC News