Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cookie, scatta la stretta privacy sui siti web. Ecco cosa comporta

DaL 3 giugno chi ci traccia sul web senza il nostro consenso rischia una multa salata, da 10 mila euro a 120 mila euro, da parte del Garante della Privacy, che annuncia anche controlli rigidi sui siti. È l'effetto di una nuova normativa che riguarda questi piccoli file di testo, caricati dai siti sui nostri dispositivi quando navighiamo. Molti di noi avranno notato che i siti, da qualche giorno, ci propongono un banner con cui chiedono il nostro consenso a usare i cookie. Se lo neghiamo, il sito non potrà utilizzarli a scopi pubblicitari.

Leggete bene l'articolo QUI

INC News, 02/06/2015 - via Repubblica

AMERICA - allarme aeroporti. Fallito il 95% dei test di sicurezza

E' emergenza sicurezza negli aeroporti americani. Il 95% dei test ai varchi di ingresso eseguiti da agenti sotto copertura del ministero per la Sicurezza Interna (Homeland Security) sono falliti. Per questo il ministro Jeh Johnson ha ordinato di rafforzare le misure di sicurezza. Gli agenti di controllo ai varchi aeroportuali, dipendenti della Transportation Security Administration (sempre dipendenti dalla Homeland Security), non hanno individuato armi vietate in 67 casi su 70 in decine di aeroporti, ha riferito la rete Abc, citando funzionari a conoscenza del rapporto interno della Homeland Security.
In uno dei test falliti un agente sotto copertura è stato sì fermato mentre tentava di spegnere un allarme a un varco ma l'ispettore che poi lo ha perquisito non è stato in grado di scoprire dell'esplosivo, falso, che l'uomo portava legato con del nastro sulla schiena, lasciandolo passare. In pratica gli avrebbe consentito di salire a bordo del volo. Melvin Carraway - numero uno della Transportation Security Administration - è stato trasferito a un altro incarico.

INC News, 02/06/2015 - via Repubblica

ITALIA - Guadagna 300.000 euro all'anno ne dichiara 10.000

Grazie a un collaudato sistema di fatture false, a fronte di un fatturato medio di 2,5 milioni di euro l'anno non versava praticamente nulla all'Erario. E' quanto ha scoperto la Guardia di Finanza di Lugo, nel Ravennate, che ha denunciato a piede libero un imprenditore cinese 38enne per uso di fatture per operazioni inesistenti. L'uomo, da una ventina d'anni in Italia, fino al 2012 aveva operato nel distretto Forlivese del divano per poi trasferirsi in un capannone del Lughese. Secondo le verifiche delle Fiamme Gialle, il 38enne, sebbene dichiarasse in media 10.000 euro all'anno, in realtà ne guadagnava fino a 300.000 riuscendo così a evadere negli ultimi quattro anni circa 2,2 milioni di tasse. Tanto che in totale tra il 2010 e il 2014 sono state scoperte fatture ritenute fasulle per 3,5 milioni di euro.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 02/06/2015 - via ANSA

Секс с шести лет: инициативы властей пугают канадцев

Россия на ЭКСПО: ажиотаж в Милане

Садистами, постиравшими кота в машине, занялись прокуратура и полиция

Производитель «Буков» представил результаты расследования гибели Boeing ...

Лондон планирует расширить полномочия спецслужб по сбору личных данных г...

Космодрому Байконур исполняется 60 лет

British Tank Flattens Learner Driver's Car


Senate passes USA Freedom Act, limiting NSA surveillance powers

Legislative efforts intended to reform aspects of the United States Intelligence Community’s surveillance operations have cleared Congress and are expected to be signed into law imminently by President Obama.
The Senate voted in the majority on Tuesday in favor of the USA Freedom Act, adopting the same version of the bill that had overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives last month by 338-88.

Backers of the USA Freedom Act say the bill ends the bulk collection of telephone call records by the National Security Agency as revealed in 2013 by Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, as well as brings reform to the secret court that oversees surveillance requests and increases transparency. 

Грабителям, напавшим на сотрудников «РЭМ Кран», грозит 15 лет колонии

Приложения для мобильных устройств помогают недоношенным малышам - science

"Газпром" приспосабливается к санкциям - economy

Голоса живущих за рубежом граждан Турции могут стать решающими на выборах

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Top 5 Baikonur’s firsts: Space port celebrates 60th anniversary

Sepp Blatter si dimette

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Spagna: Iberia riprende voli diretti con Cuba

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L'inflazione nella zona euro torna positiva a maggio: +0,3% - economy

Sepp Blatter announces resignation as FIFA president

Spanish airline Iberia resumes flights to Havana

Police kill man under terrorism surveillance

Muslim woman claims discrimination on United flight

Bomb threats made to at least three commercial planes

China's tools to control the web

EXCLUSIVE: Parliament Hill gunman shot 31 times

Why Americans Are Buying More Trucks Than Cars

Alton Towers crash: Four seriously injured - BBC News

Moment Sepp Blatter announced his resignation as Fifa president - BBC News

Italian coast guard launches resue mission off Libyan coast

Coalition talks on ISIL strategy taking place in Paris

Egitto: posposta condanna a morte di Morsi. Forse disaccordo fra autori...

Cina, tragedia del traghetto: la corsa dei soccorsi per salvare vite umane

Canada: Three tobacco companies ordered to pay billions in damages for f...

Egypt: Mursi death sentence ruling postponed

Hundred missing in China Yangtze River cruise ship disaster

Dashcam video shows officers assaulted before shooting

ISIS expanding its territory at an alarming rate

Heavy Rain Caused Massive Flooding in the Northeast

Pentagon shipped live anthrax samples to Canada

New disclosures from Pentagon officials say samples of live anthrax were sent to three Canadian laboratories. The scandal now involves anthrax sent to labs in 12 states, Washington, DC, and three countries – Australia, Canada and South Korea.
An unnamed Pentagon official not authorized to speak publicly told USA Today that, so far, no one had been sickened by the shipments, and that military investigators are continuing to search anthrax samples and records to discover whether further samples were shipped to other labs.
Read article HERE
INC News, 02/06/2015 - via RT

CANADA - Mounted chauvinist police? Female Canadian officers file Mounties sex harassment suit

Nearly 400 female employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are asking a British Columbia judge to be allowed to join a class action lawsuit against the federal police force over sexual harassment and gender discrimination.
The original lawsuit was filed by veteran RCMP officer Janet Merlo. Her case has been stuck in various courts for three years.
Read article HERE
INC News, 02/06/2015 - RT

AMERICA - Woman awarded $75,000 after being fired for being pregnant

A woman who was fired simply for becoming pregnant has been awarded nearly $75,000 in back pay and damages by a federal judge. She was originally terminated after violating the nonprofit company’s “no pregnancy in the workplace” rule.
The controversial rule was in effect at Houston-based nonprofit United Bible Fellowship Ministries, which helps care for the poor, homeless, those with drug addictions and others by offering housing and residential services. According to the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC), the group acknowledged that it had fired a resource technician, Sharmira Johnson, for becoming pregnant while employed there.
Read article HERE
INC News, 02/06/2015 - via RT


BUK missile manufacturer on MH17 shooting over Ukraine 

Russia’s air-defense systems manufacturer, Almaz-Antey, is holding a press conference on its appeal at the European Court of Justice against EU sanctions against it over the Boeing MH17 crash. The BUK missile manufacturer is to present its own findings.

Cross Rises in Pakistan City Hostile to Christians

Bangladesh to lay murder charges in 2013 garment factory collapse

Chinese Cruise Ship Sinks With Hundreds on Board

Man Sentenced for Stalking Mila Kunis Escapes

FBI Behind Mysterious Surveillance Aircraft

Lion Kills American on Safari in South Africa

Caitlyn Jenner, Formerly Known as Bruce, Poses for Vanity Fair


Passenger ship with over 440 people sinks in Chinese river

A ship carrying nearly 400 people and over 40 crew members from the eastern Chinese Jiangsu province to the southwestern city of Chongqing sank in the Yangtze River, local authorities have confirmed. No more than 20 people are known to have been rescued.
The vessel sank Monday night in the Jianli County, Hubei Province, according to the Yangtze River Navigation Administration cited by Xinhua. The ship, named Dongfangzhixing (Eastern Star), was heading to Chongqing from the city of Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province.