Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Турция: слова спикера о "религиозной конституции" спровоцировали протесты
"Турция - светское государство! И таковым останется!" - скандировали участники акции в Анкаре, прошедшей у здания Национальной Ассамблеи. Поводом к демонстрации, которая закончилась столкновениями и была "свернута" полицией, стало заявление спикера парламента Исмаила Кахрамана. Он сказал, что новая конституция республики должна быть религиозной.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Великобритания: первая в истории Национальной системы здравоохранения за...
В Великобритании младшие врачи провели во вторник всеобщую забастовку – впервые за 70 лет существования Национальной системы здравоохранения. Они требуют от правительства пересмотра новых контрактов, предусматривающих увеличение рабочего времени при снижении заработной платы. Забастовка, которая продлилась с семи утра до четырёх вечера, возобновится в среду.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
В Турции обнаружена мозаика со скелетом, предлагающим радоваться жизни
Скелет с мозаики, обнаруженной при раскопках в Турции, дает нам следующий совет: "Будьте веселыми, наслаждайтесь жизнью". Древний эквивалент песни Боба Марли "Don't worry, be happy". Этому скелету уже 2400 лет. Мозаика находилась в столовой частного дома и прекрасно сохранилась.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Давка на стадионе «Хиллсборо» 1989 г. признана убийством
В Великобритании присяжные заседатели по результатам специального дознания признали убийством давку 1989 г. на стадионе «Хиллсборо» в г. Шеффилде и возложили ответственность за него на полицию Южного Йоркшира.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Роберт Гейл: курение опаснее радиоактивного облучения
На вопросы журналиста Euronews ответил из Лос-Анджелеса профессор Роберт Гейл, один из ведущих мировых экспертов в области заболеваний, связанных с радиацией. Он координирует международные усилия по оказанию медицинской помощи пострадавшим от многих аварий, включая Чернобыль и Фукусиму.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Саудовская Аравия: "Взгляд королевства 2030" - economy
Эр-Рияд обнародовал план по избавлению страны от нефтяной зависимости к 2020 году. Для его осуществления будет создан специальный суверенный фонд. Большая часть его активов будет выручена частично за счет приватизации крупнейшей в мире нефтяной компании Aramco, а общий капитал превысит 2 трлн долларов. Ключевым аспектом плана является продажа 5% акций Aramco.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
В Люксембурге открылись слушания по делу LuxLeaks
В Люксембурге закончился первый день судебных слушаний по громкому делу LuxLeaks. Трое граждан Франции обвиняются в организации масштабной утечки информации из аудиторской компании PricewaterhouseCooper. Раскрытые документы касаются схем ухода от налогов более чем 300 крупнейших мировых корпораций.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Папуа – Новая Гвинея: верховный суд распорядился закрыть австралийский л...
Верховный суд Папуа — Новой Гвинеи признал противоречащим конституции содержание мигрантов, ищущих убежища в Австралии, в специальном лагере на острове Манус и распорядился прекратить эту практику.
По австралийским законам, мигранты, перехваченные в море при попытке достичь побережья Австралии, направляются в лагеря, расположенные на принадлежащем Папуа — Новой Гвинее острове Манус и в республике Науру.
INC News, 26/04/206 - source: ©Euronews
АЭРО Фридрихсхафен-2016 - hi-tech
В конце апреля в немецком Фридрихсхафене проходит крупнейший в Европе специализированный международный авиасалон, на нём свои новинки показывают те, кто работает в авиации общего назначения (АОН). Выставка проводится уже не первое десятилетие, место для ее организации выбрано не случайно: Фридрихсхафен расположен на самом юге Германии на берегах Боденского озера, тут создавался знаменитый дирижабль Zeppelin.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
BP собирается сокращать расходы - economy
Компания "Бритиш Петролеум" сообщила, что может вновь сократить капитальные расходы после обвала прибыли в первом квартале на 80% в годовом сравнении из-за снижения цен на черное золото.
В отчетности компании отмечается, что базовая прибыль, скорректированная с учетом изменения запасов, упала до 532 млн.долларов, снизившись с 2,6 млрд. долларов годом ранее, но превысив ожидания аналитиков, которые предрекали потери на уровне 140 млн.долларов.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Похищенный канадец казнен террористами на Филиппинах
Гражданин Канады был казнен террористической группировкой "Абу Сайяф" на Филиппинах.
68-летний Джон Ридсдел был похищен экстремистами в сентябре 2015 года на острове Минданао, с территории курортного комплекса для иностранных яхтсменов. Вместе с ним были похищены еще двое иностранцев и филиппинка.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Чернобыльская трагедия: ежегодная поминальная служба в Киеве
В киевском храме, посвященом памяти жертв Чернобыльской катастрофы, 30 раз пробил колокол. Каждый год 26 апреля здесь проходит поминальная служба по погибшим в результате аварии.
INC News, 26/04/2016- source: ©Euronews
"Costituzione religiosa per la Turchia". La proposta di un membro dell'AKP
Proteste in strada hanno accolto ad Ankara la proposta di un deputato del partito di Erdogan di integrare nella nuova costituzione riferimenti all'Islam.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Inghilterra: continua il braccio di ferra tra governo e giovani medici
Ancora disagi negli ospedali inglesi, dove da oggi sono di nuovo in sciopero i cosiddetti junior doctors, i giovani medici impegnati da mesi in un durissimo braccio di ferro con il governo conservatore di David Cameron.
Per la prima volta l'astensione dal lavoro riguarda anche i servizi d'urgenza, comunque non vitali.
Il sistema
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source; ©Euronews
Francia: 8 anni al "dentista dell'orrore"
Otto anni di carcere. È la pena cui è stato condannato in Francia l'olandese Marinus Van Nierop, soprannominato il "dentista dell'orrore". Aveva mutilato e truffato decine di pazienti.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Turchia: un consiglio da uno scheletro
Un mosaico di 2.400 anni fa raffigurante uno scheletro e la scritta "Siate felici, godetevi la vita" è stato scoperto nell'antica città turca di Hatay. Secondo un archeologo locale, era collocato nella zona pranzo di una abitazione e ricorda un reperto simile ritrovato in Italia.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Tragedia di Hillsborough: tifosi innocenti, polizia inefficiente
La soddisfazione dei parenti delle vittime della strage di Hillsborough per la sentenza che solleva da ogni responsabilità i tifosi del Liverpool e punta il dito contro la polizia. Novantasei persone morirono nel più grave incidente dello sport britannico, 27 anni fa. Le morti non furono casuali, sostiene la giuria di Warrington. La sua conclusione potrebbe portare all'apertura di un processo.
"Abbiamo dovuto aspettare 27 anni, ora ci crederete tutti", esclama la madre di una vittima.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Luxleaks, l'avvocato di Deltour:"Gli informatori difendono la democrazia"
E' la fonte di uno degli scandali più grandi degli ultimi anni. Antoine Deltour è comparso davanti al tribunale del Lussemburgo per aver diffuso migliaia di documenti contenenti gli accordi fiscali tra il Lussemburgo e 300 multinazionali. L'informatore all'origine del Luxleaks rischia ora 10 anni di prigione e oltre un milione di euro di multa. Euronews ha intervistato il suo avvocato William Bourdon.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source ©Euronews
Migranti: giustizia boccia l'Australia, "illegale" la detenzione su isol...
Bocciata dalla Corte Suprema della Papua Nuova Guinea la politica di gestione dei migranti australiana. Il tribunale ha definito "illegale e incostituzionale" la detenzione dei richiedenti asilo in un campo dell'isola di Manus dove si trovano circa 850 persone. La marina australiana respinge le imbarcazioni di migranti e coloro che riescono a raggiungere le sue coste vengono trasferiti in centri di detenzione al di fuori del Paese, come quello in Papua Nuova Guinea.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
La moda di volare ad AERO, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - hi-tech
606 aziende da 35 paesi, 33 000 visitatori e 600 giornalisti provenienti da tutto il mondo erano all'ultimo AERO, la maggiore fiera europea per l'aviazione da diporto. A Friedrichshafen, sul Lago di Costanza, si sono materializzate novità e innovazioni che vanno dal settore degli ultraleggeri ad alianti, business jet, elicotteri e non solo.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
BP in rosso nel primo trimestre. Ma i mercati festeggiano i dividendi - ...
I colori di BP sono due: il nero del greggio, il cui prezzo nel primo trimestre ha toccato i minimi da 13 anni, ed il rosso dei conti: 583 milioni di dollari di perdita netta.
Eppure questo martedì la Borsa ha premiato il titolo. Una dinamica che gli analisti imputano non tanto al fatto che al lordo degli oneri straordinari l'utile è stato di 532 milioni di dollari, quanto piuttosto alla decisione di mantenere il dividendo da 10 centesimi ad azione.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Scandalo emissioni, Mitsubishi ammette: test manipolati dal 1991
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Anniversario Chernobyl, a Kiev una cerimonia religiosa in memoria delle ...
Un rintocco per ogni anno trascorso. Era l'una e 23 di notte del 26 aprile 1986 quando un test male eseguito nella centrale atomica di Chernobyl provocò la "peggiore catastrofe nella storia del nucleare civile.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Norway to appeal Breivik human rights ruling
The Norwegian state says it does not agree that prison conditions for mass killer Anders Breivik violate his human rights. The country's justice minister said on Tuesday it intends to appeal a court ruling that they do. Last week a district court said that keeping Breivik largely in isolation breached the European Convention on Human Rights.
The ruling found he had been woken up hourly by guards for long periods and he had been
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
First all-out doctor's strike in the history of England's National Healt...
A "bleak day". That was one reaction by government ministers to the first all-out doctors' strike in the history of England's National Health Service - the NHS. The walkout which began at eight in the morning with similar action on Wednesday has been taken by 53,000 junior doctors.
They want the government to abandon a new contract which it intends to introduce in June. For the first time the stoppage affects Accident and Emergency, maternity and intensive care.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Dutch "horror dentist" jailed for mutilating many mouths in France
A Dutchman known as the "horror dentist" for mutilating the mouths of more than 100 patients has been sentenced to eight years in France. Jacobus "Mark" van Nierop, 51, performed what the court described as "useless and painful procedures". It's thought his aim was to defraud medical insurance, and he took "pleasure in causing pain."
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Laid back remains advice historical diggers to "be cheerful, enjoy your ...
A new archeological find in Turkey has surprised scientists by giving surprising prescriptive advice. The 2,400 year-old skeleton mosaic found in Hatay reads “Be cheerful, enjoy your life”. The discovery, said to be unique, belonged to the dining room of a house from the 3rd century BC.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Whistleblowers "essential for democracy" says LuxLeaks lawyer
Antoine Deltour is the man at the heart of one of the biggest scandals of the last few years. He is going on trial in Luxembourg accused of having revealed secret tax deals between Luxembourg and around 300 multinationals. The whistleblower behind the LuxLeaks could face ten years in prison as well as a million Euros in fines.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Supporters of cleric Al Sadr protest in Iraqi capital Baghdad
Supporters of influential Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr gathered in central Baghdad to protest against what they say is rampant corruption and call for a cabinet reshuffle.
Demonstrators have been holding a sit in for weeks. They say divisions between lawmakers have brought the government to a standstill.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Scandal engulfing Mitsubishi widens with new revelation about testing me...
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Canada PM condemns "cold-blooded" murder of Philippines hostage
A Canadian man believed to have been killed by Abu Sayyaf militants in the Philippines has been identified as John Ridsdel. The 68-year-old former mining executive from Calgary, Alberta was kidnapped and taken hostage while on holiday last year. His severed head was discovered on Monday night on a remote southern island; five hours after the expiry of a six million euro ransom deadline set by the Islamist militants.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the killing.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
The medical response in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster
On the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster Euronews has talked to one of the world's leading experts on radiation-related health issues
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Candle-lit vigils to mark 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster
A bell
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
NETHERLANDS - Grote zorgen om vermiste Cynthia
The missing Cynthia parents are desperate. On Telegraph TV they said that their daughter would never just run away. Maastricht has been missing since last week. Four days after her disappearance has pinned her only in Spain, but what she does that is a mystery.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
NETHERLANDS - ‘Rutte moet Erdogan streng toespreken’
The opposition in parliament thinks that the government is still too slack occurs in case Ebru Umar. The columnist was arrested last Saturday in Turkey. She is now free again, but may not leave the country.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - ©DeTelegraaf
NETHERLANDS - Twee ongelukken op A59
The A59 motorway between Raamsdonksveer and Zonzeel closed by two accidents. First rallied a truck so that the roadway was completely blocked. Not much later popped another six cars and three trucks on display.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
NETHERLANDS - Tenten bezwijken onder sneeuw
Campers in the Drenthe Grolloo had probably represented something different from their holidays. Not a nice spring sunshine, but a whole lot of snow descended on them.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
CANADA - Would you return found money? The Vancouver honesty test
If someone dropped money in front of you, would you return it? Ross McLaughlin conducted an honesty experiment in Vancouver.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News
CANADA - Renewed warnings for women using acne medicine Accutane
There are renewed warnings about the side effects of Accutane amid concerns too many women are ignoring them.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News
CANADA - 85-year-old marathon runner sets world record
85-year-old Ed Whitlock set a world record on Sunday. Allison Tanner has more on what he accomplished.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News
TECHNOLOGY - Hover Camera is a flying pint-sized personal cameraperson
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©Cnet
DIETOLOGY - Omega-6 or 3? The Skinny on Fats – What's Healthy, What's Not
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CBN News
TORONTO (CANADA) - Check out Toronto's latest weapon in the war on 'raccoon nation'
Toronto's putting its raccoons on a diet. The city begins rolling out new green bins next week, designed to lock out the perennial compost bandits. The raccoon-resistant latch sits on top of the green beans and has to be twisted at a 90-degree angle to open. That's something raccoons physically cannot do — at least according to the bin's manufacturer. "Raccoons apparently don't have thumbs so they don't have the ability to turn a lever," Rob Orpin, the city's director of collections and litter operations said with barely suppressed glee Monday. "There's not a raccoon that's gotten into it yet."
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News
CANADA - Tim Bosma trial: Co-accused's ex-girlfriend, Marlena Meneses, to give m...
Mark Smich's lawyer has begun his cross-examination of his client's ex-girlfriend, a day after Marlena Meneses detailed their stormy relationship. In the trial of two men accused of killing Hamilton man Tim Bosma, Thomas Dungey was out to present positive parts of Meneses' relationship with Smich: how he encouraged her to go back to school and helped get her off cocaine. The questioning also touched on her distrust of co-accused Dellen Millard.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News
CANADA - Trudeau outraged by beheading of Canadian hostage, John Ridsdel
Family of John Ridsdel says they are devastated by his death at the hands of kidnappers in the Philippines. They say his life was "cut tragically short by this senseless act of violence despite us doing everything within our power to bring him home." Ridsdel was one of four hostages, including fellow Canadian Robert Hall, held by the Abu Sayyaf militants since last September. The 68-year-old was described as semi-retired and was the former chief operating officer of mining company TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc., a subsidiary of Canada's TVI Pacific, where he was a consultant, a company officer said. The kidnappers had issued a ransom deadline that lapsed Monday morning. Evidence of a beheading was found along a street in Jolo town in Sulu province, according to Jolo police Chief Supt. Junpikar Sitin .
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News
UNITED KINGDOM - Hillsborough Verdict: Families crying and hugging - BBC News
Families of the 96 Liverpool FC fans who died at #Hillsborough crying and hugging after a jury concludes the fans' behavior did NOT contribute to the stadium disaster. The 96 were unlawfully killed.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©BBC News
TECHNOLOGY - Waiting for 3G: Palestinians call for connection
Mobile phone users around the world take 3G or even 4G services for granted.
But Palestinians remain in the technological dark ages, despite the signing of an agreement with the Israeli government six months ago. The lack of access has already cost the Palestinian economy billions of dollars.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©lJazeera
ENGLAND - British retailer BHS struggles to stay afloat
One of the biggest brands in British shopping has gone into administration.
BHS - a name on hundreds of high streets across the UK for almost a century - has run out of cash.
Eleven thousand jobs and 20 thousand pensions are now at stake.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
MEXICO - Top Mexican officials apologize over torture videos
Footage shared online showed men and women being tortured during interrogation by Mexican soldiers and police - leading to a rare apology from high-level officials.
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
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