Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Closer": François Hollande demande le "respect de sa vie privée"

NASA video: Monster sunspot erupts with X-class flare towards Earth

6 человек пострадали в обстреле оппозиционерного лагеря по манифестантам в столице Тайланда

Thai army chief warns of escalating violence as coup fears mount in Banglok

Скончался Ариэль Шарон

Ariel Sharon, controversial life of a soldier turned politician


Самыми многочисленными оказались: Аргын, Найман и Дулат.

ХВАТИТЬ УЖЕ! Сколько можно делиться на свои и чужие?

Cовсем недавно мы приобрели независимость и мы пытаемся как-то обьедениться. Как ничтожны наши с вами усилия? 
Разве мы можем составить целостную нацию и выйти на мировую арену в то время как у нас все еще внутри соревнуются кто выше, сильнее и быстрее? Нельзя ли просто смериться с тем что ты казах и все мы связаны одной территорией – Казахстан. И вообще такого рода статистика вызывает у каждого казаха двойные чувства: с одной стороны- хвастовство, с другой - зависть. И оба эти чувства разрушительны. С какой же целью данная статистика была проведена? 

Atyrau, 11/01/2014-INCNews 

Jetman tries his first looping - no comment

International Ice Festival in China - no comment

World's largest sushi mosaic created in Hong Kong - no comment

World's largest sushi mosaic created in Hong Kong - no comment

Giant wave in Foz do Porto - no comment

Hollande private life opened or opened the private life of Hollande

Duty to believe, once again, that the government of a nation could fall if its Prime Minister or President has an affair outside of marriage, suggests that the old "prudery" of the past is never gone. The report of JFK with Marilyn Monroe before, fellatio done ​​by an intern to President Clinton and other unmentionables made ​​by Generals or other High Level personages, does not leave the citizen clear or satisfied. The right-thinking only creates problems to be operated by a politician who has sex, but the question arises: who occupies a very high or very important position in a Nation, has not a private life? Or to urinate must ask the House to take advantage of the Cabinet for it?

Atyrau, 11/01/2014-INC News

Italian Officers Condemned to Capital Sentence

Certamente qualcosa occorre sospettare accada, se i due ufficiali dovessero essere giustiziati. Una delle cose che sinceramente ci preoccupa è la possibile reazione contro cittadini indiani residenti in Italia, che sarebbero a rischio di azioni sconsiderate di gruppi estremisti pronti a tutto. Noi siamo dalla parte delle Nazioni progredite e socialmente democratiche, nelle quali una azione di condanna capitale viene generalmente commutata in un ergastolo; ora qui ci si trova di fronte ad una azione da parte del Governo di una nazione in cui la presa di posizione di un singolo potrebbe stravolgere un intero equilibrio internazionale. Siamo fiduciosi che i Giudici indiani faranno la a più giusta ed eviteranno peggiori conseguenze di quelle generate dai due ufficiali e non del tutto chiarite nella loro responsabilità.

Surely something must be happening suspect, in case the two officers were to be executed. One of the things that truly worries us is the possible backlash against Indian nationality residents in Italy, who would be at risk of the reckless actions of extremist groups ready for anything. We are on the side of Nations socially progressive and democratic, in which a capital sentence is usually commuted to a life sentence, and now here we are in front of an action by the government of a country in which the position of an individual could disrupt an entire international balance. We are confident that the Indian Judges will make a fairer and avoid the worst consequences of those generated by the two officers, and not completely clear in their responsibilities.

Atyrau, 11/01/2014-INC News

And after the ice and frost the insult by water

The logical consequence is rightly said that one thing it follows a second. Now, after the frost and the cold and the snow and the discomfort and dangers of all types, the Americans comes the trick of the floods, logically derived from melting of snow and ice. The dangers arising from the devastation of water in rivers, when overflows, it is certainly a danger of high flow. For many years the United States are bombarded by continuous flooding, which created a serious economic problem in the country, which he had to take decisive action to safeguard human lives and the same national territory. Example be always the huge flood of 1956 in the Netherlands, for which over 100 thousand people lost everything they had and 54 thousand people died from the force of the stormy sea.

Atyra, 11/01/2014-INC News

Another Thriller in the world

Once again we are faced with a crime that has no explanation, although it was definitely worn for a simple robbery. What interested us is to emphasize not so much the crime itself, but the fact that a woman is still killed by armed violence. There is not a country where women can feel quite, and apparently there is not even the tranquility of being together with a companion that allows her in some defense. Today we kill more easily and at the same time using violence, but very far beyond the limits of decency: During the funeral of the actress sure the cameras will film the audience to observe possible suspects, but we fear that the truth will be found far at the time.

Atyrau, 11/01/2014-INC News