Thursday, July 2, 2015

Digital amnesia: Mobile phones deprive users of memory skills

A lot of people prefer to store information in their mobile phones instead of keeping it in their heads, a new study from Kaspersky Lab reports; thus the loss or breakdown of a mobile phone can be a disaster for modern people. While mobile phones and other devices are increasingly essential in our lives and often the main place we store all our information and manage our daily schedules, Kaspesky lab has published a study attempting to uncover how modern technologies affect human memory skills.Kaspersky lab surveyed 6,000 users aged 16 and older in eight European countries. The results showed that 49 percent of UK respondents do not remember their parents’ telephone numbers, 57 percent hasn’t memorized the number for their place of work, 71 percent of parents can’t dial their children off the top of their head, and 87 percent don’t know the number of their children’s schools by heart. On the other hand, 47 percent can recite the phone numbers they had when they were between age 10 and 15, likely before devices had such large memories.
Read article HERE
INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

Приезжие продали в Москве фальшивого парфюма на миллионы рублей

В Москве разоблачили производителей контрафактных духов. Ранее Отделу экономической безопасности и противодействия коррупции по Восточному округу стало известно о том, что в ряде столичных магазинов продаётся парфюмерия с сомнительными душистыми свойствами. В результате выяснилось, что мошенники организовали целое предприятие, где максимально быстро упаковывали и готовили к распространению парфюмерию якобы лучших мировых брендов. У подозреваемых изъяли продукцию на сумму более, чем в 10 млн. рублей. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Pravda

Security Worries Heading Into July 4 Weekend

Трагедия в метро: суд спустя год

Трагедия в метро: суд спустя год
В Дорогомиловском суде Москвы начались предварительные слушания по делу о крушении поезда метро в июле прошлого года. В результате той страшной аварии погибли 24 человека, около 200 получили различные травмы. Ущерб превысил 330 миллионов рублей. Спустя год собраны доказательства вины четверых подсудимых. 

INC News,02/07/2015 - via Russia 24

Назарбаев призвал казахстанцев стать мобильнее

Нурсултан Назарбаев призвал казахстанцев стать мобильнее. По мнению Президента Казахстана, его соотечественники слишком привязаны к своим квартирам. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via TengiNews

Речь Владимира Путина на открытии гала-концерта XV международного конкур...

Президент России Владимир Путин посетил гала-концерт XV международного конкурса имени Чайковского. Конкурс приурочен к 175-летию со дня рождения великого русского композитора.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

Двойника Димы Билана с килограммом кокаина сняли камеры в клубе

В Алматы отправили на нары одного из лидеров «Таблиги Джамаат» | Новости...

В Турции скончался казахстанский турист | Новости | КТК

Жара в Европе не спадает

Во Франции, Испании и Португалии столбик термометра поднялся выше сорока градусов. Многие поезда во Франции остановлены - из-за экстремальной температуры начали расширяться рельсы и деформироваться электрокабели.
"Поезда опаздывают, пассажирам не предоставляют достаточно информации, меняют номер платформы в последний момент и люди не знают куда им в результате идти. К тому же, на платформах просто толпы народа!", - жалуется один пассажиров.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - Euronews

Дубай хочет отмены санкций против Ирана - economy

Еще с тех пор, как основой экономики эмирата Дубай была ловля жемчуга, деревянные лодки дау из бухты Дубай-крик возили товары в Иран через Персидский залив. До ближайшего иранского порта - острова Киш - менее 200 километров, 10 часов пути. 
Торговля между Объединенными арабскими эмиратами и Ираном процветала, несмотря на американские санкции. Но введение международных в 2012 году нанесло по бизнесу ощутимый удар. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Movie 01 kala kelbeti Alaiaktar 30 06 15 mpg ЗАМЕНА

Spagna: nuovo calo del numero di disoccupati a giugno - economy

Il numero di disoccupati in Spagna diminuisce per il quinto mese consecutivo, complice l’inizio della stagione turistica:quasi 95mila in meno a giugno rispetto al mese precedente, quasi 330mila in meno rispetto a un anno fa. Il calo è stato registrato soprattutto nel settore dei servizi. Ma il dato complessivo resta drammatico: i disoccupati sono oltre quattro milioni. Il ministero del Lavoro non comunica il tasso di disoccupazione, l’ultimo dato ufficiale risale a marzo quando l’istituto nazionale di statistica ha indicato che il tasso di senza lavoro sfiorava il 24%.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Filippine: naufraga traghetto, decine di vittime

Un'imbarcazione con a bordo 173 passeggeri e 16 membri dell'equipaggio è naufragata nel centro delle Filippine: il bilancio provvisorio parla di almeno 36 persone decedute. 
Il traghetto "Kim Nirvana", piccolo battello a motore lungo 27 metri con bilancieri ai lati, era salpato da Ormoc ed era diretto all'isola di Camotes.
L'incidente è avvenuto in prossimità dell'isola di Leyte, nella parte centrale del Paese: in 118 sono stati tratti in salvo, alcune decine di persone invece mancano all'appello.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Stay in, stay cool and stay calm - Europe swelters as heatwave stretches

The Heatwave scorching a trail across Europe has led to some surprising consequences. In France, thousands of train passengers had their journey’s interrupted as rail tracks expanded causing inevitable chaos. “Trains arrive slower, there is no information , people ride thinking they’re on the right train, in fact they make them change platforms and put them on already crowded,” said one commuter.With temperatures not dropping below 40 degrees across much of Spain, thousands of people have been heading to the seaside, forcing authorities to limit the number of sunbathers. Britain is experiencing its hottest summer in living memory, but the Met Office has warned that it is likely to come to an end for many with severe wet weather forecast over the next few days.
Many Germans are still making the most of of the hot spell, though, including 90-year-old Annelie Dehnert-Hilscher who like many pensioners has been advised to stay hydrated and in contact with friends and family.“I’m lucky to have Lake Constance to cool off in and it’s ok, as long as it's only three days.”
INC News, 02/07/2015 - via EURONEWS

Scores dead as Philippines ferry capsizes

In the Philippines local media captured the desperate scenes of a search and rescue operation after a ferry capsized. Survivors spoke of having to swim from underneath the upturned boat to get to shore, while seven rescue boats managed to pick up the remaining passengers. 
At least 36 people have died, while the coastguard reported 127 had been rescued and 26 remain unaccounted for. The boat carrying 189 passengers overturned suddenly minutes after leaving the port of Ormoc.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Van De Telegraaf - Tips voor een hete nacht

Goudeerlijke Amsterdammers geven bijzondere tips om een hete nacht door te komen. Verder is burgemeester Van Aartsen van Den Haag helemaal klaar met de relschoppers die de Schilderswijk onveilig maken. U ziet het in deze nieuwsupdate met Maarten Steendam.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf

‘Heetste julidag ooit dichtbij’

Verschillende warmterecords kunnen vandaag verbroken worden. Weerchef Frans Schrader vertelt welke dat zijn. Verder aandacht voor een scheepsramp voor de kust van de Filipijnen.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Washington Navy Yard being searched by police

Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal link with Qatari royal family

Emails of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton published by the State Department expose that the Qatari Royal family made efforts to befriend the American politician through former British PM Tony Blair’s spouse, Cherie Blair.
Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, a wife of the former emir of Qatar and the mother of the ruling emir, Sheikh Tamin bin Hamad Al-Thani, established contact with Clinton via Cherie Blair.
Read article HERE

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

UK security agencies spied on Merkel’s Greek bailout plans for banks, passed data to NSA

British intelligence agencies spied on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other leaders as they discussed Greek bailout plans for European banks in 2011, WikiLeaks revelations suggest. Phone calls from top German ministers, public officials and even Merkel’s personal assistant were intercepted by the UK and shared with the US National Security Agency (NSA).
WikiLeaks claims the leaked cables reveal Merkel’s personal skepticism about solutions to Greece’s financial crisis and Berlin’s support for a special IMF bailout for banks funded by the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The cables, published Wednesday, also purport to show Germany’s support for a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) to be levied on banks, a move opposed by the UK and US. WikiLeaks has not revealed the source for this latest round of intelligence. The publication follows thousands of cables leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Read article HERE
INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

Russians are confident in their military

An overwhelming majority of Russian citizens believes that their military forces are capable of repelling any threats, shows the latest poll conducted by the state agency VTSIOM.
Sociologists say this year’s polls mark a change in the tendency of most negative attitude to the military that existed in the Russian community over the past several years. Moreover, the approval of the forces and people’s desire to join them have reached their historical maximums.
The share of those who said that they did not doubt the capabilities of the Russian military was 86 percent – up from just 66 percent a year ago. Only 10 percent claimed to harbor contrary beliefs, down from 25 percent in 2014.
Read article HERE
INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT


BP to pay a record $18.7bn over 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Under the agreement reached by BP and five US states along the Gulf of Mexico, the British oil major will pay out $18.7 billion over 18 years. The deal resolves the firm of the remaining liabilities from the biggest oil spill in US history.
A record $5.5 billion will cover federal penalties under the Clean Water Act. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Texas will receive payouts for harm done in the oil spill.

AUSTRALIA - Over 11k dental patients in Sydney at risk of HIV, hepatitis exposure over poor cleaning

More than 11,000 dental patients in Sydney are in danger of having contracted HIV or other blood-transmitted diseases due to improper equipment cleaning throughout the city. The ongoing probe has seen six dentists’ registration suspended and one dental practice shut down.
At the end of last year, patient complaints led to an investigation into the local dental clinic network Gentle Dentist, and infection breaches were discovered. In particular, Dr. Robert Starkenburg’s practice closed in December.
Read article HERE

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - MPs propose granting police exceptional rights

A group of Russian lawmakers has drafted a bill broadening police powers and giving them the “presumption of trust.” Among other things, this would allow them to break into cars and homes without warrants and open gunfire at mass gatherings of people.
The news was reported on Thursday by popular business daily Kommersant, which referred to one of the main sponsors of the bill, deputy head of the State Duma Committee for Security Aleksandr Khinshteyn (United Russia). Khinshteyn told reporters that the bill was prepared a year ago, but its drafting was delayed because of lengthy consultations with the presidential administration and the government. The most important feature of the document is the declaration of the new approach of the state and society to the police officers and their work.

INCNews, 02/07/2015 - via RT

AMERICA - Mass evacuations in Tennessee after train crash releases toxic fumes

More than 5,000 people near Knoxville, Tennessee, have been evacuated after a freight train carrying “highly flammable and toxic gas” derailed and caught fire on Thursday morning.Seven firefighters have been taken to hospital after breathing in fumes from the blaze, while a 1-mile evacuation zone has been put in place around where the train came off the tracks.
INC News, 02/07/2015 -via RT

Pilot in wing suit makes 'craziest base jump ever' through tiny mountain hole

An Italian pilot has made what has been hailed as the most incredible, and dangerous base jump ever. Uli Emanuele put on his wing suit, fixed his GoPro camera and managed to dive through a two-meter wide crevasse in a mountain.
Emanuele dreamt about a sensational base jump for several years, looking for the best location and preparing for what could turn out to be a world record.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

UKRAINE - Bus from hell: Flaming vehicle causes panic in Ukrainian city

A driverless ‘ghost’ bus enveloped in flames has been causing havoc in the city of Lvov in Western Ukraine. The vehicle, abandoned by its passengers, can be seen in a video careering downhill while other vehicles desperately try to get out of its way. 
The bus is seen moving uncontrollably down the road, with drivers of other vehicles trying to avoid contact with it. At a certain moment the vehicle speeds up, veers into the oncoming traffic and crashes into a tree, continuing to burn out.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via RT

GERMANY - Robot kills a man at Volkswagen plant

A machine on an assembly line grabbed a worker and thrust him against a metal slab, causing lethal injuries. The tragedy occurred at a plant belonging to German automaker Volkswagen (VW) in Baunatal, on Monday.
A 21 year old man, who is not an employee of the plant, was assembling the robot for a new motor production line, according to the His Meissen-based company had built the machine for the automaker. He was the only person in the proximity of the machine. Other workers were standing in the outer area. The robot grabbed the man and threw him against a metal slab. He suffered a severe blow to the chest area and died in hospital.
VW spokesman Heiko Hillwig said that human error is to blame for the incident, according to the Associated Press. He said that the machine is programed to grab auto parts and manipulate them. It operates in a restricted area of the plant. The factory at Baunatal, 100 kilometers north of Frankfurt, is the second largest for the Volkswagen brand. It doesn’t make vehicles, but assembles components for other plants.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Taiwan crash pilot 'pulled the wrong throttle'

Taiwan's Aviation Safety Council report says the captain of a TransAsia Airways mistakenly switched off the plane's only working engine. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Mykonos, i turisti assicurano la circolazione della liquidità

Le file davanti le banche di Atene, diventate il simbolo della crisi greca non si vedono a Mykonos. Sull'isola più famosa del Mar Egeo, i turisti continuano ad arrivare come ogni estate. 
Il controllo dei capitali, certo, è arrivato anche qui, ma i residenti possono contare sugli stranieri che non essendo sottopsosti a limiti di prelievo, allievano l'economia locale. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Tunisia: arrestate dodici persone

Il governo tunisino ha reso noto di avere arrestato 12 persone sospettate di coinvolgimento nell’attentato sulla spiaggia di Sousse, nel parco dell’hotel Imperial Marhaba, che ha causato 38 vittime.  Inoltre, la polizia è alla ricerca di altri 2 elementi che hanno ricevuto formazione militare in Libia, presumibilmente assieme agli autori della strage al Museo del Bardo, avvenuta lo scorso marzo, in cui morirono 21 persone.

INC News, 02.07/2015 - via Euronews

Liberia, torna l'incubo Ebola. Morti e nuovi contagi vicino Monrovia

Torna l'incubo ebola in Liberia, dove il virus sarebbe stata la causa del decesso di due persone, tra cui un adolescente. Positive a Ebola altre due persone, entrate in contatto con l'adolescente. Il Paese era stato dichiarato fuori dall'emergenza tre mesi fa. 
I nuovi casi si sono registrati in un villaggio poco lontano dalla capitale Monvrovia, dove sono state messe in quarantena almeno 100 persone.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

"Sono insolventi". La compagnia russa Gazprom chiude i rubinetti del gas...

Questo non arriverà ad alcun prezzo senza pre-pagamenti e finora l'Ucraina è morosa. È la versione del colosso russo del gas all'interruzione delle forniture di metano, attribuita invece da Kiev al mancato nuovo accordo martedì nelle negoziazioni tenutesi a Vienna. 
Secondo l'amministratore delegato di Gazprom è solo una questione economica: senza prepagamenti per i rifornimenti l'Ucraina non avrà nulla. 

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Tourists enjoying Mykonos sun aware of Greek hosts' dark clouds

It might be hard to believe as the crisis heads towards a climax, but there is another – previously more familiar – face to Greece.  On the island of Mykonos tourists are still enjoying holidays in idyllic surroundings and relatively protected from the restrictions imposed on the Greeks.  Capital controls don’t apply for foreign cash cards, although some visitors are taking out plenty of money in advance.  “Actually, we weren’t really afraid, but we did take some measures as a precaution. On the cruise ship, there are ATMsATM, so we took cash out to be able to pay in shops where credit cards might not be accepted,” said Venezuelan tourist Laura Leon.  But with Greeks limited to withdrawing 60 euros a day from machines, some stores are asking to be paid in cash, so that they in turn can pay suppliers who need banknotes and coins to survive.
“We are asking people to give us more change, so we don’t run out of change for the week, until the banks are open, but they are all very kind and they are cooperating and until now we didn’t have a problem,” said souvenir shop seller Nadina Takoussis.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Tunisia arrests 12 suspected in Sousse beach attack

Tunisian authorities have arrested 12 people suspected of links with the beach terror attack in Sousse. They are continuing the search for two men who trained in a Libyan jihadist camp alongside the Sousse gunman Seifeddine Rezgui and the Bardo Museum attackers.  By Tuesday, police released the photos of Rafkhe Talari and Bin Abdallah wanted in connection with the beach massacre. Thirty-eight tourists, mostly British nationals were killed in the attack. Twenty-two people were killed by two gunmen in the Tunis Bardo Museum attack in March.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

New Ebola cases in Liberia raise fears of fresh outbreak

New cases of Ebola have been detected in Liberia, nearly two months after the West African country was declared free of the virus.  The authorities are monitoring, at least 100 people thought to have been in contact with a 17-year-old boy, Abraham Memaigar, who died on Sunday in Margibi County, about 50 kilometers east of the capital Monrovia. He had originally been misdiagnosed with malaria.  Health officials are quoted as saying two more cases were identified on Wednesday, raising fears that hidden pockets of the virus may remain.  In the village of Nedowein, the dead teenager’s home has been placed under quarantine and health officials wearing boots and rubber gloves went house-to-house confining people to their homes.
A health authority spokesman in Margibi County, Cestus Tarpeh, told the AFP news agency that the two new cases had been in contact with the boy. Dr Moses Massaquoi, case management team leader for Liberia’s Ebola task force, said that the people under surveillance included 14 health workers who have placed themselves in quarantine.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via Euronews

Supercell storm hits Kansas City, Missouri

Greek debt crisis: Anger as pensioners queue to withdraw cash - BBC News

Nearly 1,000 banks are opening for the first time this week to allow pensioners who do not have bank cards to withdraw funds.
Queues formed outside many branches before dawn. There were anger and confusion as some banks decided to serve customers in alphabetical order. Many were told they would have to return on Thursday or Friday. 

INCNews, 02/07/2015 - via BBCNews

Sir Nicholas Winton: The life of a Holocaust hero - BBC News

Tornado Hits Western Missouri

The National Weather Service says a tornado has touched down in suburban Kansas City on Wednesday, but there are no immediate reports of injuries.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via AP

Prison of Passion: Relationships Between Female Officers, Inmates

As new allegations emerge about David Sweat and a prison employee, a former Rikers correction officer talks about forbidden love behind bars.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via ABC

Man Questioned About Arizona Missing Couple

Authorities in Arizona questioned a "person of interest" Wednesday night in the case of a Phoenix-area couple missing for more than a week. Michael and Tina Careccia went missing on June 22nd

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via AP

Pope To Meet With Homeless, Prisoners In US

Pope Francis will meet with homeless people, immigrants and prisoners during his upcoming trip to Cuba and the United States and become the first pope to address the U.S. Congress

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via AP

Raw: Long Lines Outside Closed Greek Banks

Long lines of people are waiting outside Greece's mostly-closed banks. Banks have been mostly closed all week to prevent a crash from mass money withdrawals.

INC News, 02/07/2015 - via AP