Tuesday, July 21, 2015

3 Spanish journalists feared kidnapped in Syria

The journalists who entered Syria on July 10 from Turkey were working on an investigative report in the northern city of Aleppo “and there has been no news of them since July 12,” Spanish press association FAPE said in a statement.
"We don't know (if they were together) doing their investigative reports in Aleppo, just that another three Spanish journalists were kidnapped in the same area nearly a year ago," said FAPE president Elsa Gonzalez. The three men have been identified as Antonio Pampliega, Jose Manuel Lopez and Angel Sastre.

INC News, 21/07/2015 - via RT

Мигранты меняют лицо Европы

В Воронежской области упавшая крыша повредила восемь машин

ФСБ задержала оружейных контрабандистов

ВИЧ побежден? Первый в истории случай стойкой ремиссии

Авиадебошир с рейса Гонконг-Владивосток угрожал стюардессе расправой

Российские парашютистки собрали «восьмерку» в небе

В Стамбуле полиция разогнала антиправительственный митинг

Тысячи человек приняли участие в демонстрации в центре Стамбула против теракта в Суруче и политики турецкого правительства, которая, по их мнению, потворствует терроризму. Полиция сначала не препятствовали акции, но затем применила водометы и слезоточивый газ для её разгона. Один человек получил ранение пластиковой пулей. О задержаниях не сообщается.

INC News, 21/07/2015 - via RT

Новости КТК

Новости КТК

Новости КТК

Работники парома перекрыли туннель под Ла Маншем

Голландская полиция арестовала крупный арсенал оружия

Лондон и Пекин могут быть стёрты с лица земли из-за климатических изменений

Каноэ возрастом 2000 лет

О климате говорят в Париже и в Ватикане

Французские моряки блокировали подъезд к туннелю под Ла-Маншем - economy

Земля с расстояния 1 млн км

Турция: власти идентифицировали террориста, но курды им не верят

В Бурунди проходят выборы президента

Томографы нового поколения - science

tor rus 21 07 15

ТРЕНДЫ ВТО 21,07,15

Tires Burning: Ferry workers strike block Channel Tunnel in Calais

Striking workers from MyFerryLink set fire to tires on the motorway and blocked the Channel Tunnel entrance in Calais, to protest against planned job cuts after Eurotunnel announced they were selling the company to Denmark's DFDS in early June

INC News, 21/07/2015 - via RT

Slovenia: scoperta canoa più antica del mondo vicino a Lubiana

Identificato il kamikaze che ha ucciso 32 studenti in Turchia

Clima, Francia e Vaticano si mobilitano per un accordo alla conferenza d...

Messico: tassisti contro veicoli con conducente. Una cittâ a ferro e fuoco

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Dutch police arrest 8 after 'unprecedented' weapons haul

2,000-year-old dugout canoe recovered from Slovenia river

Mexico taxi drivers clash over 'pirate' operators

Sources: Chattanooga shooter had been radicalizing for years

Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'

In Australia, 3D printers could revolutionise medical training

Ordinary Russians hurt most from Western-imposed sanctions

Kansas Woman Uses Tire Iron to Save Baby Trapped in Hot Car

Sandra Bland Jailhouse Video Shows Last Moments of Her Life

Cold Justice? Woman beats alleged molester tied to tree in India

A woman, who was reportedly molested by the accused, raised the alarm and locals promptly started to search for the man. Once they found the suspect they tied him to a tree and repeatedly flogged and beat him. Locals reportedly said they felt they had to take matters into their own hands as the police were ignoring their previous complaints against the suspect. 

INC News, 21/07/2015 - via RT

‘Tunesië kan niet zonder toerisme’

Buurt rouwt na brute moorden

Een maand regen in één dag

Woningen ontruimd na fatale brand

HIV-AIDS: a cautious welcome to French case of "remission"

Toshiba boss quits over billion euro accounting scandal

Suruç attack: Turkey to tighten security along border with Syria

Forensic scientists reveal ancient text on charred biblical scroll

French farmers block cities in price protest

EU ministers postpone decision on migrant allocation

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Toshiba: decapitata la direzione. Frode da oltre un miliardo di euro

Francia, letame e caos contro grande distribuzione

Canada: cyberterrorismo e avventurieri

Isreale: decodificata la più antica pergamena biblica

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