Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (08.06.2016) 08 июня 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©Vesti - 1Kanal

ITALIA - TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 08/06/2016

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©TG La7 

HEALTH AND FOOD - Obesity Epidemic In America Getting Worse: Bottom Line | CNBC

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©CNBC News

CBN NewsWatch: June 8, 2016

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©CBN News

Во Франции учатся реагировать на теракты во время Евро-2016

По всей Франции за несколько дней до начала Чемпионата Европы по футболу проходят учения сотрудников правоохранительных органов. В Леоне на подобных учениях, на которых среди прочего отрабатывался и навык взаимодействия сотрудников разных спецслужб и структур, приняли участие сотни полицейских.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©BBC News ru

HUMAN RIGHTS - The world's most wanted people smuggler

Mered Medhanie has just been extradited from Sudan to Italy. Here's why.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©BBC News

Настоящее Время – Азия. 8 июня

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

KAZAKHSTAN - Назарбаев призывает казнить террористов

Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев призывает приговаривать террористов к смертной казни.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

KAZAKHSTAN - Похороны погибшего при нападении в Актобе

В Актобе прошли похороны Николая Онищенко, который погиб при нападении ранее неизвестных вооруженных людей.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

ITALY - Coast Guard Rescues Migrants at Sea

Italy's coast guard on Tuesday rescued 223 migrants sailing on board a wooden fishing vessel off the Libyan coast. The coast guard vessel docked in Sicily Wednesday. 

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©AP

AMERICAN POLICE - Dashcam Shows Cop Using Stun Gun, Force on Teen

A federal judge has released the police Dashcam video showing an Independence police officer using force and a stun gun on a teenager who went into cardiac arrest and suffered brain damage.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©AP

FRANCE - French police prepares ahead of Euro 2016

French police have been rehearsing their response to any possible terrorist threat ahead of the Euro 2016 football tournament that starts on Friday and is expected to attract millions of fans to the country.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source:  ©AlJazeera

VENEZUELA - Opposition clash with police, demand recall referendum

Venezuela's electoral council accepted the signatures of more than a million people demanding that President Nicolas Maduro leaves power before his term ends. It's a small step in a lengthy process, and one that the opposition says was purposefully delayed.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera


French Senate supports resolution to lift EU sanctions against Russia

The French Senate has voted in favor of a resolution designed to lift EU-imposed sanctions slapped on Russia in 2014 over the crisis in eastern Ukraine and reunification with the Crimea. The motion is non-binding, however.
The initiatives of deputies and senators, aimed at pressuring the government, have “no binding force because the renewal of the embargo is made in Brussels and requires unanimity of the 28 Member States,” Le Figaro reported.
INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

CANADA's First Nations face systemic water crisis

Human Rights Watch says Canada has failed to provide clean drinking water to many indigenous citizens, despite being one of the wealthiest nations in the world. 

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

MEXICO killings - Report finds crimes against humanity

For the first time, an international civil rights group is accusing Mexico of committing crimes against humanity. The report follows decades of murder, rape and disappearances.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

USA ELECTION - Clinton Makes History as First Female Presidential Nominee for Major Party

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©abcNews

AMERICA - Kidnap Attempt in Broad Daylight Caught on Tape

Surveillance video shows a man inside Dollar General store dragging a 13-year-old girl towards the exit.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©abcNews

Panama Papers, ok dall'Europarlamento a commissione d'inchiesta

Ok dall'Europarlamento alla commissione d'inchiesta sui Panama Papers. L'organismo dovrà far luce su possibili casi di cattiva amministrazione e applicazione dei regolamenti europei anti riciclaggio e anti elusione fiscale. L'indagine non sarà rivolta soltanto a scoprire il ruolo avuto dalle 28 capitali, ma anche dall'esecutivo europeo. 
Per l'eurodeputato dei verdi, Sven Giegold, è fondamentale capire cosa non funziona ed evitare nuovi scandali del genere in futuro.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

ECONOMIA - Rosneft, utili in netto calo. Ma i conti sono migliori del previsto

Risultati poco brillanti per *Rosneft*. Il colosso russo dell'energia ha visto i propri *profitti netti crollare del 75%* nel primo trimestre a circa 193 milioni di euro. 
Gli analisti fanno però notare come al calo dei prezzi del greggio al barile di inizio anno l'azienda abbia reagito con *investimenti* per garantire le future entrate. 

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

TURCHIA - Autobomba esplode contro commissariato nel sud-est, almeno 2 vi...

Un'autobomba è esplosa contro un commissariato di polizia nel Sud-Est della Turchia, a maggioranza curda. 
L'attentato si è verificato nella cittadina di Midyat nella provincia di Mardin a 23 km dal confine siriano. Sul posto sono intervenute numerose ambulanze. Almeno due poliziotti sono rimasti uccisi, i feriti sarebbero una ventina.
La stessa provincia di Mardin è stata colpita in seguito da altre due esplosioni, nella città di Nusyabin. 

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

AUSTRIA - Ricorso dell'estrema destra contro risultato elezioni

L'estrema destra austriaca ricorre alla Corte costituzionale contro l'esito del voto per le presidenziali. 
Nelle scorse settimane l'Fpo aveva annunciato l'intenzione di esaminare gli "innumerevoli" presunti casi di frode che avrebbero "macchiato il voto".

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

IRAQ - Da milizie sciite ripetute violenze contro i civili sunniti di Fallujah

50.000 persone sono intrappolate dalla battaglia in corso Fallujah e la Croce Rossa internazionale chiede l'istituzione urgente di un corridoio umanitario. Chi riesce a fuggire dalla città irachena a maggioranza sunnita in mano all'Isil, teme le milizie sciite che avanzano con l'esercito iracheno.
Testimoni raccontano di sunniti sepolti vivi dai combattenti sciiti, mentre nel sud di Fallujah, sottratto all'Isil, è stata rinvenuta una fossa comune con più di 400 cadaveri.

INC News, 080/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

SPORT - Euro 2016, Germania, Polonia, Belgio sono arrivate in Francia

La nazionale tedesca sbarca a Evian, pronta per l'Euro 2016. Gli attuali campioni del mondo sono nella rosa dei favoriti per gli Europei organizzati dalla Francia. Il calcio d'avvio tra 3 giorni con la partita tra gli ospiti e la Romania.
Le condizioni in cui vengono accolte le squadre in arrivo sono impeccabili al di là dei timori riguardanti la minaccia terroristica e tenuto conto degli scioperi e della crisi legata alle inondazioni.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

BREXIT - A due settimane dal referendum, dibattito tv Cameron-Farage

A 15 giorni dal fatidico 23 giugno che deciderà il destino futuro delle relazioni tra Regno Unito ed Unione Europea, il Primo Ministro David Cameron ha affrontato un dibattito televisivo assieme al leader dello Ukip, avanguardia degli euroscettici, Nigel Farage. Cameron ha descritto la Brexit come un salto nel buio.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

TERRORISMO - Terrorista o trafficanti di armi? Il caso Moutaux divide Kiev e Parigi

Il caso di Grégoire Moutaux divide Kiev e Parigi. Il cittadino francese arrestato il 21 maggio con un arsenale di armi ed esplosivi al confine tra Ucraina e Polonia è legato a un gruppo terroristico. Ne è convinta l'intelligence di Kiev secondo cui il 25enne aveva in programma quindici attacchi in Francia. Per gli inquirenti francesi, invece, l'uomo non sarebbe un terrorista ma un trafficante di armi con simpatie per l'estrema destra.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

VENEZUELA - Manifestanti pro-referendum dispersi da polizia

Diventa sempre più incandescente in Venezuela l'atmosfera delle proteste contro il governo e per chiedere un referendum di revoca dei poteri del Presidente Nicolas Maduro. 
Migliaia di persone in marcia a Caracas verso il Consiglio Nazionale Elettorale si sono viste sbarrare la strada da un imponente dispiegamento di forze di polizia che "hanno usato gas lacrimogeni per disperdere la manifestazione.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA - Polizia spara su corteo, uccisi 4 studenti

La polizia spara sugli studenti che protestano contro il governo e in Papua Nuova Guinea scoppiano disordini e saccheggi. Almeno 4 giovani sarebbero rimasti uccisi e sono almeno 20 le persone rimaste ferite. Le notizie frammentarie da Port Moresby, capitale del Paese del Sud Pacifico, arrivano attraverso l'ambasciata australiana. 

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©euronews it

AVIATION - MC-21: Russian high-tech plane rolls out to challenge Airbus 320

We are honored to post this article from our colleague RTNews, because these pics show to all the world that Russia, despite the embargo and international sanction, is able to produce 75% alone high technologies and in this case the MC-21 is the example. 

The much-anticipated MC-21 aircraft, touted to become a direct rival of the Boeing-737 and Airbus 320, has been rolled out for official presentation in Irkutsk, Russia. Serial production of the medium- and short-range passenger jet is planned for 2017.
Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation, the umbrella organization that owns Irkut Corporation - the actual development of the plane - held an international presentation of the new aircraft on Wednesday. Building the jet reportedly cost 100 billion rubles (approximately US$3.5 billion). The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who congratulated the national aircraft industry, as MC-21 became the first Russia’s medium-range passenger aircraft developed this century.
“This is a huge victory for our aviation industry and Irkut Corporation, our scientists, designers, engineers and workers,”Medvedev said. “I’m sure this is going to be a good machine, reliable and efficient.”
The two-engine MC-21 will be delivered in three basic versions, with passenger capacity ranging from 150 to 211 seats. The range capability of the aircraft will vary from 5,500 to 6,000km (3,400-3,700 miles). The aircraft is being produced with extensive use of composite materials and alloys of aluminum and titanium, making it considerably lighter than its predecessors.

Read entire article, clicking HERE
INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

ITALY - Alleged people-smuggling ‘king-pin’ snatched in joint Italian-British operation

One of the world’s most notorious alleged people-smugglers, believed to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of migrants in the Mediterranean, has been extradited to Italy after being arrested in a joint Italian-British operation.
Mered Medhanie, an Eritrean national known as ‘the General’ for styling himself on the late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was flown to Rome earlier this week after being apprehended in Sudan’s capital Khartoum last month.
The British National Crime Agency and GCHQ assisted Italian prosecutors with tracking down 35-year-old Medhanie, who is believed to have arranged the transit of a boat that capsized near the Italian island of Lampedusa, leaving 359 dead in October 2013.
NCA deputy director, Tom Dowdall, said: Medhanie is a prolific people-smuggler and has absolute disregard for human life.
“Although he was operating thousands of miles away, his criminal activity was impacting the UK. Medhanie no doubt thought he was beyond the reach of European justice, but we were able to support the Italians by tracking him down to Sudan.”
The investigation, Operation Glauco, was started by Italian authorities in the wake of the Lampedusa tragedy.
INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews


Train in Paris carrying Euro 2016 Trophy, blocked during anti-labor protests

Access to the train carrying the Euro 2016 Trophy has been blocked “for security reasons” on arrival in Paris, according to championship officials. Anti-labor law protests are ongoing at the capital’s Gare du Nord.

Usually, football fans are allowed to enter the train and take a look at the trophy, however access to it was blocked on Wednesday due to ongoing anti-labor law protests, tour spokeswoman Shirley Ribeiro told AP.
The train has traveled via 25 cities, spending three days in each location that is hosting Euro 2016 matches. The trophy is in the first carriage of the train, which was specially refurbished as a football museum that can be visited by fans.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

KAZAKHSTAN - Live rounds fired at kids summer camp in Kazakhstan’s west

Unidentified gunmen have opened fire on a children's camp in Aktobe, Kazakhstan, a western town that recently suffered an extremist attack that claimed lives of six people. A sting operation has been underway to identify the criminals.
Gunfire was opened on security guards of kid’s summer camp [in Aktobe]. Shotgun fire was delivered from a white car,” president’s press-service cited the head of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, Vladimir Zhumakanov.
The incident took place Wednesday morning at around 8 am (02:00 GMT). The Kazakh Interior Ministry has not confirmed whether security personnel at the children’s camp were shot at.
“Information about gunfire at the kid’s camp has been looked into, but couldn’t be confirmed,” Interior Ministry spokesman Almas Sabudaev told the Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency.
Zhumakanov revealed the recent attack while meeting President Nursultan Nazarbaev. He also reported on the investigation of a recent extremist attack in the same area last week.
On June 5, two gun shops were robbed, a bus was hijacked and a military base in Aktobe came under a violent attack. The group consisted of local Islamists, who killed seven people, including three soldiers in a fierce shootout on the military compound’s territory, and wounded 37 people, most of them servicemen.
INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews


EgyptAir en route to Cairo makes emergency landing in Uzbekistan over bomb scare

The EgyptAir plane going from Cairo to Beijing has landed in Uzbekistan due to an explosion threat, RIA Novosti reports citing sources.
The plane has carried out the emergency landing after the authorities got an anonymous tip-off about an explosive on board, according to Kazakh media outlet Tengrinews.

INC News, 08/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews-TengriNews