Saturday, August 22, 2015


Mahmoud Abbas resigns as executive chairman of PLO 

Palestinian Autonomy president Mahmoud Abbas has reportedly quit his post as the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which he held from 2004, alongside several other top lieutenants. Abbas will continue in his role as PA leader.
The news, which had been widely anticipated since earlier this week, was confirmed by an RT Arabic correspondent in the PA administrative center of Ramallah, and local news agency Ma’an.

Россия успешно испытала "Тополь"

Нелегалов не остановят ни газ, ни гранаты

Бомбардировщик упал на шоссе в Британии и взорвался

Стрелка во французском поезде нейтрализовали туристы, студент и морпехи США

На востоке Китая взорвался химзавод

Строительство железной дороги в обход Украины на месяц опережает график

Финансовые рынки трясет от неопределенности

Бельгия и Франция ужесточают меры безопасности в поездах и на вокзалах

Великобритания. Трагедия на авиашоу: истребитель упал на шоссе

Теракт в Кабуле: среди погибших - сотрудники миссии НАТО

И Корея с Кореей говорит...

Франция: напавший на пассажиров поезда побывал в Сирии и был знаком спец...

Германия. Ультраправые против беженцев

Мэр Нью-Йорка решил снизить накал костюмированных страстей на Таймс-Сквер

Похороны "крёстного отца" в Риме: власти под огнём критики

Малала Юсуфзай получила британский школьный аттестат

В Нью-Йорке мужчины убил охранника здания и застрелился сам

Бэнкси открывает парк "злых" развлечений

Спасенные от ИГ: когда контрабанда людей становится благом - BBC Russian

Movie 06 7 Jol kolik okigasi KAZ

US urges Turkey to play full part in air campaign against ISIS

International Fireworks Festival opens in Moscow

Inghilterra, aereo militare precipita su strada nazionale: diverse vittime

Afghanistan: attentato vicino ospedale a Kabul, almeno 10 morti

Germania, scontri per l'arrivo di migranti

Le due Coree trattano, ma l'accordo potrebbe essere difficile da raggiun...

Il sindaco di New York: "Cambiamo Times Square"

Sparatoria a New York: un uomo uccide una guardia e poi si toglie la vita

Malala: maturità da "premio Nobel"

Funerale Casamonica a Roma, il silenzio delle istituzioni, la prova di f...

Treno Amsterdam-Parigi: l'identità dell'aggressore al vaglio dell'inchiesta

Deadly Kabul car bomb targets foreign security contractors

Germany: stones thrown at migrant buses entering Heidenau shelter

Words over weapons: North and South Korea discuss border tensions

New York: toplessness in Times Square could change forever

Malala Yousazai aces GCSEs

Americans who prevented massacre speak out


Seven people were killed in the plane crash at the Shoreham Airshow, British media reported. At least two casualties have been taken to Royal Sussex County Hospital, and one of them is in a critical condition. The plane that crashed was a Hawker Hunter, a British fighter aircraft. It hit several cars on the nearby A27 highway, before ending up in a bush, police said in a statement. Roads near the site were closed after the incident.

Schiedam-INC News, 22/08/2015  - via RT




Well, Boko Haram has sold his slaves to the ISIS, Isis makes even the lottery with the slave girls, putting away a virgin slave to who wins the lottery paying a few dollars, women are increasingly raped, kidnapped to be sex slaves, celebrities increasingly involved in shady dealings of pedophilia and sexual violence against women and so on. Not a bad return from vacation, in the sense of what happened.
We are saved by the fact that more and more women take the power of the command, the top global financial are more and more aggressive females, in America women soldiers have shown great preparation, female astronauts are the masters, and science began to understand that it is absolutely not true that stronger sex is that of male: women live 5.3 years more than the male,  female brain is more resistant to fatigue, is more active if properly stimulated and able to do different activities simultaneously. And last, the day of my return from vacation, the news that finally also the woman has her sexuality and can afford to increase it with the pink pill!
Let's leave the scientific side, I believe that in order to say that they got the problems of women, we should not wait for the pink pill (which should be taken only by those who really suffer from sexual dysfunction, but instead will be the classic stuff the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry and the smuggling) but joining all, not get off at Piazza as in America in the years before the war, but to demonstrate to the whole of mankind that the woman should be treated politically, and civil and physically like the male. Only when the woman will be like the male, all problems can be solved through discussion real and unambiguous as today, when an MP can afford to insult his peers by saying that women are only good in bed.
As long as the male omnipresent and geese us to always say yes, with the illusion of a better future, but not done by us, it will not come to anything and so males continue to take Viagra Blue and females to take Viagra Rosa and all happy, or as the Italians say, all over with tarallucci and wine.

ASTANA, 22/08/2015 - MIRA KARTBAYEVA for INC News (copyright©INCNews)


Bene, Boko Haram ha venduto le sue schiave all'Isis, l'Isis fa addirittura la lotteria con le ragazze schiave, mettendo il palio una schiava vergine per chi vince a pochi dollari, le donne sono sempre più violentate, rapite per essere schiave del sesso, personaggi famosi sempre più coinvolti in loschi affari di pedofilia e violenza sessuale sulle donne e così via. Non male come ritorno dalle vacanze, nel senso di cosa sia successo.
Ci si salva con il fatto che sempre più donne prendono il potere del comando, ai vertici finanziari mondiali ci sono sempre più femmine agguerrite, in America le donne soldato hanno dato prova di grande preparazione, le astronaute la fanno da padrone e la scienza ha cominciato a capire che non è assolutamente vero che il sesso forte sia quello maschile: la donna vive 5,3 anni di più del maschio, resiste meglio alla fatica cerebrale, è più attiva se opportunamente stimolata e in grado di fare contemporaneamente differenti attività. E per ultimo, proprio il giorno del mio rientro dalle vacanze, la notizia che finalmente anche la donna ha la sua sessualità e può permettersi il lusso di aumentarla con la pillola rosa!
Tralasciamo il lato scientifico, io credo che per poter dire che siano finiti i problemi della donna, non bisogna aspettare la pillola rosa (che andrebbe presa solo da coloro che soffrono davvero di disfunzione sessuale, mentre invece sarà il classico rimpinzare le casse della industria farmaceutica e del contrabando) ma unirsi tutte, non scendere in piazza come in America negli anni prima della Guerra, ma dimostrare a tutto il genere umano che la donna deve essere trattata sia politicamente, che civilmente e fisicamente al pari del sesso maschile. Solo quando la donna sarà al pari del maschio, tutti  i problemi potranno essere risolti tramite discussione reale e non ambigua come oggi, quando un parlamentare può permettersi di insultare una sua pari grado dicendo che le donne vanno bene solo a letto. 
Fintantochè il maschio la farà da padrone e noi oche a dire sempre si con la illusione di un futuro migliore non fatto da noi, non si arriverà a nulla e così i maschi continueranno a prendere Viagra Blue e le femmine a prendere il Viagra Rosa e tutti felici e contenti, o come dicono gli italiani, tutto finito a tarallucci e vino.

ASTANA, 22/08/2015 - MIRA KARTBAYEVA for INC News (copyright©INCNews)


Explosion at chemical warehouse in China's Shandong province

An explosion occurred at a chemical warehouse in Shandong province in eastern China on Saturday evening, the People's Daily China reported. The site is only one kilometer from a residential area.
Firefighters were dealing with the aftermath of the blast in Zibo County, Chinese media reported.


A  blast in Kabul is mentioned in web news. The car exploded, creating several injured and people died.
Further information will follows.


Plane crashes at Shoreham Airshow in West Sussex

An aircraft has reportedly crashed in southern England, during the Shoreham Airshow. The plane that crashed was reportedly a Hawker Hunter, a British fighter aircraft.
It wasn't immediately known whether the pilot had been able to eject from the single-seat jet.
The show was taking place at Brighton City Airport. 
There were no immediate reports of casualties.

Americans Discuss Subduing European Train Gunman

Police: Man Shoots Guard, Self at NYC Building

A man walked into a federal building in Manhattan late Friday afternoon and opened fire, wounding a security guard, before turning the gun on himself, police said.

Schiedam, INC News, 22/08/2015 - via AP

French Official: Americans Subdued Train Gunman

French officials say two American passengers aboard a train bound for Paris subdued a gunman that opened fire aboard the train. Three people sustained non-life threatening injuries. 

Schiedam, INC News, 22/08/2015 - via AP