Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк... Клинтон и Трамп голосуют здесь на первичных выборах
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Забастовка нефтяников Кувейта толкает вверх цены на нефть - economy
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Основатель и экс-лидер ПЕГИДА предстал перед судом в Дрездене
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Clinton and Trump battle it out on home turf in New York primaries
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
More storms forecast for Texas as Houston reels from floods
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Michel Temer: the vice president emerging from Rousseff's shadow
INC News, 19/048/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Co-founder of anti-Islam PEGIDA appears in court on charges of inciting ...
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Live Footage - Dilma Rousseff : "I am the victim of a coup"
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Strong aftershocks strike Japan as quake survivors struggle
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
3 miraculously rescued from Ecuador rubble 32 hours after earthquake
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source
Ukraine jails Russian 'servicemen' for terrorist attack in restive east
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
AP takes the gold medal at this year's Pulitzer Prize awards
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
New York: si vota per le primarie, Clinton e Trump sono i super favoriti
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Usa: Houston immersa in mezzo metro d'acqua, dichiarato lo stato d'emerg...
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Germania: il leader di Pegida in tribunale per incitamento all'odio
Si è aperto a Dresda il processo nei confronti di Lutz Bachmann, il leader del movimento xenofobo e anti-islamico tedesco PEGIDA. Il 43enne, rinviato a giudizio a ottobre, deve rispondere di incitamento all'odio razziale per aver diffamato nel settembre 2014 su Facebook profughi di guerra e richiedenti asilo politico, definendoli "bestiame" e "feccia". Secondo l'accusa le sue parole costituiscono "una turbativa dell'ordine pubblico" e "un attacco alla dignità dei rifugiati".
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Netflix: trimestre in crescita, ma per Wall Street non è abbastanza - ec...
First quarter of growth for Netflix: the user base increased by 6.74 million, reaching 81.5 million subscribers share, better estimate than that provided by analysts.
However, to dampen the enthusiasm he thought Wall Street, worried by the figures released by the same company: in reference to the next quarter, in fact, expected a slowdown in growth.
Netflix will arrive at an altitude of 84 million subscriptions by June, gaining 2.5 million new subscribers
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Terremoto in Ecuador: Onu avvia ponte aereo d'emergenza, oltre 400 le vi...
Il titolare di un hotel viene estratto vivo dalle macerie dell'edificio a Portovejo, in Ecuador. È uno dei pochi dispersi ritrovati in vita dopo oltre 48 ore dal sisma di magnitudo 7.8 gradi che ha colpito la costa pacifica del Paese latino americano e che sta assumendo le dimensioni di una vera tragedia nazionale. In precedenza, nella stessa città, i soccorritori avevano estratto 7 cadaveri dalle macerie. Il bilancio del sisma, ancora provvisorio, è di 413 morti e più di 2.500 feriti.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Argentina, bond nuovamente sul mercato - economy
In 15 years, the Argentine bonds back on the international bond market: Buenos Aires has announced the launch of a bond from 9 to 13 billion euro, whose revenues should compensate the holders of defaulted bonds who have not adhered to the terms the restructuring of public debt in 2001.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Giappone: riapre l'aeroporto di Kumamoto, oltre 500 scosse di assestamento
Sull'isola sudoccidentale di Kyushu, in Giappone, si sono susseguite almeno 500 scosse di assestamento dopo le due di magnitudo 6.4 e 7.3 che hanno provocato la morte di 45 persone e 208 feriti gravi.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Attentato dei Taliban nel centro di Kabul, molte le vittime
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Toilet voor jongens én meisjes
A school in the US city of Los Angeles has placed a 'gender-neutral' toilet. Boys, girls and transgender people are allowed to use the toilet.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
Man gered uit plafond na aardbeving
Actions rescue after the earthquake in Ecuador last Saturday are still in progress. More than 2,000 people were injured by the quake. Rescuers find people to the most special places
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
Lief: eendje herenigd met moeder
Policemen in Drachten have Monday rescued a young duckling from a well. Local residents heard squealing and parents saw restless walk around the pit. With a crowbar could be freed the bird from his predicament.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
CANADA - Some immigration consultants violating refugee sponsorship rules
CBC News has learned about a troubling aspect of the drive to bring the Syrians to Canada: professional immigration consultants, in partnership with some refugee sponsorship groups, are charging refugees, thousands of dollars in arrangements that critics say are unethical and violate federal rules on sponsorship. The immigration consultants have been targeting Syrians living in the Gulf states, many of whom are there on work permits and are able to earn a living. In that sense, they are potentially a more lucrative client base than those in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The consultants advertise on social media and make visits to the region, setting up shop in five-star hotels.
Read complete article clicking HERE
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: © CBC News
New blast in Kabul follows attack that killed at least 28
A second huge explosion has reportedly hit Kabul, hours after a suicide bomber killed at least 28 people and injured over 300 not far from the US embassy in the Afghan capital.
The exact location of the new explosion is not yet known, but witnesses told Reuters they heard the sound of sirens across the city.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews
NIGERIA - Nigeria cracks down on methamphetamine drug labs
Nigeria’s drug law enforcement agency says it's trying to stop a rise in methamphetamine production.
In the last four years, 11 laboratories have been dismantled across the country.
Nuovo duro colpo della Polizia Nigeriana che si occupa di smantellare ovunque nel Paese le fabbrica di metanfetamina. Negli ultimi 4 anni sono stati smantellati ben 11 laboratori.
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
AMERICA - Arab student taken off US flight for speaking Arabic
A 26-year-old university student was taken off a flight in the US after he spoke to his uncle in Arabic.
There have been at least six such cases of Muslims being removed from flights this year.
Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds met the young man who says he had an emotional breakdown after he was singled out and humiliated.
Ascoltando questa intervista, diviene spontaneo pensare ai Promessi Sposi di Manzoni, quando parlava della "caccia agli untori". Questo significa che se uno di noi europei viaggiasse all'interno degli Stati Uniti e parlasse con la moglie egiziana in arabo al telefono, allora l'equipaggio lo farebbe scendere come indesiderato sul volo?
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
BRAZIL - President to face proceedings following impeachment vote
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff responded defiantly to a vote by the lower house of Congress to remove her from office. Now the proceedings move to the Senate.
Ultimi atti della ex presidente Dilma Rousseff, dopo che il Congresso l'ha rimossa dal suo incarico. Ora tutto é nelle mani del Senato
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
AMERICA - Three Deadly Earthquakes Strike in 3 Days
La valutazione descritta in questo filmato é corretta, se si considera l'arco di spazio geografico dove i tre terremoti si sono avuti. Noi non siamo geologi, ma un banale sospetto ci viene: e se tutta la zona descritta stesse preparando il famoso terremoto previsto in California?
INC News, 19/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
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