Wednesday, April 27, 2016
4 человека погибли при обстреле Еленовки в Донецкой области
Контрольно-пропускной пункт «Еленовка» в Донецкой области подвергся минометному обстрелу. В результате атаки погибли четыре мирных жителя, включая беременную женщину. Еще восемь человек получили ранения различной степени тяжести.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Руферы без страховки прошлись по стреле башенного крана возле «Москва-Сити»
В интервью RT руферы Вячеслав Полянчиков и Филипп Марвин рассказали, как они забрались на строительный кран около делового центра «Москва-Сити» и без страховки прошли по его стрелке.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Владимир Путин на заседании госкомиссии на космодроме Восточный
Президент РФ Владимир Путин принял участие в заседании госкомиссии в связи с отложенным первым запуском ракеты с Восточного. По словам главы государства, космодром, несмотря на сложности, доведен до нормативного состояния. При этом Путин назвал разгильдяйством частые неполадки, вызванные состоянием космических аппаратов.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source
DAMASCUS - stiekem de hoofdstad van de spannende lingerie
Verslaggever Olaf Koens bracht een bezoek aan de bazaar in de Syrische hoofdstad Damascus, waar hij een onverwachte marktkraam tegenkwam: vol met spannende lingerie. De sexy setjes gaan er als warme broodjes over de toonbank; de verkoper legt uit hoe dat komt.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RTL News
NETHERLANDS - Koning: 'Het was weer onwaarschijnlijk mooi' - RTL NIEUWS
INC News, 27/04/201Publish Post6 - source: ©RTL News
RUSSIA - Putin warns heads will roll after failed rocket launch
Putin demands answers on billion-dollar spaceport negligence after failed launch.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
RUSSIA - Moscow Pony on the loose makes waves near Bolshoy theatre in heart of Moscow
The Bolshoi Theater is known for its world-renowned ballet, but the dancers had a bit of competition when an excitable pony decided to show off his moves outside the building, as his costumed owner tried to rein him in.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Russia
RUSSIA - Moscow conference on intl security gathers 500+ delegates from 80+ count...
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Биг Бен замолчит на три года
Лондонский Биг-Бен замолчит впервые за почти 160 лет. Знаменитые часы на Вестминстере закрывают на реставрацию. Работы начнутся в начале следующего 2017 года и продлятся до 2020. Прежде всего техники займутся стрелками, маятником и подшипниками, установят лифт в башне Биг-Бена и изменят ее внешнюю подсветку.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
В Тайване нашли останки матери с ребенком эпохи неолита
В Тайване обнаружены окаменелые останки матери с младенцем на руках. Ученые считают, что находке от 4,5 до 5 тысяч лет. Пол ребенка установить не удалось. У матери же на верхней челюсти не хватает одного зуба, что ученые объясняют неким религиозным ритуалом, практиковавшимся в древности в Азии.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
В Мюнхене судят немцев, хотевших поджечь и взорвать мигрантов
В Мюнхене начался судебный процесс против четырех членов организации "Старомодное общество", готовивших нападение на консервативных исламистов и мигрантов-мусульман. По данным следствия, члены ячейки, которую немецкие СМИ называют "неонацистской", планировали поджечь центр размещения мигрантов и заложить там самодельную бомбу, начиненную гвоздями.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Экономика Великобритании растет, опережая прогнозы - economy
ВВП Великобритании вырос в 1 квартале на 0,4%, в годовом выражении рост составил 2,1%. Предварительная оценка квартального показателя, опубликованная Национальным статистическим управлением, совпала с прогнозами аналитиков, годового - превзошла их на 0,1%. Таким образом британская экономика демонстрирует рост 13-й квартал подряд, хотя в сравнении с 3 предыдущими месяцами его темпы замедлились на 0,2%.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Хочешь сувенир? Сделай его сам! - hi-tech
Новый способ использовать "сканеры и принтеры 3D" предлагают эстонские инженеры. На улицах столицы страны уже сегодня можно обнаружить белые кабинки, в которых установлена аппаратура, позволяющая сделать сканирование и на основе полученных сведений изготовить с помощью упомянутого принтера собственныю фигурку. К настоящему момент стало известно, что такой услугой воспользовались многие жители Таллина. Первые кабинки появились на улицах города чуть менее полугода назад.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Покупатели устали от новинок Apple - economy
Американская корпорация Apple впервые зафиксировала снижение объемов продаж своих смартфонов iPhone. Как говорится в отчете компании, за первые три месяца этого года они сократились почти на 17% в сравнении с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Аналитики говорят, что одной из причин спада стало постоянное быстрое обновление модельного ряда, из-за чего покупатели теряют интерес к новым устройствам: "Поведение Apple сейчас просто не могло привести к значительному росту.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Германия: отмена 900 авиарейсов из-за масштабной забастовки
В шести аэропортах Германии отменено 900 рейсов авиакомпании Люфтганза. С раннего утра в воздушных гаванях Бремена, Франкфурта-на-Майне, Мюнхена, Дюссельдорфа, Кёльна/Бонна и Ганновера проходят забастовки работников наземных служб. К стачке призвал профсоюз сферы услуг Verdi. Объединение добивается повышения зарплаты на 6% и улучшения условий труда для сотрудников служб досмотра багажа, для уборщиков и работников сферы обслуживания.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Первый запуск с нового российской космодрома "Восточный" отложен
Первый запуск ракеты "Союз-2.1а" с нового российского космодрома Восточный был отложен на сутки за полторы минуты до старта из-за отказа автоматики. С помощью ракеты-носителя в космос должны были отправить три спутника. Ранее на космодром прибыл президент России Владимир Путин, чтобы наблюдать за первым стартом. Он задержится на Восточном, пока не будут выяснены перспективы запуска через сутки.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Женева отказалась убрать фотографию, оскорбившую Турцию
Власти Женевы отвергли требование посольства Турции удалить с выставки под открытым небом фотографии с критикой в адрес турецких властей и лично Реджепа Эрдогана.
Экспозиция на площади Наций перед зданием ООН состоит из нескольких десятков снимков турецкого фотографа Демира Сёнмеза, сделанных в ходе различных акций протеста, проходивших на этой площади — в том числе, но не только, против турецкого руководства.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
AUSTRIA - Approvate leggi anti immigrazione
Il parlamento di Vienna ha approvato un pacchetto di misure anti immigrazione. Con soli quattro voti contrari è passata la legge che inasprisce i termini per la concessione del diritto d'asilo.
Invocando la minaccia all'ordine pubblico, il governo potrà tra l'altro dichiarare lo stato di emergenza in caso di alto afflusso di profughi. Avanti col 'muro' del Brennero.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
TAIWAN - Ritrovato fossile di madre con neonato. Avrebbe 4800 anni
Archeologi già al lavoro a Taiwan sul fossile umano ritrovato nella città di Taichung. La madre con il suo neonato tra le braccia risalirebbero a 4800 anni fa e secondo gli esperti rappresentano la più antica testimonianza di vita umana sull'isola. Quello che più ha meravigliato gli archeologi, autori della scoperta, è lo sguardo della donna rivolto verso il figlio.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
GERMANIA - A processo 4 neo-nazisti. Volevano incendiare un rifugio per rifugiati
Aperto a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania, il processo a quattro neo-nazisti arrestati lo scorso anno. Gli estremisti, tre uomini e una donna, tra i 23 e i 57 anni, sono accusati di aver messo a punto un piano per incendiare il rifugio per richiedenti asilo della cittadina di Borna, situata a una trentina di chilometri da Lipsia. Due di loro avrebbero acquistato in Repubblica Ceca del materiale esplosivo. Secondo il loro
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
ESTONIA - Scanner a forma di uovo - hi-tech
Una cabina a forma di uovo rappresenta una novità a Tallin, Estonia. Una drappello di ingegneri locali della "Wolfprint 3D" sta testando l'efficacia dello scanner. Lo scanner "Luna"consente di cogliere tutti i dettagli del volto di chi entra in cabina. L'attrezzatura è stata installata nel dicembre 2015 ed è già molto popolare. Le richieste di utilizzo della tecnica sono incessanti.
INC news, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
GERMANIA - Centinaia di voli Lufthansa annullati per sciopero
Ha provocato la cancellazione di circa 900 voli Lufthansa in sei città tedesche e nelle rispettive destinazioni all'estero lo sciopero proclamato dal sindacato Verdi, in Germania.
La compagnia garantisce comunque il 40 per cento della propria operatività.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
CUPERTINO - Apple, ricavi in calo per la prima volta in 13 anni
Per la prima volta dal lancio dell'iPhone nel 2007, Apple registra un calo nelle vendite del suo prodotto più popolare. Meno 16,3% nell'ultimo trimestre, scendendo a 51,2 milioni di modelli venduti: 10 milioni in meno rispetto allo stesso periodo dello scorso anno. L'iPhone ha rappresentato il 65% dei ricavi di Apple nel trimestre in questione.
Un risultato che porta l'azienda di Cupertino a frenare le vendite su base trimestrale per la prima volta dall'inizio del 2003.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
FRANCE - Suspected Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam investigated for terrorist offences
Suspected Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam has been placed under formal investigation on charges of belonging to a terrorist organization, murder, kidnapping and holding weapons and explosives. Lawyer for
INC News, 27/04/216 - source: ©Euronews
TAIWAN - Stoned love mother and baby in a 4,800 year embrace
Archaeologists in Taiwan have found a 4,800-year-old human fossil of a mother holding an infant child in her arms, museum officials said on Tuesday
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
GERMANY - Neo-Nazis on trial in Munich for asylum seeker nail bomb plot
Four far-right extremists have gone on trial in Munich, charged with planning an attack on an asylum seekers'
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
FRANCE - Saleh Abdeslam's lawyers prepare for their client's trial in France
He was once Europe's most wanted fugitive, now he is in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison in the Paris region. Saleh Abdeslam the 26-year-old French national who was born in Brussels, where he lived before the Paris attacks is charged in France with participating in terrorist murder and the activities of a terrorist organization.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
GERMANY - Strike causes major disruption at German airports
There is bad news for air passengers in Germany, with strike action causing major disruption at airports.
Lufthansa was set to cancel almost 900 flights on Wednesday.
Public sector workers are demanding higher wages, with security and check-in staff among those taking part in the strike action
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
RUSSIA - Technical hitch delays first rocket launch at Russian Cosmodrome
Russia's space agency has been left red faced, after a last-minute technical hitch forced it to delay the inaugural launch of a Soyuz rocket from its new launchpad.
The unmanned rocket - carrying three satellites - had been due to blast off from Vostochny, in the eastern Amur region. Officials say they are investigating what has gone wrong.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Geneva rejects Turkish pressure over controversial photo
A photographic exhibition in Geneva is at the
Once again a cultural event contains criticism of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ankara has asked for it to be removed.
The expo includes a photo of a boy who was shot in an anti-government demonstration in Istanbul. Beside the boy's photo is a message blaming his death on Turkish government orders to the Police.
INC News, 27/048/2016 - source: ©Euronews
AMERICA - The Death of Religion? What It Means for People of Faith
The Death of Religion? What It Means for People of Faith
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©CBN News
BRAZIL - Rio Olympic Stadium 360° Tour
With every Olympic Games, host nations inevitably face pressing issues once the 100-day countdown begins. Prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, China dealt with human rights concerns and high levels of air pollution. In 2014, several protests put Russia's anti-LGBT laws in the spotlight ahead of the Sochi Winter Games. But few, if any countries , have endured the obstacles affecting Rio de Janeiro's preparations for the first-ever Olympic Games held on South American soil.
Read the article clicking HERE
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News
BRUSSELS - Key Paris Attacks Suspect Moved to France
Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam - Europe's most wanted fugitive until his capture in Belgium last month - was transferred to France Wednesday
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AP
AMERICA - NASA Prepares For Commercial Spacecraft Flight
Five years after the last NASA astronauts flew from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to the International Space Station, a new group is preparing for a trip, this time on a private spacecraft.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AP
AMERICA - San Diego Zoo Unveils Three New Tiger Cubs
The San Diego Zoo’s three newest Sumatran tiger cubs made their public debut on Tuesday, quickly making a home out of the maternity exhibit on the Tull Family Tiger Trail.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AP
UKRAINE - The children of Chernobyl
Since the disaster in Chernobyl, various studies into the possible health effects have come up with different conclusions.
Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull reports from Kiev on how children in particular, are paying the price for what happened all those years ago.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
UNITED KINGDOM - British doctors walk off the job in all-out strike
Junior doctors with Britain's National Health Service in England have begun a two-day strike - and for the first time in their dispute they are not offering emergency cover. Talks with the government collapsed over new contracts set to roll out later this year.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
White House on lockdown for 2nd day in a row
The executive mansion has been locked down for the second time in less than 24 hours. The lockdown is due to an unknown situation, according to reporters in the press briefing room. The president is believed to be inside the White House.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RTNews
AMERICA - Apple Has First Earnings Decline in More Than a Decade
Apple Has First Earnings Decline in More Than a Decade | Slowing iPhone sales took a bite out of Apple's impressive growth streak, with the company announcing today its first-ever decline in revenue in the past 13 years.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
AMERICA - Pure Caffeine: A teaspoon of powder can be fatal
Pure Caffeine: Even a teaspoon of powder can be fatal | Advocates are asking the FDA to ban concentrated caffeine products.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
FRANCE - Paris Terror Attacks Suspect:'Thinks He Lives in a Video Game', Lawyer Says
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
CUBA - Trio Rescued by Cruise Ship by Cuba Were Fugitives
The three fugitives were rescued from the Disney cruise liner and turned over to the U.S. Coast Guard, who discovered upon fingerprint analysis that two of the individuals had outstanding arrest warrants in New Orleans.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
UNITED KINGDOM - British billionaire faces MP grills over ‘extraction of millions’ from collapsing BHS chain
Retail mogul and former owner of British institution BHS, Sir Philip Green, will be summoned to parliament as part of an investigation into the collapse of the department store chain. He faces calls to give up his knighthood. Green, who was knighted under the Tony Blair administration for his “services to retail,” is facing an inquiry by the work and pensions committee over his role in the downfall of the 88-year-old department store, which has put 11,000 jobs on the line and threatened to close over 164 stores.
Green bought BHS in 2000 for just £200million and sold it last March to Retail Acquisitions, a consortium led by twice bankrupt ex-racecar diver Dominic Chappell, for a nominal sum of £1. Shadow Business Secretary Angela Eagle noted that the pension fund was just £5million in debt when Green took over leadership in 2000.
“There are some serious questions to answer, not least by the former owner Sir Philip Green,” she said.
Eagle accused Green of “extract[ ing] hundreds of millions of pounds from the business and walked away to his favorite tax haven leaving the PPF to pick up the bill.”
Most of the Green family’s estimated £3.22-billion fortune is held offshore by his wife in Monaco.
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INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
SWITZERLAND - Geneva rejects Turkish demand to remove pic accusing Erdogan of killing boy
Turkey’s demand to remove a photo of a boy from an exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, has been rejected. The photo claims that then-PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan was directly involved in the death of a child amidst anti-government protests in 2013. “Geneva will not allow any country to be influenced in this matter. Geneva and Switzerland stand for freedom of expression,” Vice Mayor Guillaume Barazzone told Swiss media. Place des Nations in front of the UN Office, where the exhibition is being staged, is a good example of this freedom as this is “where minorities must be able to express” their opinions, he added.
“Therefore the administrative council will support this exhibition and it is out of the question to remove this photograph.”
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INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
RUSSIA - Hyper pony shows off moves outside the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
The Bolshoi Theater is known for its world-renowned ballet, but the dancers had a bit of competition when an excitable pony decided to show off his moves outside the building, as his costumed owner tried to rein him in.
The little horse demonstrated some rather unconventional choreography as he danced in front of the Bolshoi, running and kicking his back legs into the air – and giving those traditional pliés and pirouettes a run for their money.
But perhaps the most amusing part of the entire video, posted by prominent ballet dancer Aleksey Loparevich on Tuesday, was watching as confused onlookers tried to comprehend why a pony was running wild in the middle of Moscow – and that the person trying to capture him was dressed in costume.
Although his efforts were commendable, it's safe to say that the pony's performance won't be winning him a place on the grand Bolshoi stage anytime soon.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
UNITED KINGDOM - WhatsApp: Critics claim EU ‘Remain’ campaign using app to avoid FoI requests
Critics of the EU ‘Remain’ campaign claim that WhatsApp is being used to organize strategy and tactics because it cannot be subject to Freedom of Information (FoI) requests. Denials have been issued to the Sun newspaper from the spokesman representing prominent Remain campaigners, including Business Minister Sajid Javid, Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb and Education Minister Nicky Morgan.
A spokesman for Chancellor George Osborne refused to comment after a request by the paper. “Not only are David Cameron’s taxpayer-funded spin doctors running the ‘In’ campaign, they have now been caught trying to hide their secrets from the public,” Vote Leave chief Matthew Elliott told the Sun Tuesday.
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INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
SWITZERLAND - Power restored after massive blackout in Zurich
A massive power outage struck the Swiss city of Zurich, electric officials have confirmed, adding that the city center lost electricity and traffic was halted. Almost an hour after the blackout, the power was back.
The Zurich Electricity company (EWZ) tweeted that the blackout took place shortly before the 2pm local time (12:00 GMT).
The company added that two transformers had been shut down due to “unknown reasons.”
The lights were off on Zurich's main downtown street, Bahnhofstrasse, Swiss 20 Minuten newspaper reported. Several shops had increased security measures, according to the paper.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
AMERICA - US warns Americans in Stockholm to avoid crowded places after ISIS threat report
The US embassy in Stockholm has called on American citizens to avoid crowded places and be especially cautious when using public transport or attending religious holidays. The warning comes following alarming reports that the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) fighters are to carry out attacks on civilian targets in the Swedish capital.
“US citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using mass transportation. Be aware of the immediate surroundings and avoid crowded places. Exercise particular caution during religious holidays and at large festivals or events,”the statement from the embassy said. The embassy confirmed that Swedish Police “are actively investigating a potential terror threat against Sweden.”
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 27/048/2016 - source: ©RT news
Massive power outage in Zurich,
officials cite technical issues
A massive power outage has struck the Swiss city of Zurich, electric officials have confirmed. The whole city has reportedly lost electricity, traffic has been halted and traffic lights gone out. The causes of the blackout are unclear.
The Zurich Electricity company (EWZ) tweeted that the blackout took place shortly before 2pm local time (12:00 GMT).
The company added that two transformers have been shut down due to “unknown reasons.”
The lights are off on Zurich's main downtown street, Bahnhofstrasse, Swiss 20 Minuten newspaper reported.
Several shops have increased security measures, according to the paper.
INC News, 27/04/2016 - source: ©RT News
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