Tuesday, May 24, 2016

ITALY - CityJet updates fleet with Russian Sukhoi in $1 billion deal

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company and SuperJet International celebrated the delivery of a Sukhoi Superjet 100 to their first European customer CityJet, at a ceremony in Venice on Tuesday.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews Ruptly

ITALY - Italian Coast Guard intercepts 2000 refugees in the Mediterranean

The Italian Coast Guard picked up some 2000 refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea en route to Europe in 15 separate operations, off the coast of Libya, Monday.
Footage of one such operation, released by the Italian Coast Guard, on Tuesday, shows a boat crowded with refugees being intercepted and its occupants being escorted onto an Italian Coast Guard Ship.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews Ruptly

Старт ракеты «Союз» со спутниками Galileo

Прямая трансляция. В Гвианском космическом центре стартует ракета «Союз-СТ» с двумя европейскими навигационными спутниками системы Galileo.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Эксперты в эфире RT назвали возможные причины крушения самолета EgyptAir

Результаты анализа останков жертв катастрофы самолета EgyptAir, выполнявшего рейс MS 804 из Парижа в Каир, указывают на взрыв на борту. Об этом агентству AP сообщил представитель египетских служб, участвовавший в осмотре фрагментов тел погибших и попросивший не называть его имени. Позже глава судмедэкспертизы Египта опроверг информацию о взрыве на борту лайнера. В интервью RT эксперты по авиационной безопасности поделились своими догадками о причинах крушения самолета.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Мисс Мира и Мисс Россия призвали обратить внимание на проблему ВИЧ

Во время визита в Россию Мисс Мира 2015 Мирейя Лалагуна совместно с 1-ой Вице-мисс Мира 2015, Мисс Россия 2015 Софией Никитчук выступили в поддержку программы ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу UNAIDS «90-90-90». Девушки сдали анализ крови на наличие инфекции и призвали всех, кто заботится о своем здоровье, последовать их примеру.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

NEDERLANDS - Het belangrijkste nieuws van 24 mei in één minuut

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©NU.nl

BRAZIL - Rare footage of indigenous Brazilian Kawahiva tribe 'on the edge of extintion

Despite winning a campaign to get Brazil to declare a protected area for the Kawahiva tribe - one of the last uncontacted indigenous peoples in the Amazon Forest - campaigners say there is no time to rest on their laurels. 
The Kawahiva are a group of hunter-gatherers said to be on the edge of extinction. They are forced to live on the run, fleeing violence from outsiders. Attacks and disease have killed relatives. And loggers are getting closer.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

США: актеру Косби не удалось избежать судебного процесса

Судебный процесс над известным американским комедийным актером, режиссером и продюсером Биллом Косби все-таки состоится и первое заседание пройдет, скорее всего, летом. На предварительном заседании во вторник в округе Монтгомери в присутствии обвиняемого рассматривался вопрос о том, насколько существенными доказательствами располагает прокуратура.
INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

Протесты трудящихся в Брюсселе вылились в беспорядки

В Бельгии по инициативе профсоюзов началась серия акций против политики жёсткой экономии правоцентристского правительства. Около 60 тыс человек прошли по улицам Брюсселя, требуя отменить план министра занятости Криса Питерса по отмене 38-часовой рабочей недели (с перспективой её продления) и оптимизации бюджетных расходов. 

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

CORPORATE - Полиция провела обыск в представительстве Google в Париже

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

SCIENCE -Внимание, черепаха!

Побережье Аравийского моря - место работы сотрудников проекта, которые помогают сохранению популяции крупных черепах, еще их называют зелёными черепахами, и даже суповыми черепахами. Это рептилии крупных размеров, длина их панциря достигает 150 см, а вес колеблется от 70 до 200 кг.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

ECONOMY - Spotify объявил о 80-процентном росте выручки

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

AMERICA - Bill Cosby sarà processato per abuso sessuale, rischia 10 anni di carcere

Bill Cosby è stato rinviato a giudizio per abuso sessuale. Il 78enne papà dei Robinson, il prossimo 20 luglio dovrà presentarsi di fronte a un tribunale della Pennsylvania per difendersi dalle accuse di aver drogato e violentato una donna nel 2004.
Ad accusarlo è Andrea Constand, ex direttrice di una squadra di basket di Philadelphia, che ha denunciato di essere stata stuprata dall'attore nell'abitazione di lei. Cosby sostiene che il rapporto fosse consensuale.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

TURCHIA - Erdogan cerca la svolta presidenziale con Yildirim, ma l'Mhp dice no

Turchia verso il sistema presidenziale secondo i voleri di Erdogan. Il primo ministro designato Binali Yildirim, 60 anni, eletto domenica alla guida dell'Akp, ha annunciato ai suoi colleghi di partito che il principale obiettivo del suo governo è la riforma costituzionale presidenzialista, sulla quale invece non era d'accordo l'ex premier Ahmet Davutoglu.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

GOOGLE - Perquisiti gli uffici di Parigi. Indagini su presunta frode fiscale

Le pratiche di *elusione fiscale* dei giganti della tecnologia tornano di prepotenza sotto i riflettori: stamane non meno di un centinaio di rappresentanti delle forze dell'ordine hanno effettuato delle *perquisizioni negli uffici di Google a Parigi*. La maggioranza degli investigatori, afferma il quotidiano francese "Le Monde", facevano parte della *brigata contro le frodi finanziarie*. L'inchiesta, aperta a giugno dello scorso anno dopo un esposto, è relativa a una *presunta frode fiscale

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

ECONOMY - Spotify chiude in rosso nonostante entrate in crescita dell'80%

Risultati in chiaroscuro per *Spotify*, la piattaforma di musica in streaming che oggi vanta il maggior numero di utenti paganti, *30 milioni* secondo gli ultimi dati. Nonostante una crescita dell'80% dei ricavi, per un totale di un miliardo e 945 milioni di euro, però, la società ha chiuso il 2015 con una *perdita netta di 173 milioni*. Un risultato, dicono i vertici, attribuibile agli sforzi di *espansione* e agli investimenti nello *sviluppo prodotti*. 

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

ECONOMIA - La Germania corre grazie ai consumi e alla spesa per i rifugiati

La locomotiva tedesca ha ricominciato a correre. A dirlo è l'Ufficio federale di statistica, che ha confermato la stima preliminare di *crescita dello 0,7% nel primo trimestre*. Due i fattori che hanno contribuito a tale risultato: i *consumi privati*, sospinti dai tassi di interesse a zero i quali hanno tra le altre cose incoraggiato tanti tedeschi a *puntare sul mattone*; e il *capitolo della spesa pubblica dedicato ai rifugiati*

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

FRANCIA - Si rischia penuria carburante. S'aggrava scontro governo sindacati

Sei raffinerie sulle 8 del territorio francese interessate dal blocco contro la riforma del lavoro. E uno scontro che rischia di farsi ancora più duro tra i sindacati e il governo socialista di Manuel Valls.
In Francia ormai 1.500 stazioni di servizio sono chiuse o con le riserve in esaurimento a seguito dell'azione del sindacato Force Ouvrière e della Cgt, la Confederazione Generale dei Lavoratori, la più importante organizzazione francese, presso i principali siti petroliferi del Paese.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©euronews

FRANKRIJK - ‘Ik rij nu maar van pomp naar pomp’

Toenemende zorgen over de brandstoftekorten in Frankrijk. In TELEGRAAF VANDAAG gestrande landgenoten, advies en het laatste nieuws van onze correspondent.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

NEDERLANDS - Zo vaart mega-cruiseschip binnen

Het grootste cruiseschip ter wereld is vanochtend aangekomen in de haven van Rotterdam. Het varend paleis heeft een gigantische glijbaan, metershoge klimmuren en een schaatsbaan.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

GUN EXIBITION - Is Barack Obama the best gun salesman in history?

Exhibitors at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Louisville say that fear of government action on guns is a huge driver of sales.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©CNN

SOCIALS - Twitter relaxes its 140-character limit

In a mission to make its network simpler, Twitter changes the 140-character limit to not count usernames and media, among other tweaks.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©Cnet

iPHONE - OtterBox Universe case system: It's a whole new world for iPhone accessories

OtterBox has partnered with several smartphone accessory manufacturers to create a new platform for iPhone accessories. See the Universe in action.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©Cnet

MUSIC SCIENCE - Crowdfunding Launches New Audio Tech Ideas

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©CNBC news

TECHNOLOGY - The High Tech Bus Of The Future

A Chinese company wants to put this bus onto city streets because it is capable of straddling two lanes of traffic and can carry up to 1400 people.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©CNBC news

AMERICA - CBN News Watch: May 24, 2016

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©CBN News

REFUGEES - Gay refugees say they have been 'bullied' in Dutch camps

Gay refugees from the Middle East have faced abuse and harassment in Dutch camps, much of it at the hands of fellow refugees. But now LGBT charities have begun to step in to provide support and even accommodation.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©BBC News

новости Казахстан

Президент Таджикистана Эмомали Рахмон теперь может переизбираться на пост главы государства бесконечное количество раз, а его сын может заменить его на этом посту. МВД Казахстана отчиталось: несанкционированных митингов и конфликтов с полицией в выходные не было.

INC News, 248/05/2016 - source: ©AzattyqTV

Рейд во вьетнамском квартале в Одессе

Cиловики провели спецоперацию в жилом комплексе "Лотос", которая закончилась стрельбой.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

BRUSSELS - Belgians Clash at Anti-Austerity Protest

Belgian riot police fired a water cannon at protesters Tuesday after fighting broke out during a major anti-austerity demonstration attended by tens of thousands of people in Brussels. At least one policeman and several protesters were injured.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AP

VIETNAM - Obama discusses human rights and business in Vietnam

Barack Obama has arrived in Ho Chi Minh City to meet with local business leaders as part of his tour of Vietnam.
The US president praised efforts on both sides to expand ties between the two countries, but highlighted how improving human rights will play a key part if Vietnam is to develop as a modern economy.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

CONNECTIONG CUBA - Entrepreneur's try to spark 'internet revolution'

Internet usage has grown rapidly since Cuban authorities lifted restrictions in 2008. But even now, home internet is rare, with getting on line an expensive and time consuming ordeal. And while public hotspots are becoming more common - obstacles remain. So to address the problems, a new generation of digital entrepreneurs are hoping partnerships with the US could help usher a new era of possibilities.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera

BALTIMORE - Residents angered by Freddie Gray case ruling

There have been angry protests in the US city of Baltimore after a police officer was acquitted over the death of an African American man last year. Edward Nero was cleared of four charges in the case relating to Gray’s death in police custody.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

VANCOUVER - Canada’s 'binners' clean up for cash

Some of the poorest in the Canadian city of Vancouver make extra cash by scavenging for bottles and cans to recycle. The ‘binners’, as they are called, are marginalised, but together they hope to have a greater say over the city's waste. The local government also wants them to be a part of its plan to become North America's most environmentally friendly city by 2020.

INC News, 24/05*/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

CIGARETTES - France’s AXA group to boycott tobacco

French insurance giant AXA will stop investing in tobacco, saying it can no longer have any association with an industry that kills so many people. 
The company will sell $2bn worth of tobacco assets.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

WEB SECURITY - What Your Kids Don't Want You to Know: Online Gaming Dangers

This latest installment of the "GMA" series about tweens and tech examines the perils of online gaming.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

AMERICA - Michelle O'Connell Murder Investigation | New Evidence Could Convince Of...

The death of Michelle O'Connell was ruled a suicide, but a new autopsy could present additional evidence.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ®abcNews

AMERICA - Mother Charged with Child Abuse During Family Vacation Nightmare

After letting her 11-year-old son drive a golf cart, the mother of two was pinned to the ground by police.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

AIRPORT SECURITY - TSA Head of Security Removed from Post

New fallout from ongoing airport security problems put Security Director, Kelly Hogan out of the job.

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

MUSIC - Tap Dancers’ Tribute to Prince

Music performances in honor of big stars

INC News, 24/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

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