Monday, September 7, 2015

Конфликт убеждений: жителей Кентукки рассорил вопрос об однополых браках

Медео превращается в мусорную свалку

Хромтауские чиновники не хотят освобождать школьные кабинеты

В Алматы мать выбросила из окна дочерей

Германия: 10 тысяч новоприбывших в понедельник

Чётче, дешевле, быстрее - hi-tech

Французские фермеры - мелкий и крупный

Греция: мигранты недовольны нерасторопностью европейских властей

Tesco продает бизнес в Южной Корее - economy

Китай потратил в августе почти 100 млрд долларов на помощь рынкам - economy

Меркель: нелегалы изменят Германию... к лучшему

Франсуа Олланд: Франция готова принять 24 тысячи беженцев в ближайшие дв...

Биопластик из молочной сыворотки - futuris

Программирование: ключ к успеху - learning world

В Страсбурге захоронили останки жертв Холокоста

Аргентина: мать и сын провели в клетке 6 лет

Migranti, la Germania stanzia 6 miliardi di euro

Addio ai mercati stranieri, Tesco si ritira dalla Corea del Sud - economy

Cina, in agosto spesi 94 mld di dollari per sostenere lo yuan - economy

Crisi migranti: Hollande dice sì a quote Francia e ad operazioni militar...

Un futuro di 'bio-plastica', il latte fa bene anche all'ambiente - futuris

Protesta degli agricoltori a Bruxelles. Trattori davanti le istituzioni ...

La chiave è il codice - learning world

Argentina. Arrestato a Mar del Plata, ha tenuto in schiavitù moglie e fi...

Vandalismo a Versaille: scritte antisemite sulla "vagina" di Kapoor

Germany to spend six billion euros on refugees

France accepts 24,000 migrants, prepares for airstrikes over Syria

Frustrated farmers protest in Brussels over falling milk and meat prices

Turkey: air strikes launched against PKK targets

Argentina: man suspected of keeping wife and son locked in cage for 6 years

Mexico: independent body concludes 43 missing students not cremated in C...

Anish Kapoor's controversial Dirty Corner vandalised again

Knuffelen met tijgerwelpjes

Vluchtelingen slapen in veld

Zo blij zijn de Turken

Run op t-shirts nazitrein

Twee doden door spookrijder

Attorney: Muslim flight attendant wants accommodation

Why photo of dead Syrian child must be seen

France, UK Join Vatican in Offering Migrants Asylum

Everyone has a responsibility to refugees, says UN

The Last Audio Cassette Factory

'Cycle-in office' with ramp unveiled in London - BBC News

Las Vegas Police: Gunman Ambushed Officers

Raw: Belgian Farmers Protest Low Milk Prices

Police have used water cannon during a farmers’ protest in Brussels. Hundreds of protesters were throwing stones, eggs and firecrackers at officers and used two tractors to try and break through a cordon. At least one police officer has been injured in the clashes with protesters, Ruptly video agency reports from the scene. The farmers arrived in the EU capital on tractors to express their anger over falling milk and meat prices.
INC News, 07/09/2015 - via RT

Ultrarunners run across North America

FRANCE - Free-travel Schengen Europe could be a thing of the past, EU leaders warn

The whole Schengen area “will collapse” without a united EU migrant policy, says French President François Hollande, adding that in this case the European countries will return to national borders.
Hollande said that he proposed, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel “a permanent and obligatory mechanism” for distributing refugees and migrants between all European countries. However, this mechanism should be adopted by the European countries.

Read article HERE

INC News, 07/09/2015 - via RT

AMERICA - ‘You want to be in America, speak American,’ Sarah Palin tells immigrants

Another slam-dunk for American politics was offered up courtesy of master diplomat Sarah Palin. The Alaska governor praised opponent Jeb Bush for his Spanish skills, but confessed she’d rather the general population “speak American.” One could be forgiving for wondering if such things are actually a PR move, as there’s no shortage of wacky comments coming from the Republican side, with presidential candidates all seemingly vying for the spot of top doofus. Look out, Donald Trump - your Mexican wall may no longer be enough! INC News, 07/09/2015 - via RT

AMERICA - ‘Beat his chest like Tarzan’: Oregon cops accuse chief of comparing black people to monkeys

The police chief in Oregon has retired after accusations of comparing black people to monkeys, and singing a racist ‘Dixie’ song. The local mayor, however, praised him for his honor and courage.Police officers in Clatskanie, Oregon, have filed a lawsuit against their (now former) chief, Marvin Hoover, saying he discriminated against an Afro-American woman who had been arrested earlier. The incident happened in August, but the details were leaked to the press on Sunday. According to Alex Stone, one of the officers who filed the complaint, it started when he was telling Hoover that the arrestee had accused officers of “racism and discrimination” and said she was going to file a lawsuit against the police department.
INC News, -7/09/2015 - via RT

Самый масштабный протест прошел в центре Кишинева, Молдавия

Около 100 тысяч манифестантов собрались в центре Кишиневе, требуя отставки президента страны и смены правительства 

Этот протест признали самым масштабным за последние 20 лет. Характерно и то, что манифест проходит мирно, народ придерживается пацифического подхода. А вот власти не торопятся реагировать. Смотрите видео:

07/09/2015-Алматы, Мира Картбаева для INCNews