Sunday, November 2, 2014

Is Virtual Reality The Future Of Film? | Swipe

Pakistan: Dozens killed and injured in suicide blast on border with India

France: police clash with protesters over activist death

Breakthrough lung cancer blood test for heavy smokers

China recovers experimental moon orbiter

Suitcase Murder: Briton To Appear In HK Court

A British man is due to appear in a Hong Kong court on suspicion of murdering two young women - one of whom was discovered inside a suitcase. Banker Rurik Jutting, 29, was arrested after the bodies were found in an apartment in Hong Kong's Wan Chai district. Police have placed him on a holding charge until he appears in court on Monday.
It is understood that police arrived at the apartment in the early hours of Saturday after receiving a call from the suspect, who until recently worked for the Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
see Murder in Hong Kong
INC News, 02/10/2014

Pakistan blast 'kills 50' at Wagah border with India

At least 50 people have been killed and more than 70 injured in a suicide bombing close to Pakistan's only border crossing with India.The blast hit near the checkpoint at the Wagah border crossing, near Lahore.A militant group linked to the Pakistani Taliban said it was responsible for the attack.
Breaking news from BBC - see in Blast in Pakistan
INC News, 02/11/2014

Fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 says IPCC

The unrestricted use of fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, a UN-backed expert panel says.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says in a stark report that most of the world's electricity can - and must - be produced from low-carbon sources by 2050.If not, the world faces "severe, pervasive and irreversible" damage. The UN said inaction would cost "much more" than taking the necessary action.
see in:IPCC
INC News, 02/11/2014

Allarme Onu sul clima: "Gas serra ai massimi da 800mila anni, resta poco tempo"

Le concentrazioni di gas serra nell'atmosfera hanno raggiunto i più alti livelli "in 800 mila anni", "resta poco tempo" per riuscire a mantenere l'aumento della temperatura entro i 2 gradi centigradi: è la sintesi del rapporto del Gruppo di esperti sul clima dell'Onu (Ipcc).

"L'azione contro il cambiamento climatico può contribuire alla prosperità economica, ad un migliore stato di salute e a città più vivibili": lo ha detto il segretario generale dell'Onu, Ban Ki-moon, dopo la pubblicazione a Copenaghen del nuovo rapporto Ippc sui cambiamenti climatici. "Questa è la valutazione più completa del cambiamento climatico mai fatta. Dobbiamo agire ora per ridurre le emissioni di CO2 ed evitare un peggioramento del clima, che si riscalda a una velocità senza precedenti", ha aggiunto.

vedi in:  Effetto serra

INC News, 02/11/2014-via ANSA AP

Alla Maratona di New York vittoria Keniota

Dominio keniano alla 44/a maratona di New York. Mary Keitany ha vinto la prova femminile con il tempo di 2h25'07". Alle sue spalle la connazionale Jemima Sumgong (2h25'10") e la portoghese Sara Moreira (2h26'00"). L'azzurra Valeria Straneo, 5/a lo scorso anno, ha concluso 8/a in 2h29'23" dopo aver ceduto verso il km 30. Successo keniano anche tra gli uomini, dove si è imposto Wilson Kipsang in 2h10'59" precedendo gli etiopi Lelisa Desisa e Gebre Gebremariam. Quarto l'altro keniano Geoffrey Mutai.

INC News, 02/11/2014-via ANSA AP

Dachau, rubata la targa 'Arbeit macht frei' nel campo di concentramento in Germania

ANSA AP comunica un articolo  del quotidiano tedesco Suddeutsche Zeitung, nel quale si cita che la targa con la scritta 'Arbeit macht frei' ('Il lavoro rende liberi') è stata rubata dal cancello del campo di concentramento di Dachau. Era già successo ad Auschwitz nel 2009.

INC News, 02/11/2014

China’s share of connected devices market grows

Catalonia, in Spain or not? The people talk about the future for independence

The Catalonian government wants to hold an independence vote on November 9th that the Spanish government says is illegal. Compared to Scotland, where a referendum was negotiated between Edinburgh and London, the disagreement between Barcelona and Madrid makes the whole process more complex for Catalonia and its people.

Europe Weekly: EU’s action on Ebola

Ireland: mass protests against introduction of water charges

Tens of thousands of people across Ireland have taken part in nationwide protests against the introduction of water charges. The government, which agreed to introduce the charges under an EU-IMF bailout, has proposed some exemptions, but has not yet indicated if it is considering reversing them. Water charges have dominated the Irish media for months, with almost daily revelations about high pay and bonuses for executives and new charges for consumers.

Arrested: top member of Basque separatist group ETA

The Spanish man is accused of masterminding explosive attacks for the group which has now renounced violence, according to police. Kunze is the 15th member of the group arrested in 2014, according to the interior ministry. An international arrest warrant had been issued for his capture.

Virgin Galactic spacecraft crash inquiry could take up to a year

The investigation into what caused the Virgin Galactic spacecraft to crash could take up to a year, according to the US transport safety agency. The accident which killed one pilot and left another fighting for his life threatens the dream of commercial space flight.

Time is running out: Climate change alarm bells ring in new UN report

Greenhouse gas emissions should be cut to zero by the end of this century, with time running out to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. That is the stark message of a new UN report which urges immediate action to keep global warming in check. “If we continue business as usual, our opportunity to keep the temperature rise below two degrees centigrade will slip away within the next decade,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Copenhagen, presenting the study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “Even if emissions stopped tomorrow, we would be living with climate change for some time to come. The good news is that if we act now, immediately and decisively, we have the means to build a better and more sustainable world.” The 40-page synthesis, summing up 5,000 pages of work by 800 scientists already published since September 2013, said global warming was now causing more heat extremes, downpours, acidifying the oceans and pushing up sea levels. It points to options including energy efficiency, a shift from fossil fuels to wind or solar power, nuclear energy or coal-fired power plants where carbon dioxide is stripped from the exhaust fumes and buried underground. But carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expensive and little tested.

Pro-Russia rebels hold elections in eastern Ukraine

Sanremo, rissa tra spacciatori in pieno centro sotto gli occhi degli studenti

Sanguinosa rissa in Piazza Nota a Sanremo, a due passi dalle scuole. Il filmato, pubblicato dal sito de Secolo XIX è stato girato da alcuni studenti di uno degli edifici scolastici che danno sulla piazza, e risale al 7 ottobre quando intorno alle ore 11 del mattino un gruppo di spacciatori arriva allo scontro fisico sembra per il controllo del mercato dell'eroina nel centro storico. Le immagini choc mostrano il momento in cui un cittadino magrebino, steso a terra, viene aggredito con calci e pugni. Ma non solo, l'uomo viene colpito al volto con delle bottiglie che gli provocheranno uno sfregio di ventisei centimetri, da un orecchio fino a sotto il mento. La vittima, un ventiquattrenne, è in Italia regolarmente, ma ha dei precedenti per spaccio. La polizia ha arrestato l'extracomunitario che ha sfregiato il connazionale.