Monday, November 16, 2015
WikiLeaks releases audio accusing Obama & Bush administrations of corruption
Whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks has published a trove of classified audio files indicating that the Bush and Obama appointees engaged in misappropriation of funds in a program intended to help disabled people find jobs.
WikiLeaks had 30 hours of audio recordings related to a billion-dollar corruption scandal “with links to the White House,” the organization said in a tweet on Monday.The tapes are intended to provide evidence that AbilityOne, a program that awards roughly $3 billion annually in government contracts, gave its money to defense contractors and other large corporations that did not have many disabled employees.
Taxpayer money set aside for AbilityOne, which is mostly distributed by the non-profit SourceAmerica, is intended for companies in which at least 75 percent of work is performed by disabled people.
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
Harvard University evacuates buildings after bomb threat
Harvard University has evacuated four buildings on its Cambridge, Massachusetts campus after receiving an unconfirmed bomb threat. Entry to the iconic Harvard Yard is restricted and law enforcement officials are on the scene, the university said.
The buildings affected by the evacuation order are the Science Center and the Sever, Emerson and Thayer Halls, Harvard said in an emergency alert to students and faculty.
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
‘France is at war’: Hollande urges more security spending & stripping of citizenship after attacks
Stating that France is now "at war," President Francois Hollande urged for increased security spending and stripping dual citizens of their French nationality if they are deemed a terrorism risk. It comes just days after Paris attacks killed 129 people.
In a Monday address to both houses of parliament, Hollande said France will step up strikes in Syria, calling it “the biggest factory of terrorists the world has known.”
"Our democracy has triumphed before over adversaries that were much more formidable than these cowards," Hollande said.
The French president demanded a rapid implementation of "co-ordinated and systematic controls" of the EU's internal and external borders, stressing that it will patrol its national borders if Europe does not comply. This would mean dismantling the European Union.
Read article HERE
INC News,16/11/2015 - via RT
Troops deployed to build flood barriers as storms batter northern England
Torrential rain has brought flooding to counties across the north of England, causing major disruption to train services, roads and farmland. Soldiers have been deployed to build flood barriers in Lancashire and Cumbria.
The Environmental Agency (EA) issued severe flood warnings this weekend, indicating a risk to life.
It confirmed that 180 millimeters of rain fell over some parts of northern England on Saturday night. A handful of homes are thought to have been affected. Experts fear up to 1,600 properties could be at risk.
Train services in north Wales have been disrupted by higher river levels in Powys.
Read article HERE
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members
President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.
During the summit, “I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told the journalists.
Putin also spoke of the urgent need to curb the illegal oil trade by IS.
"I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products," he said.
“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon," Putin added, comparing the convoy to gas and oil pipeline systems.
Read article HERE
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members
President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.
During the summit, “I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told the journalists.
Details of this news will be followed as soon as possible
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
MasterCard sees huge potential in China
The MasterCard global payment system expects double-digit growth in credit card transactions in China provided Beijing opens its domestic transactions to foreign companies. At present, the Chinese market is dominated by the state-backed UnionPay.
"That's going to change with China opening up. We will be able to process domestic transactions just like a domestic national player," Ling Hai, co-president for MasterCard Asia Pacific told Reuters.
Read article of RT clicking HERE
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
ISIS video threatens attack on Washington, warns countries taking part in Syria airstrikes
A new Islamic State video has warned that countries taking part in Syria airstrikes will suffer the same fate as France, which was hit with multiple attacks on Friday. It specifically threatens an attack on Washington. A man in the video states that just as the center of France was hit by terror attacks on Friday, the US capital of Washington DC will suffer the same outcome at the hands of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video, Reuters reported.
ISIS claimed responsibility for attacks in Paris on Friday which left 129 people dead and 352 others wounded. Seven of the attackers blew themselves up, and police have been searching intensively for accomplices.
The assaults were the worst to take place on French soil since World War II.
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via RT
INC News, 16/11/2015
Arrestatie bij invallen in Brusselse gemeente Molenbeek
Bij politie-invallen in de Brusselse deelgemeente Molenbeek is zeker één persoon gearresteerd. Er zou geschoten zijn bij huiszoekingen, maar dat is nog niet bevestigd. Volgens VTM Nieuws en RTL is de nog voortvluchtige Abdeslam Salah, de broer van een van de aanslagplegers die vrijdagavond is omgekomen. Het Belgische openbaar ministerie ontkend aan de Waalse zender RTBF dat Salah is gearresteerd.INC News, 16/11/2015
Belgian police have arrested Salah Abdeslam, suspected of coordinating Friday’s attacks in Paris, during raids in Brussels suburb of Molenbeek, notorious as an Islamist hotspot, RTL radio reported.
Attentati Parigi, arrestato in Belgio Salah Abdeslam. Identificata la mente del commando
Arrestato durante un blitz nel quartiere di Molenbeek, a Bruxelles, Salah Abdeslam, Oltre 160 perquisizioni in tutta la Francia, 23 arresti, 104 persone ai domiciliari.
INC News, 16/11/2015
Ecco la lista dei 'crimini' per i quali il Califfato ci vuole uccidere
Quali sono i "crimini" per i quali gli islamisti fanatici del Califfato hanno deciso fosse legittimo uccidere? Al di là delle cause profonde, che lasciamo agli storici e agli esperti, cosa stavano facendo di così offensivo nei confronti dell'Islam le persone falcidiate dai fondamentalisti negli ultimi anni?
Il magazine Atlantic ha provato a stilare una lista provvisoria di questi "gravissimi" comportamenti. Come ogni lista, è parziale. Ma questa, in particolare, qualcosa ci dice: che i cristiani, gli ebrei, gli induisti, gli atei, le donne, i gay, e i milioni di musulmani che rifiutano il dettato conservatore del Corano interpretati da al Qaeda e Isis, possono essere puniti se guardati con gli occhi di chi vorrebbe riportare il Medioevo al mondo. Ecco dunque la lista dei "crimini" che sono valsi la pena di morte:
- Andare in vacanza in Egitto
- Fare shopping a Nairobi
- Andare in ufficio a New York
- Volare in aeroplano negli Stati Uniti
- Muoversi in treno a Madrid
- Muoversi in bus a Londra
- Partecipare a un matrimonio ad Amman
- Custodire un memoriale in Canada
- Pregare in una moschea non approvata
- Essere ebrei
- Visitare una discoteca a Bali
- Andare a scuola in Russia
- Andare a scuola a Peshawar
- Disegnare vignette
- Essere un giornalista del Wall Street Journal in Pakistan
- Parlare liberamente in Bangladesh
- Essere un ingegnere francese in Pakistan
- Lavorare in banca a Istanbul
- Muoversi in traghetto nelle Filippine
- Bere un caffè a Mumbay
- Realizzare un film critico sull'atteggiamento dell'Islam nei confronti delle donne
- Pubblicare bibbie in Turchia
- Dormire in hotel a Islamabad
- Stare fuori una stazione di reclutamento a Little Rock
- Pregare in Chiesa in Egitto
- Fare shopping per i regali di Natale in Svezia
- Comprare pesce in Nigeria
- Fare un pellegrinaggio in Iraq
- Guardare la maratona di Boston
- Essere una ragazza cristiana in Nigeria
- Prendere il sole in Tunisia
- Fare il giornalista
INC News, 16/11/2015 - via Espresso
Aerei francesi bombardano Raqqa Colpiti centri nevralgici dell'Isis
L’aviazione francese ha compiuto domenica sera attacchi contro posizioni dell’Isis a Raqqa, la capitale dello Stato Islamico. Lo ha reso noto il ministero della Difesa di Parigi precisando che sono stati impiegati complessivamente 12 aerei, di cui 10 caccia da combattimento. La Francia era già da tempo impegnata in attività militari in Siria - e questo è stato tra l'altro indicato come il principale motivo alla base degli attentati di venerdì sera - ma i nuovi raid vengono visti come una risposta diretta alle ultime azioni dei terroristi, che hanno provocato 129 morti e circa 300 feriti. Lo stesso presidente François Hollande, nel suo intervento a caldo dopo le stragi, aveva fatto sapere che la risposta dell’Eliseo sarebbe stata «determinata e spietata». E pure il primo ministro Manuel Valls aveva lasciato intendere che una reazione non avrebbe tardato ad arrivare parlando di una «guerra che intendiamo vincere».
Leggere articolo cliccando QUI
INC News,16/11/2015 - via Corriere
Parigi, Anonymous contro Isis: «Vi smaschereremo e vi fermeremo»
Anonymous, il gruppo di hacktivist che opera in tutto il mondo, lancia #OpParis. E dichiara, ancora una volta, guerra alle attività di cyber propaganda del Califfato. In un filmato diffuso in più lingue vengono minacciati direttamente gli attentatori dello Stato Islamico: «Siamo sulle tracce degli appartenenti ai gruppi terroristici responsabili degli attacchi, non ci fermeremo, non dimenticheremo, e faremo tutto il necessario per porre fine alle loro azioni», afferma Anonymous.
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