Monday, September 28, 2015

Об успехах Казахстана рассказал Нурсултан Назарбаев на саммите ООН

Владимир Путин принял участие в официальном завтраке лидеров ООН


Putin, Obama meet on UNGA sidelines

The leaders of Russia and the United States are holding a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, shortly after they both addressed the international community on urgent topics, varying from global terrorism to climate change.

INC News, Almaty, 29/09/2015 - via RT

Желающие завести кошку должны будут спрашивать разрешение у соседей

В Семее при ремонте дорог решили обойтись без ливневой канализации

В Усть-Каменогорске за одну ночь сгорели пять машин

Ученые NASA обнаружили на Марсе потоки жидкой соленой воды

Машина VW обходится на 450 евро в год дороже, чем считалось

США готовы работать по Сирии с Россией

Зарисовки из Крыма - reporter

Европейский малый бизнес: после кризиса - курс на "хайтек" - real economy


Gunman reported in medical clinic in Rockford, Illinois

Police are currently responding to a report of a shooting at a medical clinic in Rockford, Illinois.
Crusader Community Health CEO Gordon Eggers says that law enforcement is converging to the second floor of the clinic, according to a local NBC affiliate.
Patients, nurses and doctors are reported to have taken shelter inside storefronts, according to local businesses. Streets in the area have been closed off.
Crusader VP of Development Linda Niemec says that some staff are still inside the building, but are in a secure location.
There have not been any deaths or injuries reported.

INC News, Schiedam, 29/09/2015 - via Web

Onu, Obama sulla crisis siriana: "Pronti a lavorare con Russia e Iran"

NASA: "Trovata acqua in forma liquida su Marte"

Catalonia looks to the future after regional elections

From a Russian peninsula: Crimean voices - reporter

US is ready to work with Russia and Iran on Syria but says Assad can't s...

Kende Sandra haar moordenaar?

Na water ook leven op Mars?

Acteurs vereeuwigd in Utrecht

Does water on Mars mean there's hope for life?

'Liquid water has been found on Mars' says NASA - BBC News

Excitement Builds for NASA's Big Announcement

Putin to UN: Export of so-called democratic revolutions continues globally

(full speech oof Vladimir Putin)

The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA. He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, “but how did that turn out?”
He said that instead of triumph of democracy “we have violence and social disaster,” where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life.
Read article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 - via RT

Petrol-drenched man tasered by police died of ‘severe burns,’ inquest hears

A petrol-soaked man with a history of depression died from “severe burns,” but it remains unclear whether he ignited himself or caught fire as a result of being tasered by a police officer, an inquest has heard. Andrew Pimlott, 32, was reportedly carrying a match or lighter when a police officer tasered him at his parents’ home in Devon two years ago. On Monday, Plymouth Coroner’s Court heard that Pimlott’s father, Kevin, called the police after seeing him arrive at his parents’ home and picking up a can of fuel. Pimlott was previously ordered to stay away from his parents’ home after pleading guilty to criminal damage at the property.  His father was convinced Pimlott was about to set the house on fire. Two police officers, identified in the inquest as PCs Beer and Hodgkinson, arrived at Pimlott’s family home minutes after being called.
INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 - via RT

Suzuki продает акции Volkswagen - economy

Прибыль китайских компаний резко упала - economy

Vodafone и Liberty Global не договорились об обмене активами - economy

Shell прекращает разведку в Арктике - economy

Кровавая луна... Предвестник несчастий или просто отблеск солнца?

Шагомер, который придумал школьник - hi-tech

В ЕС ищут консенсус по проблеме мигрантов

Фильтруй и поливай: ученые ЕС по-новому проверяют воду для ирригации - f...

Папа римский Франциск завершил свой визит в США

94 uur tv kijken in een glazen hok

DAF-personeel eist ‘meer respect’

Auto rijdt in op winkelpui

Emotioneel vaarwel Speelstad Oranje

Explosie op speedboot president

‘Koning helpt met gevecht om zetel’

Wereld geniet van sensationele maan

Vrijwel niemand is de rode maan in Nederland ontgaan. Maar buiten de grenzen is de bloedmaan ook een trekpleister. Wij hebben beelden uit verschillende landen op een rij gezet.

INC News, Schiedam, 28/09/2015 via De Telegraaf

Vodafone e Liberty, stop ai negoziati sullo scambio di attività - economy

Shell abbandona i progetti di trivellazione nell'Artico - economy

Il tappeto che conta i passi - hi-tech

Migrants set to follow new route through Europe as winter approaches

Amazing timelapse captures rare supermoon eclipse

Britain First: "A declaration of war" BBC News

Raw: Timelapse of Supermoon Eclipse

All over in the world we assisted of one Red Moon Eclipse this morning European Time.

This was the last, the next one will be in 2023. The difference from this eclipse and the precedents

consisted in the fact the distance with the Earth was reduced respect the normal orbital trip, and so

the imagine of Moon was 14% bigger than normal and the color of Moon Red!

INC News, Schiedam - 28/09/2015 - via AP

Taiwan evacuates thousands as 'super typhoon' nears

Pope Francis Bids Farewell to the US

Дэвид Кэмерон: Членство со свинячим пятачком

"Куда катиться мир?" - спрашивает себя каждый цивилизованный человек планеты? Чем мы руководствуемся когда просыпаемся? Ну явно не тем, чтобы удовлетворять свои порочные прихоти и животные инстинкты. Хотя есть и особые личности, которым не слабо вложить свое мужское достоинство в пасть мертвой свиньи. Более подробно читайте по ссылке

28/09/2015-Алматы, Картбаева Мира для INCNews

Взгляд на демократию глазами господина Лукашенко.

 "Под предлогом наличия ядерного оружия в Ираке решили демократизировать страну. И где же эта демократия?" - потребовал от представителей ООН президент Белоруссии. 

Мира Картбаева для INCNews, 28/09/2015 -Алматы