Thursday, September 25, 2014

Russia Speeds Up Law to Ban Most Foreign Web Services

Russia needs to ban internet?

The State Duma approved a bill to expedite a new set of Internet regulations that, experts say, would provide for the banning of such web services as Facebook, and Amazon.
A law requiring all online companies to store users' personal data on Russian territory was passed last July and was set to enter into effect in September 2016.
Concerned about the need to "ensure faster and more effective protection of Russian citizens' rights to telecommunication privacy and personal data safety," lawmakers submitted a bill to slide the deadline forward by more than a year, according to the Duma's website.The bill to set the deadline to Jan. 1, 2015, passed in the crucial second reading on Wednesday.
Lobbying group the Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association said in an open letter on Monday that the rule would cripple Russia's IT industry. Russia simply lacks the technical facilities to host databases with users' personal data, and setting up the infrastructure within the remaining three months is impossible, the letter said.
"Most companies will be forced to put their operations on hold, inflicting untold damage on the Russian economy," the group said on its website.
But their appeal failed to sway lawmakers, who fast-tracked the bill — a procedure that, most political pundits say, implies endorsement from the Kremlin, which has not commented on the initiative.
The government intends to set up a roster of companies found to have violated the new law, a Duma representative was cited by Kommersant daily on Thursday as saying. He did not elaborate on penalties for lawbreakers, but Russia has been actively blacklisting websites since 2011.

INC News, 25/09/2014

Russian State Duma Back in Session, More Creative Than Ever

New Duma

Summer appears to have been a fruitful and creative period for Russian lawmakers. Less than two weeks into the State Duma's fall session, the legislative body is already buzzing with an array of quirky new legislative initiatives.
Light bulbs, white paint and a day off for President Vladimir Putin's birthday are just a few of the latest proposals. These the most important:

1. Make Putin's Birthday a Public, Crimea-Annexation-Themed Holiday

2. Revoke a Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs

3. Limit Hollywood Movies in Russian Cinemas

4. Paint the Kremlin Walls White

5. Kick Foreigners Out of the National Media Industry

INC News, 25/09/2014

France steps up security in public places after beheading of French citizen

France is to increase security in public places and on public transport in the wake of the beheading of a French mountain guide in Algeria and threats against French citizens by jihadists. The new measures were announced on Thursday after the president called an emergency meeting of the defence council. Meanwhile France is continuing its bombing raids against ISIL targets in Iraq and has pledged to increase support for Syrian opposition fighters. The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said France refused to be intimidated by extremists: “France will never give in, France does not give into intimidation, that’s the reaction we owe our fellow citizen who was assassinated.”

Stupro, pena ridotta anche se completo

Avevamo appena scritto, questa mattina, la nostra idea sulle Leggi italiane in fatto di violenza sessuale sulle done, ed ecco arrivatala sentenza. Quello che si legge nella nota dell'Agenzia ANSA e' da far riflettere in molti, perche' la decisione viene dalla Corte di Cassazione.

(ANSA)- ROMA,25 SET -Si possono commettere numerosi stupri portati a totale compimento -con la sopraffazione fisica della donna e della sua dignità- e nonostante ciò vedersi concessa l'attenuante di aver commesso un reato di non troppo rilievo, per il quale si può ottenere la riduzione della pena.E' quanto sostiene la Cassazione,che si è espressa in disaccordo con un verdetto di merito che,invece,riteneva che una violenza sessuale portata a estremo compimento sia di per sé un reato grave e non un episodio di meno grave.

INC News, 25/09/2014

l'Fbi identifica il boia 'John'. Ma è allarme attentati per Parigi e New York

                                                                         Allarme attentati

Gli Stati Uniti hanno identificato l'assassino dei giornalisti James Foley e Steven Sotloff, uccisi dall'Isis. Lo afferma l'Fbi. "L'agenzia ritiene di aver identificato il militante visto nei video della decapitazione di Foley e Sotloff", ha affermato il numero uno dell'Fbi, James Comey, che però non ha voluto al momento rilasciare il nome del presunto assassino. Si tratta del boia dall'accento britannico comparso nei due video. Secondo fonti di intelligence britanniche citate nelle settimane scorse dal Sunday Times, il boia sarebbe stato identificato da Londra nel rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary. Ma non si è mai avuta conferma delle indiscrezioni. Da Bruxelles, intanto, arriva un oscuro monito. Un attacco terroristico di grandi dimensioni in Europa è pressochè "inevitabile" con il rientro di jihadisti europei da Siria e Iraq. E' quantoriferisce il Guardian online citando fonti Ue a conoscenza del dossier. Secondo le stesse fonti, gli Usa stanno facendo pressioni sulle istituzioni Ue e i 28 governi partner affinchè fronteggino la minaccia, ma l'Europa starebbe rispondendo con difficoltà nel produrre gli strumenti necessari per ridurre il rischio. 
Cellule dell'Isis stanno complottando attacchi a Stati Uniti e Francia e tra gli obiettivi ci sarebbero in particolare le stazioni della metropolitana: è l'allarme lanciato dal premier iracheno al Abadi a New York per l'Assemblea generale dell'Onu. Nel mirino dell'Isis, oltre agli Usa, ci sarebbe in particolare la linea della metropolitana di Parigi. Il premier ha parlato di "attacchi imminenti" e ha assicurato come i governi francese e americano siano stati allertati.
INC News, 25/09/2014-Fonte ANSA AP

Norvegia, simpatizzanti Isis minacciano decapitare famiglia

Jihad Danese?

Un gruppo di simpatizzanti danesi dell'Isis avrebbero pianificato di uccidere tramite decapitazione un'intera famiglia norvegese, filmare il massacro e diffonderne le immagini come ''avvertimento'' contro i paesi occidentali che stanno affiancando gli Stati Uniti nella lotta contro il terrorismo integralista in Siria e Iraq. Lo ha annunciato la tv norvegese NRK affermando che la polizia di Oslo ha ricostruito senza fornire molti particolari tutta la vicenda.

INC News, 25/09/2014-Fonte ANSA AP

Shellshock: Bash bug 'bigger than Heartbleed' could undermine security of millions of websites

super bug or supervirus?

A security flaw discovered in one of the most fundamental interfaces powering the internet has been described by researchers as ‘bigger than Heartbleed', the computer bug that affected nearly every computer user earlier this year.
The 'Bash bug', also known as Shellshock, is located in the command-line shell used in many Linux and Unix operating systems, leaving websites and devices power by these operating systems open to attack.
Like Heartbleed, Shellshock is a pervasive flaw that security researchers say will take years to fix properly. The responsibility to do so however rests with webmasters and systems administrators – rather than average users.
Security firm Rapid7 has rated the bug as 10 out of 10 for its severity, but "low" for complexity - with hackers able to exploit it using just three lines of code.
However, unlike Heartbleed, Shellshock will not require users to rush from site to site changing their passwords but it does give hackers another method of attack that they could potentially use to take over computers or mobile devices.
If Heartbleed's effect on users was akin to unlocking everyone's front door simultaneously, sending people scrambling back home to turn the key (ie change their passwords) then Shellshock is like giving thieves a new type of crowbar to break in to houses with - they're just as likely to use older methods, but it's still a blow for general security.
Security researchers are especially worried about its potential - but as yet unknown - effect on Apple Mac computers, which uses the Bash software which the bug exploits directly in the form of its command-line program Terminal.

INC News, 25/09/2014

Islamic State poses serious threat to Kazakhstan: Satpayev

Kazakhstan and Islamic state

Kazakhstan should take the threat posed by the radical group Islamic State more seriously, famous Kazakh political analyst and head of Risk Assessment Group Dosym Satpayev said in an interview to Megapolis newspaper.

According to the newspaper a video appeared in the social networks in mid-September purporting to show Kazakhstanis fighting on the side of the Islamic militants and saying they were ready to declare jihad on Kazakhstan.

Satpayev said that the danger of the "Islamic Caliphate" was very real. "It all started with threats to the Caucasus and Central Asia in general but now they have started calling the countries by name," he said.

“There is information that some of the so-called Mujahideen, having received necessary combat experience, are going back to their home countries. In particular, such reports came from the UK, France and Germany. And when the talk is about the possible risks to our country connected to participation of our citizens in the fighting on the side of the IS or Taliban, the emphasis is on the fact that their return to Kazakhstan may change the balance of power in the radical underground,” Satpayev said.

Satpayev said that the return of the citizens with experience in sabotage activities could lead to creation of new formations from various factions of radical Islamists and intensification of terrorist activities.
This view is shared by Yevgeny Satanovsky, President of the Middle East Institute, who believes that the catastrophe of Islamic Caliphate in Iraq may repeat itself in Afghanistan and then spread to Central Asia.

In an interview to the Russian expert said that he considered Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan the most vulnerable regions in Central Asia. Talking about the returning militants, Satanovskiy noted that such professionals were not only a mobile military force that could stir any region at the right time but were also ideal recruiters, especially of the youth.
Worrying is that Satpayev has not shown confidence in the ability of Kazakhstani security services to face such new challenges. "It is sufficent to recall the massacre in a national park near Almaty: even amateurish approach can cause a big stir in the power structures of Kazakhstan. It was then revealed that the radicals were outside the control of our special services," Satpayev said.
INC News, 25/09/2014

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Branding Nigeria: MasterCard-backed I.D. is also a debit card and a passport

 What does it mean to be Nigerian? That's the question on the lips of many in Africa's most populous country as new national identity cards are being rolled out. But this is an I.D. with a difference.
The card, which fits into a wallet and comes with a credit-card style chip, can also be used to make electronic payments. Nigerians can use it to deposit funds, receive social benefits, pay for goods and withdraw cash at ATMs across the country, according to MasterCard, which provides the card's prepaid payment technology. The company also claims that by providing proof of identity, the card solves one of the biggest problems people face when trying to open a bank account.
"To all Nigerians, I say, remember the National Identification Number, is your identity," Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan said at the launch of the National Identity Smart Card, or NeID, at the end of August. "The card is not only a means of certifying your identity, but also a personal database repository and payment card, all in your pocket."
INC News, 25/09/2014-via  CNN

Paraguay bishop Livieres sacked over 'abuse cover-up'

Another Bishop sacked
Pope Francis has sacked a Paraguayan bishop who has been accused of protecting a priest suspected of sexually abusing young parishioners. The Vatican said that "the Holy Father has decided to replace Monsignor Rogelio Livieres Plano" as bishop of Ciudad del Este. It is the second time in a week that Pope Francis has taken disciplinary action over clerical sex abuse scandals in Latin America. He has promised "zero tolerance".
Two days ago, the Pope ordered the arrest of a senior Vatican diplomat, Jozef Wesolowski, accused of the sexual abuse of children during a posting to the Dominican Republic. The Vatican statement only referred to the reasons behind the sacking of the Right Reverend Livieres Plano as a "painful decision taken for serious pastoral reasons".
It also said that the move followed a Vatican investigation of the bishop, the diocese and its seminaries. The BBC's David Willey in Rome says that the Rt Rv Livieres Plano has been at the centre of a local dispute over the promotion of an Argentine priest accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour.
Our correspondent says that Pope Francis has insisted there be no privileges for bishops when it comes to sex crimes against children. The Rt Rv Livieres Plano is a member of the conservative Opus Dei movement and is reported to have clashed with more progressive members of his diocese.
Church prosecutors have dealt with some 3,500 abuse cases worldwide during the past decade. Pope Francis has pledged a crackdown on clerics and employees of the Church who exploit minors, comparing their actions to a "satanic mass".
INC News, 25/09/2014

Anjem Choudary held in London terror raids

Anjem Choudary

Nine men, including the radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, have been arrested in London on suspicion of being members of a banned organisation. Officers are searching 18 premises in London and one in Stoke-on-Trent. The Met Police said it was part of an ongoing inquiry into Islamist-related terrorism and not in response to any immediate threat to the public. Mr Choudary is the former UK head of the Islamist group al-Muhajiroun or Islam4UK, banned in the UK in 2010. The arrested men, aged between 22 and 51, are being held at police stations in central London.
INC News, 25/09/2014-via BBC

Shellshock: 'Deadly serious' new vulnerability found

A "deadly serious" bug potentially affecting hundreds of millions of computers, servers and devices has been discovered. The flaw has been found in a software component known as Bash, which is a part of many Linux systems as well as Apple's Mac operating system. The bug, dubbed Shellshock, can be used to remotely take control of almost any system using Bash, researchers said. Experts said it was more serious than the Heartbleed bug discovered in April.
"Whereas something like Heartbleed was all about sniffing what was going on, this was about giving you direct access to the system," Prof Alan Woodward, a security researcher from the University of Surrey, told the BBC. "The door's wide open."
Some 500,000 machines worldwide were thought to have been vulnerable to Heartbleed. But early estimates, which experts said were conservative, suggest that Shellshock could hit at least 500 million machines. The problem is particularly serious given that many web servers are run using the Apache system, software which includes the Bash component.
INC News, 25/09/2014-via BBC

Empeora el estado de salud del religioso infectado por ébola

Religioso enfectado empeora

El estado de salud de Manuel García Viejo, el religioso de la Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios infectado por ébola e ingresado en el Hospital Carlos III de Madrid, ha sufrido "un empeoramiento dentro de la gravedad que ya mantenía", según informa fuentes de la orden a la que pertenece.
El tiempo juega en contra de la recuperación de Manuel García Viejo, el religioso español contagiado de ébola que permanece ingresado en el hospital Carlos III de Madrid tras ser repatriado desde Sierra Leona en la madrugada del lunes pasado. El equipo médico que le atiende trabaja "a contrarreloj", dijo el lunes uno de los médicos. El tratamiento consiste en intentar mantenerle estable pero también tratar de encontrar la mejor de las terapias experimentales que se están probando en el mundo.
La "agresividad" del virus hace que la enfermedad avance muy rápido, añadió el facultativo. García Viejo llegó a Madrid con “una importante deshidratación” y el hígado y los riñones muy afectados. Su estado se calificó de "grave". El paciente pidió que no se divulgaran más datos sobre su estado de salud y sobre los tratamientos que se le administran, por lo que los médicos dejaron de dar más detalles sobre su estado el lunes.
Ayer la Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios informaba que Manuel García Viejo estaba "consciente y clínicamente estable", pero continúa "dentro del contexto de gravedad". "Se siguen estudiando posibles alternativas terapéuticas experimentales relacionadas con el tratamiento de la enfermedad provocada por el virus del ébola", añadía una portavoz. 
INC News, 25/09/2014

La policía detuvo a otros tres pederastas mientras buscaba al de Ciudad Lineal

El problema de la pederastia

La Policía Nacional detuvo a otros tres pederastas y a varios exhibicionistas durante los meses en los que buscaba al pederasta de Ciudad Lineal, gracias al despliegue policial y a los datos recabados por los agentes, según ha revelado este jueves en una entrevista en televisión el jefe superior de Policía de Madrid, Alfonso José Fernández Díez. El mando policial ha informado también de que disponen de restos de ADN y "vestigios" de huellas de Antonio Ángel Ortiz Martínez, que están siendo examinados.

INC News, 25/09/2014

9 arresti, tra cui predicatore Choudari

E' questa la versione italiana via ANSA degli articoli in inglese comparsi questa mattina sui taboild di mezzo mondo.

(da ANSA)-Nove persone, tra cui il predicatore radicale Anjem Choudary, sono state arrestate oggi dalla polizia di Londra in un'operazione antiterrorismo. Lo riferisce il Telegraph online. L'uomo è il leader di al-Muhajiron, un'organizzazione bandita in Gran Bretagna dal 2003. Nel 2013 Choudary raccontò di essere stato avvicinato per un periodo da Michael Adebolajo, uno dei due terroristi che nel maggio dello scorso anno uccisero in strada a Woolwich, nel sud-est di Londra, il soldato Lee Rigby.

INC News, 25/09/2014

Concordia, De Falco lascia il settore operativo: ' Sono amareggiato'

Come giornalisti non ci si puo' permettere una critica o un giudizio sulle leggi che amministrano la vita dell' umano, pero' in questo caso siamo un poco perplessi a causa dell'andamento processuale e sulle conclusioni. Sia lo Stato con le Sue Leggi a fare giustizia, ma quella vera.

(da ANSA AP) - Gregorio De Falco, il capitano di fregata divenuto famoso per la telefonata con il comandante Schettino in cui gli intimò di tornare a bordo, dopo dieci anni termina l'incarico nel settore operativo della Capitaneria di Livorno: a fine settembre infatti sarà trasferito in altri uffici, sempre della Direzione marittima di Livorno. Il parlamentare Pd Federico Gelli ha annunciato un'interrogazione al ministro Maurizio Lupi per sapere la ragione di questa scelta.
Ai tempi del naufragio della Costa Concordia, De Falco era a capo della sezione operativa e dallo scorso anno aveva assunto l'incarico di caposervizio operazioni della Direzione Marittima di Livorno. "Proprio stamani ho avuto notizia dal comandante Faraone che lascio il servizio operazioni e vengo destinato ad un ufficio di carattere amministrativo. Sono abbastanza amareggiato, perchè da dieci anni la mia ragione professionale è l'operativa, ma sono un militare", ha detto stamani lo stesso De Falco, commentando il suo trasferimento ai microfoni dell'emittente toscana Granducato Tv a margine della conferenza stampa di presentazione a Livorno dell'esercitazione di protezione civile Liburnia 2014.
INC News, 25/09/2014

Euro scivola a 1,2752 dollari

Si ricomincia l'altalena della valuta europea, sensibilissima all'andamento della situazione economica in cui versano le sorelle della Unione. Questo quanto l'Agenzia ANSA comunica oggi:

Nuova scivolata dell'euro nei confronti del dollaro. Dopo essere scesa sotto quota 1,28 ieri, la moneta unica continua a calare e tocca quota 1,2752 (-0,21%) sul dollaro segnando il minimo dal luglio 2013. Pesano le aspettative negative sull'economia europea con gli investitori che scommettono su un massiccio intervento della Bce.

INC News,25/09/2014

Ancora un deitto verso una donna in ambiente famigliare

L'Agenzia ANSA ha passato la notizia che postiamo, questa mattina. Ancora un delitto perpetrato all' interno della famiglia, ancora una volta un uomo uccide la propria compagna, come se nulla fosse, come se fosse tutto dovuto. E' l'ennesimo caso, uno dei centomila che nel mondo ogni giorno accade. E nessuno, proprio  nessuno, reagisce. Non bastano movimenti di persone, azioni sociali, prevenzioni. Dunque e' il maschio attuale che ha in se' un gene perfido che senza avviso fa scattare la molla della violenza? Dobbiamo crede a questo?
Uccide la moglie
Un artigiano albanese di 44 anni ha ucciso la moglie connazionale di 30 la notte scorsa nella loro casa di Casella in Valle Scrivia. L'uomo ha colpito la donna con 7 fendenti, usando due coltelli, uno lasciato conficcato nel petto. Poi, sotto choc e ubriaco, ha chiamato i carabinieri e si è costituito. L'omicidio mentre in casa c'erano i 2 figli di 4 e 3 anni. Ai militari ha detto di non svegliarli e di pensare ai loro biberon. L'omicidio pare dettato da gelosia e problemi economici.

INC News, 25/09/2014