Monday, September 26, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (26.09.2016) 26 сентября 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1

Russia accused of war crimes at UN meeting

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Newsy

Pangolins are critically endangered

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Newsy

Elon Musk has a rocket that could get us to Mars

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Newsy

NASA to hold press conference on Europa findings

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Newsy

‘Con pacto de paz, Colombia se integrará como nación democrática’

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©HispanTV

Irán advierte: Occidente aún no ha cumplido el acuerdo nuclear

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©HispanTV

ELISABETTA FRANCHI Full Show Spring Summer 2017 Milan by Fashion Channel

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©Fashion Channel

Roma, genitori picchiano la fidanzata della figlia perché lesbica

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©

Usa: Clinton e Trump si affrontano nel primo faccia a faccia in tv

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Brasile: arrestato Palocci, ex ministro sotto Lula e Rousseff

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Draghi: "L'Europa incassa bene, ma sulla Brexit si acceleri" - economy

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Lima, euronews nella Città dei Re - life

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Francia: Hollande promette smantellamento della 'giungla' di Calais

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

L'elettricità dalle correnti oceaniche

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Wall Street sospesa al dibattito fra Clinton e Trump. I timori della finanza

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Le Farc cambiano pelle

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Azernaigian: si vota per la riforma costituzionale iper-presidenzialista

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Sicurezza in mare: le navi ecologiche alla prova della tempesta perfetta

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Nudi di bambini. A Mosca chiusa una mostra fotografica

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Deutsche Bank spaventa i mercati. Profondo rosso sui mercati europei

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Giordania: manifestazione di protesta dopo l'uccisione di Hattar

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Spagna: scandalo Bankia, l'ex presidente FMI Rato sul banco degli imputati

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Violenze in Usa: tolto il coprifuoco a Charlotte

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Svizzera, tre referendum più uno: sì a poteri e trasparenza servizi e a limiti ai transfrontalieri

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©euronews

Caso Ayotzinapa, la tumba abierta

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©ElPais

Zo gaan Clinton en Trump de ring in

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©DeTelegraaf

Left hanging: Prince George 'snubs' PM Trudeau's high five

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©CTV News

50 years of presidential debate moments

Yes, this night will start the duell between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, at the end of a campaign which for us European was a singularity, due to words and actions not convenctional for people in running to White House. Who will be the winner?  -  M.Lermontov for INC News

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©CNN

Onboard the MetLife Blimp

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  ©CNN

Tens of Thousands Protest Gay Marriage in Mexico

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  CBN News

Calgary Stampeder mourn Mylan Hicks after nightclub shooting

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:  CBC News

Royal visit day 2 highlights

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©CBC News


INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:©ANSA AP

Kremlin Starts Talks to Decrypt All Internet Traffic in Real-Time

The Kremlin has already begun work on plans to monitor and decrypt Russia's online traffic in real-time, the Kommersant newspaper has reported. Kommersant reported that Natalya Kaspersky, CEO of cyber-security firm InfoWatch and a member of the Kremlin's IT and Sovereigntyworking group, confirmed that talks on the project were already under way. Kaspersky later denied the claims, saying that the newspaper had "twisted her words." The newspaper reported on Wednesday that the Kremlin could try to decipher Internet traffic in real-time to replace controversial anti-terror legislation. The law, part of the infamous “Yarovaya package”stipulated that all online and mobile communications needed to bestored for six months.
Read complete article clicking HERE
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©MoscowTime

Florida Woman Jumps on Car to Stop Alleged Purse Snatcher

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:©abcNews

Daredevil Performs Death-Defying Stunts at Dizzying Heights

And if one of these irresponsible teenagers tumbles down ?? Who can have the responsibility?
M. Lermontov for INC News

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: © abcNews

Очередь в ГУМе за новыми айфонами

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:©BBC News Rus

Farc fighters 'had no option about abortions'

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:©BBC News

В Назарбаев университете изучают рак простаты

Students final year Nazarbayev University are engaged in scientific research, which in the future want to dedicate their lives. Some of them have recently returned from probation app in the US and China. Azattyk Reporters visited the laboratories of future scientists.

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

Raw: Several People Shot at Houston Strip Mall

Ancora spari in un centro commerciale americano (questa volta a Huston) e ancora una volta viene ucciso o arrestato un singolo individuo armato. Pare quasi che a spot qualcuno si diverta a giocare con armi che non gli appartengono.  M. Lermontov per INC News

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: © AP

River Flood Approaches Cedar Rapids

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: © AP

Raw: Trudeau Greets Duke, Duchess of Cambridge

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were welcomed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and enthusiastic crowds, as they arrived at the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base in Vancouver on Sunday.

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: © AP

Colombia and FARC set to sign historic peace pact

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera

Protests against police killing continue in Charlotte

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Prepare for First Debate

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©abcNews

Man Killed Inside a Starbucks in Las Vegas, Suspect Arrested

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©abcNews


Abbiamo pensato ai tanti nostri lettori che non hanno tempo di leggere le notizie e quindi un rapido telegeiornale puo' essere un buon ripiego. Noi speriamo piaccia la idea di postare il telegiornale ANSA. Dateci un vostro pensiero, in merito, per migliorare il nostro servizio. Grazie. INC News, 26/09/2016 - source:© ANSA AP

Muore Arnold Palmer, la leggenda del golf

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

A New York i leader ciprioti s'impegnano per riunificazione entro 2016

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Colombia, oggi a Cartagena firma della pace tra governo e Farc

INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©euronews


INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ANSA AP