Friday, December 19, 2014

News delivered now: Dead woman found in a dumpster in N Kazakhstan

A lifeless body of a young woman has been found in a dumpster in Petropavlovsk city, North Kazakhstan region today. The woman is thought to be in her 20s. 
Local police are currently investigating and trying to ID the girl.

INC News, 19/12/2014 - via Tengrinews

See, feel and smell the world like a bird with Birdly flight simulator

Short of the real thing, the Birdly flight simulator, developed by a team from Zurich University, plunges the user into a fully immersive, virtual reality experience. The rig looks like a futuristic massage table, with users lying flat on their belly on a padded frame. They put on an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset along with headphones, before stretching their arms out on what are essentially wings. All the senses are stimulated thanks to olfactory and wind feedback. “Sometimes it’s scary, for example when you nosedive, like this. You’re diving towards the ground really fast. It’s a fascinating feeling,” says design student Fabian Troxler. According to the speed of the user, the simulator regulates the headwind with a fan. The smell feedback is based on the changing scenery and ranges from the scent of a forest to soil or other outdoor smells. Its creators say it has been a roller coaster of a project starting which several prototypes. “It’s been exhausting. We were under a lot of time pressure. There were only three or four of us working on it and we did everything from beginning to end – the electronics, the software, the hardware. It was a lot of work,” says project leader Max Rheiner. They are hoping the simulator will not only provide a unique virtual reality experience but also help raise awareness about the protection of endangered bird species.

Being gay in the UK could affect your pay, study suggests

How much you are paid in the UK is not merely defined by the gender pay gap. It could also be based on your sexual orientation. That’s according to researchers, who say that lesbians in the UK are likely to earn up to 8 percent more than their straight counterparts. Gay men, however, are liable to earn around 5 percent less than heterosexual men.
The study was commissioned by the World Bank and the IZA World of Labor Project, and carried out by Anglia Ruskin university economist Dr Nick Drydakis. The striking pattern is reflected internationally. In Germany, gay men are expected to be paid around 9 percent less than straight men, while in the US, they earn 16 percent less on average. “The higher salaries among lesbians in some countries may reflect discrimination in favor of masculine traits rather than against them,” Dr Drydakis said. “In addition, lesbians tend to self-select into male-dominated occupations that may offer higher salaries.” As there are few studies that measure sexual orientation as a factor in the labor market, he claimed it was difficult to chart the impact it had on overall employment in the economy. 
The report also indicates Australia, Canada, the US and the EU have the strongest protection measures in regard to sexual orientation rights, which are codified in formal anti-discrimination laws. Despite this, gay people are generally discriminated against in favor of heterosexual applicants with comparable skills during the hiring process. The report comes in light of efforts by Stonewall, a LGBTQ rights group, to encourage workplaces in the UK to provide gay and lesbian staff with employment safeguards. So far, more than 800 major employers have adopted Stonewall’s index as a model for good practice.
Despite this, the World Bank estimates around 2.7 billion people live in countries where being gay or lesbian is a crime.
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via RT News

Rouble’s drop drives Russian sales surge

The falling value of the rouble has Russians desperately seeking big ticket items to buy, with cars featuring heavily on their shopping lists. They want to lock in the value of their money before it drops further in an unstable economic climate. As the Russian currency became worth less and less prices shot up and the sold signs appeared on windscreens. Vladimir Ryabushko, who is in charge of Moscow’s ‘Avtomir’ car dealership said: “As we see the situation prices will continue to rise. And new shipments of cars will arrive at new prices. For better or worse, right now we can’t know by how much they are going to rise. But I would advise people to buy a car now because the prices are going to go up more.” But that was easier said than done .. as some carmakers, including General Motors and Land Rover-Jaguar halted delivery of vehicles to Russia until the situation stabilises. There were signs it might be doing that on Friday as the rouble picked up a little bit against the dollar and the euro, though trading remained thin and volatile.
see article in: Ruble
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via euronews

Australian mother arrested for murder of 8 children

An Australian mother has been arrested for the murder of eight children who were found dead in the city of Cairns, seven of whom were hers. The eighth child was her niece.
The woman’s name has yet to be released by law enforcement, but police said the 37-year-old has been arrested for murder. Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar said the mother is now awake and conscious after being suffering from stab wounds and being hospitalized.According to the Associated Press, authorities have not said exactly how the children, who were found dead in the woman’s home, were killed. They did say they are inspecting multiple knives from the house as potential weapons.
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via RT

Personal data of 45,000 US federal workers at risk after KeyPoint breach

The computers of a company conducting background checks for the US government have been breached by hackers, putting the personal data of around 45,000 federal employees at risk of exposure. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was forced to alert tens of thousands of federal workers across the country after KeyPoint  Government Solutions was hacked, an email from OPM Chief Information Officer Donna Seymour obtained by Nextgov said.
KeyPoint is a top provider of security-clearance background investigations and screening services for the US Government, operating in all 50 states.
see article  in:Federal Workers
INC News,19/12/2014 - via RT

Assets worth 100 million euros seized in big anti-mafia case

Obama says U.S. blacks overall better off than when he began presidency

Mikhail Gorbachev: America needs a Perestroika

Protesters surround EU buildings as anti-TTIP anger voiced in Brussels

Desperate businessman smashes car into Spain ruling party HQ

New EU food labelling rules - utalk

Divided opinion in Russia after Putin's end-of-year address

Could default be good for Venezuela?

New message to Sony from hackers

Has the Ruble Finally Hit Bottom?

Russian rouble in free-fall - BBC News

Eight Children Found Dead in Australian Home

Young "Slenderman" Stabbing Suspects Face the Judge

British Man Spends $150,000 to Keep up With Kim Kardashian

Agenti della Polizia della Grande Mela picchiano un dodicenne di colore, in un momento delicatissimo della citta

Alcune Agenzie di stampa hanno riportato, questo pomeriggio, un videoclip registrato da una passante che, a New York, il giorno 17 di questo mese, ha ripreso il pestaggio di un dodicenne da parte della polizia locale. Secondo alcune fonti gli agenti avrebbero arrestato il dodicenne perche' accusato di aver picchiato una persona con un bastone. Sinceramente, a vedere il filmato non si capisce perche'per arrestare un dodicenne di colore fossero necessarie tre persone e neppure comprendiamo il perche'uno di loro, in borghese, dovesse malmenarlo per mettergli le manette. Altra cosa strana e'che il fimato gira in rete gia' da due giorni e solo ANSA AP  e AmericanNewsx (piu' la nostra sede) ne stanno dando notizia.

' INC News, 19/12/2014

Australia, uccisi a coltellate 8 bambini

Hostess 28enne scomparsa: trovata morta nel bosco

La cercavano da giorni, poi la terribile scoperta: è stata trovata morta Valentina Scampini, 28 anni, del Varesotto. La ragazza, che lavorava come hostess per «La Meridiana», si era allontanata da casa lunedì sera e da quel momento non aveva più dato segni di vita. Mercoledì 17 era stato avviato il protocollo di ricerca previsto dalla prefettura. Questo il messaggio pubblicato dagli amici: «Lei si chiama Valentina Scampini, ha 28 anni e vive ad Oggiona Santo Stefano, in provincia di Varese. Lunedì sera è uscita di casa e non è più tornata. La sua auto è stata trovata poco lontano dal municipio di Oggiona, in una piazzola che sorge a ridosso dei boschi. Il suo cellulare non dà segni di vita dal momento della scomparsa. Vi chiedo di condividere la sua foto tra i vostri contatti e se qualcuno avesse notizie contatti il maresciallo Milone allo 0331/20 05 92». Il corpo di Valentina è stato trovato nei boschi attorno a Carnago. Dalle prime indiscrezioni, la ragazza si sarebbe suicidata.

vedi articolo in : Hostess ritrovata morta

INC News, 19/12/2014

Ecco le protesi che si controllano con la mente

La medicina ha compiuto alcuni passi importanti negli ultimi anni, ed è a dir poco incredibile vedere quello che i medici sono in grado di fare ora. Recentemente, un uomo del Colorado (Stati Uniti) è entrato nella storia diventando la prima persona in grado di gestire contemporaneamente le sue due protesi con la mente. L’uomo, Les Baugh, ha perso entrambe le braccia in un incidente 40 anni fa. Recentemente, la Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory ha dotato l’uomo di due protesi modulari. I medici hanno connesso i nervi della spalla e della parte superiore del tronco alle protesi rendendo possibile per Baugh di spostarle con il solo pensiero. Gli scienziati sperano di migliorare ulteriormente la tecnologia nei prossimi anni. Uno dei ricercatori che ha partecipato al progetto, Michael McLoughlin, dice: “Credo che questo sia soltanto l’inizio. Penso che nei prossimi cinque o dieci anni riusciremo ad apportare progressi fenomenali”.

I piccoli pipistrelli orfani in formato “burrito”

Quando le temperature sono scese a -44° C, New South Wales (Australia), oltre 100 piccoli pipistrelli sono rimasti orfani. Gli animaletti sono stati così presi in cura dalla Bat Conservation and Rescue Society che hanno realizzato un video che ne mostra tutta la tenerezza “in formato burrito”.

Clinicamente morta da 2 mesi dà alla luce il suo bambino

Adesso possono davvero staccarle la spina. I medici del San Raffaele di Milano sono riusciti in un’impresa che ha pochi precedenti. Hanno accompagnato fino alla trentaduesima settimana di gestazione una donna milanese di 36 anni che nove settimane fa era stata colpita da un’emorragia cerebrale fulminante. Il ricovero nel nosocomio era avvenuto in codice rosso. Inutili i tentativi di rianimazione. Ma alla constatazione della morte cerebrale si era presentato immediatamente un altro e più delicato problema. 

vedi articolo in: Nato da madre morta
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via La Stampa

Madison Square Garden, Bocelli incanta New York

Terremoto nel Chianti, scosse anche a Firenze

Da ieri pomeriggio la terra trema nelle colline del Chianti e le scosse di terremoto - circa 80 secondo l’istituto di geofisica - sono state avvertite da Firenze a Prato, da Pisa a Siena, fino a parte della provincia di Arezzo. Accanto a scosse di lieve entità, tra 2,1 e 2,9, questa mattina (ore 11.36) è stata registrata la più forte, di magnitudo 4,1 nella zona del Chianti, poco distante dai comuni di Scandicci, Greve in Chianti, Tavarnelle Val di Pesa. Decine le telefonate ai vigili del fuoco e ai centrali delle forze dell’ordine. Tanta paura, con evacuazione delle scuole e di molti uffici, ma per fortuna per ora non si segnalano danni a persone o cose. A Firenze sono stati chiusi preventivamente i musei civici. Si registrano evacuazioni anche in parte delle province di Arezzo e Prato. Per motivi precauzionali anche i dipendenti di numerosi uffici privati pubblici, compresi quelli della regione Toscana, hanno abbandonato i palazzi e si sono riversati in strada.  
Vedi articolo in: Terremoto nel Chianti
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via La Stampa

Londra, passeggero canta e la metro diventa un karaoke

Un uomo si è messo a cantare alla stazione Kentish Town della metropolitana di Londra, la canzone è un classico degli Erasure: «A little respect». Ma, invece di abbassare lo sguardo e evitare il cantante in metropolitana, gli altri passeggeri si uniscono e cantano insieme con lui. Il piccolo show è stato ripreso con i cellulari da molti pendolari divertiti dall’insolito siparietto e molti, sui social hanno comementato: «Ecco perché amiamo Londra».

Le ganasce al suv non fermano questa automobilista

Putin rivela: «Ho trovato l'amore»

AUSTRALIA - 8 children stabbed to death in Australia, 34yo mother in serious condition

Eight children aged from 18 months to 15 years have been found stabbed to death inside a house in Manoora suburb of the city of Cairns in far north Queensland, police have confirmed. Authorities were initially called in the scene after reports of a woman with serious injuries around 11.20am local time.

INC News, 19/12/2014 - via RT

Cop facing dozens of stalking charges kills ex-girlfriend, shoots her daughter

Shortly after being served with a restraining order from a former girlfriend, a Pennsylvania police officer went to his ex’s house and killed her. He also shot and injured her daughter before the woman’s husband fired back with a gun of his own. The incident occurred Monday, NBC 10 reported, just three hours after Colwyn Borough Police Department Officer Stephen Rozniakowski, 32, was handed a protection from abuse order by Valerie Morrow, a 40-year-old former girlfriend. Rozniakowski, who also faces 75 charges for stalking, resigned from the police department that same day.
see art in: Police officer killer
INC News, 19/12/2014 - via RT

USA - Secret Service needs more training, staff and outside leadership

Weaknesses in the Secret Service mean key reforms are needed to ensure it effectively protects the president and other high ranking officials, a panel of outside experts found, adding that it is stretched beyond its limits and is too insular.
see in CIA

INC News, 19/12/2014 - via RT