Sunday, September 7, 2014

Turchia, ucciso genovese in missione umanitaria

Turkia, un genovese ucciso
Aveva viaggiato in camper quasi 4.000 chilometri per portare in uno sperduto ospedale su un altopiano dell'Armenia, siringhe e medicine. Sulla via del ritorno, in Turchia, nei pressi di Trebisonda, due balordi lo hanno ucciso per portargli via il portafogli. 
Giorgio Bozzo, 70 anni, genovese residente a Borgoratti, viaggiava con la moglie Rita. Si erano fermati per passare la notte nel parcheggio davanti ad un ristorante. Per aprire la porta, due malviventi hanno infranto un finestrino del furgone e hanno sorpreso i pensionati mentre dormivano.  Hanno usato il cotello per uccidere l'anziano e ferire la moglie, Rita Noce. Lei non è grave: presto rientrerà in Italia. La polizia ha già arrestato i due delinquenti: uno di loro è un tossicodipendente. 
La spedizione era stata organizzata dall'associazione "Arance di Natale onlus", un'associazione umanitaria nata nel 1995, organizzata e gestita da campeggiatori e da camper club sparsi in tutta Italia: vendono arance nel periodo che precede il Natale e marmellata di arance durante tutto l'anno per raccogliere fondi che poi distribuiscono agli ospedali nelle zone povere del mondo.

INC News-07/09/2014

Ten Dead As Lift Plunges 32 Floors In Istanbul


Ten people have died after a lift plunged 32 floors at a building site in Istanbul - prompting violent demonstrations in the city. Eight people were detained after the deaths at the Torunlar Centre site on Saturday - though all were released after questioning.
More than 1,000 people angry at worker safety records in the country took to the streets on Sunday. Riot police used tear gas and water cannon against the crowd as skirmishes broke out. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called the deaths "very painful and very saddening" and said an investigation would be launched. Istanbul's governor, Huseyin Avni Mutlu, added: "The laws are clear, if anyone is not abiding by these laws they will be held accountable." The Torunlar Centre is being built on the former site of Galatasaray football club's Ali Sami Yen stadium.                
Thirty-six of the tower's 42 floors have already been completed, local media reported. The accident comes four months after 301 miners were killed in an explosion and a fire at a coal mine in western Turkey. The country's worst ever mining disaster set off protests over corruption and the implementation of safety standards.
INC News-07/09/2014

Alice Gross: Canal Search As Murder Suspect Held

Alice Gross
Police are using divers to search for missing 14-year-old Alice Gross after a man was held on suspicion of murder.
The 25-year-old suspect was arrested in the Ealing area at around 5pm on Saturday and is currently in custody at a west London police station. His arrest follows information detectives received earlier in the day. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "All lines of enquiry are still open at this time and this remains a missing person investigation at this stage."
INC News - 07/09/2014

Brazil's ex-Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa claims corruption


An ex-director of Brazil's state-run oil company Petrobras has accused more than 40 politicians of involvement in a kickback scheme over the past decade. Paulo Roberto Costa - who is in jail and being investigated for involvement in the alleged scheme - named a minister, governors and congressmen. They were members of the governing Workers party and two other groups that back President Dilma Rousseff. She is seeking re-election in a poll due on 5 October. Many of the names were published in Veja, one of Brazil's leading magazines. Several politicians mentioned have denied involvement.
INC News-07/09/2014

India Pakistan floods: Kashmir city of Srinagar inundated

Devastating floods have left much of the main city of Indian-administered Kashmir under water, as residents are evacuated or retreat to their rooftops. Soldiers are battling to rescue thousands of trapped residents of Srinagar and the surrounding region. The floods, resulting from the late-monsoon rains, have left more than 270 people dead in India and Pakistan. With hundreds of villages submerged and many areas cut off, there are fears the true picture may be much worse. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi flew over the Kashmir valley on Sunday, declaring the floods a "national level disaster" and promising almost $200m in aid and compensation.
INC News-07/09/2014

Al-Shabab names new leader after Godane death in US strike

Somalia's Islamist group al-Shabab has named Ahmad Umar as successor to former leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, who was killed in a US air strike. The group announced the move in an online statement, vowing to take revenge for Godane's death. Somalia's authorities earlier put the country on alert for possible retaliatory attacks by al-Shabab. The alert came as the US confirmed the death of Godane in air strikes south of Mogadishu on Monday night.

INC News, 07/09/2014

Obama expondrá esta semana su plan para combatir al Estado Islámico


Un día antes de que se cumplan 13 años desde que Al Qaeda atacó EEUU, Barack Obama se dirigirá a la nación para dar a conocer cuáles son sus planes para combatir al renombrado Estado Islámico en Oriente Próximo. El próximo miércoles, el presidente de EEUU, tras un verano lleno de críticas por su supuesta parálisis –motivadas en parte por algunas desafortunadas declaraciones suyas-, explicará al Congreso y a los ciudadanos su decisión de “iniciar una ofensiva” contra los yihadistas pero recalcará que no habrá tropas estadounidenses sobre el terreno, ya que “esto no es el equivalente a la guerra de Irak”.
Obama hizo estas últimas declaraciones durante una entrevista emitida este domingo y grabada el pasado sábado en la Casa Blanca para el programa de televisión Meet The Press –que estrenaba presentador-. Según el mandatario, en estos momentos el Estado Islámico no representa una amenaza directa contra EEUU pero podría llegar a serlo. “Quiero que todo el mundo entienda que no hemos visto ninguna información reciente del espionaje sobre ataques a nuestro territorio” por parte del Estado Islámico, agregó Obama. “Pero la amenaza existe y tenemos la capacidad para manejarla y así es como vamos a hacerlo”, relató Obama a Chuck Todd, nuevo conductor del veterano espacio de información.

Rotterdam, 07/09/2014-INC News

Russia Approves Rail Union of 3 Ex-Soviet States to Tap Into China-Europe Trade

Russian railway

Russia's government green-lighted a joint venture between the state railway companies of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan that aims to grab up to a 2 percent share of container traffic between China and Europe currently worth a $1 trillion a year.
According to an official decree published Friday, Russia's Cabinet approved the transfer of 50 percent plus two shares in Transcontainer, Russia's largest intermodal container operator, and 100 percent minus one share in Russian Railways subsidiary Russian Railways Logistics to the joint venture. In 2013 the three ex-soviet nations' railway companies agreed the principal terms of a joint venture called United Transport and Logistics Company, or UTLC, that would operate within their customs union and handle transit cargo between the economic hubs of China and Europe.
Annual trade between Europe and Asia is estimated to increase to $2 trillion by 2020. Mostly traveling by sea, some of these goods could be redirected to an intercontinental ground corridor passing through the territory and the transport network of the former Soviet Union.
Rotterdam, 07/09/2014-INC News

Death sentence for Afghan rapists

dead sentence

A court in the Afghan capital Kabul has sentenced seven men to death for the rape and robbery of a group of four women returning from a wedding.
Such cases of sexual assault outside the home are rare in the Muslim country and the gang rape has shocked people and raised concerns about public safet
Rotterdam, 07/09/2014-INC News

Ragazzo ucciso, un giudice accusa: sola vittima è il carabiniere

Il caso del ragazzo ucciso a Napoli

A entrare con durezza nella vicenda è Luigi Bobbio, per anni pm anticamorra, poi senatore e sindaco di Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli). Oggi fa il giudice, al Tribunale civile di Nocera Inferiore, in provincia di Salerno. Lui ha deciso senza mezze misure da che parte stare e lo ha scritto su Facebook. ''L'identikit del bravo ragazzo una volta era ben diverso da quello che oggi qualche sprovveduto vorrebbe appiccicare al morto dell'altra notte''. Il carabiniere che ha sparato ''è la sola e unica vittima di quanto è accaduto''. A suo giudizio ''giustificazionismo, buonismo, perdonismo e pietà non solo non servono a niente ma aggravano il male. A 17 anni si è uomini fatti e gli uomini sono responsabili delle loro scelte, delle loro azioni, dei loro stili di vita''.

Rotterdam, 07/09/2014-INC News

Italian strike disrupts air travel

German train drivers' second strike in a week

Hundreds killed as floods sweep across Asia

Former X Factor Star Dies In Los Angeles

Star dead
Tributes have been paid to American pop star Simone Battle who has died aged 25.
The former US X Factor contestant, who was later a member of girl group G.R.L., was found dead at 8am on Friday at her home in Los Angeles. Police are investigating the cause of her death. X Factor judge Cheryl Cole, now known as Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, led tributes to the singer.
"Such tragically sad news to hear of the passing of Simone Battle. My thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones #RIPSimone," she tweeted.
Rotterdam, 06/09/2014-INC News

BREAKING NEWS - BREAKING NEWS - Missing Teen Alice Gross: Man Arrested

Police hunting for missing schoolgirl Alice Gross, 14, have arrested a man on suspicion of murder, Scotland Yard say.
The 25-year-old suspect was arrested in the Ealing area at around 5pm on Saturday, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.
He is currently in custody at a west London police station.
Alice disappeared from her home in Hanwell, west London, on Thursday 28, August. She left her home at around 1pm and was captured on CCTV an hour later on the Grand Union Canal towpath near Brentford Lock, walking towards the River Thames. She was later filmed again at 3.45pm along the towpath heading back to her home. The footage showed her wearing dark blue jeans, a dark green lacy cardigan and denim blue Vans shoes. She may also have had tartan-framed glasses.
A large social media campaign has been under way since the teenager went missing and hundreds of posters have been distributed around the area.