Thursday, September 3, 2015

Adescava bimbe via Instagram, denunciato

E' un ragazzo di 27 anni di Grosseto, un artigiano, ma sui social aveva scelto di diventare Caterina.
    Faceva tutto questo per adescare bambine di 10 e 11 anni. Dalle piccole si faceva spedire tramite Instagram le loro foto nude.
    Il ragazzo è stato denunciato dalla polizia postale per adescamento online e produzione e detenzione di materiale pedopornografico. Le indagini sono iniziate grazie ai genitori della bimba più piccola tra le quattro adescate, che ha 10 anni.

INC News, Schiedam,03/09/2015 - via AP

С потерявшейся овцы в Австралии состригли 40 килограммов шерсти

Полицейского, убившего 30-летнего талдыкорганца, задержали

В Пекине прошел парад в честь 70-летия победы Китая в войне с Японией

Что будет с ценами на нефть? - economy

Звездный билет Андреаса Могенсена - science

Хаос на вокзале Келети в Будапеште

В Италии за 2 дня высадилось около 3 тысяч мигрантов

Petrolio, continua il trend altalenante. L'analista: probabile intervent...

Il padre di Aylan Kurdi:"Ora voglio solo sedermi accanto alla tomba dei ...

Repubblica Ceca: migranti marchiati sul braccio

Coste italiane, esodo di migranti senza fine: quasi 3mila soccorsi in du...

Turchia, inflazione accelera: 7,14% su base annua in agosto - economy

Il danese Andreas Mogensen in orbita - science

Police Officers Increase Body Camera Use

‘Collega’s overloper doodsbang’

Prosecutors seek death penalty for Charleston church shooter

Authorities in South Carolina will seek the death penalty against Dylan Roof, accused of killing nine people at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on June 17, Ninth Circuit Solicitor Scarlett Wilson has announced.
Roof, 21, is charged with nine counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, and a weapons charge. He reportedly confessed to the attack and said he wanted to start a race war.
Read article HERE
INC News,Schiedam, 03/09/2015 - 

Венгрия: поезд доставил нелегалов в лагерь вместо Германии

Беженцы на вокзале в Будапеште: "я работал профессором в университете"

Трагедия у курорта Бодрум: тела утонувших детей-беженцев на пляже

In migliaia bloccati a Budapest. Migranti non si fidano delle informazio...

Grecia, intercettato mercantile con armi non dichiarate in rotta verso l...

Cuaron apre Venezia 72 chiedendo "accoglienza per i migranti"

Distraught Syria refugee pulls wife and baby onto train tracks, Hungary

Thousands trapped in Budapest

Bodies of drowned migrants on Bodrum beach cause out cry

Chaos op Franse wegen

iPhone vangt kogel op

Een varken als collega!

Texas teen kills himself while taking selfie with gun

A 19-year old Texas boy has accidently shot himself dead while taking selfies with a gun that he believed was unloaded. It is believed the victim was attempting to take a picture for Instagram.
The teenager was identified as Deleon Alonso Smith, a Houston resident who had been scheduled to start college on Wednesday.
“According to a witness, the victim was handling a gun he believed to be unloaded. The gun then discharged and the victim was struck in the upper body. The investigation is continuing, with no charges filed at this time,” Houston police said in a statement
Smith received a deadly wound to his neck. The Texas victim’s uncle Eric Douglas told local KTRK-TV that he ran into the apartment and attempted to resuscitate his nephew, but he had already died.
Read the article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 03/09/2015 - via RT

Bikes will become more high-tech

Pope Francis' Chair for NYC Mass Unveiled

Kentucky Clerk Continues to Refuse Marriage Licenses to Couples

The Hottest Concerts Of The Summer | ABC News

Una immagine simbolo di questo momento drammatico della Europa


Questa fotografia sta girando per il pianeta, e fu postata anche da noi ieri in un filmato che parlava proprio del salvataggio di persone ma anche del ritrovamento di cadaveri, tra i quali un bambino che, nel filmato, viene prima mostrato esanime sulla battigia e poi trasportato via da soldati.
Lasciamo a voi tutti di commentare in privato o in pubblico il vostro pensiero.

INC News, Schiedam, 03/09/2015 - via CNN 

Russia needs to Develop Vladivostok Fish Hub to Boost Economy

Russia needs to create its own Asia-Pacific hub to store, process and trade seafood and fish, Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev said on Thursday, the latest plan to protect domestic producers. Relations between Russia and the West are at their lowest since the Cold War after sanctions were imposed on Moscow for its role in the Ukraine crisis. Russia retaliated by banning most Western food imports and turning instead to Asia, where President Vladimir Putin is visiting Beijing on Thursday to attend a military parade.
Read article HERE

INC News, Schiedam, 03/09/2015 - via Moscow Times

Rampaging Pseudoscience Turning Russia into 'Medieval State'

The ongoing brain drain and lack of financing is not the only reason why Russian science has suffered in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union. The increase in pseudoscience has been so strong that the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) has formed a body to deal with the influx, the Commission on Pseudoscience and Research Fraud.
The Moscow Times spoke with the chairman of the commission, Evgeny Alexandrov, who is also the head of a laboratory at the Ioffe Institute in St. Petersburg, one of Russia's largest institutions for research in physics and technology.
Does Russian science really need to be protected? 
Read the interesting article HERE
INC News, Schiedam, 03/09/2015 - via Moscow Times

Weather forecast of today for Almaty (KZ) and Rotterdam(NL)

INC News, Schiedam, 03/09/2015