Wednesday, May 13, 2015

AMERICA - NYC hammer attacker gunned down by cops

A hammer-wielding man suspected of attacking at least four people in New York City this week has been shot by police officers in midtown Manhattan.
Two cops with the New York Police Department were following a man on Wednesday morning who matched the description of an individual accused of being behind a wave of recent hammer assaults when the suspect engaged the officers, prompting one of them to open fire. 

The officers were trailing the man down Eighth Avenue when the suspect “immediately pulled out a hammer,” Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said on Wednesday, and attempted to assault the female officer with the “claw end” of the tool.

INC News, 13/05/2017 - via RT

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Il numero due dello Stato Islamico, Abdul Rahman Mustafa Mohammed, conosciuto come Abu Alaa al-Afri, è stato ucciso in un raid della coalizione nel nord dell'Iraq. Lo riporta la BBC citando il ministero della Difesa iracheno. Duro colpo per il califfato, nei mesi scorsi era stato ferito gravemente da un drone il leader al Baghdadi
Leggere articolo QUI
INC News, 13/05/2015 - via ANSA

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