Monday, June 1, 2015

IRAN - Reyhaneh Jebbari e' stata impiccata

ITALIA - Incidente Roma: fermati i due fratelli in fuga

Принцип взаимности: без виз остались борец с Путиным и другие уничтожите...

Владимир Путин посетил НИИ неотложной детской хирургии и травматологии в...

Human Rights Watch: Коалиция использует кассетные бомбы при обстрелах Йе...

В Кокшетау пожар возник рядом с площадкой, где проходил детский праздник...

Шымкентские врачи спасают попавших в страшную аварию | Новости | КТК

Windows 10 выйдет на рынок в конце июля - economy

Италия: правящая Демократическая партия побеждает в 5 областях, но неожи...

Malaysia Airlines: ребрендинг и реструктуризация - economy

Еврозона: промышленный рост слабее прогнозов - economy

Париж лишился одной из достопримечательностей: с моста Искусств снимают ...

Supreme Court rules for Muslim woman denied job at Abercrombie & Fitch

Egitto: la lunga marcia verso il rispetto dei dirittti umani

Parigi dice addio ai lucchetti dell'amore, 'bonificato' Pont des Arts

La NSA sospende la raccolta di dati telefonici: nessun accordo al Senato

Italia: al Pd 5 regioni su 7, il centrodestra vince solo con la Lega

"Muoviti, braccio!" - science

"Muoviti, braccio!" - science

''Nuova Sars'' in Corea del Sud: si aggrava il numero dei contagi, primo...

Egyptian Human Rights Council calls on state to end abuses

'Love locks' removed from Paris bridge

US spying powers suspended after Senate setback

New therapy a game changer for cancer treatment?

Can't stop texting while driving? Use this

Couple puts faith in action for homeless LGBT youth

Hurricane Season Begins Today, What's the Outlook?

Cancer Breakthrough: Drug mix 'shrinks 60% of melanomas' - BBC News

Video: 'ISIS torturing Syria boy' - BBC News

Weather Halts Global Solar Flight

Blind Bangladeshi fisherman faces climate change struggle

Thousands of child migrants face uncertain future in US

Cuba's organic farms could be the future of agriculture

Out-Of-Control Car Smashes Into LAX Terminal

Breastfeeding Mom Outraged After Stranger Posts Pic

RUSSIA - Anti-gay politician urges nationwide ban on topless walks

St Petersburg lawmaker Vitaly Milonov, known for his orthodox stance and anti-gay campaigning, has prepared a bill imposing fines for “nudity or unethical attire” in public places.
The bill elucidates this as “either absence of clothes or nudity of either upper or lower parts of the body” for men and women alike. The list of “unethical clothing” includes men’s and women’s underwear and swimsuits. Milonov noted in explanations that the definition of swimwear and underwear can be found in the state register of industrial standards. Violation of the bill must be punished with an administrative fine between 1,000 and 3,000 rubles ($20-30)
INC News, 01/06/2015 - via RT

Плохая реклама: британцы не доверяют полиции

Южной Корее и Китаю угрожает эпидемия смертельно опасной болезни

В Пекине будут бороться с курением

Италия: на региональных выборах побеждает правящая партия

Ливия: ответственность за теракт в Мисурате взяло ИГ

Сенат США не продлил срок действия «Патриотического акта»

Cina senza fumo da oggi nei locali pubblici

Usa. Voto Senato sospende programma intercettazioni Nsa

Libia. Isis dichiara guerra a governo basato a Tripoli

Italian aerobatic pilots involved in deadly collision before show

China introduces smoking ban in Beijing

Egypt demolishes Mubarak's party HQ in Cairo

ISIL militants step up attacks on Libyan city of Misrata

PM Renzi 's Democratic Party remains top in Italian local poll

Senate fails to act over controversial surveillance laws

Flooding on Atlanta highway as water main breaks

NYC Crane Accident Injures 10

Enrique Iglesias Slices Fingers During Concert

Malaysia Airlines set for major overhaul