Monday, April 28, 2014

Again a stubbing case in USA done by a student

More and more cases of attack weapon in hand made ​​by young students in American schools. Sometimes armed up to the teeth with pistols or rifles, sometimes armed with swords or daggers, but one thing always leaves us perplexed: why? This time is not for military attack or revenge against a teacher, but an act of jealousy likely, however, that led the murderer in a psychiatric treatment designed to determine the causes of action.
Killer in USA
Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INC News

Breack news about Tornado in USA

The situation of the Tornado around Arkansas is more destructive of what expected and the number of people lost the life are now counted as 17.
Nothing remains in the village of Vilona and Mayflower, ove seems that Mother Nature wonted to remove what the humem have done. Wind at 136 mph didn't take attention to anything and destroied all on its road.
Now it is moving on south in direction of Louisiana and Missouri Valley.

Arkansas Tornado
Atyrau, 28/04/2014 - INC News

Берегитесь автомобиля!

Санкт-Петербург - Баба на крутой тачке намеренно сбивает девушку на тротуаре
Не зря говорят в народе, «баба за рулем – обезьяна с гранатой». Вот эта дама, хотя трудно ее назвать таковой  - яркий представитель этой очень редкой расы. Вы убедитесь сами, посмотрев видео. Подробности читайте на ссылке. 

Атырау, 28/04/2014-Мира Картбаева для INCNews

АҚШ-ғы торнадо 12 адамның өмірін алып кетті

Бірнеше жойқын торнадолардың салдарынан АҚШ-та 12 адам қаза тапты, деп жазады Торнадоның негізгі соққысы, 27 сәуір күні елдің орталық және оңтүстігіне – Оклахома және Арканзас штаттарына тиді. Арканзас губернаторының өкілі Мэтт ДиКэмпланың айтуы бойынша, штат аумағында торнадодан 11 адам көз жұмды. Оклахома штатының солтүстік-шығысында қатты құйыннан 1 мерт болды. Сондай-ақ, Торнадо Небраска, Айова және Миссури штаттарында байқалған.

Ескере кететін жайт, осыдан үш жыл бұрын, 2011 жылдың 27 сәуір күні жойқын торнадо АҚШ-та 316 адамның өмірін алып кеткен болатын. 
Almaty, 28.04.2014 - INCnews 

NEWS about Ferry disaster

News about situation of students death in the disaster arrived from CNN, publishing a very interesting test in a simulator. The actual death found are 128
Ferry disaster

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews

NEWS Over MH370 flight missed

We have been always convincted that should be only the time to wait, but for sure something about the flight missed will be found and the mistery probably resolved.

In the last edition of CNN break news the declaration is clear: the Malaysia flight is not yet declared lost!

MH370 News!

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews


A new strong storm destroied a lot of things and killed 10 people in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
The Tornado is moving now to South and all civilians have been alerted for Mass Casualties


Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews

Raw: President Obama Arrives in the Philippines

The long trip of Barak Obama through 4 Continents stopped now in Philipines

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews

hodorkovski soutient le gouvernement ukrainien à Donetsk

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews

No Words: Giant Chinese 3D printer builds 10 houses in just 1 day

NASA's Huge Announcement (4.17.2014) Commentary

We propose a clip which created hundreds of comments...What is your comment, after watch this clip?

US storm triggers deadly tornadoes

Another tornado case in America. 

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews 

No comments


Источник: Телеканал 16/12 

Атырау, 28/04/2014-INCNews 

Legendary PUPO in Kazakhstan

 «Taras Events Limited» is organizing a unique music event at the Republic Palace in Almaty on the 3rd May 2014.
The concert is set to become one of the ultimate Italian parties in Kazakhstan, an event which with no doubt will be remembered in years to come, an event where elegance, extravagance and traditional Italian melody will become the main themes of the evening.
The first official exhibition of Pupo in Kazakhstan following his former success from the 80s when he was the most popular Italian singer in the former Soviet Union. It is paramount to state that, beside Pupo, there are going to be a number of talented Italian and Kazak artists for a  perfect intercultural marriage in between both countries.
Among the artists that will please the audience AntonioToni Turi, who commenced his relatively young career with the famous video clip «Amo Te» that was recorded in Atyrau last year and also remake of the Kazak classical song Balkadisha in Italian. He is now composing his first album made of 10 new melodic songs to be released in Kazakhstan. Toni will perform some of his new songs of his album in exclusive at the concert.
Then  the artist Guerino Papa who featured for the first time in Kazakhstan whilst in Atyrau where he held 2 concerts with Toni Turi on the 4th and 5th April 2014. During the primary concerts he performed a repertoire made of classical Italian songs and Italian pop opera.
Among the many successes that the artist has enjoyed is his participation in 2007 in one of the biggest music festivals in the world, the Slaviansky Bazaar in Vitebsk, Belarus, where he sang for the first time in Russian language , as well as in its language of origin in front of 10,000 paying spectators and 1 million of viewers in various countries of  eastern Europe.
In the same year he took part to an international reality show in Latvia called "Hello Jurmala ", where he became a protagonist in the final and won the prize " Star of the show."
Guerino has taken part of all of the most prestigious stages of Europe, winning many international festivals and duetting with world-renowned artists including Haroun Colcak (Turkey), The Barokka (Malta), Eliza Rowa (Uzbekistan), Margaret Hristova (Macedonia), Ruta Sciogolevaite Vaida Genite (Lithuania).
In order to skyrocket this great show, the organizers have decided to invite Kumis Bazarbaeva, Miss Earth Kazakhstan 2013, who will be hosting the evening with her distinguished charm and style.
Kumis graduated from the Music School for Gifted Children and then from the Kazakh National Conservatory and the Royal Northern Music College in Manchester.
When she won the Miss earth Kazakhstan last year she performed at the festival «The Art of the 21th Century» held on the Portuguese island of Madeira in 2012. She sang four arias in different languages and won the first place.
Kumis is an emerging soprano who is going to make her debut at the Opera Ball in May 2014.
Another great added value to the evening is Malika Yesmukhanbetova, a talented local dancer and singer who will be leading a team of super duper dancers for enhancing the traditional choreographic effects of such an Italian party. This choreography has been specifically tailored to keep the audience highly entertained and amused.
All artists will be backed up by one of Almaty's most prominent bands, the Roxy Band. This band has been performing in a large number of prestigious venues around the city and is primarily known to be The Queens cover band.

Atyrau, 28/04/2014-INCNews