Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Программа Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (28.09.2016) 28 сентября 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1


INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ANSA AP

Le indagini sul disastro del Boeing 777: tra verità, depistaggi e dolore

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Volo Malaysia Airlines, Russia contro l'inchiesta:"politicamente motivata"

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Russia, Siberia. Stato di emergenza per gli incendi

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Richiesta d'aiuti di Deutsche Bank? Il patron smentisce

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Smantellata cellula di reclutatori Isil: 5 arresti in Spagna, Belgio e Germania

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Turchia: 32 mila arresti dopo il fallito golpe "a breve decisione Usa su Gulen

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Bruxelles promette il reinsediamento di 30.000 rifugiati entro la fine del 2017

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Perù: finalmente si conosce il volto del signore di Sipan

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Shimon Peres: funerali venerdì, presenti i grandi del mondo

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Photokina, uragano di immagini

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Proposed lawsuit alleges airlines colluded over bag fee

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CTV News

Former Miss Universe contestant on Machado

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CNN

Adorable new book trains at the New York Public Library

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CNN

Shooting at South Carolina elementary school

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CNN

CBN NewsWatch: September 28, 2016

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CBN News

Из 200 миллиардов пенсионных востребованной оказалась лишь половина

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©KTK

Несмотря на высокий урожай, в Петропавловске подорожал хлеб

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©KTK

Алматинские торговые сети годами нагло обманывают покупателей

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©KTK

3-parent baby

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Следователи снова обвинили Россию в атаке на Боинг MH17 над Донбассом,...

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RenTV

Керри угрожает приостановкой взаимодействия США с Россией по Сирии

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RenTV

One year since Russia began bombing Syria

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency

Syrian kids relish return to school in ex-IS bastion

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency

Calls for investigation over Somali journalist's murder

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency

S. African students vow to continue protests until demands met

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency 

MH17 report: Missile fired from Russia-backed rebel area

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©AlJazeera

Hackers Still Targeting Election Systems, FBI Director Warns

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©abcNews


INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©ANSA AP

Raw: Typhoon Megi Rips Across Taiwan

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AP

Chicken Delivery Arrives With A Surprise

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©abcNews

Black Man Shot and Killed By Police in California, Sparking Protests

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AbcNews

EfSyn: A Greek media success story - The Listening Post (Feature)

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Родственники жертв крушения Boeing на Украине: Мы хотим знать, кто виноват

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews

Тайфун «Меги» привел к гибели 4 человек на Тайване

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews

Harley мінген президент

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AzattyqTV

Российские военные доставили гуманитарную помощь жителям Алеппо

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews

Настоящее Время - Азия. 28 сентября

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AzattyqTV

Нидерланды игнорируют исследования концерна «Алмаз-Антей» по крушению МН17

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews

Фанаты «Лиона» устроили драку с полицией перед началом матча

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews

Netanyahu: Peres Devoted Life to Peace

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AP

На Амурской улице вновь горит склад

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©Russia 24

Painted Pianos Pop Up Across Boston

Finally, non only Tango can be performed by dancers on the road! Welcome also to classical dance!!

Initiative really very positive! - Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AP

Перуанские индейцы заживо сожгли женщину по подозрению в колдовстве

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©Russia 24

Похороны Шимона Переса назначены на пятницу

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©euronews

Прогноз погоды на 29 сентября

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©24KZ

Египет: число погибших из-за кораблекрушения мигрантов превысило 200 чел...

INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©euronews

Today in History for September 28th

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©AP

California Fatal Police Shooting Sparks Protests

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©AP

AP: Police Officers Abuse Confidential Databases

We always say "we can talk about private things but we must keep silence about others" . We could accept that security people make sourveillance about our life, but up to a limit, and never abuse of it.

Actually anyone can feel the sensation to be free from spying of what he makes, thinks, writes, says, and this means the freedom and the privacy has been deleted in name of which national security? Are we humans or cyborgs ready to be reprogrammed by a group of "criminal scintists" in "name of science", that science they invented to cover their malpractice? - Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©AP

Messico, 3 genitori biologici: è nato il primo bambino con 2 madri

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews

Giustizia tedesca vieta a Facebook la raccolta dati da WhatsApp

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews

Israele: il figlio di Peres, "ci obbliga a lavorare per la pace"

INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews


INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©ANSA AP