Thursday, July 30, 2015


US imposes further sanctions on Russia over Crimea, east Ukraine conflict

The United States has imposed further sanctions against Russia over the events in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Eleven more people and 15 more companies have been put on the sanctions list.
Among the newly included firms are affiliate companies of Russian oil giant Rosneft, as well as several organizations linked to one of the country’s major banks.
The US embassy to Russia said that Washington regards the new sanctions not as an escalation of tensions between the countries, but rather as a "routine step" in strengthening current US policy.

Скотланд-Ярд обвиняет власти РФ в организации убийства Литвиненко

Новый Суэцкий канал: надежда на египетское экономическое чудо

Что делает ЕС для поиска пропавших детей? - the network

На севере Калифорнии бушуют лесные пожары

Процесс над Надеждой Савченко приостановлен

RUSSIA - Granny the Ripper of St Pete? Body parts & book of spells expose pensioner

Police investigating a horrible murder and mutilation case in St. Petersburg may have caught a killer with 10 victims on her conscience. The old woman reportedly logged her crimes in a diary, with at least one account matching a cold murder case.
The string of events that led to a discovery straight out of horror novels started on Monday, when two packages containing human body parts were discovered in southern St. Petersburg. The elderly victim had been sawn into pieces and dumped. First the upper torso, missing the head and one hand, was found wrapped in a shower curtain. Shortly afterwards a plastic bag with hips and thighs was discovered.
Read article HERE

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via RT

Fiamme in California, maxi incendio brucia la contea di Lake: 500 evacuati

Mission Children 116000 - the network

Suez: consegnato in tempi record il "nuovo"canale

Scotland Yard: Russia coinvolta nell'omicidio Litvinenko

Grecia, dubbi sulla partecipazione dell'Fmi al nuovo piano di salvataggi...

Al via il processo alla pilota ucraina Nadia Savchenko, accusata dell'uc...

Egypt prepares to inaugurate new Suez Canal

Russia 'involved' in Litvinenko death says Scotland Yard

Cecil the lion's killer thought hunt was legal

Unafraid of ISIS, Iraqi Girl's Faith Beyond Viral

A changing funeral industry in Japan

Residents in Small TX Town Find Worms in Water

Raw: Deadly Flash Floods in India

Flash floods ravaged parts of Gujarat and West Bengal in India following constant rainfall, killing at least 25 people. (July 30)

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via AP

В истории самой разыскиваемой девочки в мире, возможно, поставлена точка

Четырехлетняя Мадлен Маккан, пропавшая в 2007 году на португальском курорте, была самым разыскиваемым ребенком в мире. В Австралии найдены детские останки. Британские следователи полагают, что это Мадлен.

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via Russia 24

Парковка у станции "Крекшино" превратилась в свалку

Парковка у станции "Крекшино" превратилась в свалку
Вместо цивилизованного сервиса - стихийная свалка, отхожее место и сломанный шлагбаум. В таком состоянии полтора года пребывает перехватывающая парковка у станции "Крекшино" в Новой Москве. Несмотря на то, что рядом Киевское и Минское шоссе, по назначению ее мало кто использует.

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via Russia 24

На станции "Лосиноостровская" током убило зацепера

На станции "Лосиноостровская" током убило зацепера
Сразу два смертельных увлечения - зацепинг и селфи в опасных местах - стали причиной трагедии. На станции "Лосиноостровская" подросток погиб, получив сильнейший удар током. Тело обнаружили на крыше электрички. Из-за ЧП движение поездов на Ярославском направлении было парализовано.

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via Russa 24

К месту обнаружения обломка самолета на острове Реюньон прибыли эксперты...

На французский остров Реюньон прибыли эксперты из Малайзии для изучения найденного ранее фрагмента крыла самолета, предположительно принадлежащего Boeing 777, пропавшему в Индийском океане в марте 2014 года. Об этом сообщил источник в гостинице, где остановились специалисты.

INC News 30/07/2015 - via RT

Мирные жители Горловки пострадали в результате артеллерийского обстрела

В Испании запущена кампания по сбору средств для производства детского э...

В Испании создан детский бионический экзоскелет. Разработка уже протестирована с участием девочки-инвалида. Теперь создатели робота планируют привлечь €150 тыс посредством запуска краудфайндинговой кампании.

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via RT

Прибыли Samsung и продажи Galaxy S6 не оправдали ожиданий - economy

Facebook: аудитория растет, прибыли - нет - economy

Манифестанты пикетируют кабинет дантиста, убившего льва Сесила

Мигранты продолжают "штурмовать" туннель под Ла-Маншем

Эксперты отправились на Реюньон на опознание возможных обломков MH370

В Индии казнили организатора теракта в Мумбаи в 1993 году

Полицейского в США обвинили в убийстве афроамериканца

Римский аэропорт "Фьюмичино" постепенно восстанавливает работу

Выпил, выпал, очнулся, жив

Актриса Джейн Биркин не хочет, чтобы сумки Hermès носили ее имя

Байкал серьезно болен

Motorbendes wijken uit naar Spanje

‘Augustus begint heet’

‘Vondst vleugel is doorbraak’

De gracht op in een jacuzzi

Usa, protesta contro il dentista che ucciso il leone-icona in Africa

Samsung, calo degli utili e previsioni fosche per la seconda metà dell'a...

Eurotunnel: in centinaia sfidano ancora la morte per raggiungere il Regn...

India: impiccato Memon, l'unico responsabile condannato per le bombe di ...

Volo MH17, veto russo su tribunale speciale Onu

Caos all'aeroporto di Fiumicino per un rogo divampato vicino allo scalo....

Giù dal 17esimo piano di un palazzo in Cile, ragazzo sopravvive a un vol...

La Reunion. Ritrovati resti ala aereo compatibili con volo MH370 secondo...

Roma: la 'Fase 2' di Marino dedicata a trasporti e pulizia

MH370: wreckage found on island 'came from Boeing 777'

Memon: India executes plotter of 1993 Mumbai attacks

Russia vetoes UN resolution to try suspects in MH17 crash in Ukraine

Italy: Rome's Fuimicino airport recovers after another forest fire

Hermès investigates crocodile farm cruelty claims but denies Birkin bag ...

Blame game as the migrant Calais crisis deepens

What's gone wrong with Rome?

What's gone wrong with Rome?

Family demands video of traffic stop shooting

Women say they were stopped by police for cycling topless

Gwen Jacob vows to continue fight for right to go topless

Officer Expected to Plead Not Guilty in Shooting Death of Unarmed Black ...

Cincinnati Traffic Stop Results in Death, Officer Indicted

Putin signs decree on the destruction of sanctioned food products at Russian border

Vladimir Putin has put his signature on a decree that will see EU and US food products that have been imported to Russia in violation of the food embargo destroyed at the border since August 6.
“Agricultural products, raw materials and food items exported to the territory of the Russian Federation, with a country of origin that imposed sanctions against the Russian legal entities and/or individuals or joined said decision, and that are banned from entering the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to extermination as of August 6, 2015,” the decree published by the Kremlin website said.
The ruling doesn’t apply to food items brought to Russia by individuals for personal use if they are accompanied by proper paperwork, it added.
The Russian President charged the government with establishing a procedure for carrying out the destruction of sanctioned goods. 

INC News, 30/07/2015 - via RT

‘Power loss, aviation disruption, radiation’: UK warns solar storms could wreak havoc

The UK government has warned of potentially damaging effects of coronal mass ejections, solar flares and other severe space weather, in a new report published by the Cabinet Office.
“Solar activity can produce x-rays, high-energy particles and coronal mass ejections of plasma. Where such activity is directed towards Earth there is the potential to cause wide-ranging impacts. These include power loss, aviation disruption, communication loss, and disturbance to (or loss of) satellite systems,” says the report, called Space Weather Preparedness Strategy.
Read article HERE
INC News, 30/07/2015 - via RT


Plane catches fire at Milwaukee airport

A single-engine passenger plane is on fire after the pilot aborted a landing at theTimmerman Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, local media reported.
Firefighters are currently trying to put out the blaze, according to local Fox 6.
So far, it's unknown how many travelers are onboard or if anyone has been injured.