Thursday, September 11, 2014

Referendum per l’indipendenza in Scozia, allarme del Fondo Monetario

Referendum sulla Scozia libera

Se al referendum vince il sì e la Scozia abbandona il Regno Unito prevedo nel breve termine una forte turbolenza sia sul mercato monetario, soprattutto inglese. Ma anche forti turbolenze nel mercato finanziario in generale».   
Così Guntram Wollf, direttore del «Bruegel», un prestigioso think tank di Bruxelles, anche lui preoccupato dagli effetti di una ormai possibile vittoria del fronte indipendentista alla consultazione che si terrà il prossimo 18 settembre. Grande esperto di analisi macro-economiche, forte della sua esperienza alla Bundesbank come al Fondo Monetario Internazionale, Wollf ostenta cautela, tuttavia fa capire che con una Gran Bretagna più debole si aprirebbe una fase di grande incertezza in tutto il continente. 

INC News, 11/09/2014-via La Stampa

Technological Information

[11.09-11:00] TEMPESTA SOLARE Prevista forte (G3) il 13.09 Possibili problemi alle telecomunicazioni

INC News, 11/09/2014-via Emergency24



Britain say they won't take part 

in airstrikes against IS in Syria

The UK is panicking over next week’s Scottish independence vote

Scottish independence problem

There once was a kingdom whose people lived together peacefully for more than 300 years, united by a common language, a shared monarch and a mutual love of tea and room-temperature ale. Then the northern lands grew restive. They wanted to govern themselves. A referendum was set for Sept. 18 on a simple question: Should Scotland be an independent country? For two years, the kingdom’s political leaders had treated their countrymen’s threats to leave as an amusing sideshow, as poll after poll showed the status quo in a comfortable lead.
And then one day — this past Sunday, actually — they woke to realize that it had all gone a bit tatties o’wer the side. The most printable translation of that Scottish term is: we’re screwed.In one week, Britain faces arguably the greatest constitutional question in its history, and the polls are too close to call.
INC News, 11/09/2014

Scotland: Bank Jobs And Higher Prices Warning

Scotland bank

Scottish shoppers have been warned by major retailers they face higher prices if they vote for independence next week. Asda and John Lewis said the increased costs of operating in an independent Scotland would inevitably be passed on to the consumer.
Their warnings come after banks and insurers said they would head for the exit door were Scotland to break away from the rest of the UK. A day of bad news for the Yes campaign continued when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said a vote for independence could have a negative effect on the markets in the short-term because of "uncertainty".
INC News, 11/09/2014

Russia reduces gas exports to Poland

Russia's gas supplies to Poland have dropped by 45%, Poland's state gas firm PGNiG says, amid tensions over Ukraine. The news came just hours after Poland stopped providing gas to Ukraine through "reverse-flow" pipelines. The Russian gas volumes were 24% lower on Tuesday and 20% lower on Monday, according to PGNiG. That shortfall prompted Poland to halt reverse-flow.
Poland and Ukraine rely heavily on Russian natural gas. Russia is in a pricing dispute over gas with Ukraine. Some analysts believe Russia, which stopped gas supplies to Ukraine in June over the pricing dispute, is punishing Poland for sending gas to Ukraine.
INC News, 11/09/2014-via BBC

Oscar Pistorius trial: Murder verdicts ruled out

The judge in the Oscar Pistorius trial has cleared him of murder, but has left it to Friday to announce whether the athlete is guilty of culpable homicide. Judge Thokozile Masipa said prosecutors had not proved he meant to kill his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, prompting tears from the Olympic sprinter. But she said he acted hastily and had been negligent. Mr Pistorius says he thought an intruder was in the toilet. Adjourning the trial, the judge said a reasonable person would not have fired. The BBC's Andrew Harding, who was in court in Pretoria, says she is expected to deliver a verdict of culpable homicide (manslaughter) but has not yet spelled it out. Earlier, Judge Masipa described Mr Pistorius as an evasive witness but said this did not mean he was guilty.
inc nEWS, 11/09/2014-via BBC


Arab states back US push against Islamic state

Belarus Becomes Gourmet Hub as Moscow Chefs Seek Ways Round Russia's Import Ban

Belarussia Parmigiano Reggiano

Facing a ban on Italian parmesan cheese, chefs in Moscow have discovered a new source for fine Parmigiano-Reggiano: Belarus. No sooner had Moscow banned dairy, meat, vegetables and fruit from most Western countries in response to sanctions over Ukraine, than Belarus, a former Soviet republic better known for black bread and potato pancakes, became a "producer" of top-quality cheese.
Once upon a time, the black marketeers of the former Soviet Union were known for using fake labels to pass off dodgy local products as expensive imports. Now it is the other way around. Two chefs at Moscow restaurants described buying genuine Parmigiano-Reggiano, produced only in a few northern Italian provinces. It came in original Italian packaging, stuck with crude stickers saying "Made in Belarus."
Igor Bukharov, president of the federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers, said he was surprised to see a sign outside a restaurant which said simply "Parmesan" and gave a phone number. The ban on most Western food imports has been hard to swallow for those who run the pizza joints, sushi bars and French-style brasseries that have opened up across Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, especially in Moscow.
Chefs are searching for new suppliers, buying delicacies from smugglers, rewriting recipes and overhauling menus.
INC News, 11/09/2014

Ukraine Crisis Wipes Billions Off Gazprom's Q1 Profits

Gazprom profits

Russia's Gazprom reported a 41 percent fall in first-quarter net profit after cutting prices for gas deliveries to Ukraine, and the gas producer faces more pain this year due to its unresolved dispute with Kiev.
Ukraine's "doubtful" trade accounts, a reference to either the non- or slow payment of debts by state gas producer Naftogaz in the first quarter, had forced Gazprom to write off 71.3 billion rubles ($1.9 billion), Gazprom said. Russia's largest gas producer says Ukraine now owes it $5.4 billion for supplies, a debt that will hurt profits further into the year. With little sign of any resolution to the pricing dispute with Ukraine, the impact of Russia's decision to turn off the taps to its neighbor may be felt much longer, analysts said.
INC News, 11/09/2014

Ad Eni indagato per tangenti in Nigeria

Eni ancora nel mirino della giustizia

Il nuovo amministratore delegato di Eni, Claudio Descalzi, risulta indagato dalla Procura di Milano con l'ipotesi di corruzione internazionale

Secondo quanto riporta oggi il Corriere della sera, Descalzi sarebbe sotto inchiesta in relazione a una concessione petrolifera in Nigeria, per la quale sarebbe stata pagata una 'mega tangente' di cui oggi la Corte di Londra avrebbe effettuato un sequestro preventivo per 190 milioni di dollari. Insieme a lui sarebbero indagati il nuovo capo della Divisione esplorazioni, Roberto Casula, Paolo Scaroni e Luigi Bisignani

L'autorità giudiziaria inglese, su richiesta della Procura di Milano, ha sequestrato a un intermediario nigeriano due depositi anglo-svizzeri da 110 e 80 milioni di dollari, un quinto di quello che nel 2011 Eni avrebbe pagato (con Paolo Scaroni amministratore e Descalzi a capo della divisione Oil) al governo nigeriano per la concessine del campo di esplorazione petrolifera Opl-245 della società Malabu.

INC News, 11/09/2014-via ANSA AP

Ue, venerdì nuove sanzioni a Russia. Mosca, pronta risposta, nel mirino auto

Botta e risposta sulle sanzioni tra EU e Russia

l nuovo pacchetto di sanzioni europee contro la Russia entrerà in vigore venerdì 12, ma gli ambasciatori dei 28 entro fine mese valuteranno la messa in atto del piano di pace. Commissione e Servizio Esterno devono valutare la situazione e se la situazione lo consente fare proposte per la revisione delle sanzioni. Lo afferma il presidente del Consiglio europeo, Herman Van Rompuy. Mosca ha già preparato le sue nuove misure di ritorsione contro le nuove sanzioni europee e potrebbero riguardare l'importazione di auto: lo ha detto il consigliere economico del Cremlino Andrei Belousov, citato da Ria Novosti.
INC News, 11/09/2014-via ANSA AP

Obama: 'Non ci piegheremo'

Obama e la sua dichiarazione

"Gli americani vanno avanti e non devono mai soccombere alla paura": lo ha detto il presidente americano, Barack Obama, intervenendo al Pentagono alla cerimonia per il tredicesimo anniversario degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001. "Non importa cosa succede lungo la nostra strada, l'America ne verra' sempre fuori piu' forte", ha aggiunto Obama. Nel suo intervento, il capo del Pentagono Chuck Hagel ha quindi sottolineato come "l'America deve sempre affrontare delle sfide, a cui deve sempre rispondere unita". 

INC News, 11/09/2014-via ANSA AP

Shocked Chile searches for answers on bombings

Chile: bomb subway
Monday's attack on a Chilean subway station shocked residents of Santiago -- considered by many the safest capital in Latin America -- and sparked a search for the perpetrators that has also reopened old wounds, AFP reports.
No one has claimed the attack, which injured 14 people, or a string of other small homemade bombs detonated across the South American country in recent months. And police say they have few clues.
The information vacuum has sparked much speculation on who is behind the blasts. Anarchists? Radicalized students? Ultraconservatives? The range of theories spans the political spectrum in this country still deeply divided by its 1973 military coup and 17-year dictatorship. Early investigations into Monday's attack, which targeted a food court inside the packed Escuela Militar (Military School) station at lunch hour, focus on anarchist groups with no formal organizational structure, according to district attorney Raul Guzman. But he acknowledged police had little information and said they had requested international assistance.
INC News, 11/09/2014-via Tengrinrews

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No progression' of cancer for British boy Ashya: Czech centre

Ashya no progression treatment

Scans show "no progression" of cancer for five-year-old British brain tumour patient Ashya King, a Prague medical centre said Wednesday, as he was cleared for potentially life-saving proton treatment there, AFP reports.
"We've learnt there's been no progression," Iva Tatounova, marketing director at the Proton Therapy Centre, told AFP.
But the Prague-Motol hospital where Ashya is staying said it was "too early for forecasts". Ashya's case made headlines after his parents removed him from a British hospital, sparking an international manhunt. He is slated for a six-week-long course of proton beam therapy starting on Monday.
The therapy, which is not available in Britain, is touted as being more precise than conventional radiotherapy as it only targets malignant cells.
INC News, 11/09/2014-via Tengrinews

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Iranian President talks about Islamic Civilization at Nazarbayev University

Iran and Nazarbayev University
President of Iran Hassan Rouhani has delivered a lecture on a role of science in the modern world to the students and faculty members of Astana-based Nazarbayev University on September 9, Tengrinews reports.
It was the Iranian leader’s first official visit to Kazakhstan since his election as President of Iran in August 2013.
As part of his visit, on Tuesday, President of Iran Hassan Rouhani along with his Kazakhstani counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev toured the Nazarbayev University.
When speaking to the students and faculty members of the university, Iranian leader stressed the role of science in development of the modern society. “It is time to revive our ancient Islamic civilization and science. Islam always calls for a peaceful coexistence of science, religion and all nationalities next to each other. The glorious Islamic civilization that once existed was a scientific one. We need to educate the younger generation not only as mujtahids (an individual who is qualified to interpret the Islamic law), but also as muchtahids, that is professionals. We must resist any oppression, but this does not mean that we should spread extremism," Iranian President said.
According to him, it is necessary to invigorate both the science and the mentality, because this would help eliminate the roots of extremism and violence.
“We are at the crossroads between East and West. We do not intend to confront either the East or the West. We believe that a combination of Western and Eastern theologies is the right theology. We have managed to bring the traditional science closer to the new science," he said.
He continued by remembering the outstanding scholars and public figures of the past, like Al-Farabi (a renowned scientist and philosopher of the Islamic Golden Age known in the West as Alpharabius), Ferdowsi (a highly revered Persian poet and the author of the epic of Shahnameh - the Persian "Book of Kings" - which is the world's longest epic poetry created by a single poet, and the national epic of Iran) and Khwarizmi (a Persian mathematician, astronomer and geographer during the Abbasid Caliphate transliterated in the West as Algoritmi).
INC News, 11/09/2014-via Tengrinews

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Kazakhstan people keep $18 billion at home: Central Bank Governor

Rich or poor Kazakh?

Kazakhstan’s population keeps at homes around $18 billion, Tengrinews reports, citing Central Bank Governor Kairat Kelimbetov as saying.
“Massive misleading sms campaigns informing people of alleged bankruptcy of some of Kazakhstan-based banks in the wake of the 20% currency devaluation back in February and waves of rumors about possible devaluation recently have been encouraging people to keep their money at home. I wouldn’t want to teach (…) but keeping money at homes isn’t safe; the fact that around $18 billion is kept at people’s homes keeps burglary rate higher. Although keeping money at home is far from being safe, it is everyone’s individual choice,” Mr. Kelimbetov said.
According to him, the recently launched tax amnesty campaign might be a solution to stimulate people to deposit their money with banks. “We’ve been calling to take advantage of the tax amnesty to deposit money (…) I wouldn’t advise to be involved in currency speculations since they might be costly and unsafe. Fluctuations of the tenge or the USD exchange rate will not have a dramatic effect if you keep 50% of your savings in USD and Euro and the other 50% in the tenge. It’s inevitable you need some part of your money in the tenge to be able to pay for your daily necessities. However, the money kept at home doesn’t bring any profit,” he summed up.
INC News, 11/09/2014 via Tengiznews

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British national fails suicide in Western Kazakhstan

British employee KPO attempted suicide

A British national has attempted to commit suicide in Aksai, Western Kazakhstan Oblast,Tengrinews reports citing Moi Gorod.
Craig Christopher Midgley born in 1975 arrived to Kazakhstan to work at Karachaganak Petroleum Opening in March, 2014. On September 8, at around noon the British national climbed a phone pole and stayed there for around three hours. The police that arrived at the site along with the emergency services and ambulance talked Midgley into getting down from the pole.
He did not put forth any demands and climbed down after local psychologists talked to him through an interpreter. Midgley was taken into the Uralsk hospital afterwards. His reasons for the suicide attempt are still unknown.
Midgley is leaving Kazakhstan to go back to Britain on September 10.
INC News, 11/09/2014-via Tengriznews

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BREAKING NEWS - BREAKING NEWS -Oscar Pistorius murder trial verdict: judge clears athlete of murder

Prosecutors have not proved beyond reasonable doubt that Oscar Pistorius is guilty of premeditated murder, it’s been confirmed. Judge Thokozile Masipa, giving her verdict in the six-month trial, cleared Pistorius of murder. 
She will later comment on whether he is guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter or culpable homicide. The athlete broke down in tears as Judge Masipa read out her conclusions. Earlier she had said Pistorius was a “very poor witness” who contradicted himself under cross-examination.
In other comments, Judge Masipa said:
  • * Pistorius was “evasive”
  • * She disagreed with defence claims he lacked “criminal capacity” when he shot Reeva Steenkamp
  • * There was “some doubt” whether a woman screamed on the night of the shooting, citing “contradictory witness testimony”. 
  • Pistorius shot dead his girlfriend Steenkamp, a model and law graduate, on Valentine’s Day last year. 
  • Prosecutors had been pressing for a verdict of premeditated murder.
  • Pistorius claimed he shot Steenkamp in a tragic accident, believing she was an intruder. 
  • Steenkamp, 29, was shot three times through a toilet door by Pistorius at his home in Pretoria on February 14, 2013.

President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIL Threat


Come fu per la Shoah si ricordi il giorno 11 Settembre come il giorno in cui l'estremismo folle di qualcuno ha portato il terrore nelle vite di centinaia di migliaia di persone, sino alla decapitazione degli ultimi ostaggi. A molti dei nostri amici morti nelle due torri, vada il nostro minuto di silenzio. Un grazie a tutti i colleghi del mondo della stampa, che in questi anni hanno sempre ricordato questo evento incredibile.

INC News

As it was for the Shoah, remember September 11 as the day when the crowds extremism of someone has brought terror into the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, until the recent beheading of hostages. To many of our friends who died in the two towers, go to our minute of silence. Thanks to all colleagues in the world of the press, which in recent years have always remembered this incredible event.

5 Kids Found Dead in Alabama, Father Detained

Raw: Massive Explosion at Germany Factory

Storms, Possible Tornado Hit NW Missouri


Obama tonight will signal planned airstrikes on ISIS in Syria

Iraq, Obama accelera: raid aerei a tutto campo.

Obama attachera'?
Il presidente Usa convoca una riunione con i massimi responsabili della sicurezza nazionale, dal Pentagono alla Cia all'antiterrorismo. Lo scopo è "neutralizzare e distruggere" lo Stato islamico. Incontro a sorpresa tra il segretario di Stato Usa e il nuovo primo ministro iracheno, al-Abadi. Francia e Germania pronte a partecipare a coalizione anti Stato islamico. A Gedda il summit con Paesi arabi.
INC News,11/09/2014

Ebola Outbreak: Gates Foundation Commits $50m

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $50m (£31m) to support the fight against the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The money will go to the United Nations and international organisations attempting to bolster emergency efforts to contain the current epidemic, which has led to more than 2,200 deaths.
"We are working urgently with our partners to identify the most effective ways to help them save lives now and stop transmission of this deadly disease," the foundation's CEO Sue Desmond-Hellmann said in a release.
INC News, 11/09/2014

Russia Offered as a Conservative Bulwark Against Repugnant West

Russia ate west?
In choosing conservative values, Russia represents "the final hope" for the modern world, which has been corrupted by the Western debauchery of individualism, consumerism and globalization, participants of a Moscow forum agreed Wednesday.
The Large Family and Future of Humanity Forum opened inside the Kremlin's walls in a Soviet-era concert hall, bringing together conservative politicians and activists from 45 countries, including the U.S., according to organizers.
Participants lashed out against abortion, same-sex marriage and gay pride parades as threats to Russia's traditional spiritual core. President Vladimir Putin sent a greeting to participants via an official from his administration. In his message, Putin spoke about the "large-scale demographic crisis" that civilization faces and "the erosion of moral values" around the world.
The forum was organized by a number of conservative foundations and centers that are patronized by several high-ranking Russian officials and businessmen. The Center for National Glory and Andrew the Apostle Foundation headed by Russian Railways CEO Vladimir Yakunin appeared to be the main sponsor of the event.
INC News, 10/09/2014

Russia Is Scared of the 21st Century

Russia 21st century
As the dust settles over eastern Ukraine, the consensus is solidifying that the conflict there was the first battle of an attempted Cold War revival. A Cold War requires a Soviet Union, and the government of President Vladimir Putin has finally embraced it as a role model, more than a decade into his reign. It is a strange Soviet Union: sans communism, but with religion thrown into the mix. It owes as much of its official ideology to the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire, with its state-dependent capitalism and traditionalism. Added to bans on political freedoms and grassroots activity, Internet censorship spreading like cancer and a crackdown on LGBT rights (admittedly mild, compared to Soviet times), this is, in essence, a nanny state with an anti-West complex and an instinctive penchant for militant — if not caveman — conservatism.
The political scientist Samuel Huntington would argue that this is a clash of civilizations spilling out into the open after Russia's failed attempt to integrate with the West, and so it undoubtedly is, to some extent. But there is also a generational aspect to the story, which is that Russia, in a nutshell, is struggling to handle the modern world.
INC News, 10/09/2014