Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (21.06.2016) 21 июня 2016 «1 канал» #новости

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©Vesti- 1 Kanal

ITALIA - TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 21/06/2016

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

TURCHIA - Proteste per l'arresto di tre attivisti per la libertà di stampa

Mobilitazione a Istanbul per chiedere la liberazione di tre attivisti impegnati nella difesa della libertà di stampa in Turchia arrestati lunedì. "Erol Onderoglu", rappresentante in Turichia di Reporter senza frontiere, la docente universitaria *Sebnem Korur Fincanci* e il giornalista e scrittore *Ahmet Nesin* sono accusati di propaganda terroristica per aver partecipato a una campagna in favore del quotidiano filo-curdo Ozgür Gündem. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Euro 2016: tifosi che fraternizzano, bevono e a volte esagerano

Tifosi e fiumi di birra, in un rapporto non sempre felice: è di nuovo Marsiglia teatro degli incidenti di giornata, con alcuni polacchi che si sono scontrati con la polizia poco prima dell'inizio di Polonia-Ucraina, partita in cui gli ucraini non avevano già più nulla da dire e i polacchi erano già certi di passare il turno. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

OLIMPIADI - CIO conferma squalifica atletica russa

Se puliti, anche gli atleti russi potranno partecipare alle Olimpiadi, e con la bandiera russa. Ma ogni eccezione va valutata come tale mentre resta in vigore il bando generale dell'atletica russa. È il Comitato Olimpico Internazionale - al termine del vertice della struttura internazionale con i rappresentanti dei comitati nazionali e delle federazioni - a dare queste precisazioni.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

BREXIT - Cosa ne pensano i tifosi dell'Inghilterra che sono in Francia per l'Euro 2016

Molti tifosi dell'Inghilterra sono in questo periodo in vacanza in Francia per seguire l'Euro 2016 e si godono il sole di Nizza. A due giorni dal referendum siamo andati a chiedere ad alcuni di loro cosa pensano della Brexit. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

TERRORISMO - Rientrato l'allarme kamikaze a Bruxelles.

È rientrato l'allarme bomba che era scattato nella zona di un centro commerciale di Bruxelles. Un uomo aveva telefonato questa mattina alla polizia dicendo di voler fare un attentato. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

ECONOMY - Dieselgate, sotto accusa tutti i membri del vecchio board VW - economy

L'ex numero uno di *Volkswagen* Martin Winterkorn non è il solo a essere finito sotto la lente degli investigatori. La Bafin (la Consob tedesca) ha infatti presentato un esposto *contro tutti i membri del vecchio consiglio d'amministrazione.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Ue vs Russia, sanzioni rinnovate per altri sei mesi

Ok dagli ambasciatori dei 28 Stati dell'Unione europea al rinnovo per altri sei mesi delle sanzioni economiche, commerciali ed energetiche contro Mosca. La decisione, che deve ancora essere formalizzata dai Ministri degli esteri comunitari, non sarà comunque annunciata prima del prossimo summit tra i leader europei in programma a Bruxelles il 29 giugno. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

FLORIDA (USA) - Officials: Orlando killer visited club before attack

The Orlando gunman visited Pulse nightclub earlier Saturday night before returning to carry out his attack as the gay club prepared to close early Sunday morning, law enforcement officials say.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©CNN

Breathtaking footage shows elephant approaching vets for help after being 'shot in the head by poachers'

The enormous animal is thought to have been living with a bullet in its head for up to six weeks before it was discovered by staff from Aware Trust Zimbabwe.
Heartwarming footage shows the sedated elephant being helped by vets in Mana Pools National Park.
At the start of the clip, the elephant is recorded reaching for food - however the hole in the centre of its forehead is very prominent.
The animal lived with the bullet in its head for up to six weeks

Despite having the bullet in its head for more than a month, the creature miraculously survived and is now incredibly on the mend.
The area in Zimbabwe is a hot spot for poachers, hoping to gather ivory by slaughtering the animals. Dr Lisa Marabini told the BBC that her team sedated the animal, and found the bullet following an X-ray.
It is thought that the animal is 25 years old.
She said: "We think he was shot outside of the park and came into the park for refuge.
"We suspect he was shot in head first and turned to flee and the poacher put a bullet in his side." Reed more here...
The elephant had several injuries but managed to survive

INCNews, 22/06/2016-source:©Mirror 

TECHNOOGY - Urban Farmers - Rooftop Farms

Urban Farmers' rooftop greenhouses are a growing business that reconnects communities with food.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©CNN

ECONOMY - Boeing to Make Billions from New Deal with Iran's Islamic Regime

Boeing to Make Billions from New Deal with Iran's Islamic Regime

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©CBN News

CBN NewsWatch: June 21, 2016

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©CBN News

День йоги: простейшие упражнения от продюсера Би-би-си

Если "Приветствие cолнцу" или "Собака мордой вниз" вам ничего не говорят – ничего страшного: сегодня, во Всемирный день йоги, самое время познакомиться с этими комплексами упражнений. А в качестве инструктора готова выступить сотрудница службы Хинди Би-би-си Ишлин Каур.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©BBC News Russia 

CALIFORNIA (USA) - Heat Causes Problems in Battling Wildfire

Firefighters worked to make gains against Southern California wildfires as an intense heat wave eased slightly Tuesday, but officials warned nearby communities to stay alert and obey any evacuation orders. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AP

USA - Report Assails NYC Jail's Sex Abuse Response

According to an internal review obtained by The Associated Press, New York City's Rikers Island jail has entrenched problems dealing with sexual abuse, including investigations that don't interview alleged attackers.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AP

Зарплаты футболистов сборной России

Во время крупных турниров нет недостатка во всевозможных рейтингах. Больше всего народ любит считать чужие деньги, особенно если дело касается знаменитостей.
На Евро-2016 прибыло немало именитых персонажей, но даже среди них одна фигура выделяется особо. Речь идет о капитане сборной Португалии Криштиану Роналду, который в прошлом сезоне в третий раз в карьере выиграл Лигу чемпионов. В рейтинге самых высокооплачиваемых футболистов Евро Роналду занимает первое место с годовым окладом в 20 млн евро. И это только зарплата с бонусами без учета спонсорских контрактов и доходов от рекламы. Вторым в этом списке значится швед Златан Ибрагимович (18 млн), а замыкает тройку лидеров валлиец Гарет Бэйл (15 млн).
Кокорин известен своей любовью к роскошным иномаркам.  Фото: kokorin9 / instagram.com
Кокорин известен своей любовью к роскошным иномаркам. Фото: 
На фоне звезд мирового футбола заработки наших игроков выглядят не так впечатляюще, но и жаловаться игрокам российской сборной на финансовое положение не приходится. Судя по неофициальным данным, больше всех в команде Леонида Слуцкого получает Артем Дзюба - 3,6 млн евро в год. Это больше, чем у основного нападающего национальной команды Испании и победителя Лиги чемпионов в составе мадридского "Реала" Альваро Мораты.Вторым в этом списке идет одноклубник Дзюбы Александр Кокорин, про которого уже многие годы говорят как о самом талантливом футболисте нашей страны. Впрочем, пока парень не спешит оправдывать щедрые авансы: с 2014 года он не может забить в Премьер-лиге больше 10 мячей. Для сравнения: лучший бомбардир чемпионата Англии прошлого сезона с 25 мячами Харри Кейн зарабатывает в год 2 млн евро.

INCNews, 22/06/2016-source: ©RG.RU

AMERICAN VOTATION - Man Arrested at Rally in Plot to Kill Trump

A British man arrested at a weekend Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas tried to grab a police officer's gun so he could kill the presidential candidate after planning an assassination for about a year, according to authorities.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AP


Here are the top stories for Tuesday, June 21st: Wildfires force evacuations; Heat wave blamed for several deaths; Senate rejects gun control proposals; Attorneys for Led Zeppelin want judge to toss lawsuit.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AP

WARRIOR GAMES - Hundreds Compete in Warrior Games at West Point

Some 270 athletes have been competing in the military’s Warrior Games being held at the U.S. Military Academy this month. For William Reynolds, it's a homecoming. He graduated from the academy in 2002 and survived a roadside bomb attack in Iraq. 

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AP

VENEZUELA - Thousands line up to support Venezuela recall vote

Opposition leaders in Venezuela have begun checking the signatures on a petition to kick off a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

CALIFORNIA (USA) - Teen Girls Offered Birth Control Via App

Women and girls as young as 14 are offered access to birth control without having to go to their doctors. An obstetrician-gynecologist weighs in on the implications.

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Good morning to all! - Christo Unveils Latest Work of Art | ABC News

INC News, 21/06/2016 - source: ©ABCNews