Friday, September 26, 2014

Uccide a coltellate moglie e amante

see: Uccide la moglie e l'amante

La gelosia è davvero una gran brutta malattia. Occorrerebbe che già in tenera età, i bambini venissero educati adeguatamente, e seguiti poi dalle istituzioni scolastiche, per prevenire quegli scatti inumani che possono portare, in futuro possibile, a compiere atti insensati come questo.

Jealousy is really a very bad disease. Should be suggestable that at early age, the children should be educated properly, and then followed by school institutions to prevent those inhuman shots, which can lead, in a possible, to make senseless acts like this.

INC News, 26/09/2014 (copyright©INCNews)

Oklahoma Beheading: Fired Man's Knife Rampage

Ribadiamo il nostro teorema (certo, solo fantasia, ma non poca) che nel DNA di talune persone, qualche cosa avviene e porta a commettere atti senza orma di dubbio atroci.

We reiterate our theorem (of course, only imagination, but not little) than in the DNA of certain people, something happens and leads to commit, without a trace of doubt, acts really heinous .
see: Oklahoma killer

INC News, 26/09/2014 (copyright©INCNews)


Con 524 voti a favore e 43 contrari, il Parlamento Britannico ha deciso di intervenire con raids aerei contro lo Stato Islamico. Il Primo Ministro ha definito "psicopatici" i terroristi che hanno deciso di uccidere cittadini britannici.

see: Votation in London

With 524 votes in favor and 43 against, the British Parliament decided to intervene with air raids against the Islamic State. The Prime Minister has called "psychopaths" the terrorists who decided to kill British citizens.

Russia Warns of Islamic State Fighters From Former Soviet Union

see: Islamic State from former Soviet Union

Forse nessuno ha ancora pensato che nel suo insieme ogni città del pianeta ha come minimo un elemento di religione differente, con il quale confrontarsi in ogni momento della nostra coesistenza. Ebbene, nel confrontarsi può accadere che la persona che credevamo fosse come noi, realizza di colpo di esserci contro, pur essendo in una città dove egli è stato accettato in tutto e per tutto. Questo significa che in molte città europee, ove esista una minoranza musulmana, possa accadere che un elemento della comunità si ribelli, e possa scatenare l'imponderabile. Poichè non è possibile, logicamente, andare a cercare "il deviante", occorre che chi governa uno Stato si premunisca con le proprie forze dell'ordine pubblico  o militare, nel sorvegliare quei punti strategici che esistono in tutte le principali città del mondo, e bloccare sul nascere la cellula eversiva, che potrebbe far degenerare il sistema e creare la nascita di nuovi nuclei  terroristici.

Perhaps no one has yet thought of that as a whole every city on the planet has at least one element of a different religion, with which compare in every moment of our coexistence. Well, the compare may happen that the person you thought you were like us, realizes suddenly be there against, despite being in a city where he has been accepted in all respects. This means that in many European cities, where there is a Muslim minority, it can happen that an element of the community rebels, and could trigger the imponderable. Since it is not possible, of course, going to look for "deviant", it is necessary that those who govern a State takes appropriate precautions with their own police or military public, in monitoring those strategic points which are in all major cities of the world, and thwart the subversive cell, which could escalate the system and create the emergence of new terrorist units.

INC News, 26/09/2014-copyright©INC News

Islamic State crisis: '3,000 European jihadists join fight'

The number of Europeans joining Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq has risen to more than 3,000, the EU's anti-terrorism chief has told the BBC. Gilles de Kerchove also warned that Western air strikes would increase the risk of retaliatory attacks in Europe. US-led forces have launched more than 200 air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq since August and on Monday began targeting IS in Syria.
The UK parliament is due to vote on possible air strikes in Iraq on Friday. IS - also known as Isil or Isis - has seized large parts of Iraq and Syria in recent months. Mr de Kerchove said the number of 3,000 included all those who have been to the region, including those who have returned and those who have been killed there. The CIA estimates that IS may have up to 31,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria - three times as many as previously feared.
INC News, 26/09/2014

Russia Bans Entry to Pro-Ukraine European Politician Rebecca Harms

Rebecca Harms

A prominent EU legislator known for her pro-Ukraine stance claims she was barred from entering Russia on Thursday in what could constitute the first such incident in the history of the European Parliament.
"I was told to take the next airplane back and any entry into Russia would be considered a criminal act," Rebecca Harms said on her Facebook page, after landing at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport.
Russian culture news website said the German lawmaker, who heads the Green faction in the European Parliament, was declared "persona non grata."
No official explanation was offered for the incident as of Thursday. Harms was traveling to Moscow to attend a court hearing in the case of Nadezhda Savchenko — a Ukrainian army pilot in Russian custody for her supposed involvement in the death of two Russian journalists during the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, a charge she has denied.
Western countries, including the EU, have imposed sanctions against Russia, including blacklisting dozens of Russian businessmen and officials, for backing pro-Moscow separatists in their five-month war against the Ukrainian governmental army.
Russia has imposed mirror sanctions against a handful of U.S. and Canadian officials, banning them from entering the country, and has introduced a year-long ban on Western food imports. A Russian Foreign Ministry official said Thursday that sanctions against EU officials were also on the cards, but gave no details.
INC News, 26/09/2014

Russia's Ruble Hits Record Low Against U.S. Dollar

Dollar and Ruble

The Russian ruble hit a new record low against the dollar on Friday, hurt in part by companies' foreign debt repayments, while shares in conglomerate Sistema plunged after another twist in a criminal investigation into its chairman.
The Russian currency has touched several historic lows in the past few months as investors in Russian assets have taken fright over the Ukraine crisis and as prices of oil, a major Russian export, have fallen below $100 a barrel. By 09:25 GMT, the ruble was 0.97 percent weaker against the dollar at 38.86 after reaching a low of 38.97. It was down 0.87 percent versus the euro at 49.52. That left the currency 0.92 percent weaker at 43.66 against the dollar-euro basket, which the Central Bank uses to gauge the ruble's nominal exchange rate.
"A combination of factors are pressuring the ruble. Firstly, dollar appreciation against developed and emerging market currencies, and secondly Russian corporates and banks are de facto shut out of foreign capital markets," said Maxim Korovin, a forex analyst at VTB Capital in Moscow. Korovin said the second factor — resulting from Western sanctions on Russia restricting access to Western financial markets — was exerting a constant drag on the ruble as many Russian companies were having to buy foreign currency to meet external debt repayments. They were also unable to attract new funding in foreign currencies due to sanctions over the Ukraine crisis.
Moscow-listed shares fell, meanwhile, with the market mood soured by a Russian court's decision to seize conglomerate Sistema's shares in oil company Bashneft as part of a criminal investigation. Hopes of a rollback in the West's sanctions on Russia had fueled market optimism in recent days but were fading on Friday after EU diplomats downplayed the likelihood of an immediate easing. A draft law submitted to the Russian parliament on Wednesday that would give Russian courts the right to seize foreign assets on Russian territory has also dampened sentiment.
INC News, 26/09/2014

6 Dead in Central Russia After Suspected Synthetic Marijuana Poisoning

Poisoning due to marijuana

A criminal case has been opened in the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous region after six residents died from ingesting an unknown substance, believed to be a new kind of synthetic marijuana, RIA Novosti reported Friday.
The news follows reports of a mass poisoning from the popular drug that goes by the street name "spice" in the Kirov region. Four people died after consuming the drug in Kirov last weekend and dozens were hospitalized.
Investigators in the Khanty-Mansiisk region released a statement Friday confirming six deaths of people between the ages of 18 and 35, but they have not yet tied the deaths to synthetic marijuana poisoning.
A spokeswoman for the regional prosecutor told RIA Novosti that about 90 people had been poisoned and 36 hospitalized after ingesting an unknown psychoactive substance.
The symptoms listed were the same as those experienced by victims of poisoning in the Kirov region: seizures, loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, inappropriate and strange behavior, the unidentified spokeswoman was cited as saying by RIA Novosti.

INC News, 26/09/2014

Foto hard e video con minori, i documenti nei pc dell’ex nunzio

Foto Hard in Vaticano

Monsignor Jozef Wesolowski aveva un archivio segreto nascosto nel computer della Nunziatura di Santo Domingo. L’arcivescovo polacco di 66 anni arrestato tre giorni fa per volontà di papa Francesco dalla gendarmeria vaticana per pedofilia, custodiva oltre centomila file con foto e filmini pornografici: immagini scaricate da Internet e fotografie che le stesse vittime erano state costrette a scattare. Una galleria degli orrori che in parte conservava anche sul proprio pc portatile. Si vedono ragazzini tra i tredici e i diciassette anni umiliati di fronte all’obiettivo, ripresi nudi, costretti ad avere rapporti sessuali tra loro e con adulti. Ora l’indagine prosegue per scoprire altri complici. Personaggi che avrebbero aiutato l’alto prelato a procacciarsi i minori e che potrebbero aver partecipato agli incontri a luci rosse. Nel capo di imputazione si parla esplicitamente di «reati commessi in concorso con persone ancora ignote» e gli atti dell’inchiesta fanno comprendere come i promotori di indagine del Vaticano abbiano già trovato alcuni elementi per arrivare alla loro identificazione. Sono proprio i verbali e le relazioni contenute nel fascicolo processuale a svelare i contorni di una vicenda che appare tutt’altro che chiusa e anzi potrebbe avere nuovi e clamorosi sviluppi. Perché il sospetto è che Wesolowski possa essere inserito in una rete internazionale ben più ampia di quella emersa sinora. 

INC News, 26/09/2014-via Corriere

FBI: U.S. may have ID'd man in Foley execution video

Is, uccisa pubblicamente a Mosul l'attivista irachena Samira Saleh al-Naimi

Il caso Samira Saleh

E' stata uccisa in mezzo alla piazza di Mosul, dopo un processo sommario, con l'accusa di apostasia. L'attivista irachena Samira Saleh al-Naimi, è stata torturata dai militanti dello Stato islamico e giustiziata pubblicamente per punizione il 22 settembre. Il suo cadavere è stato abbandonato sulla strada. Ci sono voluti tre giorni prima che la notizia si diffondesse. 

Samira Saleh al-Naimi era un noto avvocato e difensore dei diritti umani, conosciuta e molto stimata per le sue attività che comprendevanola difesa dei detenuti e il sostentamento delle famiglie disagiate della cittàIl Centro del Golfo per i diritti umani, la missione di assistenza dell'Onu in Iraq, ha fatto sapere che è stata sequestrata dalla casa in cui viveva il 17 settembre, rapita di notte da un gruppo di uomini armati e a volto coperto, per aver pubblicato su Facebook messaggi che criticavano la distruzione di luoghi di preghiera a Mosul da parte dei militanti. Sul suo profilo al-Nuaimi aveva definito "barbarici" gli atti dei militanti. La sua era una lotta costante.

INC News, 26/09/2014-Fonte Repubblica