Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Эвакуация в аэропорту Саны шла под обстрелом

Эвакуация в аэропорту Саны шла под обстрелом
Два самолета МЧС России вывезли из столицы Йемена 118 человек. Среди них граждане России, стран СНГ и дальнего зарубежья. Люди спасаются от войны. Буквально сегодня завершилась крупная военная операция в Адене, это главный йеменский порт. Правительственные войска выбили из него повстанцев.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Russia24

В Астане закупили антивандальные туалеты на 180 миллионов тенге

В Астане до 30 августа будут установлены 15 автоматических модульных туалетов. В ответе на запрос редакции TengrinewsTV Управление природных ресурсов и регулирования природопользования Астаны приводит данные, что на приобретение современных уборных из столичного бюджета выделили 180 миллионов тенге.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via TengriNews

"Невменяемому" алматинскому водителю грозит лишение прав

В ДВД Алматы прокомментировали случай с задержанием водителя, который находился за рулем в невменяемом состоянии. Как рассказала корреспондентам программы "Территория происшествий" официальный представитель ДВД Алматы Салтанат Азирбек, медицинское освидетельствование показало, что водитель употреблял наркотики.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via TengriNews

77 платных парковок с инспекторами заработали в Алматы

Точное количество парковочных стоянок 77 и все они находятся в центре Алматы. Еще как минимум столько же планируют открыть в ближайшее время. Их установкой занимается компания Alma Parking. Плата за час стоянки 100 тенге, а в случае неуплаты водителя ждет штраф 3 мрп - 6 тысяч тенге. Сейчас новые платные парковки расположены в Алмалинском, Медеуском и Бостандыкском районах, всего - более 2500 парковочных мест, на которых работают 180 парковочных инспекторов. Парковка работает с 8.00 до 19.00, шесть дней в неделю. В нерабочее деньги за парковку не взимаются. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via TengriNews

Виталий Чуркин: Международный трибунал не нужен для расследования крушен...

оссия скептически относится к идее создания международного трибунала для уголовного преследования лиц, ответственных за крушение рейса MH17 компании Malaysia Airlines в небе над Донецкой областью Украины. В Москве уверены, что соответствующий проект резолюции лишён прочной основы. Об этом заявил постоянный представитель РФ при ООН Виталий Чуркин. Российский дипломат подчеркнул, что сначала необходимо дождаться официальных результатов расследования трагедии.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

CNN: в итоговом отчете по MH 17 вину за крушение самолета возложат на оп...

15 июля телекомпания CNN со ссылкой на источник, якобы ознакомившийся с проектом отчета голландских следователей, сообщила, что вину за крушение малазийского Boeing на Украине возложат на ополченцев и авиакомпанию. Согласно информатору канала, в отчете указан тип ракеты, сбившей самолет, следовавший рейсом MH 17, и ее траектория. Однако в Совете безопасности Нидерландов не подтвердили эти сообщения, но заявили, что итоговый доклад будет опубликован в первые недели октября. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

В Афинах начались массовые беспорядки

В центре Афин на площади Синтагма возле парламента начались беспорядки после шествия против мер жесткой экономии. Участники митинга начали бросать бутылки с зажигательной смесью. В ответ полиция применила слезоточивый газ.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

40 лет назад СССР и США совершили первый в истории совместный космически...

15 июля 1975 года космические корабли Советского Союза и США — «Союз-19» и «Аполлон» — совершили первую в истории человечества стыковку на орбите. Командиры экипажей советский космонавт Алексей Леонов и американский астронавт Томас Стаффорд сохраняют крепкую дружбу уже 40 лет. Сегодня они принимают поздравления от нового поколения покорителей космоса и вместе вспоминают тот знаменательный день. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

Полтора года тюрьмы и штраф в три миллиона за шутку о бомбе

CNN: Boeing 777 сбили сепаратисты (эксперты)

Жизнь деревни Грабово Донецкой области никогда не будет такой как прежде. Год назад над ней был сбит Boeing 777 "Малайзийских авиалиний" с 298 пассажирами и членами экипажа на борту. Никто из зарегистрировавшихся на рейс MH17 "Амстердам - Куала-Лумпур" граждан 10 государств не выжил

INC News,15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Solar Impulse 2 продолжит полет не раньше апреля 2016 года

Швейцарский самолет на солнечных батареях Solar Impulse-2 сможет продолжить полет не раньше апреля 2016 года. Как стало известно, экспертам необходимо наладить работу солнечных батарей, которые пришли в негодность в результате перелета из японского города Нагоя на Гавайи, продолжавшегося более 117 часов.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Британия: безработица растет, но зарплаты тоже - economy

Безработица в Великобритании неожиданно выросла впервые с 2013 г. - хотя общий уровень зарплат, включая бонусы, показал самый заметный прирост за 5 лет. 
По данным Национального статистического бюро, с марта по май 5.6% трудоспособного населения Соединенного Королевства сидели без работы - это меньше показателя годичной давности (6.5%), но несколько выше, чем с декабря по февраль.
Экономисты ранее предупреждали, что высокий темп создания рабочих мест в стране неизбежно замедлится. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Новости автомобилестроения - "напечатанная" на принтере машина Strati вы...

На рынкe появился первый автомобиль, практически полностью “напечатанный” на принтере 3-D. С момента презентации прошел всего год: на выставке в Чикаго компания Local Motors представила опытный экземпляр еще в сентябре. “Local Motors” предполагает, что будет несколько модельных линеек, и каждый покупатель сможет выбрать и заказать автомобиль с тем количеством опций, которое ему подходит. Цена будет колебаться от 18 до 30 тысяч долларов. Говорит СЕО “Local Motors” Джон Роджерс: “Трёхступенчатый процесс: все начинается с файла, в котором содержится полная документация каждой детали, затем этот файл отправляется на принтер, и начинается сам процесс печатания. Затем, и это вторая стадия – вы начинаете шлифовку и подгонку. Третий и заключительный этап – сборка”. Главным материалом становится пластик, который обогащен углеродным волокном. Автомобиль называется Strati, его изготовление с помощью принтера занимает 44 часа. Обычная машина сегодня состоит из нескольких тысяч деталей, у Strati их всего 49. Важно заметить, что такие компоненты, как автопокрышки, двигатель и подвеска на принтере изготовлены быть не могут.
“На ряде этапов мы используем технологии экструзии: получая нужные нам детали с помощью продавливания вязкого расплава материала или густой пасты через формующее отверстие”, – отмечает Джон Роджерс. Strati – двухместная машина, она может развивать скорость до 40 км/ч, ее вес – 800 кг, срок службы – не менее 5 лет, и она может быть полностью переработана без ущерба для экологии. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Зонд New Horizons благополучно пролетел мимо Плутона - BBC Russian

Космический корабль "Нью Хорайзонс" благополучно миновал Плутон. Инженеры НАСА получили от аппарата короткое сообщение, подтверждающее, что он находится в нормальном рабочем состоянии и не встретил никаких проблем при прохождении мимо карликовой планеты.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC Russia

Видеозапись побега наркобарона из тюрьмы - BBC Russian

Мексиканские власти опубликовали видеозапись с камер наблюдения тюрьмы Альтиплано, на которой видно, как наркобарон Хоакин Гусман сбежал из тюрьмы особо строгого режима.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC Russia

Китайские инвестиции на Дальнем Востоке - BBC Russian

Экономические санкции, введенные Западом против Кремля, оказались весьма болезненными. По подсчетам самого российского правительства, они стоят российской экономике по меньшей мере 40 млрд долларов в год. В ответ Владимир Путин решил обратить взоры на Восток и крепить связи со странами Азиатского региона. В особенности с Китаем.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC News

Ucraina, un anno fa la tragedia del volo MH17: responsabili ancora senza...

A quasi un anno dall’abbattimento del volo MH17 della Malaysian Airlines, la ricerca dei responsabili non si è ancora conclusa.Sul luogo della tragedia, costata la vita a 298 persone tra passeggeri e membri dell’equipaggio, si possono ancora trovare oggetti personali delle vittime e detriti dell’aereo, come un pezzo della fusoliera su cui è impresso l’emblema della compagnia.Non sono stati rimossi, racconta Natalia, una residente del posto, nonostante diverse segnalazioni alle autorità ribelli che controllano la zona: “Questo appartiene al volo della Malaysian, abbattuto un anno fa – dice – ormai è un anno che è qui”.Ucraina, Unione europea e Stati Uniti sospettano che a provocare la tragedia siano stati i ribelli del Donbass, con un missile terra-aria russo. Una tesi che troverebbe conferma in un rapporto preliminare degli inquirenti olandesi, smentita però da Mosca.Alexander Borodai, premier dell’autoproclamata Repubblica popolare di Donetsk, si dice “piuttosto indifferente a questa vicenda, anche se ci fossero conclusioni formali dell’inchiesta e venisse creato un tribunale. Quello che so – aggiunge – è che non è colpa nostra se il Boeing è venuto giù. Mi sembra ovvio che sia il risultato di un’azione compiuta dalle forze ucraine”.L’aereo, che effettuava la rotta Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur, è stato abbattuto il 17 luglio 2014, durante una delle fasi più intense degli scontri tra l’esercito di Kiev e i separatisti filo-russi nell’Ucraina orientale.
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Cina, arrestati nel nord del Paese 9 turisti stranieri

Arrestati nel nord della Cina nove turisti stranieri, sospettati di intrattenere legami con un gruppo terroristico. Le autorità cinesi non hanno precisato di cosa siano accusati i nove, tra i quali vi sono cittadini britannici, sudafricani e un indiano. Undici altri loro compagni saranno presto rimpatriati.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Sicilia, più di 400 migranti salvati dalla nave del progetto Moas

Sono sbarcati a Messina 413 migranti a bordo della nave Phoenix del progetto Moas.
Lanciato dai coniugi maltesi Catrambone che hanno investito milioni di euro prima di lanciare un'operazione di crowdfunding, il progetto intende aiutare gli extracomunitari in viaggio verso le coste italiane a raggiungere in sicurezza i porti. 
I migranti, 32 dei quali sono minorenni, sono stati accolti dagli uomini delle forze dell'ordine, e delle associazioni umanitarie per la prima assistenza.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Nucleare iraniano: le conseguenze nella regione

L'accordo firmato da Iran e dai paesi del gruppo 5+1 entrerà in vigore nel giro di 3 mesi, una volta adottata la risoluzione dal Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu. Salutato come epocale, l'accordo ha veramente l'importanza che gli viene attribuita, contribuirà a ridare stabilità al Medio Oriente dove l'Iran gioca un ruolo di primo piano?
Jon Alterman, Centro per gli studi strategici e internazionali: "Aiuterà a gestire il problema che l'Iran poneva, quello sulla proliferazione nucleare.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

USA: in vendita dal 2016 la Strati, l'auto elettrica stampata in 3D - hi...

Quella che per Local Motors, l'azianda statunitense che la fabbrica, è stata la prima auto elettrica stampata in 3-D venne presentata lo scorso settembre a Chicago. Ora, a un anno di distanza, il produttore prevede di mettere in vendita la Strati a partire dal 2016. Ai clienti offrirà la possibilità di personalizzare il veicolo per soddisfare le esigenze personali. La versione base costerà fra i 18mila e i 30mila dollari (16mila e 27mila euro)

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Gran Bretagna, la disoccupazione torna ad aumentare - economy

Per la prima volta dall'inizio del 2013 il tasso di disoccupazione britannico è tornato a salire: dal 5,5% al 5,6% nel trimestre chiuso a maggio, con, in numeri assoluti, un calo di 67 mila unità tra gli occupati. 
Forse, dicono gli esperti, ha giocato un ruolo il clima di incertezza tra le aziende nel periodo pre-elezioni. Ma ci sono anche buone notizie: nello stesso periodo i salari (bonus compresi) sono aumentati del 3,2%, lo scatto più deciso da oltre cinque anni. 

INC News, 1507/2015 - via Euronews

Solar Impulse: global flight abandoned until 2016

The Swiss team trying to fly a solar-powered plane around the world has abandoned its effort for this year.The Solar Impulse’s batteries were damaged on the last leg of its journey from Japan to Hawaii and will take several months to repair.The global quest will resume in 2016.
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Truck carrying 16,500 litres of fuel causes explosion in Norway tunnel

The trailer of a tanker loaded with 16,500 litres of fuel came loose in Norway today (15 July) and crashed into the wall of the Skate Saraum subsea tunnel, causing a huge explosion. 
It is not yet known how the trailer became detached, but officials have said no one was seriously hurt.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Nederlandse rotonde nu wereldhit

Een rotonde in Purmerend gaat de hele wereld rond. Duizenden mensen zitten via internet te kijken naar beelden van een webcam die erop gericht staat. Ze zagen ook een verslaggever van Telegraaf TV, want wij spraken de stomverbaasde initiatiefnemers.

INC News, 1/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf 

Tovenaar behekst hit-rotonde

Een livestream van een rotonde in Purmerend is inmiddels een wereldhit. Meestal is er via de webcam niet veel meer te zien dan verkeer, maar soms gebeurt er iets magisch, zoals afgelopen nacht.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf

‘Vanaf morgen weer zomer!’

Een blik op de dag van morgen, dan maakt het druilerige weer eindelijk weer plaats voor de zon. Het is een opmaat voor een paar heerlijke dagen, met mogelijk weer tropische temperaturen

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via De Telegraf

Obama comments on Bill Cosby

President Obama says there is no mechanism to revoke Bill Cosby's Medal of Freedom.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via CNN

Dozens killed by stampede at religious festival

At least 27 people were killed by a stampede in Rajahmundry, India during a riverside religious festival.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via CNN

Search, Rescue Continues after Floods Ravage Ky.

Kentucky is among nine states under flood watches. In an instant, houses were literally ripped off their foundations and sent adrift in raging floodwaters.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via CBN News

Trafficking, Prostitution: America Hijacked by Porn?

At a symposium on Capitol Hill, experts revealed an America where the vast majority of men consume porn, making for an ever more violent culture connected to prostitution and sex trafficking.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via CBN News

NASA reveals new high-resolution images of Pluto

The first close-ups of Pluto's surface and its moons from yesterday's historic flyby are being released at a NASA briefing this afternoon. The event began streaming live on at 3 p.m. ET. NASA's New Horizons became the first spacecraft to make a close flyby of Pluto and its moons on Tuesday morning. The spacecraft was temporarily silent while it was busy snapping images and collecting data, but sent confirmation of a successful flyby Tuesday evening.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via CBC News

North Korean 'worker brigades' in Russia - BBC News

One of the few sources of hard cash in the North Korea's failing economy is overseas labour. President Kim Jong-Un has expanded the number of worker brigades he sends overseas, and currently, tens of thousands are working in Russia, many of them in the construction industry of Russia's remote far east. Human Rights groups have condemned their work as slave labour.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC News

Why are so many Americans behind bars? BBC News

More people are in prison in America than anywhere else in the world. President Obama and politicians from both parties want to change that. Rajini Vaidyanathan looks at how the US prison population got to record levels.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC News

Stephen Hawking on Pluto mission success - BBC News

Stephen Hawking has congratulated the New Horizons team and Nasa following their successful mission to the dwarf planet Pluto.
The theoretical physicist and cosmologist said: "Revelations of New Horizons may help us to understand better how our solar system was formed."
A signal received from the New Horizons spacecraft showed that it had survived its historic encounter with Pluto.
Data since Tuesday's flyby suggests the spacecraft experienced no upsets as it hurtled past the icy world at 14km/s (31,000mph)

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via BBC News

Obama: Iran Debate Should be Based on Facts

President Barack Obama vigorously defended the nuclear deal with Iran on Wednesday, casting the historic accord as the only possibility to avert a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and reduce the chances of war.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via AP

Raw: Police: Teen Attempted to Run Over Officer

A 17-year-old boy faces an attempted second-degree murder charge after police say he attempted to run over an officer during a traffic stop. Orlando Police released video of the incident.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via AP

Video Released of Police Killing Unarmed Man

A Calif. judge released video sought by the AP and two other news organizations of a June 2013 shooting by Gardena, Calif. police in which one man was killed and one was wounded. The City of Gardena later settled with the families for $4.7m.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via AP

Nearly 1.4m internally displaced in Ukraine

The UN says nearly 1.4 million people have been displaced in Ukraine since the conflict began last year. A ceasefire agreement signed five months ago between the government and Pro-Russian separatists seems long forgotten. 
Fighting is forcing people to leave their homes on a daily basis, but for some residents that's not an option.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Al Jazeera



Clashes have erupted outside the Parliament in the Greek capital. Police have deployed pepper spray and tear gas against protestors hurling Molotov cocktails and rocks during an anti-austerity rally attended by thousands.
Riot police used pepper spray and tear gas to suppress a large crowd of people, who began hurling Molotov cocktails and rocks at police officers. Earlier, police estimated the number of anti-austerity protesters at Syntagma Square at about 12,500 people.
The clashes broke out as the Greek parliament began to debate an austerity bill requiring consumer tax increases and pension reforms.

60 percent of Scots want independence referendum before 2025 –

Some 60 percent of Scots want to see a second independence referendum within ten years, with an additional 19 percent keen to see a rerun of the vote sometime after that, a Survation poll suggests.
Last year saw 45 percent of Scottish people reject independence from the UK in a ballot which yielded an 85 percent turnout – the highest in any UK vote since 1918.
The poll also found that the Scottish National Party (SNP) had grown in popularity since their massive general election win earlier this year. Projections show the anti-austerity party would take 56 percent of the vote, amounting to 71 seats, if the 2016 Scottish Parliamentary elections if were to be held today.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT


Pepper spray, teargas employed as Greek protest against bailout deal marred by scuffles

Arrests, clashes mark Bastille Day celebrations in France

Riot police clashed with leftist protesters in Paris during the annual French Bastille Day parades. Several protest groups marched around the capital, with many converging at the National Assembly, where they demonstrated against the French authorities. Riot police used batons to stop the protesters and at least 20 were arrested.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

Condannato a 4 anni Oskar Gröning, il "contabile di Auschwitz"

Oskar Gröning è forse l'ultimo nazista che abbia avuto un ruolo attivo nell'olocausto sebbene non sembra abbia mai ucciso pesonalmente nessuno. 
La sentenza a 4 anni è stata letta nell’aula di un tribunale ricavato da una piccola sala per le riunioni a Lüneburg, nel nord della Germania. L'uomo ha 94 anni. Poiché aveva lavorato in precedenza in una banca, il suo compito ad Auschwitz era quello di gestire i beni tolti ai deportati prima che questi venissero uccisi, in particolare il denaro.

INC News, 15/07/2015 -via Euronews

Atene in sciopero contro austerity

Atene è invasa dal silenzio nell'ora di punta. Metropolitana chiusa per 4 ore e treni fermi per 24, mentre viaggiano gli autobus di linea. La prima risposta pubblica all'austerity, che anticipa il voto in Parlamento.  
Migliaia sono i pendolari afflitti dallo sciopero proclamato dai lavoratori dei settori pubblici in Grecia, dove anche le farmacie abbassano le saracinesche per protestare contro la liberalizzazione. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Messico, video-evasione di El Chapo

Prima, lo si vede nella sua cella: lui è Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman uno dei più temuti boss del narco traffico del Messico, fino a qualche giorno fa detenuto nel penitenziario di massima sicurezza 'El Altiplano', a circa 90 km da Città del Messico. 
Poi, decide di farsi una doccia e sparisce. 
Abbiamo appena assistito a una delle evasioni piú audaci degli ultimi tempi. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

New Horizon manda un "bip" che entra nella storia

...Siamo in contatto con la navicella spaziale...
E quindi... ora non ci resta che attendere le prime immagini. Perchè la sonda della Nasa New Horizon, dopo aver compiuto lo storico incontro con Plutone, è riuscita a mettersi in contatto con la Terra e, dalla distanza di oltre 5 miliardi di chilometri, ha inviato un segnale che conferma che si trova in ottime condizioni. 
Un solo "bip" che ha suggellato il successo di una delle missioni più ambiziose della storia delle esplorazioni.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Migliaia in piazza in Iran per festeggiare l'accordo sul nucleare

Una notte di festa, piena di suoni, di colori, come dopo la vittoria di una partita importante. A Teheran, e in tutte le altre città, si festeggia l'accordo sul nucleare tra Iran e 5+1. Le celebrazioni sono andate avanti per ore. La gente canta in coro l'inno nazionale e inneggia al presidente Rohani. 
Forse non sono neanche così tanto interessati alla questione nucleare, ma è la voglia di cambiamento che festeggiano e la speranza che le condizioni dell'accordo portino prosperità.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Iran: soddisfazione per l'accordo, ma anche scetticismo tra gli Iraniani...

Tra gli iraniani all'estero c'è emigrazione economica ma anche molta dissidenza: l'accordo raggiunto sul nucleare potrebbe aprire nuovi orizzonti anche per il dialogo interno. Siamo andati a Londra a sentire alcuni espatriati iraniani, a raccogliere le loro opinioni sulla storica firma: 
'Tutti sono contenti in questo momento. Spero che funzioni per la situazione interna al Paese, che calino i prezzi e la popolazione possa riprendere a respirare.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Auschwitz accountant gets four years for working at death camp

A 94-year-old former bookkeeper at Auschwitz has been sentenced to four years in prison in what could be one of the last big Holocaust trials. Oskar Groening had been accused of being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 people, although he did not personally kill anybody. He was 21, and by his own admission an enthusiastic Nazi, when he was sent to work at Auschwitz in 1942.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Workers walk out in Greece in protest over austerity measures before par...

Strikers at rush hour in Greece. That was how many decided to hold their own vote on the austerity measures before parliament. The metro shut down at peak time and suburban trains will not run for 24 hours. 
Some public service workers have walked out while pharmacists are also on strike angered at plans to de-regulate their profession. 

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Banks in Greece to reopen on July 17- Finance Ministry

The so-called 'bank holidays' in Greece will last until Friday, the country's Finance Ministry has said. The announcement comes just hours ahead of Wednesday’s vote in the Greek parliament on a third bailout package. Along with the banks’ opening there will be an extended list of permitted banking operations. It will be possible to repay the debts to the government, public enterprises, public pension funds and private insurance companies, either in cash or by transfer of funds from a bank account, the ministry said Wednesday.
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

Alabama mother says cops tased epileptic teen girl 3 times

An Alabama woman has filed a lawsuit against local police alleging a stun gun was used on her epileptic daughter three times while the teen was suffering from seizures at a concert in Rainbow City. Police also tased the girl's mother, she alleges.The 32-page lawsuit, filed earlier this month in US District Court, accuses at least five Rainbow City officers and three officers from neighboring Gadsden, who were allegedly handling security for a January 16 hip-hop concert, of excessive force, torture "and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment," Alabama Media Group reported. 
Read article HERE
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

Trolled again: Donald Trump’s campaign team tweets photo of Nazi soldiers

Donald Trump’s election camp has seemingly once again hit the rocks after the billionaire’s campaign office tweeted a photo with Nazi soldiers in the background. The SS eagle insignia could, upon close examination, be seen on the arms of the troops.
Donald Trump’s election camp has seemingly once again hit the rocks after the billionaire’s campaign office tweeted a photo with Nazi soldiers in the background. The SS eagle insignia could, upon close examination, be seen on the arms of the troops.

Read article HERE

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT and Web

Trailer with 16,500 liters of gasoline explodes in Norway underwater tunnel

A petrol tanker trailer has detached from its truck in a tunnel in Bremanger and exploded after 16,500 liters of gas were released. The driver managed to escape the inferno as the truck had already managed to detach from his load. The incident took place at the Skate Saraum tunnel that partially goes underwater. A petrol tanker was travelling through the tunnel and the trailer became dislodged from the truck, which continued to drive down the road. The trailer then crashed and exploded, after thousands of liters of gasoline had been split.
The driver of the tanker Tore Myrestrand told a local newspaper that while travelling through the deepest part of the tunnel, the trailer detached from the truck. He saw that the detached tanker began to hit the rocky wall and that gasoline began to spill out. He carried on driving the truck up the tunnel, and proceeded to block off the road to ensure that cars travelling in the opposite direction would be kept safe.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT

Greek deputy finance minister resigns over debt deal

Greek Deputy Finance Minister Nadia Valavani has resigned ahead of the key vote in the Greek parliament on a third bailout agreed between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the country’s creditors. She described the deal as Greek agony.

INC News, 15/-7/2015 - via RT

NASA probe "phones home" after surviving flyby with Pluto

About 13 hours after its closest approach to the dwarf planet, news that the craft was still intact was vital to the mission with 99 percent of the data gathered during the encounter still on the space ship. Managers had estimated there was a 1-in-10,000 chance a debris strike could destroy New Horizons as it soared just 12,472 km from Pluto. It will take about 16 months for the probe to transmit back all the thousands of images and measurements taken during its pass by of Pluto. By then the spacecraft will have travelled even deeper into the Kuiper Belt heading for a possible follow-on mission to one of Pluto’s cousins.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Hungary: Protesters condemn 'absurd' anti-migrant border fence with Serbia

Work has begun in Hungary on a four-metre high fence to close the open border with Serbia.Belgrade is strongly opposed to the plan which has also been criticised by the Council of Europe and the United Nations.
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Euronews

Raw: Video Shows Guzman Disappear From Cell

Mexican authorities released security camera video on Tuesday showing the moment drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman escaped from his cell in a maximum security prison.

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via AP

UK radio campaign launched to stop girls joining ISIL

A British radio campaign has been launched to try and help parents identify the warning signs that their daughters may want to join ISIL

INC News, 15/07/2015 - via Al Jazeera

Inside the Tunnel Drug Lord Used to Escape From Mexico Prison

BANGLADESH - Outrage grips Bangladesh over video of boy beaten to death

Il nostro commento é superfluo, ma titeniamo che il Bangladesh stia attraversando un lungo momento di barbarie derivato da conflitti interni e da mancanza di ideologie religiose, permettendo lo sbandodella stessa societá. Non ha alcun senso arrivare a linciare un bambino per il semplice motivo che se si reagisse tutti cosí non potremmo essere chiamati "esseri umani".

Vi invitiamo a leggere questo articolo per capire.

Thousands flooded the streets of Bangladesh demanding justice for a boy who was tortured to death by a mob. The incident, captured on camera, has also raised indignation on the web, with massive support for petitions urging prosecution of the culprits.
The video of the incident, which happened in one of the country’s biggest cities in the north-eastern part of Bangladesh, was taken by the laughing attackers themselves and uploaded to YouTube and Facebook on Sunday.
Read article HERE
INC News, 15/07/2015 - via RT