Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vol MH17: les dépouilles des passagers récupérées

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AP Top Stories July 20 P

Video Shows Malaysia Airlines MH17's Black Box at Crash Scene

Black boxes

Video Shows Malaysia Airlines MH17's Black Box at Crash Scene

Please, have a look inside article, where are some clips very interesting.

 Rotterdam, 20/07/2014-INC News

Riportiamo integralmente un articolo del collega di MoskowTime, dove e' descritta molto bene la situazione in Ukraina, nell' area del disastro.

OSCE Barred From Accessing Crash Site by 'Intoxicated' Gunmen

Maxim Zmeyev - A separatist holds a stuffed toy found at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, near the settlement of Grabovo in the Donetsk region on Friday.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation said gunmen prevented monitors from accessing the site of a fatal Malaysian airliner crash in Ukraine.
Calling their behavior "impolite and unprofessional", an OSCE spokesman said Friday some gunmen in the area seemed intoxicated while others would not let the team of about 25 observers look at the wreckage of the Boeing 777.
"We had expected unfettered access, that's the way we work," Michael Bociurkiw told a news conference.
"Unfortunately the task was made very difficult. Upon arrival at the site ... we encountered armed personnel who acted in a very impolite and unprofessional manner. Some of them even looked slightly intoxicated."
He denied that the observers had been fired at by rebels, but said one gunman fired shots into the air, seemingly to scare off some civilians.
Earlier, the OSCE's permanent council chairman, Thomas Greminger, said monitors had not been able to secure an access corridor for the crash-site and that investigators had stayed there for only about 75 minutes before setting off back to Donetsk.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Saturday he believed Russia was doing its best to ensure a safe route to the site of the downed flight MH17.
"They are trying their level best to assist Malaysia to ensure we have a safe site," he told reporters.

Impartial Investigation

The U.S. said it was "very concerned" about the way the OSCE monitors had been treated.
"Those who say they are going to participate in or welcome this investigation need to give unfettered access and obviously, we didn't see that when these individuals were there for 75 minutes," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told a regular news briefing in Washington.
The U.S. wanted to see "a credible, international investigation," she said, adding that the U.S. government had offered to send personnel and resources from the National Transportation and Safety Board and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Psaki said the Ukrainians had accepted the offer and the NTSB and FBI would each send at least one investigator, although it was unclear when they would go.
"And we of course will be responsive to their needs moving forward," she said.
World leaders have called for a rapid investigation into the shooting down of the airliner, which could mark a pivotal moment in deteriorating relations between Russia and the West. The U.S. and Britain said a surface-to-air missile appeared to have been fired from rebel held territory.

Fatal Crash

There were no survivors from the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, a Boeing 777. The United Nations said 80 of the 298 aboard were children. It was the deadliest attack on a commercial airliner and scattered bodies were seen over miles of rebel-held territory near the border with Russia.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told a meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday it was unlikely the separatists could have effectively operated that missile system without help from knowledgeable personnel.
Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin called for an "impartial, open investigation of what happened," and warned against any attempts to prejudge the matter.

Destroying Evidence

Bociurkiw said the OSCE intended to visit the site again on Saturday and spend the whole day there. "We unfortunately could not get much done today because of the behavior of the armed individuals and the lack of access," he said.
He said the team could not find anyone to talk to about the airliner's black box, and that it was not clear who was in charge of the territory where the airliner crashed.
"The crash site is a very large area and there may be more than one group who holds sway over that area," he said.
He added that while the bodies had not been touched — they seemed to be lying where they fell, personal possessions appeared to have been arranged in piles as if "for show."
Some of the bodies showed early signs of decomposition.
"As for observing close up the wreckage of the Boeing 777 that was very difficult. The armed guards did not allow us very much leeway to leave the roadway and look at the wreckage," he said.
Ukraine's government on Saturday accused pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine of trying to destroy evidence at the site where a Malaysian airliner crashed and of removing 38 bodies from the scene.
"The government of Ukraine officially states that the terrorists, with the help of Russia, are trying to destroy evidence of international crimes," the government said in a statement on Saturday.

"According to government data, the terrorists have taken 38 bodies to the morgue in (the eastern city of) Donetsk," it said, accusing specialists with "strong Russian accents" of threatening to carry out their own autopsies.

Rotterdam, 20/07/2014-INC News (via Moscow Time)

A mother talks to Putin

Tra le centinaia di persone che hanno portato fiori in aeroporto di Schiphol in memoria dei caduti, e tra i tanti famigliari radunatisi in raccoglimento, una signora si è rivolta a Putin, tramite un giornalista di Algenene Dagblaad, pregandolo di farle riavere i corpi dei suoi due ragazzi. Il Ministro degli Esteri Olandese Nutte ha garantito che sarà fatto tutto il possibile per identificare sul luogo i cadaveri e riportare a casa i corpi dei passeggeri olandesi.

Netherlands corpes

Among the hundreds of people who have brought flowers to Schiphol Airport in memory of the fallen, and the many families who have gathered together in meditation, a lady turned to Putin, by a journalist of Algenene Dagblaad, begging him to let her recover the bodies of her two children. The Dutch Foreign Minister Nutte has ensured that everything possible will be done to identify the corpses on the site, and bring home the bodies of the Netherlans passengers lost.

Rotterdam, 20/07/2014

Sempre piu' morti a Gaza

Non sono bastati i 295 morti del disastro aereo, ora anche Gaza ci si mette. Nelle due ultime giornate la somma dei morti è arrivata a 431, che sommati ai 295 fa ben 726 elementi umani perduti. Ma se vi aggiungiamo i morti e i dispersi tra gli immigrati che arrivano in Italia, si arriva tranquillamente a 1000. Perdere 1000 persone in poco piu di una settimana è da record......

295 deaths for the plane crash were not enough , now it takes Gaza. In the last two days the sum of the dead has reached 431, which added to the 295 the total become 726 human elements is well lost. But if we add to the dead and missing among immigrants who arrive in Italy, you will arrive safely to 1000. Loosing  1,000 people in just over a week is a record.

Rotterdam, 20/07/2014-INC News 

Un commento dell'Editore a questo tweet di oggi. A comment from Editor on a tweet of today

'La farsa dello sbarco sulla Luna': il tweet del deputato Sibilia (M5S)

Se dovessimo, tutti, credere che ogni cosa che ci fanno vedere non è realmente accaduta o stia accadendo, allora saremmo tutti elementi virtuali. Seguendo questo concetto espresso da Carlo Sibilia ed apparso su Corriere della Sera, gli orrori della seconda Guerra Mondiale sono stati inventati e i filmati che abbiamo visto sono cartoni animati. La farsa del non reale sbarco americano sulla Luna gira da anni e non si è mai riusciti  a verificare la non reale missione. Ci si chiede per quale motivo una cosa che è seguita da tutto il mondo scientifico debba essere considerata una farsa, così come in questi ultimi due giorni si è volutamente tornati a parlare della malattia del secolo AIDS in termini di balla scientifica venduta per aumentare il guadagno delle holdings farmaceutiche. Dal podio della scienza, uno di noi tre giornalisti è medico e sa che la balla è di coloro che credono alle balle di chi non sa cosa sia questa malattia. Lasciamo che la conquista della Luna sia quella che è stata, poi vedremo cosa allora ci racconteranno persone sprovvedute nel non credere che un razzo stia portando un equipaggio su Marte. Ma stando a terra, mi sembra strano che ci si limiti alla balla della Luna, quando esiste una balla ancora più grossa e tremenda, costata la vita a centinaia e migliaia di vite umane: l'utopia del Nazismo e del Comunismo. Quelli non erano una balla, vero?

If we were, everyone, to believe that everything that we make not see it really happened or is happening, then we would all virtual elements. Following this concept expressed by Carlo Sibilia and appeared in Corriere della Sera, the horrors of the Second World War were invented, and movies that we have seen are cartoons. The farce of the non-real American landing on the moon rotates for years and has never been able to verify the non-real mission. One wonders why such a thing which is followed by the whole scientific world should be considered a farce, as in the past two days has deliberately returned to talk about the disease of the century, AIDS, in terms of scientific bale sold to increase the gain of the pharmaceutical holdings. From the podium of science, one of the three of us journalists is a doctor, and knows that the bale is of those who believe bales of those who do not know what this disease in reality be. Let the conquest of the Moon is the one that has been, then we'll see what people not naive say in believing that a rocket is carrying a crew on Mars. But standing on ground, it seems strange that there is no limits to the Moon bale, when there is an even bigger bale which had tremendous cost in lives of hundreds and thousands humans: the utopia of Nazism and Communism. Those were not a lie, right?

Rotterdam, 20/07/2014-INC News

На востоке Германии украинский автобус с детьми столкнулся с польским

RAW: World mourns MH17 crash in Ukraine

Moscow raises questions surrounding MH17 crash