Thursday, June 25, 2015

Temperatures Could Hit 30C Next Week

A mini-Heatwave could hit Britain next week with temperatures up to 30C in the South.Even Scotland could see temperatures reach the mid-20s as intense heat from the continent pushes up over the Channel.
But make the most of it, because it won't last long.Forecasters say that higher temperatures could last for just a couple of days before falling.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via SKY News

Mijlpaal voor prinses Alexia

Van De Telegraaf - 17:00 - Brute aanslag op megakonijn

Van De Telegraaf - Tolbert568 is een superkoe

Tolbert568 is een échte melkkoe, ze is onlangs 13 jaar geworden en heeft in haar carrière al honderdduizend liter biologische melk geproduceerd, dus tijd voor een feestje! Tolbert werd op de boerderij gehuldigd door het bestuur van de Universiteit Utrecht. Verzorgster Leonie is enorm trots.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via De Telegraaf

10:00 - Hittegolf komt eraan!

Штормовое предупреждение продлили: синоптики обещают дожди в Сочи до нач...

Штормовое предупреждение продлили: синоптики обещают дожди в Сочи до начала июля
Город Сочи ушел под воду. Активный черноморский циклон принес ливень, который начался еще накануне вечером. Закрыт аэропорт . затоплены терминалы и взлетная полоса. В воде оказался и железнодорожный вокзал, откуда поезда тоже не ходят. В городе идет эвакуация жителей.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Russia 11

Владимир Путин посетил фестиваль «Книги России» в Москве

Протестующие в Ереване провели третью ночь на проспекте Баграмяна

Италия: регионы отказываются принимать новых мигрантов

Около 500 мигрантов спасены в Средиземном море. На итальянский берег беженцы сошли со шведского судна "Посейдон". Некоторых истощенных путешествием людей доставили на сушу в инвалидных колясках и на носилках. Италия заявляет, что с начала недели ее корабли спали в море 3700 беженцев. 

INC News, 25/06/2015 -via Euronews

Жара в Пакистане пошла на спад, унеся жизни более 1000 человек

Более 1 200 человек стали жертвами сильнейшей жары в Пакистане, преимущественно на юге страны. Такие данные представил фонд Эдхи, владелец крупнейшей в Пакистане службы скорой помощи. Официальные данные о погибших немного ниже. Ситуация усугубилась наступлением священного для мусульман месяца Рамадан, когда придерживающиеся традиций люди не пьют и не едят в дневное время. Но теперь жара немного пошла на спад.

INC Newss, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Uber – такси: кто кого?

Таксисты Франции против UberPOP и других частных перевозчиков

Takata извинилась за смертельные подушки - economy

Human Rights Watch обвиняет колумбийских военных

Международная правозащитная организация Human Rights Watch обвинила группу высокопоставленных колумбийских военных в том, что они знали об убийствах мирных граждан, которые совершали их подчинённые. Утверждается, что в период с 2002 по 2008 годы были убиты более 3 тысяч человек, которых выдавали за убитых повстанцев. 

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Обаму прервали на приеме в честь ЛГБТ-сообщества - BBC Russian

На приеме в честь ЛГБТ-сообщества в Белом Доме президент США Барак Обама был вынужден выгнать молодого человека, который начал выкрикивать что-то невнятное во время его выступления.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via BBC News

Сверхдержава - США или Китай? - BBC Russian

Как показало исследование, проведенное в 40 странах организацией Pew Research Center, люди в большинстве своем считают Америку первой экономикой мира. Однако многие полагают, что рано или поздно Китай обгонит США и станет сверхдержавой номер один.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via BBC News

"Свидетель" 24.06.15.

Свидетель 25 06 15 рус

UNITED KINGDOM - Essex Police: 29 officers suspended, handling of child sex abuse cases investigated

Essex Police has suspended 29 officers as the force undergoes an investigation into its handling of 49 child abuse cases between 2011 and 2015. Of the 29 present and former officers, six are being criminally investigated, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said.
The IPCC is looking into allegations of misconduct and perversion of the course of justice, with officers being investigated for alleged failures over the victim safeguarding and problems with the investigation process.There are also concerns about the honesty and integrity of officers over the way some investigations into child abuse were conducted.

Read article HERE
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via RT

Kobane, la comandante Ypj: ''Basta parole, abbiamo bisogno di aiuti concreti''

''La nostra non è una battaglia solo per difendere Kobane dall'Isis, ma è una battaglia per l'umanità''. Lo ha dichiarato Nessrin Abdullah, comandante dello Ypj (Unità femminile di difesa del Popolo) durante una conferenza stampa tenutasi alla Camera, in cui si è fatto il punto sull'attentato che nelle prime ore del mattino ha colpito la città curdo siriana, al confine con la Turchia. ''In città ci sono circa 100 guerriglieri dell'Isis, i nostri uomini li hanno circondati, ma la situazione è ancora molto delicata''. Resta da capire da dove siano riusci ad entrare i terroristi: ''Stiamo facendo le dovute verifiche, appena avremo notizie in più le comunicheremo''

USA, Obama alla contestatrice trans: "Sei a CASA MIA"

Durante il discorso alla Casa Bianca rivolto ai rappresentanti delle associazioni lgbt nel mese del Gay Pride il presidente degli Stati Uniti è stato interrotto da una contestatrice: "Ascolta, sei a casa mia - ha risposto Obama - non è rispettoso interrompermi perché sei ospite, vergogna". Necessario l'intervento della sicurezza che ha allontanato l'attivista trans

Sochi Submerged: Former Olympic city's airport flooded

Local authorities in Sochi, Russia, are struggling to cope with a flash flood that came after two days of torrential rain in the host city of last year’s Winter Olympic Games. Sochi International Airport reported that dispatching and accepting flights have been problematic due to the weather conditions and the flood.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via RT

Dutch anti-Islam politician airs Mohammed cartoons on national TV

Dutch television has aired a slideshow of Prophet Mohammad cartoons, a month after the series was presented at a caricature competition in Texas that was attacked by two gunmen. Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders is at the helm of the new scandal.
During a three minute broadcast slot allocated to the Wilder's Freedom Party, the politician promoted the“freedom of speech” action by presenting a slide show of the Mohammad cartoons accompanied by piano music.
According to the right-wing politician, he assumed the responsibility for revealing to the world the taboo nature of Islam after visiting the exhibition in May in the USA. The broadcast coincided with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via RT

No more open borders in EU? Migrant issue builds barriers

World's first commercial jetpack set for 2016 launch

ISIL militants launch counter-offensive and re-enter Kobani

The self-styled Islamic State group has re-entered the key Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani, five months after they were driven out.The assault began overnight with a series of bomb blasts, after which ISIL militants drove around the streets killing the civilians, according to local media reports. After a string of defeats the extremist group has gone on the counter offensive and was also reported to have seized parts of the northeastern city of Hasaka.As Turkish hospitals deal with the scores of wounded civilians, questions are being asked as to how the militants managed to enter the town. The Syrian State TV said they had entered from Turkey, a charge denied by Ankara. Other reports suggest they disguised themselves as refugees or Kurdish fighters.More than 30,000 people had returned to Kobani when ISIL was driven out in January in a what was hailed as a victory for the Kurdish fighters aided by the US coalition after months of fierce fighting.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Uber protest: French taxi drivers clash with police - BBC News

Footage shows scuffles between police and French taxi drivers in Paris during a protest against the app-based cab firm Uber. Taxi drivers in Paris have been involved in scuffles with police as they held protests over app-based taxi company, Uber. They are angry at what they see as unfair competition from the app. Uber has become one of the world's most valuable start-up companies, operating in more than 50 countries and worth an estimated $50bn.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via BBC News

AMERICA - Supreme Court upholds Obamacare

The Supreme Court upheld the nationwide availability of tax subsidies crucial to the White House’s health care program, handing a major victory to President Obama. Six judges affirmed the verdict of a lower court in King v. Burwell, with three dissenting.
Conservative plaintiffs challenged the 2010 Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, arguing that federal tax subsidies envisioned by the law, as written, only applied to health exchanges “established by the state.”
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy, both regarded as conservative, joined the court’s liberal judges Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer and, Sotomayor in backing the government’s position. Although the challengers' arguments about the plain meaning of the statute were “strong,” Roberts wrote in the majority opinion, the “context and structure of the act compel us to depart from what would otherwise be the most natural reading of the pertinent statutory phrase."
Only thirteen states have set up their own health care exchanges since 2010. Three other states have hybrid exchanges with the federal government, leaving with 6.4 million Americans in 34 states dependent on federal-run exchanges. They allow low and middle income people to buy private health insurances. The King v. Burwell challenge sought to declare those subsidies illegal, since the exchanges were not “established by the state”.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via RT

2.5m wide sinkhole-like vortex appears in Lake Texoma, USA

A huge vortex resembling a water sink hole has appeared in Oklahoma’s Lake Texoma and caused water levels to drop. The video just released by the Tulsa division of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) shows the ‘intake vortex’ which they reported to be “8 feet in diameter and capable of sucking in a full-sized boat”.
According to the Lake’s Manager, Joe Custer, the vortex was caused by the huge amount of water being released through two hydropower generators and floodgates. 

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

"You're in my house" Obama shuts down a heckler during speech

President Barack Obama showed a heckler who’s boss during his speech at an LGBT Pride month event yesterday.The president took to the podium in the East Room of the White House, where the heckler interrupted Obama shortly after he began to speak. The heckler, Jennicet Gutiérrez, said she was shouting for the president to release LGBTQ immigrants from detention and stop deportations, reported EBU news agency.
President Obama joked that he is usually OK with hecklers, but not in his house and not by a person eating and drinking the White House hors d’oeuvres and alcohol.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Corea del sud. La fobia da Mers mette in ginocchio l'economia di Seul

Venti di crisi in Corea del Sud a causa della Mers, sindrome respiratoria mediorientale da Coronavirus.La quarta economia asiatica rischia di finire in stallo.La psicosi da contagio ha depresso i consumi in strutture come ristoranti e grandi magazzini. Decine di migliaia di turisti hanno cancellato i viaggi. Oltre 120.000 i cinesi.Il governo dà i numeri, che vorrebbero essere rassicuranti: 74 pazienti su 180 sono stati dimessi dall’ospedale. Sono circa il 40% del totale.Le autorità sanitarie hanno ipotizzato la scorsa settimana il raggiungimento e il superamento del picco del contagio. Più di 14.000 le persone che sono state finora costrette alla quarantena.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Elisabetta II in visita a Berlino auspica una Europa "senza divisioni"

Terzo giorno in Germania per la regina Elisabetta, impegnata in una visita di stato insieme al consorte, il principe Filippo.Ieri sera il ricevimento di gala offerto dal presidente della Repubblica tedesco.Per la sovrana una occasione per pronunciarsi sull’Europa.“Nella nostra vita, signor presidente, abbiamo visto il peggio ma anche il meglio del nostro continente. Siamo testimoni di come le cose possano cambiare, rapidamente, per il meglio. Ma sappiamo che bisogna lavorare duramente per proteggere le conquiste seguite alla Seconda guerra mondiale. Sappiamo che una divisione dell’Europa è pericolosa,e che noi dobbiamo aver cura di questo, nell’ovest come nell’est del continente. Questa rimane la nostra aspirazione comune”.
Oggi la visita prosegue a Francoforte.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

"Esercito colombiano fece stragi di civili". La denuncia dell'Ong Human ...

Tra il 2002 e il 2008 i vertici militari colombiani sono stati responsabili dell’uccisione sistematica di almeno 3000 civili, fatti passare per guerriglieri delle Farc caduti in combattimento.E quanto scrive l’Ong Human Rights Watch in un rapporto di 105 pagine presentato alla stampa a Bogotà.“Gli ufficiali in servizio al tempo delle esecuzioni extragiudiziali hanno fatto in modo di sottrarsi alla giustizia, riuscendo perfino a scalare gli alti comandi. E questo comprende anche gli attuali comandi delle forze armate”.Sui fatti denunciati dal dossier indaga la procura della capitale, che ha già interrogato quattro alti ufficiali, causando la reazione del presidente Santos.“Non esiste una sola indagine e nemmeno un solo accertamento su questi alti ufficiali. Non si dovrebbe puntare il dito contro qualcuno, causare enormi danni senza alcun motivo documentato. Non è questo il modo di controllare il rispetto dei diritti umani”.
Nel rapporto, realizzato grazie a numerose dichiarazioni di testimoni, familiari delle vittime e avvocati, sono citati due generali molto noti. I due hanno comandato delle brigate responsabili di almeno 76 esecuzioni extragiudiziali.

INC News, 25/06/2015  via Euronews

Rapper Ross arrested in US

Non sempre la vita di un attore, di un artista, di un cantante o musicista é
piena di ori e allori, spesso avviene proprio al contrario e  Ross pare ne sia
l'esempio vivente, tra processi e arresti per varie cose combinate. Questo
lascia pensare che sia proprio lo stereotipo del personaggio che crea situazioni
anomale quali la violenza, l'abuso di droghe, alcohol e cosí via. Peccato,
perc'hé molti personaggi delle stelle holiwoodiane sono davvero personaggi

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Reuters

Europe considers migrant crisis

Non accenna a diminuire il problema migranti e questa situazione di gravitá
pesa su quasi tutti i Governi Europei, che si trovano a dover affrontare seri
momenti di organizzazione logistica imprevedibili. Ma le ore passano, e di
questi diseredati se ne aspetta altre ondate di arrivi.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Reuters

Caldo record, 850 morti in Pakistan. Colpa del cambio climatico per Isla...

Ha superato quota 850 il bilancio delle vittime dell’ondata di calore da record che sta colpendo il Pakistan. Le temperature che nei giorni scorsi hanno raggiunto i 45° centigradi, sono leggermente scese ieri, ma la colonnina di mercurio si è fermata a 37°, con un elevato tasso di umidità.“Al momento il Pakistan è davvero un Paese ad alto rischio in materia di cambiamento climatico” afferma il Generale Asghar Nawaz, Direttore dell’Autorità Nazionale di Gestione dei Disastri, la protezione civile pakistana. “Ciò a cui stiamo assistendo oggi andrà molto probabilmente peggiorando in futuro. E dobbiamo prepararci, dobbiamo essere pronti”.na delle aree più colpite dal calore eccezionale è la regione meridionale del Sindh, dove le autorità religiose hanno autorizzato la sospensione del digiuno del ramadan. Il mese scorso in India circa 1.700 persone sono decedute a causa delle temperature che hanno raggiunto i 50°.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

Protests against higher energy prices spread in Armenia

Anger is growing across Armenia against the police handling of protests which began earlier in the week against a major hike in energy prices.On Wednesday, demonstrators began forming street barricades in the capital Yerevan. Some of them, mainly young activists have occupied a street near the presidential palace.One protester said a rise in electricity tariffs will affect everything -” higher food prices, everything”Armenia’s electricity network is owned by a Russian company, which says the rise is necessary because of a fall in the value of the national currency.Over the past few days riot police have been accused of using strong arm tactics to disperse the crowds, making dozens of arrests.
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via Euronews

2nd prison worker charged in connection with inmates...

Pakistan heat wave death toll tops 800

Wind from the sea and pre-monsoon rains cooled southern Pakistan on Wednesday, likely marking the end of a scorching heat wave that killed at least 838 people, authorities said.Temperatures in hard-hit Karachi dropped to 34 C, meteorologist Abdur Rasheed said. Hospital officials said admittances had dropped compared to previous days, when dehydrated patients lay in corridors and outside of clinics.
The port city has been in the grip of a heat wave called the worst in at least a decade, with temperatures reaching 45 C. The hours long power outages, little running water and the majority of people fasting for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan had worsened the situation.Karachi, home to some 20 million people, suffers under an inefficient power grid and a shortage of potable water. The power outages also affected the sporadic water supply in Karachi, where those who can afford it rely on tankers of water being delivered to their homes.
Read article HERE
INC News, 25/06/2015 - via ABC

Astronomical drug price

Boston Marathon bomber apologises to victims

Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has broken his silence and apologised to his victims.He's now been formally sentenced to death over the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others. Al Jazeera's Erica Pitzi reports.

INC News, 25/06/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Prison Guard Arrested


Oslo flight makes emergency landing in Warsaw, explosives suspected 

A Ryanair plane was forced to land in Warsaw after suspicions arose that explosives were on board. Passengers and crew were evacuated so a bomb squad could sweep the aircraft.The plane was in flight when a suspicious package was discovered on board, forcing the pilot to request an emergency landing, the TVN24 news channel reported, citing a source familiar with the situation.The Warsaw fire department sent 13 brigades to remain on standby outside Warsaw–Modlin Mazovia international airport, where the plane landed. The emergency call came at about 9:00am, Pawel Pomorski with the regional fire service told the station.
The plane was carrying approximately 160 passengers, the report said.