Monday, December 7, 2015

La Scala: Trionfo alla Prima blindata

Otto minuti di applausi e grande successo per la Giovanna d'Arco di Giuseppe Verdi con la direzione del maestro Riccardo Chailly e la regia di Moshe Leiser e Patrice Caurier, che ha inaugurato la stagione del Teatro alla Scala. Al termine dell'opera ovazione al coro, ad Anna Netrebko e Francesco Meli, grida di 'bravi' e 'Viva Verdi'. "Molto bella" ha commentato il premier Renzi. "Un'opera bellissima e monumentale" ha detto Maroni. "Superata la paura, sono orgoglioso" ha aggiunto Pisapia.

Leggere l'articolo di ANSA cliccando QUI

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via ANSA

Royaume Uni : au mois deux morts et 45.000 personnes affectées par la te...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Addio a Krizia. La stilista cede a un malore

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

{Watch} Dramatic footage of record flooding in Norway

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (07.12.2015) «1 канал»

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Vesti tv

Storm Desmond flooding: Footage from the public - BBC News

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via BBC News

Голландский музей нашел украденные шедевры на Украине

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Russiya 24

В Бразилии виртуальных расистов публично пристыдили на билбордах

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Российские полицейские передали щенка Добрыню французским коллегам

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Памела Андерсон: Россия очень много делает для охраны природы и животног...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Нуланд и Байден в Киеве: "На Украину приехал хозяин"

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Pravda

Еврокомиссия представила авиационную стратегию

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

В Косово неизвестные атаковали сербский поселок

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Ватикан: "Святой год милосердия"

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Ватиликс-2: трибунал Святого престола заслушал тех, через кого произошла...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

5 killed as Palestinians clash with IDF in West Bank

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

4th time is the charm: NASA’s contractor Orbital finally launches spacec...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

3 injured in blast at Moscow bus stop

At least three people have been injured in a blast at bus stop in central Moscow, TASS reports citing police sources.
INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

СОС. Пропала студентка в Алматинской области.

Не можем обойти данную новость, девушку предполагаемо похитили. Этим репостом хотим ускорить поиски нашей землячки. Приметы: черная куртка, синие джинсы, розовый шарф. 
Телефон горячей линии: 8 708 926 37 17, 8 708 527 75 11 

INC News, 08/12/15 - via КТКnews

Giubileo: Roma è blindata

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Trasporto marittimo, la francese CMA CGM vuole NOL (Singapore) - economy

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Bers: le sanzioni russe colpiranno la crescita economica della Turchia -...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Si dimette la premier della Lettonia, paese europeo strategico per la mi...

Opec, il mancato taglio alla produzione pesa sul petrolio di scisto - ec...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Electrolux, stop all'acquisto degli elettrodomestici di GE - economy

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Venezuela: opposizione stravince elezioni politiche. Fine del chavismo?

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Премьер Ирака: турецкие войска должны покинуть страну в течение 48 часов

Премьер Ирака Хайдер Аль-Абади заявил, что турецкие войска должны покинуть страну в течение сорока восьми часов. В противном случае Ирак имеет право прибегнуть к любым возможным мерам, включая обращение в Совет Безопасности ООН. Ирак не давал согласия на размещение турецких войск, подчеркнул Аль-Абади, поэтому данное вторжение – это нарушение суверенитета страны.
Как сообщают иракские власти, турецкий танковый батальон вошел в иракскую провинцию Найнава 4 декабря. Это было сделано под предлогом подготовки бойцов курдских народных отрядов, воюющих с террористами.

Иракское дипломатическое ведомство отметило, что присутствие турецких военных является "враждебным действием" и потребовало их вывода, передает РИА Новости. Глава комитета по безопасности и обороне в парламенте Ирака Хаким аз-Замли при этом заявил, что, если турецкие военные не покинут страну без каких-либо условий, они могут быть атакованы.

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INC News, 08/12/15 - Вести.Ru, Россия24

Regno Unito. In Cumbria acqua ad altezza d'uomo dopo passaggio tempesta ...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Latvia PM Resigns: Government took hard line over Russian Ukraine invasion


INC News, 08/12/15 - via UT

France’s mainstream parties scramble to counter the shock breakthrough of the far-right National Front

Just weeks after the terrorist attacks in Paris, the ruling Socialists and the conservative Republicans find themselves for the first time trailing the National Front of Marine Le Pen in six out of 13 regions.

A crucial second round of voting takes place next Sunday.

"What we represent the day after this election is a real breath of freedom, independence and uprightness"

INC News, 08/12/15 - via Euronews 

Clima. Da Parigi rappresentanti popolazioni indigene di tutto il mondo l...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Atene. Scontri tra polizia gruppi antagonisti a 7 anni da uccisione quin...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Dutch duo expose prejudices by reading ‘Koran verses’ from the Bible (VIDEO)

INC News, 07/12/15-via RT 

France's mainstream parties scramble to counter the shock breakthrough o...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Drone footage shows severe flood damage in Cumbria, UK

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Giant pandas goes crazy for snow!

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

A lament for Mother Earth - indigenous peoples demand say in environment...

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Violent protests mark anniversary of teenager's death in Athens

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Euronews

Red alert! Beijing issues highest possible smog warning for very first time

Beijing has issued a red pollution alert, its most severe smog warning, for the very first time. The government has warned that the Chinese capital could come under a heavy haze from Tuesday until Thursday. The warning, which was upgraded from the previous orange alert on Monday, will be effective from 7am December 8 until noon on December 10, according to a statement on the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau’s official Weibo account.
The bureau said it issued the alert to “protect public health and reduce levels of heavy air pollution.” It ordered certain industrial companies to stop or limit production, and outdoor construction work to be banned. Primary schools and kindergartens have been urged to cancel classes. People have been advised to avoid outdoor activity, and to use public transportation if they must travel. Traffic restrictions have been placed on certain types of vehicles, and cars have been limited to driving every other day, depending on the last number of their license plate.
INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Finns could receive €800 as basic monthly income

Finland is planning to pay each citizen €800 (US$920) per month as a national basic income. The sum will be the same for everyone, regardless of a person’s income level, and is expected to replace welfare benefits.
The proposal is set to be presented in November 2016, although for the moment it is not clear how the country will handle the exorbitant costs of €52.2 billion a year for 5.4 million Finnish people – €47 million counting adults only.
Finland’s revenue for 2016 is expected to reach €49.1 billion, and the predictions for the country’s financial situation are grim. “The Finnish economy is in a serious situation. GDP growth is close to zero. Unemployment is rising and unemployment spells are becoming longer. Even once the recession is over, growth will be painfully slow,”Finland’s finance ministry said in its August report.
The proposal is being drafted by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (Kela), which says the idea has a 69-percent approval rating among the population. Apart from the people, it’s backed by the country’s premier, Juha Sipila, who says that “a basic income means simplifying the social security system.” If the proposal goes ahead, a trial is set to take place: initially Finns will receive €550 monthly for before the basic income comes into effect at a later date.
Finland isn’t the first place to consider a basic income plan: the Dutch city of Utrecht is trialing a similar proposal next year, with the payments targeting only welfare recipients. In September, the Swiss parliament voted against a basic income scheme, but a referendum on the issue is set to take place in 2016.
INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Voorkom kerststress op het werk!

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Spookrijder vlucht voor politie

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Ukraine: give back stolen art!

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Justice Department investigating Chicago Police Department

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via CNN

Boy who inspired early Christmas festivities dies

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via CBC News

Venezuela: 'Devastating night' for Socialists - BBC News

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via BBC News

Storm Desmond: Helicopter journey over flooded Cumbria - BBC News

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via BBC News

Today in History for December 7th

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via AP

France wants block on internet encryption & Wi-Fi in wake of Paris attacks

France wants to introduce new security measures following the deadly November 13 Paris attacks, which could outlaw the use of encrypting software for anonymous connections and public Wi-Fi. Critics say the authorities are using the tragic event to clamp down on internet use.
The French government is pondering whether to introduce measures which could make the use of Tor, the free anonymizing software, illegal and to make it harder for terrorists to contact one another over the internet, according to an internal document from the Ministry of the Interior, as seen by Le Monde and cited by online magazine the Motherboard. However, the software is also used by journalists and whistleblowers as a safe way to correspond to avoid government surveillance.

Read article clicking HERE

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Hungary police search for bomb aboard Egypt-bound German jet after emergency landing

A passenger jet heading from Berlin to Hurghada, Egypt, landed in Budapest due to a bomb threat, Hungarian police said on Monday. Police conducted searches of the plane’s passengers and luggage, but found no explosives, police spokeswoman Viktoria Csiszer-Kovacs told Reuters. She added that the threat targeted the airline company, but declined to name the airline operator.
INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT

Moda, è morta la stilista Krizia

Lutto nel mondo della moda: è morta la stilista Krizia, al secolo Maria Mandelli. Ne dà notizia, in un comunicato, il cda di M.M.K. spa spiegando che ieri "alle 21 è improvvisamente venuta a mancare". A gennaio avrebbe compiuto 91 anni.

Il "nome di battaglia" con cui si era affermata nel mondo della moda l'aveva mutuato dall'ultimo Dialogo incompiuto di Platone. Lo scorso anno la società fu ceduta al gruppo cinese Shenzhen Marisfrolg Fashion.

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Repubblica

Competition to choose 2020 Tokyo Olympics logo ends

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Thousands of homes without power after UK floods

Tens of thousands of homes have been left without power after a storm swept across northern Britain.The county of Cumbria was worst affected. Gales, flooding and landslides caused traffic chaos and forced the evacuation of families in several towns.

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

I cellulari di 10 anni fa sono superiori ai migliori smartphone di oggi

PIU' COMPATTI, più funzionali e più economici. I cellulari di dieci anni fa avevano caratteristiche e funzionamento nettamente superiori ai migliori smartphonedi oggi. Come dimenticare la resistenza del caro vecchio Nokia 3310? Gli schermi non si distruggevano al primo impatto con il suolo, all'epoca del 2G il segnale era nettamente superiore all'attuale 4G e i costi del prodotto erano molto più accessibili.

Leggete il simpatico articolo di Repubblica cliccando QUI

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Repubblica

Venezuela, sconfitto Maduro: l'opposizione antichavista vince le elezioni

Il colpo è forte, per la prima volta dopo 17 anni di vittorie il Psuv del presidente Nicolas Maduro, l'erede di Hugo Chávez, è un partito di minoranza in Venezuela. E non una minoranza qualsiasi, il governo in carica ha meno della metà dei seggi dell'opposizione nel nuovo Parlamento. Solo a notte fonda, dopo ore di attesa, la commissione nazionale elettorale (Cne) ha dato i primi risultati. La Mud, coalizione unitaria dell'opposizione, ha ottenuto 99 seggi, il Psuv di Maduro 46. Altri 19 seggi sono ancora da assegnare, circostanza che molto probabilmente consentirà all'opposizione di superare la soglia dei 100 seggi e avere nella nuova Assemblea una maggioranza qualificata dei tre quinti. Il presidente Maduro è andato in televisione e ha riconosciuto pubblicamente la sconfitta: "Siamo venuti qui con la nostra morale, la nostra etica e riconoscere questi risultati contrari, ad accettarli e a dire al nostro Venezuela che ha trionfato la Costituzione e la democrazia".

Read article clicking HERE

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via Repubblica

Regionali Francia: Front National è il primo partito, boom di preferenze per le due Le Pen

In tutto il mondo si sta notando un aumento delle donne ai posti di comando, e questa vittoria francese ne da una dimostrazione. 
Leggete l'articolo di ANSA che da i risultati della consultazione di ieri.

Clicca QUI per leggere articolo

ll Front National in testa in sei regioni mentre Marine Le Pen Marion Le Pen-Marechal otterrebbero intorno al 40% dei voti nelle rispettive regioni in cui si sono candidate in Francia: Il Nord Pas-de-Calais Picardie e la Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. Le Front National di Marine Le Pen ha ottenuto il 42,1% nella regione Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, dove è candidata alla presidenza, secondo le stime di iTélé. Nel suo feudo di Hénin-Beaumont dove ha radunato i suoi, esplode l'applauso di alcune decine di sostenitori che attendono il suo arrivo.

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via ANSA


Western coalition strikes Syrian army compound, several dead, dozen injured 

US-led coalition warplanes are reported to have killed four Syrian soldiers in the Dier al Zor province, which is mostly under the control of Islamic State. If confirmed, this would be the first time coalition planes have hit Syrian troops, Reuters reports.
A Syrian government source confirmed that the airstrike had taken place and that there had been casualties. The source also added that vehicles had been destroyed.
A total of four Syrian Army soldiers have been killed, while a further 16 were injured, a government source told RIA Novosti.

INC News, 07/12/2015 - via RT