Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Назарбаев передал 600 тысяч долларов на благотворительность

What The? Dashcam captures strange lights over night sky in Russia

Dolce and Gabbana Backlash Over IVF, Gay Adoption Comments | NBC Nightly...

TANAP начал строиться - economy

Италия отметила очередную годовщину объединения в единое государство

Con l'e-banking attenti all'hacker - hi-tech

Scandalo Banca Privada D'Andorra, è corsa agli sportelli - economy

Al via il gasdotto Tanap, trasporterà gas azero dalla Turchia all'Italia...

Francia, eutanasia: primo sì alla legge sul fine vita

Indonesia calls off search for bodies from AirAsia crash

Ireland honours its patron saint in Dublin St. Patrick's Day Parade

Remains of 'Don Quixote' author Cervantes 'identified' in Madrid

'James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus'

Protests over Pakistan Church Attacks Turn Violent

RAW: Digging out after Atlantic storm

CBC Reporter prepares for more snow

Israel election in numbers - 60 secs - BBC News

Legal Analyst: Durst Insanity Claim Possible

Professor Arrested After In-flight Rant

DWTS: Rumer Willis Stuns on Season 20 Premiere

Texas Nurse Murder Mystery: Money May Have Been A Motive

Robert Durst Murder Charges: New Details Emerge

Israele: primi exit poll, testa a testa tra Netanyahu ed Herzog

Testa a testa alle elezioni israeliane tra il Likud del premier uscente Benyamin Netanyahu e la coalizione di centrosinistra 'Campo sionista' di Herzog. La tv pubblica Canale 1 e Canale 10 assegnano 27 seggi ciascuno. Secondo Canale 2, il Likid è in testa di un soffio con 28 seggi alla Knesset contro i 27 di Campo sionista. I sondaggi vedevano favorito il centrosinistra di Herzog.

INC News, 17/03/2015 - via ANSA

RUSSIA - Glamorous friend of Vladimir Putin flees Russia after death threats

Ksenia Sobchak, who is a prominent Moscow opposition figure as well as a magazine editor, was urged to leave for her own safety by the FSB secret service.
Although she recently hired body guards, she is not seen as safe in her own country - despite the fact she has known Vladimir Putin since childhood, and her father was his law professor and political mentor.  "I am going to leave Russia for a while," the 33-year-old announced at a Moscow party on Friday, it was revealed today. 
"Close friends explained off the record that she is leaving not because of her extra sensitivity but because the secret service recommended her to do so," stated Kommersant newspaper. It had been reported in Russia that her name was on a "hit list" of Putin foes. The revelation of her sudden flight abroad came as the Russian president was scheduled to reappear today (MON) after being out of sight for unexplained reasons since 5 March. 
The Russian president was due to meet Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Atambayev, in his home city of St Petersburg, and follow worldwide intrigue and rumours over the strongman's whereabouts and health. The latest rumours suggest he had suffered from chronic back ailments, and required treatment from an Austrian orthopaedic, but the Kremlin has not confirmed the reason for his absence. 
Read article HERE
INC News, 17/03/2015 - via AK Zhaik

HONDURAS - Three Models Shot Dead In Road Attack

Three models working for a promotions company have been shot dead while travelling to an event in Honduras, according to reports. They were murdered after a motorbike and a pick-up truck intercepted the van the women were travelling in, it is thought. After seeking out at least one of the women, up to three gunmen opened fire.The El Heraldo website said the women were shot "repeatedly" in their arms, chest and head, so that they would have died 'instantly". The victims were named as Alma Mariela Ordóñez Vargas, 28, Madelyn Ramírez Zambrano, 21 and Blanca Alejandra Velasquez Mejia, 20.
Read article HERE
INC News, 17/03/2015 - via Sky News

ENGLAND - Three Judges Fired For Watching Porn At Work

Three judges have been fired for allegedly viewing pornography at work - a fourth would also have been sacked but resigned first.  A spokesperson for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office confirmed that District Judge Timothy Bowles, Immigration Judge Warren Grant and Deputy District Judge and Recorder Peter Bullock have been removed from judicial office. Their sacking follows an investigation into an allegation that they viewed pornographic material on judicial IT equipment in their offices.
The spokesman added that the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice were "satisfied that the material did not include images of children or any other illegal content".
Read article HERE
INC News, 17/03/2015 - via Sky News

SPAIN - Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb in Madrid

Forensic scientists say they have found the tomb of Spain's much-loved giant of literature, Miguel de Cervantes, nearly 400 years after his death. They believe they have found the bones of Cervantes, his wife and others recorded as buried with him in Madrid's Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians. Separating and identifying his badly damaged bones from the other fragments will be difficult, researchers say.
Read article HERE
INC News, 17/03/2015 - via BBC

ITALIA - Franco Battiato cade dal palco a Bari, femore rotto

Franco Battiato è caduto ieri sera dal palco del Petruzzelli di Bari e si è rotto un femore mentre stava cantando il brano 'Voglio vederti danzare'. Si era inchinato in avanti sul proscenio e stava stringendo le mani del pubblico in piedi in platea mentre scorrevano le note del brano conclusivo del concerto. Il cantautore si stava spostando lateralmente ed è inciampato in un monitor che si trovava sulla sua sinistra. E' stato subito soccorso dal personale che si trovava dietro le quinte ed accompagnato in ospedale. Il concerto di ieri al Petruzzelli era l'ultimo del tour di Battiato.
INC News, 17/03/2015 - via ANSA AP

FIAT - In Usa scoppia febbre Topolino, ad asta per oltre 50mila dlr

Nel mondo delle auto storiche il made in Italy sta vivendo un momento di particolare attenzione da parte dei collezionisti e non solo per i brand più celebri, come Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini e Alfa Romeo. Le quotazioni sono in costante rialzo anche per altre marche, come Lancia e - soprattutto - Fiat. Dall'evento di Amelia Island in Florida, che si è svolto lo scorso week end, ha fatto il giro del mondo della notizia della vendita di una Fiat 500C, più nota come Topolino, classe 1952 alla rispettabile cifra di 52.250 dollari, che corrispondono a 49.600 euro. Battuta nel corso della stessa asta organizzata da RM Auction - Sotheby in cui una Ferrari 400 Superamerica SWB Cabriolet Pinin Farina del 1960 ha spuntato un prezzo di assegnazione pari a 6,38 milioni di dollari (6,05 milioni di euro), la Topolino ha confermato con il suo incredibile risultato come negli Stati Uniti sia scoppiata una vera febbre per il brand Fiat e per la sua vasta produzione del dopoguerra.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 17-03-2015 / via ANSA AP

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KAZ СПОРТ 16.03.15.

'The Jinx:' Robert Durst Arrested, New Information Discovered

Melting Snow Causes Major Flooding in Parts of U.S.