Thursday, January 8, 2015

Un meteorite all'improvviso Bucarest, la notte s’illumina

Ondata di gelo paralizza Chicago: sfiorati meno 20°

Anonymous contro gli assassini di Charlie Hebdo

La rete che fa capo ad Anonymous, ha lanciato un ferreo messaggio di sfida a tutti coloro che combattono contro la liberta' di stampa ed opinione e sicuramente ci sara' da aspettarsi di ogni cosa.
Vi passiamo il testo del loro messaggio passato in web oggi:

"Il 7 gennaio 2015, la libertà d'espressione ha subito un assalto disumano. Dei terroristi hanno fatto irruzione nei locali di questo giornale e hanno ucciso a sangue freddo dei disegnatori, dei giornalisti e dei poliziotti. Gli assassini sono ancora in fuga. Distrutti, scioccati, noi non possiamo cadere. È Nostro dovere reagire.

Prima di tutto ci teniamo a fare le nostre condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime di questo atto laido e abietto. Noi siamo stati tutti molto colpiti dalla scomparsa di cabu, charb, tignous e wolinski, dei giganti dell'illustrazione che hanno lasciato, con il loro talento, un segno indelebile nella storia della stampa e che sono morti per la sua libertà. Noi non dimentichiamo le altre vittime uccise nell'attacco che si sono trovate sulla strada di questi assassini, come non dimentichiamo chi ancora lotta per la propria vita.

Ci sembra chiaro che certe persone non vogliono, in un mondo libero, questo diritto inviolabile e sacro di esprimere, in qualsivoglia maniera la propria opinione. Anonymous non permetterà mai che questo diritto sia minacciato dall'oscurantismo e dal misticismo. Noi combatteremo sempre e dovunque i nemici della libertà d'espressione. Charlie Hebdo, realtà storica del giornalismo satirico, è stata presa come bersaglio. Anonymous ha il compito di ricordare a ogni cittadino che la libertà di stampa è uno dei prinicipi fondamentali dei paesi democratici. La libertà d'opinione, di esprimersi e di poter pubblicare degli articoli senza minacce né restrizioni è un diritto inalienabile. Anonymous ha sempre combattutto gli oppositori di questo diritto e non ammetterà mai che un individuo sia ucciso laidamente per aver pubblicato un articolo, un disegno, un'opinione...

La libertà di espressione e d'opinione è una cosa che non siamo disposti a negoziare, attaccare questa è attaccare la democrazia.
Aspettatevi una reazione massiccia e frontale da parte nostra perché la battaglia per la difesa di queste libertà è la base stessa del nostro movimento.

Noi siamo legione.
Noi non dimentichiamo.
Noi non perdoniamo.

INC News, 08/01/2015 - via Repubblica

India provides scholarships to Kazakhstan students

The Government of India provides scholarships for 2015-2016 academic year for study at the universities of India to citizens of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Sports reported.
The scholarships are intended for those who wish to receive training for undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as of PhD and for the scientific training practive in the field of social sciences and humanities and performing arts, Strategy 2050 IA reported.

The applicants for the scholarship must know English. Also they should submit the abstract for the proposed topics of research and / or teaching in the field of planned training areas for training on the master's level, doctoral PhD, and the scientific training practice in the field of theatrical art and architecture. 

INC News, 08/01/2015 - via AK Zhaik

Kazakhstan imposes temporary ban on export of petroleum products outside Customs Union

Kazakhstan has imposed a temporary ban on the export of petroleum products outside the Customs Union, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan reported.
According to it, it is forbidden to export light and middle distillates, kerosene, gas oil, diesel fuel and other petroleum products, except for domestic heating oil from the territory of Kazakhstan within 6 months. It is reported that the order comes into force on January 1, 2015 in order to prevent a critical shortage and rising prices of petroleum products in the domestic market, reports.
As the Executive Director of the Association of Oil Traders of Kyrgyzstan Ulan Kulov said news agency, the introduction by Kazakhstan of a ban on the export oil won't affect the domestic market of petroleum products. "Such a ban existed before, they repeatedly renew it. According to the agreement in the CU, restrictions may be entered for no more than six months. On the basis of it, neighboring republics for the past several years practicing this procedure, as domestic production of petroleum products is not enough to meet their own needs. For us, this picture doesn't change anything since we are not importing fuel from Kazakhstan for several years. Our company buys petroleum products in Russia," Ulan Kulov said.
INC News, 08/01/2015 - via AK Zhaik

Russia's Muslim Leaders Condemn 'Sin of Provocation' After Charlie Hebdo Attack

Russia's Muslim leaders have condemned the terror attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo but appeared to spread the blame for the mass shooting that claimed 12 lives by suggesting the publication was guilty of the "sin of provocation."
While Russia's Council of Muftis, the country's main Muslim leadership organization, said in a statement Wednesday that terrorism is indefensible, it also suggested that attacks may be unavoidable unless satirists stop "provoking" the faithful. "Perhaps the sin of provocation in our world is no less dangerous for the preservation of peace than the sin of those who are capable of succumbing to that provocation," the group said in a statement published on its website.
"Insulting the feelings of the faithful is unacceptable, as are any expressions of extremism, any infringement on the lives of peaceful people," the statement said.
see article HERE
INC News, 08/01/2015

Earthquakes, Blizzards, Volcanic Activity All Hit Russia's Far East

Severe natural upheavals raged across Russia's Far East on Thursday, as the region experienced increased volcanic activity, at least five earthquakes, avalanches and a month's worth of snow within a day, media reports said. An airport on Sakhalin Island was forced to shut down while regional officials closed off roads and struggled to restore power to 12 villages on the south of the island that were still without electricity Thursday morning, Interfax reported. The Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport was closed for the second day in a row on Thursday, with 60 flights grounded or rerouted because of the severe snow storm, Interfax reported. More than 1,000 people were stranded in the terminal, the airport said in a statement Wednesday. 
see article HERE
INC News, 08/01/2015 

Nigeria: Bbc, strage Boko Haram,si temono 2.000 uccisi

I miliziani integralisti di Boko Haram hanno lanciato un secondo attacco, ieri, contro la città di Baqa, nel nordest della Nigeria, già devastata domenica. "I cadaveri giacciono sulle strade, si temono 2.000 persone uccise" nei raid, scrive la Bbc citando un ufficiale militare. La città "è stata completamente devastata, le case date alle fiamme".

INC News, 08/01/2015

Police officer shot dead in Montrouge outside Paris, suspect at large

Автовладельцы Караганды вышли на улицу из-за новых поправок в ПДД

Lobo solitario, el perfil de los nuevos terroristas

Eiffel Tower goes dark as Paris mourns

Egyptian cartoonist's drawing honors Charlie Hebdo

CES 2015: The Future of Cars Is Right in Front of Your Face

Charlie Hebdo: Faces of 12 people who died in Paris massacre

Non chiedetevi perche' pubblichiamo molto su questo fatto, chiedetevi piuttosto come fare

affinche' questa cosa non si ripeta mai piu'.....

INC News, the team with the families in Paris.

Duelo en Francia por ataque a Charlie Hebdo y otras noticias

Father Throws Child Off of Florida Bridge

Raw: French Police Hunt Massacre Suspects

Movie 01 NEWS 080115 21

Movie 04 NEWS 080115 21

CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK: The Manhunt for Paris Terror Suspects

PARIS SHOOTING: Video of Gunmen Reveals New Clues

Paris Shooting: 'Here in Paris, We Keep Fighting'

Charlie Hebdo: flags fly at half mast at French embassy in Berlin

Editorial of Mikhail Lermontov - Editoriale di Mikhail Lermontov

Non bastavano i 12 morti di ieri, a Parigi, non sono bastati i 100 morti di oggi in Nigeria, ora ci sono anche le sparatorie per la città, a Parigi, proprio dove la mia famiglia ha vissuto diversi anni. Tutta la Francia è in subuglio, truppe antisommossa e teste di cuoio sono ovunque alla ricerca dei due assassini (chiamarli terroristi sarebbe un regalo, per loro!), poi bisogna anche cercare il tiratore che ha ferito a morte una guardia giurata femminile e ferito altre due persone, poi bisogna indagare sulla esplosione in quel ristorante...E poi ci sarà da aspettarsi che succeda ancora qualche cosa con la pubblicazione prevista della rivista satirica di un milione di copie.
Non bastano saggezza e cultura, a combattere la violenza nata sulla ignoranza o sottocultura; non basta la politica e l'intervento del potere occulto. Occorre che vengano messi al bando i sostenitori di queste azioni, perchè sono proprio essi che reclutano tra i poveri e derelitti, coloro che fisicamente sono forti e capaci, per mandarli a morire accecandoli con falsi ideali affinchè lo scopo di distruggere armonia e pace venga assolto senza che i signori del male ne debbano essere toccati.

Were not enough 12 dead yesterday, in Paris, were not enough the 100 dead in Nigeria today, there are now also the shootings around the city of Paris, right where my family has lived for several years. All of France is in chaos, riot troops and SWAT are everywhere in searching of the two murderers (call them terrorists could be a gift for them!), then we must also look for the shooter who fatally wounded a security female guard and wounded another two people, then you have to investigate over the explosion at that restaurant ... And then there will be expected to happen again something, with the proposed publication of the satirical magazine of a million copies.
Not enough wisdom and culture, to fight violence founded on ignorance or subculture; not just policy and the intervention of occult power. Must be banned supporters of these actions, because they are just that to recruit among the poor and destitute, those who are physically strong and able, to send them to die, blinding them with false ideals for the purpose to destroy harmony and peace is acquitted, without which the lords of evil it must be touched.

INCNews, 08/01/2015 - Copyright©INCNews - Mikhail Lermontov

Mystery of Oscar Wilde's wife's death solved


In 1894, Constance wrote: “I am alright when I don't walk.”
But in 1896, she wrote: “I am lamer than ever and have almost given up hope of ever getting well again.”
Constance had gone to Bossi already for one operation which failed to improve her condition, but returned to him for a gynecological procedure. She became unconscious days later and died.
“Ultimately, both Bossi and the hapless Constance met their ends tragically - he by the bullet of an assassin and she by the knife of an irresponsible surgeon,” says Holland.

-Was it an operation under two knives? Who wanted her cadaver?
For these and other queries we will get answers from the results of the investigation initiated by her grandson. He truly believes that her grandmother died tragically at the age of 40 one century ago. 

Mira Kartbayeva

08/01/2015-Mira Kartbayeva-INCNews


News from Agencies said that BOKO HARAM killed 100 civilians in a town located NE of BAGA in Nigeria

Мальчик или девочка? Итальянские приметы для беременных

Итальянцы издревне очень суеверны и проявляют массу наблюдений во время беременности женщин, так как очень чтят семейные ценности. Этому можно им только позавидовать. Каждые слова и жесты что-то значат и символизируют. 
Вот например,
Если беременная жалуется на боли в левой ноге, то она наверняка ждет девочку, ведь народная мудрость гласит: "Quando duole l'anca, la femmina non manca" ("Если болит бедро, то нет недостатка в женщинах"). А на самом-то деле, все объясняется воспалением седалищного нерва.

А вот если беременной частенько случается терять равновесие и падать во время беременности, то у нее родится мальчик: в Италии считают, что испуг матери при падении может таким образом сказаться на поле ребенка. Быть мальчику, и если будущей маме не удается сесть, закинув ногу на ногу.
Хочу добавить от себя: наша нация молодая по сравнению с итальянцами, однако и у нас куча примет и знаков, по которым наши бабушки почти всегда безошибочно определяли пол ребенка еще до того как у беременной появяться симптомы. Они предовали огромное значение снам, и толковали их по своему. Например, если кто-то из членов семьи найдет или обретет золотое украшение (обращали внимание на вид металла) во сне, то в этой семье родиться мальчик. 
Так что присматривайтесь и наблюдайте за беременной женщиной, хотя бы ради ее благополучных родов. Ведь главное чтобы ребенок родился здоровым на свет, а девочка или мальчик – это второстепенное.
Мира Картбаева
08-01-2015-Mira Kartbayeva-INCNews

Je Suis Charlie: Vigils Held Around The World After Paris Shooting

Why is There Controversy Over Publishing Prophet Mohammed's Image?

Police Fatally Shoot Man at Ohio Airport

PARIS SHOOTING: Gunman in the street caught on tape

MINIVAN ACCIDENT: Family dragged 16 miles on snowy roads

CES 2015: Take a Ride in a Self-Driving Car

Suspects identified in hunt for the Charlie Hebdo gunmen, Paris

Parisians react to the deadly attack in their city


Blast hits restaurant near mosque in France's eastAn explosion has been reported in a restaurant near a mosque in Villefranche-sur-Saone, eastern France. There are as yet no reports of any injuries and the cause of the blast remains unknown.

The blast reportedly occurred around 6 am local time, according to the local newspaper Le Progress. The window of a nearby fast food restaurant was shattered by the explosion.
Police have cordoned off the area, and firefighters were dispatched to the scene.

Pictures collected in web about the last attack in Paris few hrs ago

INC News, 08/01/2015


Shooting heard on the outskirts of Paris, 1 officer severely injured - reports by French Media.

One police officer has been severely injured in the shooting near La porte de Chatillon, on the outskirts of Paris, French media report. The incident follows police raids after the attack on the satirical Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris.
The attack, which happened on Wednesday in the French capital, killed 10 journalists and two policemen. Eleven more people were wounded and four of them are in a serious condition.


One of the suspects in the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine has been killed and the two others are in custody, two senior U.S. counterterrorism officials told NBC News.
Authorities identified the three men as Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, both French and in their early 30s, and 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, whose nationality wasn't immediately clear.
One of the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to publicly discuss the investigation, told The Associated Press that the men were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network. And Cherif Kouachi was convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency and sentenced to 18 months in prison.