Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Catch EuroNews in streaming with us!

From INC News via Euronews - 06/08/2014

Ежедневное употребление аспирина защищает от рака - BBC Russian

Train rescue: Passengers tilt train to free trapped man in Australia - B...

Is Ebola virus a global emergency? BBC News

Российские хакеры похитили 1,2 млрд учетных записей в сети

Sanctions from Europe and back

The grounding this week of Russia's low-cost airline, Dobrolyot, by European Union sanctions has exposed the vulnerability of Russia's airline industry, which relies on aircraft leased from abroad that can be withdrawn at the push of a pen in Brussels or Washington.
Russia Sanctions

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

We post original info from Moscow Times about Ebola in Russian airports

Moscow Airports Pull Out All the Stops to Ward Off Ebola Outbreak

Moscow's airports are on high alert to keep Africa's worst-ever Ebola outbreak off Russian territory, ITAR-Tass reported Wednesday.
"To prevent the arrival of someone with this illness on Russian territory, passengers go through a thermal-imaging device that enables the detection of high temperatures," an unidentified specialist from federal health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor said in comments carried by ITAR-Tass.
The worst Ebola outbreak on record is presently under way in Africa, with 1,603 documented cases and 887 deaths since March, according to the World Health Organization. Although the virus has never before spread beyond the confines of Africa, the recent epidemic has triggered fears that it could make its way to Europe.
According to Rospotrebnadzor head Anna Popova, the recent epidemic is especially worrisome because it marks the first instance of the virus having spread through an urban area, and also the first time it has sprouted up in Western Africa.
As part of the special precautions being taken by medical workers in Moscow airports, she said, passengers arriving from European countries were being closely monitored because there were no direct flights to the Russian capital from Sierra Leone, Liberia or Guinea, where the outbreak has been recorded.
Popova said medical services in the airports are paying special attention to people who appear to be ill, and measures are being taken to treat and examine anyone fitting that description upon arrival.
"Infection facilities have been checked for preparedness to accept patients with especially dangerous illnesses," Popova said in comments carried by ITAR-Tass.

Rotterdam, 06/08/2914-INC News - via Moscow Times

This is what we have found about Schettino in English

Schettino conference in University - in English

Professor Schettino

Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia, really does not know the meaning of the word “shame”. The man charged with causing the death of 32 passengers was in Rome last month lecturing students on “panic management”. According to the daily La Nazione, Prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi invited Schettino to talk to students studying forensic psychopathology at La Sapienza university on July 5.

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News (via Repubblica)

Rosetta sonde

Rosetta star of Univers
Now we are curious to know what should be the criticism of all people said that man was not disembarked on the Moon, after this enormous success of ESA, European Space Agency. Also this is only fantasy?

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Ukraine crisis: Putin orders retaliatory sanctions

Putin action against Europe?

We had taken for granted, now Putin reacts and begins to do the same things that others do against him. But it was the right thing, or will the risk of a crash inside the foreseeable future, due to its image?

Lo avevamo dato per scontato, Putin ora reagisce e comincia a fare le stesse cose che fanno gli altri contro di lui. Ma sarà poi una cosa giusta, o sarà il rischio di un crash interno nel prossimo futuro, per la sua immagine?

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Is it coherent to publish this?

India shock
Photographer Raj Shetye's images show a model fighting off men on a bus, in a scene reminiscent of the rape and murder that shocked India.

Is it coherent the publishing of this?

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Rosetta: un successo tutto europeo

Rosetta Sat

Ci uniamo a tutti coloro che hanno potuto permettere ad una sonda, di viaggiare per 400 milioni di chilometri ed agganciare il bersaglio a dieci anni dalla sua partenza.
Dopo i successi del laboratorio di Rubbia, questo nuovo successo dimostra la capacita' tecnologica degli Europei, secondi a nessuno.

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Aggiornamento sulle italiane rapite

Italiane rapite
Dalle agenzie varie e dalla Farnesina si apprende che probabilmente sono state rapite da criminali comuni.

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Serieta' di diritto o diritto imposto?

Non sta a noi criticare, ma forse sarebbe stato giusto che il Rettore della piu'  famosa universita'  italiana avesse deciso per il si o per il no di permettere questa "letio magistratis", e non solo degli avvocati.

Schettino in Universita'

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Ancora una volta italiani rapiti in area di guerra

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News (via Repubblica)

Hackers all'attacco in tutto il mondo, ma sono davvero russi?

Dalle notizie di agenzia apprendiamo in queste ultime ore che una grossa organizzazione di hackers, la cui nazionalita' viene indicata come russa, avrebbero rubato oltre 1,2 miliardi di passwords frugando in 420 000 siti web in tutto il mondo. A darne notizia una Agenzia di web security americana sita nel Milwaukee.
Passwords Stolen-English version
Passwords Stolen-Spanish version

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News


61 personas detenidas

Detenidas 61 personas en Murcia por estafa al simular accidentes de tráfico

La Policía Nacional ha detenido este miércoles a 61 personas en Murcia por presunta participación en una trama que se dedicaba a estafar a compañías aseguradoras simulando accidentes de tráfico. Los dos principales detenidos causaban daños en vehículos, falsificaban la documentación requerida y ofrecían todos los servicios necesarios para reclamar las correspondientes compensaciones al seguro.

Rotterdam, 06/08/2014-INC News

Donna Karan | Spring Summer 2014 Full Fashion Show | Exclusive

INC News doesn't forget women and here something for them

The science fiction film of the week

We have chosen for you the trailer of the night: Before I Go To Sleep