Sunday, August 30, 2015




Questa volta il mio editoriale sarà breve e dedicato al problema, senza risoluzione, del movimento di masse da un luogo all'altro del pianeta. E questa volta non metto la mia foto, tra le traduzioni, ma quella di un uomo ed una bambina, che mi ha colpito profondamente.
Siamo arrivati a dover dividere il pane e il posto letto con immigrati di un altro Paese, che probabilmente molti neppure conoscono; siamo arrivati a dover dividerci in quattro per dare sostegno e protezione a popoli che fuggono dalla guerra dei loro  Paesi dove probabilmente avevano tutto.
Ma siamo anche capaci di comprare e vendere persone, corpi umani, diventati carne da macello per certi che sulla vita altrui vogliono costruire case d'oro. Siamo in grado di permettere di lasciar morire le persone, inclusi i bambini, per luridi commerci umani.
Ebbene si guardi con attenzione questa foto. Si abbia il coraggio di ammettere che quella bambina, che è crollata dalla stanchezza sulle spalle di un padre che non ha più nulla da darle, non si aspettava un mondo come quello che ha trovato e neppure che noi adulti fossimo così assassini. 
Le critiche che ho letto a quella foto lasciano stupefatto un uomo che ha girato per 40 anni il mondo. Dico solo che se questo è il mondo che stiamo offrendo ai nostri figli, meglio che qualcuno getti una atomica definitiva su questa umanità, che tutto ha tranne quello di essere umana.

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News- Schiedam, 30/08/2015 - copyright©INCNews



This time my column will be short and devoted to the issue, without resolution, of the mass movement from place to place on the planet. And this time I will put not my photos, between translations, but that of a man and a little girl, that affected me deeply.
We arrived at having to share the bread and the sleeping place with immigrants of another country, that probably many even know; we got to have to divide into four to give support and protection to people fleeing war in their countries, where they probably had it all.
But we are also able to buy and sell people, human bodies, became cannon fodder for some who want to build houses of gold using the lives of others. We can afford to let people die, including children, for filthy human trade.
Well, look carefully this photo. Will has the courage to admit that the little girl, who collapsed from exhaustion on the shoulders of a father who has nothing left to give, did not expect such a world that has found and even we adults were so murderers.
The criticism that I read in the photo, leave astonished a man who has traveled the world for 40 years. I only say that if this is the world that we are offering to our children, better than someone get's final atomic on this humanity, that has everything except to be human.

Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News- Schiedam, 30/08/2015 - copyright©INCNews

Затопление Уссурийска - последствия тайфуна "Гони"

Торговая палата США борется с проведением антитабачной политики в других...

В Дрездене прошла многотысячная акция в поддержку мигрантов

Tir con 71 migranti morti: fermato in Ungheria un quinto sospetto

Giappone: maxi-protesta contro la riforma delle forze armate voluta dal ...

Austria and Hungary hope arrests will lead to human trafficking ringleaders

Large protests in Japan against plans to expand military role

AUSTRIA - 3 young children near to death rescued from trafficking van

Austrian police rescued three young children from a truck crammed with 26 refugees who were just hours away from death due to dehydration. The country is still in shock after an earlier discovery of 71 refugees dead from thirst in an abandoned truck. The van transporting refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Bangladesh was intercepted Friday near the town of St. Peter am Hart, close to the border with Germany. The driver, a 29-year-old Romanian, tried to flee the police, but surrendered after a short chase. The three children, two girls and a boy, ages five and six, were in critical condition, suffering from severe dehydration. An ambulance took them and their parents to Braunau.
Read article HERE
INC News, Schiedam. 30/08/2015 via RT


Plane crashes at Austrian Airshow, pilot killed

A pilot has been killed after losing control of a small plane in Austria, the latest in a string of fatal incidents that have plagued airshows this summer.

UPDATING ABOUT FIRE IN BUILDING IN SAUDI ARABIA - 11 killed, 219 injured in the residential complex fire

The death toll from a fire in the Radium Residential Complex in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province has risen to eleven, with more than 200 other people injured in the blaze, Saudi authorities stated.
Oil giant Saudi Aramco, which owns the complex, said in a statement that emergency response teams are working at the site.

INC News, Schiedam, 30/08/2015 - via RT

Выпуск новостей от 30.08 (сурдопереводы)

'Legally Kidnapped': US child protective services accused of separating ...

Турецкие ВВС присоединились к авиаударам коалиции против ИГИЛ

Кризис с мигрантами: на помощь полиции Венгрии пришли болгарские коллеги

Бейрут: антиправительственная акция завершилась беспорядками

Греция: Ципрас просит позволить ему завершить начатое

Полиция расследует гибель беженцев, задохнувшихся при перевозке в Австрии

Мемориал павшим в "Иловайском котле" открыт в Киеве

Тропический шторм "Эрика" ослабел

Destination northern Europe: thousands make daily 'journey of death'

Migrant crisis: Joint border patrols by Bulgarian and Hungarian police

Alexis Tsipras appeals for mandate to complete political reforms in Greece

Ukraine commemorates anniversary of 'massacre' at Battle of Ilovaysk

Suspects in Austria migrant lorry tragedy appear in Hungary court

US: Erika downgraded from tropical storm, but still poses flood threat

Palestinian women and children force Israeli soldier to release boy

Lotta all'ISIL: primi raid turchi con la coalizione a guida statunitense

Migranti: in Ungheria migliaia sfidano il filo spinato lungo la frontiera

Libano: vasta manifestazione contro politica corrotta e inefficiente

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Appello di Tsipras a Syriza: "Sostenetemi contro il vecchio regime"

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6 killed, over 200 injured in Saudi Arabia residential complex fire

The death toll from a fire in the Radium Residential Complex in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province has risen to six, AP reported, adding that more than 200 other people have been injured in the blaze.
Waiting details

Saudi-led airstrike kills 36 civilians at north Yemen bottling plant

At least 36 people have been killed after an airstrike by Saudi-led coalition forces hit a bottling plant in northern Yemen, residents told Reuters.
"The process of recovering the bodies is finished now. The corpses of 36 workers, many of them burned or in pieces, were pulled out after an airstrike hit the plant this morning," the agency learned from one resident, Issa Ahmed, by phone.
Since the Saudi-led forces started their bombing campaign in March, ostensibly to halt the advance of the Shiite Houthi rebels, more than 4,300 people have lost their lives, while the country is in a state of complete collapse, with millions at risk.
Read the article from RT HERE

INC News, Schiedam, 30/08/2015