Sunday, August 30, 2015

AUSTRIA - 3 young children near to death rescued from trafficking van

Austrian police rescued three young children from a truck crammed with 26 refugees who were just hours away from death due to dehydration. The country is still in shock after an earlier discovery of 71 refugees dead from thirst in an abandoned truck. The van transporting refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Bangladesh was intercepted Friday near the town of St. Peter am Hart, close to the border with Germany. The driver, a 29-year-old Romanian, tried to flee the police, but surrendered after a short chase. The three children, two girls and a boy, ages five and six, were in critical condition, suffering from severe dehydration. An ambulance took them and their parents to Braunau.
Read article HERE
INC News, Schiedam. 30/08/2015 via RT

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