The Statue of Liberty was evacuated on Friday after authorities were alerted to a suspicious package, and bomb squads were dispatched to Liberty Island as security concerns heightened.Visitors of the iconic New York City monument wrote on Twitter early Friday afternoon that they were being evacuated from the site and ushered onto boats due to an apparent bomb scare
Friday, April 24, 2015
Baltimore police said Freddie Gray, who died in their custody after being arrested, was not buckled in when he was being transported and that officers “failed to give medical attention in a timely manner multiple times.”
Speaking at a press conference Friday, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts updated the media about the ongoing investigation. He acknowledged that Gray, who died about a week after suffering a severe spinal cord injury in custody, was never strapped in with a seat belt as department policy requires. Deputy Commissioner Kevin Davis added that Baltimore police should have administered medical attention at the site of Gray’s apprehension –presumably because he was already hurt.
В Алматы рухнул мост на пересечении Рыскулова - Саина
Кто виноват? Есть версия о том, что бетономешалка врезалась в основание моста.
По словам ЧС РК пострадавших всего 20 человек, которых сразу госпитализировали. 10 из них в тяжелом состоянии, 8 после оказания первой медицинской помощи вернулись домой, 1 отказался от госпитализации и 1 возможно остался под завалами. Всего было 52 работников фирмы "Базис" на строительной площадке.
Позже выянилось, что объект был государственного значения на строительство которого планировалось 10 млд. тенге. Специальная комиссия ведет следствие по проишествию. Акимат уверяет, что ошибка была во время производства а не в ходе время планирования данного объекта.
Источник: 31 канал
24/04/15-Алматы, Мира Картбаева для INCNews.
China pledges crackdown on burlesque funerals - Stripper send-off
China’s Ministry of Culture issued a statement condemning the rural practice of having strippers dance at funerals to attract mourners. Crackdowns on the “uncivilized” practice were promised, threatening glorious afterlives across the country. Striptease is illegal in China, but the practice still goes on in rural places.
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INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
RUSSIA - Ruble now ‘excessively’ strong
The Russian ruble has strengthened to a point where it is actually too strong, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Friday during a lecture in St. Petersburg.
“What happened was expected: the volume of gold reserves stabilized, then the ruble started stabilizing and has now strengthened. We believe that it has strengthened excessively,” Siluanov said at a lecture in St Petersburg.
On Friday, the ruble gained 1.22 percent against the dollar, trading at 51.37 at 5:00pm in Moscow. After gaining a record 15 percent in the first three months of 2015, the ruble has begun to weaken, which the Central Bank sees as a good sign. The regulator is trying to reverse the gains the currency picked up this year. However, a stronger ruble could pose problems for exporters who benefit from a weaker currency. At stake is also Russia’s project of import substitution; as the ruble gets stronger customers have more purchasing power to buy foreign goods.
INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
Stage collapse at high school sends students to hospital
More than a dozen people were injured at a high school in Indiana when a stage collapsed in the middle of a musical performance. Students from Westfield High School in Westfield were performing ‘American Pie’, a musical tribute to rock and roll, when the stage gave way during the finale late Thursday. Video footage from the school auditorium show that more than two-dozen students were dancing on the stage to the Journey song ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ when the collapse occurred. A total of 13 patients were treated for injuries sustained during the incident, NBC News reported, and a spokesperson with the Westfield Police Department told WTHR News that a student originally listed as being in critical condition was “doing fine” as of Friday morning.
INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
ITALIA - Turni scomodi per lavorare all’Expo Otto su dieci ci ripensano
Sarà che è solo per sei mesi. Sarà che c’è di mezzo l’estate e poi i turni prevedono anche sabati e domeniche di lavoro. Sarà che i più bravi e fortunati nel frattempo trovano qualcosa di meno precario e magari di più vicino alle proprie ambizioni. Fatto sta che per gli uomini di Expo reclutare le seicento persone da mettere al lavoro durante il periodo dell’esposizione non è stata una passeggiata, in particolare se si guarda alla fascia sotto i 29 anni, giovani ai quali veniva proposto un contratto di apprendistato: parliamo di 1.300-1.500 euro al mese suppergiù, comprensivo di festivi e notturni come da contratto nazionale. Dunque, il 46 per cento dei primi selezionati (645 profili su 27 mila domande arrivate alla società Manpower, cui era stato affidato il compito della raccolta dei curricula e della prima selezione) è sparito al momento alla firma. Sparito anche nel senso letterale del termine: qualcuno non ha neppure mandato una mail per dire «Grazie, ci ho ripensato». E quindi via così: con il secondo gruppo di selezionati e poi con il terzo.
Dopo aver letto quanto qui riportato dal Corriere della Sera ed ascoltato Grasso nell'esternare la sua meraviglia per una cosa simile, ci accodiamo anche noi in questo rimanere a bocca aperta. Non ci sono posti di lavoro, il 42% dei giovani non sa come arrivare a fine mese, ma l'iPod 5 lavora a ritmo continuo, si spendono soldi per il weekend in discoteca e si rifiutano 1300 euro per lavorare solo 6 mesi a 7 giorni su 7...Nessuno vuole piu' fare il calzolaio, il falegname, il tubista, l'elettricista. Tutti vogliono fare l Universita'breve, essere assunti subito come Manager a 5 ore al giorno per 5 giorni la settimana e avere macchine potenti, ville megagalattiche e 5 o 6 ragazze attorno. Ma nessuno ha mai spiegato a questi ragazzi che quello e'solo un sogno e che la realta' e ' quella di guadagnarsi la pagnotta quotidiana a 8 ore al giorno 6 giorni su 7 e cercare di far quadrare il bilancia a fine mese? Se cosi' non e' allora non e' assolutamente vero che in Italia ci sia la poverta', considerando che sono state registrate ben 19 mila vetture costosissime a persone che hanno dichiarato 100-200 euro di introito all'anno.DOve sta la verita', in questo contesto?
©Mikhail Lermontov per INC News, 24/04/2015
ITALIA - Blitz contro Al Qaeda in Italia: indizi su possibile attentato al Vaticano 20 ordinanze di custodia cautelare
Blitz della polizia di Stato, venerdì mattina, contro un network terroristico internazionale di matrice islamica affiliato ad Al Qaeda. Dalle conversazioni intercettate tra i componenti della cellula è infatti emersa la presenza in Italia di un kamikaze e l’ ipotesi che, fin dal marzo 2010, si progettasse un attentato in Vaticano. Lo hanno riferito gli inquirenti nel corso di una conferenza stampa in procura a Cagliari: «Non c’è la prova, ma c’è il forte sospetto», ha spiegato Mario Carta della digos di Sassari, città dalla quale è partita l’indagine. Venti ordinanze di custodia, 11 persone ricercate. L’indagine della Procura distrettuale del capoluogo sardo, coordinata dal Servizio operativo antiterrorismo, ha coinvolto le Digos di 8 province. Sono 20 le persone colpite da ordinanze di custodia, con solo 9 eseguite, mentre gli altri sono ricercati. Dei nove arrestati, tre sono stati bloccati a Olbia, due a Civitanova Marche e gli altri a Bergamo, Roma, Sora e Foggia.
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INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
NETHERLANDS - Dutch forensic expert fired for exposing photos of MH17 victims
A senior Dutch forensic expert involved into the investigation of the MH17 plane crash has been dismissed, with further sanctions against him considered after he showed images of plane crash victims to his students. Professor George Maat, who was involved in MH17 victim identification “has been suspended from his work and we'll see if other measures need to be taken,"Thomas Aling, spokesman for the Dutch national forensics investigation team LTFO, told AFP on Thursday. He added that the expert was apparently fired for showing “photos that cannot be shown at a public meeting.”
The photos exposure became “shameful and very shocking for victims' relatives, this adds to the grief,”said the deputy head of the MH17 Air Disaster Association, Evert van Zijtveld.
Maas would possibly not have been incriminated in disclosing the photos if the lecture that took place in early April for an audience of about 150 people had been students-only, AFP reports. But an announcement on Facebook page clearly said the lecture was open to the public.
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INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
CHINA - 5 arrested in China for digging 50-meter tunnel to steal antiques
Five people have been arrested in China’s northern Hebei province after being caught digging a tunnel into a pagoda to steal antiques. Three others escaped. According to police, the group rented a restaurant close by in order to use as cover for burrowing into the Guanghui Temple in Zhengding on March 2. But local police suspected something was amiss when the restaurant didn’t open on time. According to the Global Times, the police received prior information that a crime was going to take place.
When they entered the restaurant they uncovered a 7-meter-deep hole, connected to a tunnel more than 50 meters long. Police say the digging started all the way in December. The pagoda the thieves were breaking into is a treasured remnant from nearly 1,000 years ago, around the time of the Jin, or Jurchen Dynasty. It was put on China’s list of cultural relics in 1961.
INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
6.3 earthquake strikes New Zealand
A strong magnitude 6.3 earthquake has hit 40 kilometers off the New Zealand town of Kaikoura, GeoNet reported. Witnesses described feeling tremors all across central regions of the country. The earthquake was clearly felt in the cities of Wellington and Christchurch.
The quake centered in Nelson region at the depth of 80 kilometers, according to GeoNet. The US Geological Survey, meanwhile, reported a lower magnitude of 5.9 at the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of any major damage caused by the quake; however, local public transport services were temporarily halted.
INC News, 24/04/2015 - via RT
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