Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mother murders family to ‘save them from turning into vampires’

A woman who murdered her partner and their four-year-old daughter claims “a lightbulb in the ceiling” instructed her to stab them before they turned into vampires, a court has heard.
On February 19, Shelley Christopher, 36, who is believed to suffer from a serious mental illness, stabbed her 42-year-old partner, Richard Brown, and daughter, Sophia, to death in their west London family home.
Christopher believed she saw an “orange signal instructing her to kill” her family to save them from turning into vampires, according to a psychiatrist.
After receiving this apparent signal, she strangled and stabbed one of her children with a small knife, but the girl, who has not been named for legal reasons, managed to survive, according to prosecutor Crispin Aylett QC.
When her partner heard the commotion, he ran into the room to investigate, but Christopher was convinced he was also “one of them.”
You’re a vampire,” she told him, before stabbing him in the chest 26 times, the court heard.

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INC News, 20/10/2015 - via RT

В Стамбуле обнаружен крупный тренировочный лагерь ИГИЛ

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Giornalista trovata impiccata in aeroporto di Istanbul non era a corto di soldi

Si infittisce ancora di più il mistero attorno alla morte della giornalista britannica Jacky Sutton, 50 anni, dopo la diffusione di un video a circuito chiuso che la mostra camminare tranquilla all'interno dell'aeroporto Ataturk di Istanbul, dove è stata trovata impiccata domenica notte. Nel filmato - ripreso dalle telecamere dello scalo e diffuso dai media turchi - la reporter passa, in tutta calma, alcuni controlli di sicurezza e poi percorre un'area di sosta.Nella seconda parte della clip, la Sutton cammina con un sacchetto in mano, probabilmente acquistato al duty free. I media locali avevano riferito che la donna aveva perso la coincidenza aerea per l'Iraq - destinazione Erbil, nella regione curda del Paese - e per questo si era disperata, scoppiando a piangere e affermando di non avere i soldi per un altro biglietto. Di qui, avevano sostenuto gli stessi media piuttosto frettolosamente, la decisione di togliersi la vita in un bagno dell'aeroporto con i lacci delle scarpe stretti attorno al collo e fissati a un gancio. Tuttavia, secondo il quotidiano turco Haber Turk, nelle tasche della giornalista sono stati ritrovati 2.300 euro: una somma ampiamente sufficiente per comprare un altro biglietto aereo.

Leggere articolo QUI

INC News, 20/10/2015 - via Repubblica

Spara al ladro in casa e lo uccide Accusato di omicidio volontario

Esasperato dai ripetuti furti in casa, il pensionato si era procurato una pistola, con regolare porto d’armi. E la notte scorsa, quando è stato svegliato da rumori in casa, ha avuto paura: per sé, per la moglie, per il figlio e la nuora che abitano al piano di sotto con i loro bambini. Ha detto di aver visto una sagoma nel buio e di aver sparato. Un colpo solo, frontale, da molto vicino. E il ladro, un giovane romeno entrato con alcuni complici dando la scalata al balcone del terzo piano, è caduto a terra morto. Ora il 65enne è indagato per omicidio volontario.

Leggere l'articolo QUI

INC News, 20/10/2015 - via Corriere

​Six countries interested in constructing nuke plant in Kazakhstan

Companies from six countries are interested in participating in constructing a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan , the country's Energy Ministry told Trend.
Kazakhstan has held consultations on this issue with leading companies which possess modern reactor technologies: Rosatom ( Russia ), Areva (France) , Toshiba , Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC), Mitsubishi , ( Japan ), CGNPC ( China ), KEPCO ( South Korea ), Westinghouse (US), Hitachi-General Electric ( Japan and the US), said the ministry.During the meetings, foreign companies provided information about the new reactors with improved safety factors, experience in construction and operation of nuclear power plants and expressed interest in cooperation in constructing the nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan .
The Energy Ministry noted that to date, two areas have been chosen for constructing the nuclear power plant: Kurchatov town in East Kazakhstan province (on the place of the pre-existing Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site ("The Polygon")) and Ulken village of Almaty province (near the Lake Balkhash ).It is planned to construct the nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan in accordance with the order of the country's President Nursultan Nazarbayev .
Kazakhstan has large reserve of uranium – fuel for a nuclear power plant. The country has ranked first in the world since 2009 for uranium production. The volume of uranium production in Kazakhstan totaled 22,829 tons in 2014, or 1.5 percent more than in 2013.
Kazakhstan's Energy Ministry told Trend that the construction of the nuclear power plant in the country will require at least 12 years. Around two years are needed to work out the feasibility study of the project and then, at least 10 years for construction work.

INC News, 201/10/2015 - via Ak ZHAIK

Kazakhstan airlines changing flight routes due to missile launches in Caspian Sea

Kazakh airlines are changing the flight routes due to the missile launches in the Caspian Sea.
Air Astana announced on October 16 that it is changing the route of its Almaty-Baku flight.
“We are now flying by a more northerly route, in the area of Aktau," said company spokesman Tlek Abdrakhimov, EurasiaNet reported.
The route change would add 15 minutes to the flight time. Flights to Tbilisi and Istanbul could be similarly affected, the company said. The rerouting via Aktau suggests that Kazakhstan doesn't see the entire Caspian as a risk, but only the southern part.
INC News, 20/10/2015 - via Ak Zhaik

A funny reaction of President of Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev pushed away Utemuratov who wanted to take selfie with him

Thanks to Ak Zhaik for posting this not common imagine of Nazarbayev, really positive INC News, 20/10/2015


Russia, US sign 'open skies' agreement over Syria

Russia and the US have signed an agreement regulating the operations of the two countries' air forces in Syria. The deal is aimed at preventing incidents and providing for the smooth operation of the two nations' aircraft, and for mutual aid in critical situations.
The agreement, whose full name is "The Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the Defense Ministries of Russia and the United States on preventing incidents and providing for aviation flights during operations in Syria" is hailed as a 'positive step', the Russian Defense Ministry said in a press release.

INC News, 20/10/2015- via RT

Saudi blogger and British grandfather spared extreme punishments, Hammond hints

Grandfather Karl Andree and dissident blogger Ali Mohammed al-Nimr are unlikely to face harsh punishments decreed by Saudi Arabia, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has hinted.
Speaking in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Hammond said he did not expect either of the prisoners to receive the extreme punishments handed down by Saudi courts.
Al-Nimr was sentenced to death by beheading for dissident activities when he was just 16 years old. Andree was caught with homemade wine while in Saudi Arabia.
“I do not expect Mr Andree to receive the lashings that he has been sentenced to, and I do not expect Mr al-Nimr to be executed,” Hammond replied, when asked about the two cases.
Read article HERE
INC News, 20/10/2015 - via RT

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