Friday, February 19, 2016

Trovata una ruota intatta nella "Pompei del Regno Unito"

Si pensa sia la ruota più antica mai trovata in Inghilterra quella rinvenuta in uno scavo archeologico a nord di Londra, a Whittlesey.L’area è già stata ribattezzata la “Pompei del Regno Unito” per la quantità di reperti presenti nel suo sottosuolo. Il manufatto che risale all’Età del Bronzo (3500-1200 a.C.) ha provocato grande soddisfazione tra i ricercatori:  “È raro trovare ruote completamente intatte. Questa è la prima recuperata nel Regno Unito, in passato avevamo solo dei frammenti di ruote. Ora siamo al passo con i colleghi europei”. Un denso strato di fango ha mantenuto intatto per 3.000 anni l’insediamento che all’epoca era stato devastato da un incendio. Gli scavi continuano diretti dall’Universita di Cambridge.
INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Febbre da ApplePay in Cina. E il sistema fa subito tilt - economy

La mela morsicata sferra l'assalto alla terra dei mandarini anche sul fronte dei pagamenti via cellulare. Il lancio di ApplePay in Cina, con cui la casa di Cupertino ha ufficialmente aperto le ostilità contro un analogo servizio di AliBaba, è stato accompagnato da una vera e propria frenesia da adesione.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Spazio: spazzatura in arrivo dalla stazione spaziale internazionale

Un carico di spazzatura spaziale in arrivo sulla terra. Il cargo proviene dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ed era arrivato 72 giorni fa carico di rifornimenti. È ripartito con la spazzatura prodotta dagli astronauti a bordo.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source:©Euronews

Lagarde confermata alla guida dell'FMI: una candidatura senza rivali - e...

Christine Lagarde  alla guida del Fondo Monetario Internazionale per un altro mandato quinquennale. In nome dei 188 paesi membri dell'FMI, il suo board esecutivo ne ha approvata la conferma all'unanimità, salutandone quella che ha definito una "leadership forte e saggia". 

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Finanza britannica in allarme: quanto costerebbe lo "tsunami Brexit"? - ...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

La costellazione Sentinel dell'ESA - science

Recentemente lanciato da Plesetsk (Russia) il satellite ESA Sentinel 3A ha iniziato l'osservazione della Terra. Obiettivo: fornire in tempo reale un quadro dello stato di salute del nostro pianeta. Questa è la terza di sei missioni binate. Il programma ambientale europeo Copernico si basa sulla costellazione di satelliti Sentinels per fornire il monitoraggio ambientale del pianeta a scopi civili e di sicurezza.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Boom del "fuori tutto made in UK": gli stock si svuotano e le vendite vo...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Scandalo emissioni alla coreana: Volkswagen nel mirino delle autorità di...

Lo scandalo emissioni spaventa Volkswagen anche in Estremo Oriente. A un mese da una denuncia del Ministero dell'ambiente sudcoreano, gli inquirenti hanno perquisito i locali uffici del colosso automobilistico tedesco. Wolfsburg non aggiunge ulteriori dettagli, ma conferma e parla di "cooperazione" con le autorità di Seul. 

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Lampo Gucci tra i nuvoloni della galassia Kering: fiammata sul finire de...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Nuova ondata di violenza in Medioriente

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Turchia: 17 arresti per l'attentato di Ankara

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Mosca: attacco a Domodedovo. In manette proprietario dello scalo

Rotola un’altra testa di oligarca molto importante in Russia. Arrestato Dmitry Kamenshchik, il proprietario dello scalo moscovita di Domodedovo. La causa: “falle nella sicurezza” dell’aeroporto che avrebbero reso possibile l’attentato terroristico del 2011 che fece 37 morti. Per capire il peso economico di Kamenshchik, di appena 47 anni, basti pensare che figurava al 27esimo posto della classifica di Forbes degli uomini più ricchi della Russia nel 2015 con una fortuna personale stimata in 3,8 miliardi di dollari.
Una settimana fa erano stati fermati l’ex direttore dell’aeroporto, Viaceslav Nekrasov, e altri due dirigenti per le stesse ragioni. Si trattava di Svetlana Trishina, ex capo della rappresentanza russa della società che gestisce lo
scalo, e di Andrei Danilov, ex direttore esecutivo della societa’ responsabile della sicurezza aerea. Aldilà delle ovvie e primarie responsabilità dei terroristi, erano state soprattutto le falle della sicurezza a imbarazzare Mosca di fronte all’opinione pubblica russa e mondiale.
INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ISS sends space junk back towards Earth to burn up

A cargo ship filled with rubbish has been released into space from the International Space Station.
The Cygnus spacecraft, which had brought supplies to the astronauts, spent 72 days at the space station.
Amid concern over the amount of junk in orbit, it is now expected to burn up in the Earth's atmosphere over the weekend, destroying its load over a remote part of the Pacific Ocean.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Brexit: EU deal for Britain still elusive after late-night talks

Leaders talked through the night in Brussels, but no deal yet for Britain on its EU reform demands.  
It seems British Prime Minister David Cameron is facing a tough fight.
"We made some progress, but there is still no deal and as I have said, I will only do a deal if we get what Britain needs," Cameron told reporters.
"So were are going to get back in there, we are going to do some more work, and I will do everything I can."  

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

FRANCE - Paedophilia cold case burns French clergy

A group of former scouts have broken the silence about the abuse they went through decades ago. They want the highest authorities of the French clergy to face up to their responsibilities. Bertrand and Pierre Emmanuel had nothing in common. That was until they discovered a few weeks ago that the same memories had marked their childhood behind the walls of the same church in the suburbs of Lyon in east-central France. “The priest who officiated here abused a lot of children, dozens and dozens in fact,” says Bertrand Virieux, one of the alleged victims. Several of the alleged victims spoke to euronews journalist Valerie Gauriat about the abuse: “What shocked me the most was when he tried to put his tongue in my mouth. He stroked my genitals, I couldn’t avoid it,” recalls Pierre-Emmanuel Germain-Thill. “I wanted to run away, and at the same time, I didn’t know what to do, I was afraid that if I left that room, nobody would believe me.” Bertrand Virieux: “I remember the smell of sweat, I remember contact with clothes. I remember his wandering hands under my shirt, which held me tightly against him.” Didier Burdet: “He used to put his leg behind me to block me and he rubbed against me; I remember that very well, I still have the sensation of his genitals against me. He would say “tell me you love me”. And then he would say ‘you’re my little boy’, ‘it’s our secret, you musn’t tell anyone’+. READ ARTICLE IN FULL CLICKING HERE! INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews/reporter

Verraden kapper: gemeente pest me - De Telegraaf

Jarenlang serveerde kapper Martin Lavooi klanten een biertje of een wijntje bij hun knipbeurt, maar het is uit met de pret. De gemeente stuurt ineens controleurs op hem af. Wie heeft over zijn bijzondere service geklikt?

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

'Ruitgooiers zeker weten Turken' - DeTelegraaf

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

Zo ritsel je korting via internet - DeTelegraaf

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

'Uitspraak Van der G. is logisch' - DeTelegraaf

De rechter in Den Haag kon eigenlijk geen andere uitspraak doen in de zaak Volkert van der G. Vanochtend werd bekend dat Van der G. geen verplichte psychologische begeleiding meer hoeft te krijgen. Rechtbankverslaggever Saskia Belleman legt uit.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source : ©DeTelegraaf

Borat barman in Amsterdam - De Telegraaf


Vergeet Ali G, Borat en Brüno en maak kennis met Nobby. De bezoekers van een café in Amsterdam keken even raar op toen een Engelse voetbalhooligan achter de bar kroop. Al snel bleek dat het acteur Sasha Baron Cohen was.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

Airstrike targets alleged planner of Tunisa terror attack

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CNN

Turning heads at South Africa's most fashionable race

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CNN

CNET Update - Apple vs. the FBI: An easy explanation

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Cnet

Apple Stands Its Ground, Refuses to Hack Shooter's iPhone

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CBN News

News on The 700 Club: February 19, 2016

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CBN News

Cyberattack on hospital raises security questions

If really a safe place does not exist from hacker attacks, where or how a user can keep safe his data, in the next future? Or the word privacy will be deleted from dictionary of life?

Mikhail Lermontov for INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Wine and beer taxes up?

Taxes on beer and wine may be going up soon, if a note buried in a report on reforming wine sales in the province is any indication.The report from a government advisory council calls for "fairer tax treatment" across the three categories of alcohol: wine, beer and spirits. Currently, "spirits are subject to a higher mark-up than wine," the report says, and wine is sold at a higher mark-up than beer.

"As a result, mark-ups and taxes have increasingly become barriers to fair competition," the report says, adding that the government should "take steps to more closely harmonize" mark-ups and tax rates for beer, wine and spirits. "The council recommends that government act to ensure fairer tax treatment across the major categories of beverage alcohol," the report says. "We have specifically recommended that there be no increase in spirits mark-ups at this time."
The government has agreed to adopt all 29 recommendations contained in the advisory council's report. Asked Thursday whether taxes on wine and beer will go up in next week's provincial budget, Finance Minister Charles Sousa didn't say no.
INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CBC News

B.C. man aims to 'destroy' ex-wife with revenge website

Desiree Capuano says her ex-husband's "sick fixation" is ruining her family's life, but Patrick Fox is unapologetic about creating a website designed to "destroy" her. INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Virgin Galactic to Roll Out New Space Plane

Virgin Galactic will roll out a new version of its SpaceShipTwo space tourism rocket Friday. Company founder Sir Richard Branson says Virgin is prepared to test spacecraft for the first time since a 2014 crash killed a space pilot.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©AP

Harper Lee, Author of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' Dies at 89

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Abc News

WATCH: Helicopter Crashes Near Pearl Harbor [Raw Video]

A helicopter crashed yesterday near the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Five people, including a family of four, were on board the single-engine helicopter, the Pali Momi Medical Center said, including a 15-year-old boy who was in critical condition following the crash.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Abc News

США: Скончалась американская писательница Харпер Ли

Американская писательница, автор романа «Убить пересмешника» Харпер Ли скончалась сегодня в США. Ей было 89 лет, передает RT.

INC News, 19/02/2016 – source: RT


Russia to initiate UN Security Council meeting over Turkey’s plans to send troops to northern Syria

A UN Security Council meeting is to be called at Russia's request on Friday to discuss Ankara's plans for a ground operation in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.
Turkey's actions in the region are threatening Syrian sovereignty, Moscow said, adding it would table a resolution demanding its prevention.
INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Авиаудар США по цели ИГИЛ в Ливии: свыше 40 погибших

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Стивен Коэн: Обама игнорирует реальность из-за помешательства на почве л...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

Британский политик: Для премьер-министра Великобритании унизительно прос...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT


Serbia closes Macedonia border to refugees

Serbia has closed its border with Macedonia to refugees as Croatia is refusing to let asylum seekers travel on to Slovenia and Austria, local newspaper Novosti reported, citing the Serbian Commission for Refugees.
As of 8am Friday, not a single migrant has arrived to the Presevo reception center in the south of Serbia, the facility’s authorities told state television RTS.
INC News, 19/02/2016 - source:   ©RTNews

Казахстан: Мотогонщики провели пробные заезды на льду "Медеу"

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Tengrinews


5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes off Fukushima coast of Japan

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Japan, according to the US Geological Survey. The quake, which had a depth of 20km, struck 105km from the Fukushima Dai-Ni power plant.
Fukushima Dai-Ni is just 12km from the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which suffered a meltdown of its nuclear reactors after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, resulting in Japan's worst nuclear accident.

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Нурсултан Назарбаев: Настоящий патриот - не тот, кто восхваляет свою страну

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Tengrinews

Израиль: новые «ножевые атаки» в Иерусалиме и на Западном берегу

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Британия и беженцы стали двумя главными проблемами Европы

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Выборы в Уганде: лидера оппозиции задержали в третий раз

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Турецкий премьер посетил место теракта в Анкаре

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Песков: Кремль проинформирован о задержании Каменщика, но напоминает о п...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Турецкие военные атаковали курдские города в провинции Ширнак

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

Эксперт: Американская система ПРО не работает и не заработает никогда

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

4 требования Кэмерона: в Брюсселе обсуждают изменение условий членства Б...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

Советник президента Сирии: Лучший способ помочь сирийцам — покончить с т...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

Член Национального конгресса Курдистана: Сожжение курдов доказывает варв...

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

Гражданский вертолет разбился рядом с военной базой в Перл-Харборе

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT

В Австралии собаки показали мастер-класс по серфингу

INC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©RT


Principali indici Italiani
Dati in tempo reale
NomeUltimoOraVar%MinMaxCh prec
FTSE MIB17137.7310:29+0.15%17001.4317219.7717112.36
FTSE IT All Share18740.2710:29+0.14%18602.918818.4418714.99
FTSE IT Mid Cap29902.8210:29+0.04%29753.8929976.429891.39
FTSE IT All Capped20583.8710:29+0.14%20436.1220669.1720555.28
FTSE IT Star22889.7110:29+0.24%22754.1122917.9622834.99
FTSE IT Micro Cap14377.5810:28+0.19%14350.4214389.0614350.42
FTSE IT Small Cap16360.6210:29+0.40%16262.6716392.9316295.85

Dati in tempo reale forniti da vwd group Italia - Fonte dati: Borsa Italiana e altri mercati internazionali

Principali indici europei area euro
NomeUltimoOraVar%MinMaxCh prec
BruxellesBEL 20
ParigiCAC 40
XetraDAX 100
XetraDAX 30
MadridIBEX 35
DJ Stoxx
DJ Stoxx
DJ StoxxSTOXX 50
DJ Stoxx
iINC News, 19/02/2016 - source: ©Sole 24 ore