Thursday, December 18, 2014

Запуск ракеты «Союз» с космодрома Куру

Apple accused of failing to protect workers

Sony confirms it's scrapping release of comedy after cyber threats

Chaos & violence break out in Kenya parliament

Contaminated pig carcasses: 34 arrested for selling decaying pork, China

Putin attaccato dalla presentatrice tv: "Perché le avete dato la parola?"

Tra le tante domande a Putin nella conferenza stampa di fine anno quella della nota presentatrice televisiva Xenia Sobciak, che ha attaccato il presidente su diversi temi. "Perché le hai dato la parola?" ha cercato di scherzare Putin interrompendo l'invettiva della giovane star televisiva e rivolgendosi al suo portavoce

Three Murders Investigated In Child Abuse Probe

Police are investigating the murders of three young boys as part of an inquiry into an alleged historical Westminster paedophile ring.
Detectives from Operation Midland want abuse victims and potential witnesses to come forward to assist them in their probe into the suspected gang.They are appealing for any information from people who lived in or visited Dolphin Square in central London in the 1970s. The residential development near Parliament has long been popular with MPs.Officers believe the abuse took place at locations in London and the Home Counties, including military bases, between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s.
INC News, 18/12/2014 - via BBC

È morta Virna Lisi, bellezza perfetta che rifiutò Hollywood

È morta Virna Lisi, attrice dalla bellezza splendente. Il figlio Corrado, che ha dato la notizia, ha detto che la madre si è spenta tranquillamente nel sonno nella sua casa romana, all'età di 78 anni, dopo aver scoperto solo un mese fa di avere una malattia incurabile.

vedi articolo in:Virna Lisi

INC News, 18/12/2014 - via ANSA AP

Putin: 'We're not warmongers'

Putin Blames West for Plight of Russian Economy

Путин о мишке, который гоняет поросят по тайге - BBC Russian

Raw: Arrests Outside Putin News Conference

Meteorologist Shot Outside TV Station

Putin: West wants to chain the Russian bear, no way they'll stuff it

Putin on ruble: We will inevitably bounce back, central bank's direction...

Dog skins turned into leather in China

Boko Haram suspected of another mass kidnapping in Nigeria

Anti-gay rights rant sees Chile pastor violently ejected from congress

Families of Sydney cafe siege victims visit the scene

Putin answers press questions on Ukraine, NATO and the Russian economy

Pakistan begins investigations into school massacre

Latin American leaders welcome US - Cuba policy shift

History is made - the Church of England appoints its first female bishop

Nigeria soldiers face death penalty for mutiny


Vladimir Putin Conference on live

Lava fountains & smoke clouds: Biggest eruption of Pico do Fogo volcano ...

Psaki misspoke: Obama not yet signed new anti-Russian bill

Watch thieves steal Barbie's corvette

Sony caves to hacker threats, now what?

American Alan Gross freed after five years in Cuba

Reaction to breakthrough from Havana Streets

Kids Die While Under Protective Services

Sony Cancels 'The Interview' Dec. 25 Release

WEBCAST: Surveillance Video Catches Fake Emergency