Saturday, February 28, 2015

ITALIA - Genova, picchiano un’amica 12enne e filmano tutto: due ragazze nei guai

Avevano picchiato un’amica di 12 anni riprendendo tutto con lo smartphone e per deriderla avevano spedito quel filmato ad alcuni amici via Whatsapp: per questo atto di bullismo, avvenuto nel ponente del capoluogo ligure, due ragazze di 16 e 17 anni sono state denunciate dalla polizia e indagate dal tribunale dei Minori.

Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov Shot Dead in Moscow

Opposition leader Nemtsov’s murder caught on CCTV camera

The murder of Boris Nemtsov that took place on a bridge in central Moscow overnight on Friday was caught on an all-weather camera belonging to TVC television. The low-resolution video hints that the killer may have been waiting for Nemtsov at the bridge.

The camera captured a wide shot of Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, near the Kremlin, where the crime took place. The quality of the footage is only good enough to distinguish the cars on the bridge and the figures of people moving along it.

Putin: Nemtsov killers will be found and punished

Putin: Nemtsov killers will be found and punished

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Putin launches investigation into Boris Nemtsov's murder

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ITALIA - Scontro tra un pullman di studenti liguri e un tir vicino a Cremona: 14 feriti, l’autista è il più grave

L’alba su Cairo Montenotte si leva alle 3,30 del mattino. E’ buio e la temperatura sotto allo zero quando il pullman che trasporta gli studenti dell’Istituto secondario superiore di Cairo, coinvolti solo 5 ore prima in un terribile incidente sull’autostrada A21, vicino a Cremona, si ferma in piazza XX Settembre. L’orologio del campanile scandisce la fine di un incubo. I ragazzi scendono in fretta dal bus, in silenzio, hanno ancora il terrore negli occhi. Gli studenti delle classi quinte del corso ragionieri e geometri stavano tornando dalla gita a Budapest. Per colpa dell’incidente hanno visto la morte in faccia, ma l’abbraccio con i genitori, che li aspettano nel parcheggio, è liberatorio. Scende qualche lacrime, la paura è ancora tangibile. 

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via La Stampa

AMERICA - Washington supplying Kiev with satellite intelligence of conflict in east

The US is supplying Kiev with spy satellite imagery of enemy positions in eastern Ukraine, but does so by deliberately reducing the quality, apparently so as not to anger Russia too much, according to The Wall Street Journal.
A debate has been on in the US for some time on whether the Obama administration should provide the Kiev government with actionable intelligence. As with providing “defensive” weapons, the disagreements are similar. However, imagery reduced in quality has apparently been green-lighted, but only arriving to the Ukrainians 24 hours late at the least. This step is apparently to ensure the US isn’t in any way thought of as a participant in the conflict, the newspaper said, referencing its own sources.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - Putin: Everything will be done to punish those behind ‘vile’ murder of Nemtsov

Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised that everything will be done to punish those responsible for the organization and execution of the murder of opposition politician, Boris Nemtsov.  Everything will be done for the organizers and executors of this vile and cynical murder to receive the punishment they deserve," the statement on the Russian President’s official website said. Boris Nemtsov, a veteran opposition figure in Russia, was gunned down in a drive-by attack in central Moscow overnight Friday.
The murder, which happened just away from the Kremlin, triggered worldwide condemnation and calls to bring the killers to justice. Previously, Putin expressed his condolences to Nemtsov’s mother and said that he shared her grief.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - MOSCOW: Investigative Committee opens criminal case over deputy Boris Nemtsov's murder

Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case into the murder of Yaroslavl regional legislature deputy Boris Nemtsov under articles 105 (murder) and 222 (illegal arms turnover) of the Russian Criminal Code.
According to preliminary data an unknown assailant made at least 7-8 shots at Nemtsov when the latter was walking along the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge in downtown Moscow.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via Tass News

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Fierce anti-Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow

Russian Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow

Raw: Prominent Russian Opposition Figure Killed

Follow to watch live video from RT in Moscow situation now, after the killing of oppositor to Putin