Sunday, January 31, 2016

Парижане больше не хотят жить в режиме ЧП

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Столкновения между сторонниками и противниками мигрантов произошли в Англии

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ

Немецкие эксперты о предвыборной программе «Нур Отана»

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ

Аграрный сектор – один из ключевых драйверов экономического роста

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ

Архитектурные сооружения из бусин создает житель Рудного

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ

Авиация арабских стран уничтожила крупный завод в столице Йемена

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

На Стромынке сгорел швейный цех: погибли сотрудники

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

Число жертв взрывов в Дамаске перевалило за 60

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©Russia 24

В Великобритании впервые осудили женщину за связь с ИГ

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Russia 24

В Жамбылской области создадут молочный кластер

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Telekanal 24KZ

Стрельбу во время костюмированного шествия устроили неизвестные в Рио

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Telekanal 24KZ

Германияда дәстүрлі су үстіндегі карнавал өтті

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Telekanal 24KZ

What The West Gets Wrong About Muslim Women

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: TestTube News

Жителей американского города Флинт травят ядовитой водой

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: RTNews

Эксперт: Массовое внедрение роботов вынудит человечество уйти на пенсию

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source RTNews

ISIS raped, enslaved 8yo girl, married her to 8 fighters: German psychol...

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: RTNews

Georgian opera house hears sounds of music once again

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Reuters

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 31 januari in één minuut

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:

Европол: 10 тысяч детей беженцев пропали после прибытия в Европу

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

Когда некуда пойти... Московский холод загоняет бездомных под землю

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

Ни отбуксировать, ни выровнять... Дрейфующее судно приближается к францу...

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

Экс-президент Сальвадора не дождался суда

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

В Москве выясняют причину сильного пожара на фабрике

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

И снова самолет... Турция обвиняет - Россия опровергает

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Похищенная в Нью-Йорке картина Пикассо изъята в Стамбуле

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

На карнавале в Венеции прошло Шествие Марий

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Europol: "Scomparsi 10.000 bambini immigrati in Europa"

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Siria: attentato dell'Isil contro gli sciiti a Damasco

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

A Mosca tra i senzatetto

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Francia: la nave cargo si arenerà presto

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Mosca: incendio in fabbrica, recuperati 12 corpi

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

El Salvador: muore ex presidente Flores, era imputato per appropriazione...

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Blasts close to Damascus' main Shi'ite shrine kill 60 - monitor

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Russia homeless living in sewers to survive cold

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Drifting cargo shift could hit French Atlantic Coast by Tuesday

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  Euronews

Turkey's Erdogan threatens 'consequences' for Moscow, saying Russian jet...

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

Former El Salvador President Flores dies facing corruption charges

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

12 dead in suspected arson attack in Moscow

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: Euronews

The fast news from De Telegraaf - Asielzoekers los op hulpverleners

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: DeTelegraaf

Компьютер научился играть в го лучше человека

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: BBC News

Sir Terry Wogan: Veteran broadcaster dies, aged 77 - BBC News

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: BBC News

Thousands Flock to Venice for Carnival Parade

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  AP

Raw: Moscow Textile Workshop Fire Kills 12

Russian officials on Sunday said a fire at a textile workshop in Moscow killed 12 people, including three children.

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  AP

Thousands rally in Rome to protest against same-sex civil unions

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  AlJazeera

Argentina's farmers try to save crops from locust invasion

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  AlJazeera

Davos: Global news event or public relations exercise? - The Listening P...

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source:  AlJazeera

FRANCE - Thousands march to protest state of emergency in France

Thousands of people marched in 70 French cities, including Paris, to demand immediate action to stop France's ongoing state of emergency and openly voice outrage over government plans to revoke the French citizenship of dual nationals, many of them Muslims, convicted of terrorism.
Up to 20,000 protesters – many of them members of human rights groups, political parties and trade unions – took part in a peaceful protest in Paris on Saturday, RTL reported the organizers as saying. 
According to police estimates, some 5,500 people gathered in the heart of the French capital, between Place de la République and the Palais-Royal, holding banners that read: “State of emergency, police state” and "My France of liberties, where are you?"
Migliaia di persone hanno marciato in 70 città francesi, tra cui Parigi, per chiedere un'azione immediata per fermare lo stato continuo di emergenza in Francia e dare apertamente voce alla indignazione contro il governo, che prevede di revocare la cittadinanza francese o di doppia cittadinanza a coloro che sono condannati per terrorismo, molti dei quali musulmani.
INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Chi avrebbe mai detto che i cigni fossero aggressivi?

E' risaputo che i cigni, nel periodo dell'amore, sono aggressivi, peró vedendo queste immagini si rimane un poco sconcertati. Probabilmente il maschio percepisce pericolo per la sua compagna e reagisce in tale maniera.

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Residents at a semi-retirement home in the UK county of Gloucestershire have resorted to creative, “non-lethal” methods to fight off aggressive swans who have been attacking their homes. All unmarked mute swans in open water in the UK are “owned” and protected by the British monarchy, so it’s an offense to "intentionally injure, take, or kill”them.
INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews


At least 30 killed, 40 wounded in Damascus suburb bombings, ISIS claims responsibility

Two bomb blasts have struck the outskirts of Syria's capital, Damascus. At least 30 people were killed and 40 wounded in twin blasts in the mainly Shi'ite neighborhoods, Syria's Interior Ministry reported. The Islamic State terrorist group has taken responsibility for the attacks.
According to the television station of Lebanon's militant Shiite Hezbollah group, the attacks took place in the Sayeda Zeinab district, where Syria's major Shiite shrine is located.

INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews-Euronews