Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chi avrebbe mai detto che i cigni fossero aggressivi?

E' risaputo che i cigni, nel periodo dell'amore, sono aggressivi, peró vedendo queste immagini si rimane un poco sconcertati. Probabilmente il maschio percepisce pericolo per la sua compagna e reagisce in tale maniera.

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Residents at a semi-retirement home in the UK county of Gloucestershire have resorted to creative, “non-lethal” methods to fight off aggressive swans who have been attacking their homes. All unmarked mute swans in open water in the UK are “owned” and protected by the British monarchy, so it’s an offense to "intentionally injure, take, or kill”them.
INC News, 31/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews

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